Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Pin It Now!

I'll have a new feature here every Friday! Kelli at There is no place like home asked me if I would like to take over her "Show and Tell Fridays" she does every week! I was very honored to be asked and enthusiastically agreed! It will still be held every Friday and I will be using the same guidelines as Kelli which you can find at the bottom of this post. The only change will be that I will be using MckLinky in place of Mr. Linky.

I'm really looking forward to this but I know from past experience that there may be a lot of bloggers participating once this gets going. If you are joining in I really encourage you to visit the other participants and leave comments but I want to keep this fun and not become a chore so by no means is it necessary that you leave a comment on everyone's blog! We all need to show support but sometimes life outside of blogging gets in the way and there is no sense feeling guilty or judging others. Keep it fun...that's my motto!

I would like to thank Kelli for passing her baby over to me! It's so wonderful that her Show and Tell Fridays will live on in blogland!

We'll start this Friday! Please read the guidelines below if you plan on joining in.
The Guidelines:

  • What:For Show & Tell Friday, you show something to an audience, and then tell them about it. Your Show & Tell Friday item must be something that you own, and in your home or garden. Put thought and care into choosing your item. Is it something you would take to show a group of friends in real life?

    Why: Many of us have special things that we may have forgotten about over time. Show & Tell Friday is a great reason to look around your home or even dig through those boxes in your closet. Of course, it's always more fun to share our treasures with friends, and that is what Show & Tell Friday is all about!

    Here are a few ideas to get you started:
    -Family heirlooms
    -A special collection
    -A piece of jewelry
    -A new (or old!) gift
    -A project or craft you are working on
    -Decorative items

    What doesn't work well:
    -Posts with no photos: They have no "Show." Please don't use them.
    -Recipes or pictures of food
    -Photos of events (trips, vacations, celebrations, etc.)
    -Photos of things you are selling, planning to sell or that anyone else is selling.
    -Giveaway posts: The idea is to share something from your life, not something you are no longer keeping.
    -Photos found on the internet, graphics or screenshots: Please use only photos you take yourself.

    Where: My Romantic Home

  • Do not host your own Show & Tell "Mr. Linky" on your blog. Readers use the list here at My Romantic Home to visit each blog that participates.

If you are participating in other themed blog carnivals or memes, do not sign Mr. Linky. Use a separate post to participate here.

When: Show & Tell Friday takes place each Friday. I usually post Mr. Linky at 12:00am PST.

How: It's easy as 1-2-3:

1. Publish your Show & Tell Friday post on your blog.

~Offer a link back to the main page of my blog. This is a courtesy to me, as well as your readers--they will know where to join in the fun, too.

~You are welcome to use my Show & Tell Friday picture. Just copy and paste it on to your blog.

2. Copy the "permalink" from from your Show & Tell Friday post, not the link to the front page of your blog.

~People will be looking through these links all week long. If you link to your main page, it will be harder to find your Show & Tell Friday post. For instructions on how to do this, go HERE.

3. Add your permalink to Mr. Linky.

~Do not sign Mr. Linky until you have your Show & Tell Friday post published on your blog. This is only fair to the other participants.

Inappropriate links will be removed at my discretion.


Tamera said...

I hadn't heard of this before...sounds like fun! Already thinking of ideas;)

Ana said...

Yay Cindy! This sounds like fun. Can't wait to see what everyone will Show and Tell about. What a fantabulous idea and I'm so happy you agreed to keep it going.


Joyce's Journey said...

This will be fun! Thanks for the advance notice so I can find something fun to share for Show and Tell. I always used to love that when I was a kid. I know just what I will show this week.

janet said...

Thanks for taking over,I love looking and reading about Show & Tell. I don't have a blog or precipitate, if I did I wouldn't have the time to enjoy reading everyones blogs! There is only so much time in a day......

Gee said...

Hi Cindy,

Congratulations. Kelli has put the trust in you to continue this event. I have been participating in Show n Tell Friday hosted by her and I guessed I will continue to do so and support you as the new hostess.

Lynn said...

Congratulations Cindy on your new Show and Tell Friday responsibilities. If ever there was the perfect person to do this, it has to be you. Since I don't have a blog, yet, I will enjoy seeing what others are sharing. I am thrilled that Kelli picked you to continue the Friday tradition.


RobinfromCA said...

I have never done Show & Tell Friday before but it sounds fun - congrats! Now, what to share first....

Susan B said...

Hi Cindy,
Thank you so much for taking over Show and Tell Friday from Kelli. I've enjoyed participating in it, and I'm glad that it will be continued. It's always fun to see what everyone is sharing! :o)

You have a lovely blog. Looking forward to Friday...

Charmingdesigns said...

Sounds like a good time!! Laurie

Anonymous said...

Ahhh what a pretty photo. I haven't heard of this blog or party, but you can count me in.

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

Kelli was the very first blog I "found" and yours soon followed! I am glad that you will keep SATF going.

GwendolynKay said...

Sounds like great fun! I think I will just be a viewer for the first run to see how it works exactly.
Blessings always!

Cottage Rose said...

Hi Cindy; Congratulations; I am sure you will do a wonderful job on this. Show and Tell Friday... I will have to do some looking and see what photos I have that would work for show and tell... I have always wanted to play, but just did not have the time... So good luck with it,, and have a great week.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for taking this over, if Kelli is no longer doing it (I hope she is well!). I look forward to it.

Have a great Thursday.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Cindy! If anyone can do it and carry it out with grace and style, it is YOU. *bighugs*


P. said...

For now I'm still having problems with my computer, but when it is fixed, count on me. I don't know if I can join tomorow but, if not tomorow, next week.

Carol said...

Cindy, sounds like fun! Can't wait.

Hootin Anni said...

I always post my friday memes in one post...always have. and I've participated in Show n Tell for over a year now...does that mean I can't do it?

When I visit...I always add my permalink so it's easy to find, and my Show n Tell is ALWAYS the top section of my Friday post!!

Let me know if I should discontinue participating 'cause I won't change my blog formatting.

violetlady said...

Two years ago I did a Monday's Favorite Things on my blog. I didn't keep up with it and I am glad to see something I can contribute to here. I already have the pictures and text for some things! Thank you for hosting this. It will be lots of fun.

Alison Gibbs said...

Sounds like fun

Charlene said...

Sounds like fun!!! Can't wait to play. Thanks for hosting this.

Nany said...

Hi Cindy.... Glad to say hello... I'm new a freshman in this wonderful marvelous world of cottage.. and whites..and romantic homes...and I have to confess your blog is my favorite.. I'm in love with your blog really... I want to participate in the show and tell... but I do'nt understand that thing of Mr. Linky.....My main language is spanish and I confess I'm confused about that thing...congratulations on your fantastic blog... I'm in a new rented home from a week ago... and your blog is FULL of marvelous ideas for me... please help me and thanks in advance...

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Hi Cindy. I've come over from There's No Place Like Home. You've got a great looking blog! I'm now following. I hope you enjoy hosting Show and Tell!

Anonymous said...

wow. what a small world! I have been following Kelli´s blog and your blog independently for quite a while now. What a coincidence, I would haven never thought that the two of you know each other! Amazing! We will sure be missing Kelli, but we do love your blog too! Thank you for an interesting and informative blog! G.G.

Brenda Pruitt said...

This sounds fun, Cindy!

The Pleasures of Homemaking said...

Yay Cindy! Congratulations! I'm sure all her regular participants are happy you agreed since she's been doing it so long I'm sure they would miss it! Glad you put the part in about keeping it fun!


AMIT said...

This really sounds interesting.I like your blog posts.

Make website india

Debbiedoos said...

This sounds wonderful and I look forward to participating. Thanks for all your inspiration!!~ Your photo's are always beautiful! Debbie

ladyestelle said...

Think this is going to be fun.
I would love to sign up. I have many things I would love to Show and Tell.
Lady Estelle

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Cindy, This sounds like a lot of fun. It is fun to share everyone's collection. And see all their treasures. Thank You Julian

My Dream Canvas said...

I absolutely love this idea and love your blog. I look forward to participating in the Show and Tell series.

Donna @ Comin' Home said...

Thanks so much for hosting this Cindy. I'm so excited for a chance to participate!

Gayle said...

Hi Cindy,
Your use of seashells is absolutely stunning.
I participated in my first 'link' at Coloradolady's Vintage Thingie Thursday today so I'm new to this and would love to join your Show n Tell. Please forgive any newbie slip-ups.

Zigmoond said...

Cindy, thanks for your idea. Be sure I will participate In the following time.

Denise said...

I'm so new to all of this I just started my site last week. I love browsing through everyone's sites.The "get-togethers" seem alittle confusing to me so far but sounds fun if you know how.I'll keep hangen in there

Anonymous said...

I will most definitely be joining this adventure!!

Green Plum Design said...

Hi, this looks like a great idea. I will give it a go this Friday and look forward to looking at all the other bloggers joining in. Thanks for doing this. Ros

Unknown said...

Cindy, I put your Friday link party on my site, but the badge is super sized and out of proportion, what do I do?
sandy at

Shanda said...

Cindy, I have a question. How do we know who hosts Show and Tell Friday each week?

Cindy said...

I host it on my blog every week and anyone is welcome to join in. You just add a link on each post I put up on Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm Pacific Time. You can add your link anytime until Sunday at midnight!

Fiona, Lilyfield Life said...

hi Cindy - just noticed this list and realised i've linked up something i'm selling although it's something i made myself and love but my kids are too big for it. Sorry!
whoops. will follow your guidelines better next time!
thanks for hosting
cheers Fiona