Thursday, July 29, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

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I ran out of time this week so I don't have anything interesting for Show and Tell (other than the fuschias in my backyard) but I wanted to make sure I had this post up in time for all of you that want to join in!  When this posts goes up on Thursday evening I will be on my 5th Internet date...hopefully having fun and not thinking that I could be home finding something better to share  for show and tell with all of you! 

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


{oc cottage} said...

Have fun!!

m ^..^

HoosierHomemade said...

I just love seeing all the projects each week!
Thanks much!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

have fun and good luck!

Susie Homemaker said...

Have a nice evening...I liked your Show & Tell...a simple pleasure.


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Cindy,

Thanks for sharing the fuchsia image with us! That did bring instant memories back from my maternal grandmother as she grew the most gorgeous ones I've ever seen. They were her favorite flower and mine too but I had to let them go as it is way too hot here!

Greetings from Georgia/USA


Heidi said...

Okay, Cindy, just what is an internet date? Details, please!! Thanks for sharing your fuschias, very pretty, and thanks for hosting us!
Heidi - Heart and Home

Karen said...

The fuschia is fabulous!!
I've looked forward to this all day, Cindy.
Thanks for making it possible.
Ladybug Creek

the cape on the corner said...

those are beautiful flowers! thanks for showing and telling us about them!

Michelle said...

I hope you have fun on your date! :o)

Thanks for hosting!

mo said...

Hi Cindy, The flowers are wonderful. It is amazing what an artist nature is. Can I please ask you what camera you use for all of your photos? They are just perfect. *hugs*

My Dream Canvas said...

How lovely!! Have a fabulous weekend.

Dogwood said...

Great. Wonderful. I need to go back to your blog and "lookee" more at the lovelies! Dogwood

Cindy said...

Mo, I use a Canon Rebel Xsi. I bought mine through QVC on their easy pay option so I could pay it off over 4 months! I've been really happy with it!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Cindy, Your Fuschia are beautiful. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.
Hugs, Sherry

Anonymous said...

I just love fuchsia's! They are so romantic looking. I hope you had a fun time on your date, can't wait to hear the details! Will you be able to join the Northern California bloggers in Escalon on October 9th? Go to Becky's blog @ sweet cottage dreams for details. It sounds like a lot of fun! Marcia

Tara@JustDevineStyle said...

Thanks for hosting a lovely party!

decorating diva {aka deanna} said...

i love your blog! im sure i've typed that same comment to you many times! but it's true! it's like eye candy to me! thanks for hosting every week!

Lolly Jane said...

Thank you for hosting! SUCH cute ideas...I'm getting lost in the night on all of them...! ;)

Have a great wknd!

Joke van de Klift said...

What a beautiful site do you have.
Thank you for looking on this.


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Cindy! Beautiful flower! I hope you had fun! Thanks for hosting...hugs...Debbie

Denise Marie said...

Cindy, that is a gorgeous fushia!

Blessings!! I hope you are runnin' around all over CA in your cute car. lol

Renée said...

"Just your fuchsias," what a beautiful it! Thanks for another great party!

My Cottage Charm said...

Well, it's Friday morning and I hope your last date went well! :)
Your fuschias are's been so hot here, everything is kind of drying up and not looking so great. :-( Hopefully it will start to perk up again since we just had a thunderstorm not long ago. :) I posted a $5 chandelier makeover...I actually thought of you when I was re-doing it. I thought, "this looks like a chandelier Cindy would love." lol
Your clock has been shipped, by the way!
Have a great day!

Blue Ridge Altered Art said...

Your fushia's are gorgeous. You are a splendid photographer and love seeing your flowers, home and tours thru your camera lens. Hope everything went well last night!!! Have a fun weekend, Sherry

The Tablescaper said...

Your fushia is beautiful.

- The Tablescaper

Dee@FrenchBleuVintage said...

ooo - have fun. Love the fuschias too. somehow they never last on my deck:( Have a great weekend.

Susan Freeman said...

I hope that you had lots of fun on your 5th internet date!

Susan and Bentley

Ginger@cottageonrosewood said...

Thanks for hosting another awesome link party. It is so much fun to see so much talent and inspiration in one place.

Sandy said...

Have fun with the dating process ---I think it was your blog where I saw the "faux" magazine cover with your name...was it you and where did you find that?

The Single Nester said...

Hope your date went well. I will live vicariously through you as my match experience has been non-existent.

ale balanzario said...

ah, so good to visit so many great blog post, thanks :)

Denise said...

Hi Cindy,
I love Show and Tell Friday and I did pot your button on my blog. I recently had my email hacked and some crazy things happened with my computer stuff. "long story short," I now have new security on my computer and a new email
I am still trying to work out some bugs and I can't seem to clear my old email from my google account so I have started a new one. Any way, the other problem is, I can't seem to put the link to my blog post for Show & Tell Friday on your blog. I know this all sounds confusing but I just wanted you to know that I am still here and still loving your blog! Thanks and wish me luck with getting all of this computer mess fixed soon!
Have a great day!

Journey said...

Your fushsia is beautiful!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Hope your evening went well. You are braver than I am.
Thanks for hosting again the week.
Have a great weekend.

One Cheap B*tch said...

Have a great time!


curlyQdesign said...

Beautiful picture! Hope your internet date was a success!

Sue said...

Your garden is so beautiful. I have also been enjoying your dating stories. Just thought you might like to know that I met my husband on almost 9 years ago when it was a fairly new thing. Good luck on your adventure.

Fleur de Bee said...

Cindy your garden is ALWAYS interesting and so so beautiful! Have a fun weekend! xo Molly

Sarah said...

Wish we could grow fuschias here. They are so beautiful. Wow! Look how Show and Tell Friday has grown. Congratulations! ~ Sarah

Unknown said...

Just looking at the thumbnails is inspiring!

Have fun!

Tea Time Consultants said...

Cindy, Love your new look, does not matter that your turning 50, this month I am turning 60. I do know I feel better than when I turned 50. Stay positive. Glad to hear your parachuting.

I am a pilot, believe you should start taking some private airplane lessions. There is a very nice San Jose Airport near you. Plus lots of male pilots. There are only 6% of the pilots in the US that are women. Even less world wide. You could set a wonderful example for your daughter as well.