I never thought the day would come but I'm getting tired of the "clutter" in my apartment. I was so close to listing my hutch on craigslist this weekend...the only reason I didn't is that I don't have a place to store everything in it!
I'm the type of person that thrives on change and everything has been the same for too long now for me. I'm bored with it. Do you ever feel that way? I'm ready for a fresher, cleaner look!
If I sell it I think I would replace it with a long narrow table that could be used as a buffet. Maybe hang some plates on the wall or possibly a long hanging plate rack or shelves on the wall...
What do you think?
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Cindy, I can honestly tell you I didn't know how much clutter I had around the house. I had to declutter because we have our house on the market, but it looks so much bigger without the clutter.
I plan to go more traditional at the new house, with a lot less clutter. I found this clutter free place to be so relaxing and much less work.
I hope this helps you make a decision.
It's so pretty, don't sell it! I love the picture, your apartment is so pretty. Doesn't look cluttered to me.
Honestly, Cindy, I think you would be lost without your lovely hutch. If you must declutter, maybe you can sell some of the contents of the hutch.
A long table would be nice but trust me, it would FILL with stuff very, very soon.
The hutch is beautiful. In my humble opinion, it's a keeper but in the final analysis, the decision will have to be yours.
That hutch is a beautiful piece.....I don't know if I could part with it......as far as decluttering goes....you know I have always believed the eye needs a place to rest. Perhaps if you took a few of your pieces off the hutch and stored them away and rotated them at a later time it might give you the cleaner feel you want.......just thinking outloud. (O:(O:
I think most of us could declutter... I have done it in the past and guess what I do... You know I love stuff and need it surrounding me... It is something we go through... I like change also but my budget hasn't allowed me that since retirement so I take time to think about it and it all passes by then... You have lovely objects and I am sure you will not have any problem with ridding of them if you do decide to do so...
i read your blog every day. i look at this photo and think...it's so gorgeous, what a shame to change it. but then, on the other hand, i too am wanting and ready to do the exact same thing. i'm tired of my spaces and so ready for fresh and new ones. and i want to declutter and purge...keeping only that which i really love.
i say..."go for it, cindy!!"
I am wondering if perhaps you are just struggling with contentment. (?) It isn't the 'stuff' --it is your heart attitude. I think it looks fabulous- maybe work on the inner instead of arranging your 'stuff'.
Be well! -Serena
I've been there too. My solution is to move the hutch to another room, or a storage area and live without it in that room for a while. Then, you'll get a better sense of whether or not to sell it. Its better to stash it away than have remorse for a hasty decision. I personally wouldn't get rid of it. Beautifully made storage pieces are hard to come by and this one is classic and lovely. Could you use it in a bedroom for storing clothes on the bottom and accessorizing the top with hats, jewelry, perfume bottles, etc? Maybe it would compliment your living area as a new mini library. How about a stairwell with a large enough landing for the mini library idea. I know apartments are small and get overcrowded, but I'd definitely keep this lovely piece!
YES!!! I just boxed up almost everything in my family room...even the drapes...I am going to sell it all and start all over..so I know how when it hits you, it hits hard...hahaha
Cindy, girl I know how you feel..when I was on Rate my space the clutter cops got me big time ha ha!! As you get older it's so hard to keep up with so many things..I have been loading up my daughters with stuff every time they visit...their cars look like Low Riders when they leave here ha ha!! But I'm a girl that does love my stuff and shopping for more stuff...Remember when George Carlin did the thing about STUFF...too funny...Love your hutch girl and I'm sure you'll get a great price on it..Too bad I don't need it but no room left at my Inn for STUFF ha ha!!
Hope you have a great day my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
Cindy -
Been where you are MANY times and I've made different decisions on various occasions.
Get rid of it, donate it
Sell it
Give it to a family member
Store it
Now when I look back, the best decision was to store it for however long, and it will either come back to live with you or you will know it is time for it to move on.
I still yearn for an antique dresser that I gave away several moves ago. I was tired of packing, tired of the mess and it went in a stupid moment of decluttering.
Decluttering is a good thing and I do it a couple of times a year, but if after a year or so I have no desire to "see" stuff ever again, then it goes away. :-)
Here's a link to a post about something I almost ditched, but am so happy I didn't!
Is there another room that it could live in for awhile? Maybe just out of sight for awhile would help you make your decision.
I say go for it!! Change is good and I know I always feel better with less "stuff" around me. Have a great week cindy!!
You have the least cluttered home I have ever seen. It does not look cluttered because you have kept the colors and items so similar. Your home has always looked so cool and refreshing to me. I cannot imagine that space with that hutch. If anything you could change is maybe get a smaller hutch and that might make you feel less cluttered. I have been paring down. Getting rid of a lot of my smaller items and keeping the bigger items has made my place look less cluttered. Good luck on your decision. I know whatever you do it will be beautiful!!!
I think you are feeling this way because it's in style now to have a more minimal look. Bigger accessories and not so many of them. For people like you and I who have spent money and time and energy acquiring our collections...it's hard to put them away when the current trends turn to an uncluttered look. I know I'm in the mood for less stuff. I have 30 plus pieces of majolica that I used to just love, love, love but now it seems like too much color. I'm not going to get rid of it....I've just put it away for now....one day...I will feel like getting it out again...when everyone goes back to more is more.
I think a long table would look nice and would give you the change you desire as long as you can find a spot to store away all your lovelies. I try to rotate out my accessories with the seasons so that I don't see them all the time.
Can't wait to see the changes. I say do it ....the change will inspire you.
Ah, I just love this 'clutter' of yours. This is 'your' style that I love to visit on a daily basis!
"Yes, No, Yes, and No"... OK, I too am in love with "Change"... BUT the hutch MUST stay... Let's face it, you CAN drastically change it's look to be new again by what you do with it... Totally reinvent it or out with the dishes in with books for a library hutch... Just closing the doors would give you the less cluttered feel... Personally, I love it, everything looks fantastic, BUT I do understand because I do the same thing... If it was mine and I wanted change I would move it and make it a library... Maybe you have a bureau that can replace it as a buffet until you need to "switch back"... Good luck and have FUN!!!
Cindy, it's a beautiful piece. I would start by editing. I love editing. Or move it and live without it as a trial.
I think you could get a lot of different looks with that hutch.
From frilly and accessorized to spartan and clean.
Hey Cindy,
I'm not sure if I could part with such a lovely piece...maybe you could put it on a different wall for a while (or take it out of the room) to see how you feel about it being gone. Selling it will be SO FINAL...I would just live without it for a couple of weeks and see if you like it better without it, before you get rid of it altogether. :) You have such lovely things, I can't imagine your room without them, but then again, it is YOUR room, so in the end, it's up to you. :0)
Blessings & Hugs my friend
After writing my opinion I went back to see what all the other ladies wrote!!! NOW... "Gloria" I HAD to laugh because I thought of George Carlin too and his skit on "STUFF"...LOVED IT, also the one on aging... I may just have to post it on my BLOG, TOOO FUNNY!!!
Cindy I love this post, as I struggle all the time with changing things...and often wonder why I do so much. It is our inner creative self that drive this change. I say go for it...it will make you feel good. I am not sure if I would get rid of the hutch...it really is a great piece and like you said you need it...perhaps it can find a new place in your apartment...I bet you can. Oh and really to be honest decluttering only lasts a bit, and it seems all to come back. I think it makes for a comfy cozy enviroment...I hate sterile sparce spaces with no personality. You have plenty of personality, you can't change that, it is what you like so keep that in mind...perhaps just change up colors...introduce some more:)
Cindy it doesn't look like clutter in your home it is so beautifully displayed. I am a less is more big is better kind of gal but that is just me. You have so many lovely pieces if you get rid of things will it feel like you? Maybe just put things in a box and live with a more sparse look before you actually get rid of things, see if you miss them first. I am doing a series on my blog of my someday family room. I am doing all the planning virtually because I can not afford to do all the changes right now. It is helping my need for change and really makes me think things through, kind of how I would do it for a client. Good luck, you have wonderful taste so whatever you choose to do will look Great!! Kathysue
I really like your home and have actually been using your pictures as inspiration for one of my rooms lately.
I certainly understand the urge to change. It's easy for apartments especially to feel crammed when you have a lot in them like you do, so I understand the want to get rid of stuff. However, this is a nice piece of furniture that is good storage and can be used again. I wouldn't be in a rush to get rid of it.
My suggestion would be to declutter some of the "stuff" on it because that is kind of busy. If you're just in the mood to change things, maybe think about painting it or changing the hardware to make it look different. Then when you put stuff back in, maybe go for less "stuff" or less of the cottage look. Live with it for a while like that, then if you still want to part with it, then consider getting rid of it.
Whatever you do, I wouldn't get rid of it on a whim when you aren't totally sure what to do. Since you had to ask for advice, I don't think you're ready to part with it.
Cindy, I am the same way. That is why I am always changing things up. Any of those ideas sound great.
Noooooooooooooooo! It's so pretty, it's not clutter, it's gorgeous!
I agree with Sue above. Love the hutch...go easy on the declutter. your place is lovely from all the photos I have seen.
I agree with Sue above. Love the hutch...go easy on the declutter. your place is lovely from all the photos I have seen.
Your hutch is SO beautiful, I would not be able to part with it. But if you're fed up with it why don't you give it a change of colour with a coat of paint? It would look like a brand new piece. As for de-cluttering...I often 'think' about it, but then I look around and see that I really couldn't part with my much cherished 'clutter'!
Cindy I am not the person to ask
whether or not to keep it. I have
way too many collections and yes I
try to tell myself "less is best"
the whole time I am rearranging.
Oh my it doesn't work, I try so
hard. I think a table would be
nice but I love your hutch and if
you get rid of it will you be able
to replace it if you regret it.
Oh my, decisions,decisions...
On a lighter note...how did your
date Thursday go, well I hope.":O)
I have been in the same place as you are now. I did get rid of some things I was tired of and said I would not clutter again, but my house started to look bare and you think "I'll just put a little something there to fill that hole, but then you are right back where you started. Get rid of the things you are tired of looking at, but don't ever think you will be clutter free. That's what makes a home. My husband calls it "organized clutter".
Hi Cindy~~~Just last winter I decluttered....changed my whole house to whites! I loved the clean, fresh look. As I sit here and look around, I'm right back where I started with "stuff". The only difference is, it's white stuff!!! For me...once a "stuff" kind of person, always a "stuff" kind of person....
I DO love that hutch, and everything in it.
You have to do what YOU have to do.
How was your date??, huh?
Cindy, Its me your other Jag friend.
Okay here it is, I will tell you the truth! about home and clutter. For some time the chic and shabby has ahd a big turn around in design style. Still beautiful yet now a cleaner less cluttered life.
I am way less clutter and when the ary projects are cleaned up and put away all you see is clean euro shabby French flea market finds, yet will be all attention getting as clutter, infact I think they see the old beauty first now and not first clutter.
I do love the idea of a buffet use instead of china hutch. You can hang a simple arrangement over the buffet or an old chppy iron rack on the wall over it with spare items of desire to be of use or display your passion for all things old and euro chic.
I did away with lace, and went to the raw naked and let the piece have a say in it and a voice of beauty. I think that in itself was a big change for the look and lack of clutter.
You have great pieces cindy and just a little tweeking here and there will be just the right touch.
Stay Romantic girl you know what to do, go with what your heart tells you, no regrets!
Say hello to Napa for me, and a inspiring travel to all your cottage shops that I miss so!
When I look at your home, I see eye candy and beauty!
I decluttered...once.....looked around and it just looked cold and bare and I hated it! There were some pieces that I had gotten rid of and I regretted it and still do!
Maybe you could just move your beautiful hutch somewhere else until you are absolutely positive that you won't miss it if it's gone! lol
Lou Cinda :)
Cindy, all I can say is that I did declutter and the feeling is awesome! I honestly can say that all that "stuff" you accumulate only makes for a cluttered life. I am free and is it a nice way to feel more peaceful.
Sra. Cindy My advise to you is not to sell your lovely hutch,it's so beautiful I been wanting one just like yours for so long. your house doesn't look clutter it looks pretty romantic I love it seriously...But of course it is your decision and we will love anything you do..
I unify my voice to say don't sell it. Put it in storage for a while and se how you feel about it.
Maybe getting rid of some of the contents of the hutch is the 1st place to start. The nester did a post not to long ago about this.
It is very freeing to declutter.
Wow! That is a drastic step. I love the cottage look, but I could never pull it off. I wouldn't be able to handle what you are calling the clutter. I don't think it looks cluttered, but I do see loads of things that I would have to dust all the time. I wouldn't be able to handle that.
Saying that, what you've explained would still maintain your cottage look (I think) and just give it a different look. Would you be able to get a long streamlined buffet so you had storage, still serving almost like a table, and then hang some of the extra plates on the wall or the plate rack you mentioned (the ones in the top of your hutch)?
Sometimes when I want change, I switch furniture out. I remember taking my buffet and making it into a desk in a guest room and moving the highboy dresser to the foyer as a linen closet outside a guest bathroom. I think I'm reluctant to get rid of furniture when it's possible I'll miss it later and it would cost too much to repurchase. Instead, I repurpose! And in all honesty, clutter comes from smaller things that fill all our knooks and crankies....NOT the big beautiful architecture. ;) But if we downsize our storage, where would all that 'junk' go? Best to start small and work up to bigger things...that's my 2 cents.
Oh I'd hate to see that pretty spot in your home gone. However, sometimes you do have to shake things up. I have full confidence that you can something equally as beautiful!
Personally, I'm just the opposite. I like (actually thrive) having things the same. I keep stuff forever...including jobs, cars and even my husband! Lol. Once I find a good arrangement for furniture and accessories, I rarely move them so my first response to this is Ooooh nooooo! I LOVE your hutch and "stuff"! But you have to do what makes YOU happy.
What if...you took the hutch up to your bedroom AND brought your dresser down to the dining room and tried it as a buffet?
I think change is good. I think it is a sign of a creative mind. We like to shake things up a bit. Play out all those ideas running around in our head. So, I say go for it!
I have to say I felt like I was reading something I wrote when I read this post. I too am in the process of doing the same thing. I do wonder... are you a Libra? I am and I know I go back and forth with this same decision often. And then, I sit and miss the things I sold on cragislist. It is a never ending battle. I am in the process of assembeling bunk beds for my 12 and 8 year old, we all share a 920 sq ft apartment, along with my husband and 9 month old baby. I have had to accept letting go of some things and have decided to only do Shabby romantic decor in our bedroom. Good luck to you in your decision. I would say, only keep the things you love. And if it is a vintage or one of a kind item, re consider letting it go, as you may not come across another.- Heather
Heather! Haha...yes I am a Libra!
I think it looks great;)
I'm in the process of decluttering, simplifying and changing our home. I love what I've done so far and it is 'freeing' somehow! Sometimes change is good. I'm finding I enjoy and appreciate the things I've chosen to keep more than ever before. Maybe because I had to consciously make the decision to toss, donate or keep. If I've kept it, it's because I really love it. I'm sure your hutch would sell quickly and you might find you have great fun changing to a new look. Can't wait to see what you decide!
Hi Cindy,
I am in the process of creating a cleaning, sleeker look. It is hard parting with some of my pieces, but when I step back and look at how clean and refreshing it looks. I realize I feel lighter, like not so much is weighing me down--maybe that is weird but I find it rather uplifting to not have so many trinkets around evedrywhere I look. I used to be the sort of decorator that had something on every shelf, desktop, dressertop and wall to wall pictures or sometime of hanging thing. Now I don't have wall to wall clutter and I love it, (so far anyway :) Good luck.
I too like to change things up. I am alway rearranging our house, moving things from one room to the next..... but OMG SELL the hutch???? NO I SAY NOOOOOO!!!! If it comes apart you could for a while just take the top piece off and have the buffet you are talking about, or you could possibly put it in another room of your abode. We have sold items of furniture and then had furniture sale regret..... this is just my humble opinion you see but now you have my 1cent worth LOL
Blessings to you and yours
Curtis and Sherrie
I love the way your place looks, I try to style my home after yours the best I can. But I also enjoy it when you make changes, too. My idea would be, if you are able, is to store the china cabinet for awhile and see how you like the look of the table. That way you can always go back to it.
Cindy, I think you would really regret selling your hutch. I like the idea of editing your things, putting some away for awhile or in storage. Your apartment is beautiful as are your things. Good luck - and let us know your decision!
Cindy, you make me giggle. I think you are talking about me. I love change also (gemini) and think to much stuff leads to brain overload. I say yes, declutter, and from now on when you buy something and bring it into your home, sell something else on craigslist. Sandi
Hi Cindy,
I just wanted to say Thanks for being one of my Top Referrers for July!
And..I love the hutch :-) Clutter or no clutter
Your place looks wonderful the way it is but if you want to go for something different I say go for it. A hutch or china cabinet are easy enough to pick up at reasonable prices if you decide in a year or 2 that you would like to have one again.
bee blessed
Well, I think a hutch or a table could be fabulous but what you seek is change... So my advice is to mix it up. Move the hutcch to a different place a while---even the garage to store it. Put something sparse and cool in it that totally changes the look. Mary Engelbreit did a no clutter look for a while but I think she missed her stuff so she began again... It isn't what looks good, it
s what speaks to your soul. I think you are possibly seeking change-- dating, hair color, etc.....--- so the hutch seems a tangible way to achieve change in a hurry.... but selling it is permanent.... My advice is to box up and go uncluttered in one room for a few months. See if you begin to love it or to foo foo it up more! Your eye is impeccable... It will be lovely. I am so confused with my styles--- I would love to start over too.
Cindy, I think you would really regret selling your hutch. I like the idea of editing your things, putting some away for awhile or in storage. Your apartment is beautiful as are your things. Good luck - and let us know your decision!
I think we are all affected by "the look" whatever it may be at the time. Right now decluttering and the minimal look is the big thing. Rather than selling anytjing maybe you could try displaying less and see how you feel about it.
I'm in a decluttering mode myself and it is hard!
Cindy, I went through something similar around 18 months ago. While I don't have clutter, I decided that I wanted a more modern look and less romantic looking. I happen to like a lot of decorating styles and worried a bit that things were looking dated.
I took some things down and put them away. The place just looked plain. Now I've never been much for the Plain Jane hairdos or stuff like that and I found myself missing the "pretty" things. I also realized I didn't have a ton of money to redo the entire place right now, which is what I'd need to do.
I also spent some time looking at other women's homes on their blog, especially the woman from the south. Their homes always looked pretty, comfortable, traditional and yet, still looked good. I thought then that I was too hard on myself and allowed myself to put my pretty things back out.
In the end, I just moved some things around a bit and am happy.
Recently, I came across a website that I love called, "elegantwoman.org". It's about one woman's search for elegance. She has a great section on decorating your home that I loved. She said that a woman should not strive for a home that is minimalistic or too modern, for those styles are best suited for an office. Our homes are places that should be comfortable, functional and pretty as well as welcome our guests. You might want to check it out.
I'll be anxious to see what you decide. Personally, I think you should keep the hutch, just streamline the contents inside for a while, while you decide. Good luck.
Cindy, As much as I would LOVE to have your hutch, PLEASE DO NOT SELL IT, YOU WILL REGRET IT. Your home would not look or feel the same to you, as much as you would love to declutter. Believe me, your home is not cluttered!If you must declutter, go and declutter one of your friends homes! Yours is so lovely.
Well I just left a comment and lost it! I have been ready to simplify myself and I just made an account so that I can sell some "STUff" lots of stuff! The hutches are easy to find so if you decided later you wanted one a gain then you van always get another one, it's fun to change it up, I get bored too, today I moved my hutch back to my living rm and took out my island and moved it to the laundry rm and created a sitting area where my dining rm was, I just have my fireplace in there with my love seat and 2 chairs. I slid my table down towards my kitchen. It's nice for a change (;
Hi Cindy,
I love your place, it's always very calming to me. Your white is crisp and refreshing. I do understand wanted a change so I agree with Miss Heidi...move the hutch to a different place. See if you feel better. Be sure to keep us posted!
I say keep it!
I have never been a "less is more" type person. My moto is "less is boring"
I do like a change though so I say do some rearanging or maybe store the cabinet for a while. One day you will have fun bringing it back into the room again and you'll be glad you hung onto it!
Whatever you decide to do, you will get the inspiration from somewhere and it will be beautiful! What is funny is that I want to sell all my stuff and decorate more like your place, so I can understand your dilemma.
I think we are alike in a lot of ways! It is indeed a Libra thing. Try clearing out the cabinet. Store the things that you feel are cluttering it. I don't think it's the cabinet, I think it is the "things" that are filling it, and on it. Make it minimal. Our minds change with the season and even more often than that. I promise you the things will find their way back to the cabinet... maybe around Christmas time.
It looks so pretty and perfect for your home...I don't think I would sell it. I'm trying my best to de-clutter too, and it's so hard for me. I've been in retail all of my life and that plays a big part in my cluttered cottage. lol Maybe move it to a different spot for a while before selling it.
Cindy - do not sell the hutch!! Maybe you could put sheer fabric inside the doors using little cafe rods that would hide the contents and that would give it a less cluttered look - not that I think your apartment is cluttered at all - I think it's gorgeous! Those pieces are too hard to find. Maybe you could remove the top "hutch" part and just use the bottom for now. Or, move it to a bedroom and use it for linen storage.
Hi Cindy,
Declutter, I have gotten rid of so much stuff over the years. I think a few really important items make a much better statement than a ton of stuff. Less is more!
I did lots of de-cluttering in the past few years and love the result. But, it is not for everyone. Take time and think about it for a while before you make any big changes. Do what makes you happy and cozy in your home! Dogwood
Hi Cindy - about every 4 or 5 years, I start to feel like my stuff owns me instead of the other way around. It stops making me happy because I'm tired of maintaining it, dusting it, moving it to display something, etc. Three times since I've owned my house (11 years), I've had massive garage sales, made piles of money and I felt very free when it was all gone. The good thing about substituting a table for the hutch is that visually, it will look much smaller than your hutch because the space underneath will be empty (maybe :-)) You've made mention a couple of others times about clearing out things, so you're obviously feeling the urge. I say go for it - you won't be sorry.
Sandy G.
YOu must have hit a nerve wuth this one with all these comments!!! I like to declutter, it gives me such a good feeling of accomplishment but I also am very wary of getting rid of things. Ther are some things I will NOT part with but othere things I can part with. Sometimes I just need to change things around. MOve things to different rooms, change a display. I do love your hutch, it really is pretty and your home is so fresh and beautiful to me!!!! Let us know what you decide!!!! XO, Pinky
Decluttering, deshmuttering!!! :) Been there, done that! I have found so often, that in my relentless quest for peace and order, I have remorse over a sudden urge to declutter. In regards to your hutch....personally (and being a Libra AND sharing the same birthday as you), I would not get rid of it. Put it in storage, have your dad do something new a fabulous to it, put do not let it go all together. I think you will regret it in the long run (I would
anyways). Besides, think about how pretty it looks at Christmastime!
Good luck.....
I think the hutch is gorgeous; I personally would find something else to get rid of.
Perhaps you could re-issue your hutch...is there some other room you can move it too? Maybe you could house lovely bath towels and other goodies for the bath. Maybe a place to store books in? I would re-think getting rid of your stuff.
With todays economy it's getting harder and harder to come by such lovely peices. Perhaps you could use it as a garden hutch..put garden books inside...packets of seeds and some sweet lady-like tools and such. Just some ideas.
Cindy, I stumbled upon your blog a few weeks ago and have been enjoying it ever since. Imagine how tickled I was when I found out that you live so close to me, as I live in San Jose! I love your home and the romantic shabby chic/cottage style. I've used elements of it in my decor as well, although not that much. Unfortunately, due to the economy and losing my job, I had to move in with a friend and put most of my furniture in storage. I miss my stuff SOO much and can't wait to have my own place again so I can enjoy everything I so lovingly collected to make my home special. I know what you mean about wanting change and I think for women like us who love to shop and collect and decorate, once we are pretty much done with making our homes the way we want them, we begin to get the urge to do the next "project". It's our creativity becoming restless, the "so what's next" syndrome if you will. But as my experience has told me, once we are without something we thought we were bored with, we often suddenly wish we had it back again, because they became such an integral part of our lives. My advice is the same as many others; to move your hutch to a different room/area, to change the contents, put it in storage for a while if you can. Beautiful furniture is hard to come by and very expensive these days. If after several months you still feel the same, then you can choose to part with it. But at least you will have had the time to really think about it and make a good decision. Best of luck and I will look forward to whatever you decide to do.
Sometimes a little change is good for us. I do it fairly often, and I know some people think I'm crazy, but it's invigorating. I say go for it. You'll be happy knowing that your lovely hutch will be treasured in a new home. A long table would be nice, but I'd do a long buffet or dresser. That way you'll still have a place to store things. Another idea is to do what Jennifer did in her dining room. You can see it on her blog...The Old Painted Cottage. She did a long buffet type two legged table her husband built and shelves above. Just a thought. I will anxiously await to see what you do!
Cindy, I'm like you! I change stuff constantly....Generally I have to carefully stage and crop my blog photos to hide messes, as I constantly have something torn up to change things around--either re-arranging furniture, replacing furniture, shuffling accessories, etc. My walls are starting to look like swiss cheese from moving around pictures, but of course, I carefully hand new items to cover the holes! I have had 8, yes eight different dining room tables, four different kitchen islands, and have replaced nearly every chair in the house 3 or 4 times over in the past 2.5 years!!! In fact my laundry room is packed to the brim with several old chairs, a pair of old end tables, a half dozen lamps, loads of great framed artwork, candlesticks, serving platters, tidbit trays, and more waiting on a dealer to come and pick up! All things I once loved and had to have and didn't think I'd ever part with, now they are piled up like old junk and I can't wait for them to be gone! It's funny how thing go like that!
You should definitely declutter. That's my vote. It's all dust collectors, in the long run.
well tonight i emptied one cupboard and all that stuff is now on the guest bed. and what am i going to do with that now?? purge purge purge.. in a month I will be sorry but I will have less stuff. I know that feeling. Good luck.
If you decide to get rid of it maybe you should auction it.
Yes, Yes Yes go for it Cindy. We all need a change. I just sold my hutch! Whatever you do, it will be beautiful!
Let us know about the "Harley cowboy" How did it go?
Wow - the timing of this is too funny! Just this past weekend I got rid of a dark wood punched tin doored piesafe so that I could get a white cottage style china cabinet with a glass door for displaying all my pretty pieces! And...you were my inspiration. Everytime I looked at your pretty hutch, I swooned and drooled with envy. My space is small, so this cabinet is tall and narrow. So when I pulled everything out that I had intended to place in it (things I'd had stashed for years waiting for "someday") I was amazed at how much editing needed to be done. I took a good long look at what I really loved, and am selling the things that were merely "pretty". It's freed up a lot of space in closets, etc. I'd say do the same thing....try keeping only what you really love first. If the editing doesn't do the trick, purge the furniture and start over. At least then, you'll already be starting with a clean slate! Good luck and you know we all want pictures!
Dearest Cindy,
Well, moving makes you look at things really well enough to make you decide if items are for keeps or not. We had that kind of slimming down after several moves but you always seem to add on. It depends if you are really attached to things... sentimental value sometimes is the glue for keeping things.
Up to you to decide If and How to declutter!
Greetings from Georgia/USA
Oh my do not sell it, just redecorate,
Well, I never get rid of anything. My suggestion is to take the top off the hutch..I assume it will come off. Then you can see if you like the look then make the decision to sell or not. But as I said I never get rid of anything. I have two storage units in Lousiana full of stuff and I have lived here for 3 years. So maybe I am not the one to listen to.
Well, I never get rid of anything. My suggestion is to take the top off the hutch..I assume it will come off. Then you can see if you like the look then make the decision to sell or not. But as I said I never get rid of anything. I have two storage units in Louisiana full of stuff and I have lived here for 3 years. So maybe I am not the one to listen to.
I decorated much like you for many many years. I scaled down about 5 years ago when a friend told me it reminded me of her grandmother's cottage. I didn't take that as a compliment! lol...So I boxed up specific collections and stuck them on a shelf in a garage. Honestly..I didn't miss them and then decided to list things on ebay and sold at flea markets. Felt good to get rid of things. I would say to keep only what is truly rare and unique. Things you truly love and won't find again. The other things that are a dime a dozen..get rid of them. Your apartment will look SO much better and you will simplify your life and dusting! :)
I say go for it. I understand the need for change !!
I think you should go for the change. If you are tired of the way it looks then change it. Why not? You can always find another hutch to paint white again if you want it again down the line.
While I think your house is beautiful I look back at your old photos and I thought it was so pretty then I couldn't understand why you would want to change anything.
But then I saw what you did and loved it even more. So I think another change would be fun and I'm sure one day I'll look back and say "I can't believe she made it even better then before" for the 2nd time :)
Been there. My latest was i put pieces in the hallway started rearranging one piece at a time, i did it for 2 hrs. Guess what . I ended up putting all the pieces back to where they were. In my living room. I did edit some trinkets . I tried the all cream look. I need color. So u waste a couple hrs moving things around. I actually felt better after i did it. Do not get rid of armouire. Didn't you have a buffet table before? Maybe put it in another room.
Hi Cindy,
I love your hutch and all it's pretty contents!
Change is nice through and no matter what you decide I know it will look perfect.
I love your new look too-very pretty!
Wow, a lot of interesting comments and suggestions. Well as you know, I have been there, done that many times over. I always come back to what I love and not what's in style. I declutter for awhile and then I end up buying more so it just becomes a vicious cycle. I am finally to the point where I have edited all of my rooms, kept my favorites and just trying to enjoy it all now.
Do what makes you happy. Maybe moving the hutch to another spot or another room?? But then again, maybe you are done with it. I know I get that way.
Hope that helped.
As a long time reader, I can sense that you are making some changes.
Weight loss ( you look great, btw!), new hairstyle & color, new car, reconnecting with friends etc.
As lovely as your home is, if you are itching to make some changes there as well...I say go for it!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
I agree you've got a lot of clutter, but don't sell your pretty hutch. I think you'll really regret it later. You might empty it of accessories and stash them under the bed or something for a few days, and then put things back a little more sparingly, but don't sell the hutch!
Hi Cindy,
I've had a strong desire to declutter myself, but I'm going to start with the smaller stuff first. As far as your hutch goes, I think it gives you height in that area, rather than a buffet which will be the same height as the dining table. Whatever you decide, it'll look great ~ do what makes YOU happy:)
Cindy, I love your hutch and all your stuff, but I understand your need to "change". I go through that all the time. It must be that time of the year or something, because I'm feeling the same way. I really need to declutter, too, but I love having all my stuff around. Did you watch HGTV Design Star on Sunday night, and they criticized the one kitchen for having too much stuff on the counters. Well, I thought it looked great. I love a house to look like a comfy, cozy home and like someone really lives there and not this minimalist trend where you feel so cold. But I know there has to be a balance with clean, neat and organized, too. Your stuff always looks good and I know whatever you change it to will look just as good. Good luck.
I agree with the two camps: declutter and rotate decorative items or remove and store for several months. Do not sell until you've lived without it for a while. "Marry (sell) in haste, repent at leisure", I understand the need for a refreshing change. I'm needing to move from our two story house to a single story outside of town.
Dear Cindy, I think you have to do what your heart tells, and believe changes are always so good!!!!!
Wish I where around to have just one piece of your wonderful collection, just one, more would to too much!!!
many hugs my darling,
maria cecilia
p.s. what about keeping away all your collection... and then maybe you will want to have it back...
Your just bored!! Go out and lolly gag around or leave town for a few days. You would miss that piece. Why don't you paint it? I love that blue like the other one...rearrange or something. Sometimes I just box up stuff to take a break from things and then bring them out later. The hutch looks good. Your whole style is the antithesis of the whole stream lined thing. Personally I'm glad you haven't adopted the whole Pottery Barn minimalist thing. Keep your romantic home romantic. It's not cluttered.
Kiss from Poland! You are amazing women!!!
Please, please, please don't get rid of it!!!! As an apartment dweller and long time stalker of your wonderful and inspirational blog, I have looked forward to your seasonal hutch decorating. I was kind of ashamed that all of my friends had nice new homes and I was "stuck" in an apartment. Not anymore...thanks to your wonderful blog. Your hutch is perfect in your home. They are getting really hard to find at good prices too!
I kept my hutch but also de cluttered! It was bursting with Chintz & because of feeling like I had too much clutter & some of those your house looks like my Grandma's comments I gave in.
BIG MISTAKE! Is been two yrs now! It felt good at first but I really started missing it! It brought me so much joy & inspiration those treasured Chintz pieces had so many good memories & I enjoyed the hunt for each & every one.
My gracious sister has been storing most of it for me and this fall I hope to fill my fake de cluttered hutch right back up with who I am! Lots & lots of beautiful floral dishes each with its own story to tell and me sharing it!
I don't miss running to it and keeping every thing steady during an earthquake but at least I will get to enjoy it each & every day!
Embrace Who you are with no regrets!
Oh, Cindy! I've loved that hutch since the day you bought it (though I did want you to leave it white! ggg) and have looked for a similar one all this time. If you do get rid of it, I might just have to rent a truck and drive to California! Believe me, there's been nothing like it on Craig's List here! I can identify with what you're going through; turning fifty was scary for me, too. But, you'll just be one day older -- just like yesterday! Wishing you the very best.
Sherry in Little Rock
This is a bit late but...
When I was in my late 40's I noticed my 50something friends suddenly ditching the "cozy clutter" and going sleek modern in their homes. I thought that was weird.
When I hit 53, I suddenly felt suffocated by "stuff". I almost felt like the clutter was closing in on me. Two years later we moved to a 50's ranch style house, and the charming details that worked before looked too fussy in the new "old" house. Little by little I let go, and felt more alive with each load I carted off.
I suspect you may be going through the same life style change. Embracee and enjoy!
For me, less is best when it comes to clutter and stuff. Do what's best for you.
I find myself clicking onto your
sight just to look at how beautiful it is. I come here to get inspiration and ideas and to visit kindred spirits.
You have such a wonderful gift!
I love romantic shabby chic cottagy Victorian and you are the
queen! I want your gift, give it to me if you don't want it any longer! Please don't change,
I will be devestated!!!!
Don't do anything rash, being 50
is just fine. Now... come back down
form that ledge.
Hmmm...your hutch is beautiful. I've never been possessed with such a large need for change - so, it's not easy for me understand what you're experiencing. But I think waiting a bit is a good idea.
What about changing around what you have in it? How about adding some color? Just a thought.
- The Tablescaper
What a timely post! I am going through the same thing right now! Cindy, your home is truly lovely, and I don't think I'd get rid of anything at this point. I've been in this situation before, and while the spare look will be refreshing for a while, the time will come when you crave the comfort of your "stuff" again. My suggestion is to rent a storage space and move some things there. It will give you a chance to "refresh" and when you're ready, to start rotating your collectibles. ~ Sheilla
I've tried to declutter many times. I do find that when i get rid of something I've grown "Tired of" I miss it later on and want to kick myself.
I am with you, I need change too and it's a good thing, I say clear the clutter and make way for new things in your life :) It's just "stuff", and if you do not love it, or use it anymore, it's time to let go.
Just my opinion :)
I had a hutch full of teacups too, and now I have moved it in my studio where I do like to have "stuff" around me, the rest of the house I have decided to give a simple look, maybe you could find another place for your hutch, or have someone take care of it for you :)
It's so funny, here you talk about changing everything, and I sit and look, and look, and look at your pictures trying to take in every detail. I'm in the process of redoing my entire downstairs, taking much of my inspiration from you and many other bloggers. Just when I see all these great collections, you're going to change up on me and get rid of stuff??? Declutter?? I'm trying to find and paint a hutch like you have, and you want to get rid of yours??? Now what's a girl to do with all the junk in her garage awaiting the remodel???? :-) (Perhaps "declutter" my garage??) Oh well, I'm sure whatever you do in your home it will be fabulous and I'll get plenty of inspiration!
BTW... congrats on the weight loss and makeover!! The end of last year I lost 30 lbs and felt so good about myself. Then I got sick, was home in bed for 7 weeks doing nothing but sleeping and eating. Yep... weight came right back on, so I'm in the process of taking it off again. Why oh WHY do we do this to ourselves????
Personally, I don't know where you put all your stuff now in an apartment? I have a house and can't display everything! I understand the need to declutter, but you are a shopper, my dear. You'd fill it up with something else on your next shopping trip! How about storing it with your parents for awhile (assuming they have a home) or put it in a storage facility for awhile. It would beat regret later on. Don't forget all the hours you put into redoing that piece. Just a thought....
I agree with a lot of the other ladies. DON'T sell that hutch!! Store it someplace for a bit, and see how you like it. Or maybe just downsize some of the things on it. Your home is far from cluttered looking, it's beautiful! Paint it white, maybe you will like it better. Let us know what you decide.
Debbie from NJ
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