Welcome to my Year in Review Party! This is so much fun for me because I don't very often go back and reread my old posts so when I do it for my annual Year in Review Party it's really fun to remember what I was blogging about throughout the year!
So let's start with PINK! I seemed to put a lot more pink in my blue and white home this year! Above are my Eden roses I grew in my little garden. I can hardly wait until they start blooming again!
I also added more chintz to my collection this year! That cabinet above is full now! I bought more pink dishes at the flea market and eBay...

Probably the most exciting thing this year was being featured in Romantic Homes Magazine...
and also being featured in the San Jose Mercury News paper...
Getting a personal email with photos from Susan Branch after I did a post about her was really exciting...
Each year it's fun to look back on some of the projects I've done, like making this silver tray chalkboard...
My daughter Lauren and I took the second level of cake decorating class and had so much fun. Her cake is on the left and mine on the right...
I also made peach jam earlier this year...
I had a lot of fun making these cupcakes too...
This giant seashell cupcake I made was a huge hit! I had so many emails asking me how I made the fondant seashells that I did a little tutorial.
I was so happy when I found this big birdcage at the flea market for $25. All it needed was a little paint...
I recovered my dining room chairs with a blue toile fabric and they look so much better...
I think my biggest project this year was the bathroom makeover...
On a whim, I ordered personalized license plates for my car...
I love my beautiful yard conservatory from Linda at Linda's Blue Gate...
Another great find this year was these big clam dishes...
My daughter Lauren and I shared many great meals together over the last year...
and enjoyed many of them out on the patio...
To make the patio more charming, I made this ruffled umbrella cover for my patio umbrella...
and added lots of candle lights to make the patio beautiful at night...
I had fun making these toile hearts and selling them on etsy! Thanks to all of you that bought one! I think I'll be making more for this Valentines Day...
Another fun project was this chair makeover...
I really enjoyed decorating for Christmas this year but I was eager to get it all taken down and put away once Christmas was over! I'm happy to say that it's now all packed up until next year!
Sorry, this is totally unrelated to this post but I have to share...I went to see "It's Complicated" with a couple girlfriends yesterday and it was so funny! I don't think I've ever laughed that much at a movie! I laughed, I cried, and I laughed so hard I cried!!! I think we were laughing so hard that we were missing some of the movie!!! As soon as this comes out on DVD I'm buying it!!! It's that good! Meryl Streep is so great in this movie! Oh, and her house in this movie is beautiful and she has the most amazing garden!! I want a garden just like hers!!! She owns a bakery too! My friend leaned over and whispered to me "she's living your dream life"! Yes, except that I have no desire to have an affair with my ex-husband(either one of them)!!!! cringe
If you are posting a Year in Review on your blog please use MckLinky below and link back to this post so that your readers can view all the others too!

Hi Cindy! Great idea for a blog party; it sent me back over old posts and memories.
I am up LATE here in New Jersey -- it's 3:30 and I'm about to say goodbye to my daughter who is heading back to Pasadena. California seems so far away!
Love your chintz plates, and your vanity license plate made me laugh out loud. Too funny!
It's been a great year for your blog -- wow! Romantic Times? MAJOR congrats.
Happy New year!
Oops! Instead of the name of my blog, I put the title of the post!! I can't go back and fix it and I can't add another link! I don't think you can do anything on your side, either... Oh, well!!! I wish you a very happy new year, and thank you for hosting this blog party!
Thank you for giving me a look into the most beautiful world I've seen on a blog. I just love toile, blue-white, roses..Britt in Norway (will start blogging in January)
"Norwegian wood"
Great party Cindy! and I started a day early hehehe..
anyway, I love this post of yours! you shared so many beautiful photos to drool at. seems so many good things happen this year for you & your blog..
so here, am wishing you many many many happy returns for years to come! Happy New Year!
These are just lovely pictures. I am really impressed with the giant cupcake. May your next year be peaceful and prosperous.
Hi Cindy!
Thanks for hosting! What a great year for you here in blogland. Congrats!
Happy New Year!
I think I love your cupcake pic the best!
Happy New Year, Cindy! What a year you've had, and as one of your readers, I remember most of these beautiful photos, and it's so nice to see them all again! Thanks for hosting the "party."
Happy New Year!!!
What an exciting year for you! Definately a blog to follow every post and photo! It is inspirational to come by and view your lovely home. I especially love the birdcage, gorgeous!
Robin's Egg Blues
So wonderful photos of so wonderful decorations! I wish you a wonderful new year 2010 and will often return to your blog surely!
Rabenfrau from Germany
Good Morning Cindy!
It's so nice to wake up with my first cup of coffee and then slowly meander over your beautiful blog......it takes my breath away.
I love everything that you have shown us. I didn't find you until I started blogging a few months ago, so I'm lovin seeing all the things I've missed.
I also enjoyed your lovely article in Romantic Homes. You are living my dream!
Happy New Year and I can't wait to see what you are bringing us next.
Wonderful Party! I love the strolls down memory lane... no ex-husbands allowed!
New Year Blessings. Dixie
Hello Cindy
Your idea to host a blog party was fun. I always enjoy looking at your home decor, especially for ideas.
Congratulations on being chosen for the Romantic Homes magazine, lovely feature.
I hope to have decor photos myself for next year's review.
Happy New Year.
Cindy-What a feast for the senses! Such beautiful pictures and inspiring ideas. Thanks for letting me join in. Happy 2010 to you--hope it is the best yet :)~~Susan
That was a wonderful year in review, Cindy. And your blog is most sumptuous! Thank you so much for sharing such great projects and photos. Sincerely, Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com
Great post, Cindy! Loved looking at all of your beautiful photographs! You and Lauren are quite the bakers! You had a great year and I wish you all of that and more for this coming year. Happy New Year!!
What fun! Thanks for hosting and for sharing such amazing photos of your beautiful home and gorgeous decorating style! I am participating, too! Hope everyone will visit me! Happy New Year!
Thank you so much for all of your romantic inspiration these past few months, they have warmed my heart and brought a smile to my face. I have been inspired to change so much in my life and you are a big contributor to that!
Love all that you do and all that you stand for...go girl...may 2010 be even more fantastic..if that is even possible!!
Big New Year Hugs xOxO Nerina
Your year in review is so lovely -- and I've enjoyed seeing it all again! I ran out and bought a copy of Romantic Homes and so enjoyed seeing your article -- Thanks for adding a touch of beauty for us on your most lovely blog. Happy New Years to you!
Cindy, What a beautiful year for your. I'm so excited about your beautiful home being in Romantic Homes. I will for sure buy this issue.
What a wonderful year indeed. I have so enjoyed all of your posts and really look forward to more in the coming year. Hope you have a very Blessed and Happy New Year. Hugs, Marty
Hi Cindy,
I loved looking back through your pictures. They are all so beautiful. You are such an inspiration to so many of us.
I want to go and see that movie too. I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. What's funny is on my facebook where it says relatioship, I have 'It's Complicated'. After I watch the movie I might have to change that! LOL
Have a great day and a great New Year!
Lee Laurie
Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful posts this past year. Thank you for helping me actually learn how to blog. It was with YOUR encouragement that I was able to do it! Your garden and flowers are in my dreams because they are absolutely gorgeous. Went to get the February magazine and am thrilled to say a friend has a feature!! Someday, we may even meet each other in person. Wow, what a thought...enough rambling. Happy New Year!
What a wonderfully creative year you've had. I love all your projects and admire you for taking
classes to learn something new.
I have a New Year's resolution to take a class for something I want to learn or improve. Not sure of the direction that will take yet.
I need to pick up that new Romantic Homes issue. Congratulations on your feature. That must be so exciting.
Hope the New Year is good to you and your family.
I posted my Year in Review at CafeChatelaine.
What a beautiful review Cindy!! A friend gave me her outside umbrella a few months ago and I was so excited as your ruffled redo came immediately to mind!! It is one of the projects I have on my list this year to complete, Let's hope I get it done unlike last years list!!
blessing for a wonderful new year!
dear cindy
great idea and thanks for all the
wonderful pictures.
i wish you a happy new year!!!!!!!!!!
greetings from germany,
Cindy Cindy!
It would just take up tooooo much of your comment space for me to say everything that my heart is begging to say in response to the magical world that you create within your home.
I know your daughter just adores being such a sweet part of it all!
Here are just a few of my fave:
the silver tray chalkboard
the CAKES!!!
the CUPCAKES!!!!!
the white ruffled umbrella
the shrimp outdoor dinner...OMG!!
I have one personal question...
Do you dare ever entertain a man in all of that loveliness???
You are just so magical and I am just so thrilled that you are getting the recognition you deserve for creating such a lovely home!
This post sums up why we all love you!
Thank you for so generously sharing your talents with us.
Marilyn (in Dallas)
Happy New Year Cindy!
They are all *so* pretty...I think I love the patio shots the best...just gorgeous!
Happy New Year to you1
I LOVE your blog. You are a favorite, one I follow each day. I love your decorating, your style, your home. The white and blue is so calming and when you add the pink, it's just refreshing. I've so enjoyed reading your posts and entering your world. All your pictures portray such warmth and feminity...and your garden...I just think it must be a wonderful place to sit and enjoy with family and friends. It was fun to see your year in review...thanks for hosting and sharing. Have a super new year!
I wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year Cindy. Thank you for all your encouragement and inspiration through out the year!
Wishing you all the best for a fabulous New Year, Cindy!
Beautiful pics and home Cindy! Thanks for hosting the party and have a Happy New Year!
This was a wonderful idea for a blog party.. I'm sorry I didn't get a post together to participate. Love seeing your beautiful pictures in review. You had a wonderful year. I rushed out and got the magazine. Congrats to you!!! I enjoyed the article. Happy New Year..hugs ~lynne~
Cindy~ Love all of your pictures.
Presentation is everything and you
know how to arrange and fix things
so they are presented in fashion.
You really amaze me,you are better
than a magazine.
O.K. now I have to go see that
movie. You are the third person
that has said that is a very
funny movie. I love Meryl Streep
Last but not least,you have become
a celebrity this year...and you did
it by yourself...GOOD JOB!!:o)
Lovely party, thanks for inviting us to join! It has be a wonderful year of blogging...visiting you and the other talented women from all over. Your license plate says it all for many of us!
Have a Happy New Year!
I just entered my year in review, sugar! It's overload on pictures though so hope that isn't a problem. Happy New Year!
Hi Cindy,
Your year in review is so beautiful! I love this party where everyone shows off their best!
Thank you for hosting and all the best in the New Year.
Cindy, I always look forward to your parties! This is a great idea for us to share our best!!
Hope 2010 will bring you much happiness!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I Loved your post about the movie, "It's Complicated!"
Of course, I enjoyed the end of the year stuff on your blog, too.
I forgot all about your bathroom re-do...so nice. I enjoy your blog and am a lover of blue/white since I live in Florida. I just got rid of most of my blue items and went to greens, tans, and choc.brown in my LR. It was time for me to do that but I sure do miss it. I have 3 sons (and 5 dogs) so to own a white sofa just would not work well for me. I got rid of my blue sofas and went to a nice sage green...lots of choc. & tan pillows are on the sofa now.
Our LR is off limits to the dogs but one dog always sneaks into the LR to rest her head on my gorgous pillows on on new sofa! Love your style and your blog.
Happy New Year, JolieAnne
Beautiful post. Happy New Year, Cindy!
Truly you do have a most beautiful home and I love all the little things that you do. I hope that you and your family have a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Happy New Year, dear Cindy!
Hello Cindy; What a wonderful year end review.. I remember every one and really enjoyed each one.. I am looking forward to what you have in store this Year...
Oh me oh my! Such scrumptious goodness...every photo made me drool, so so romantic and beautifully done!! You have such amazing talent, love it all :)
Absolutely Beautiful!
I love looking at your pictures! You have exquisite taste! Happy New Year!
Oh Cindy, I always love your year-end retrospectives. Your year was filled with beautiful things!!! Congrats again on Romantic HOmes -- I just read it yesterday, and it is wonderful. I cannot imagine a better candidate for their "Romantics" article!
Wishing you and your family a joyous new year!
Fantastic Photos Cindy! Was a great year! I'm having a New Year Give away, stop by if you get a chance!
~Here's to a wonderful New Year~
~Really Rainey~
Beautiful! Loved everything! Thanks for hosting!
Happy New Year!
Your home and Garden are so beautiful! I have been following along for awhile and will try and join in next week! I saw it's complicated this week with a girlfriend too! That one scence in particular ( laptop) I laughed so hard I think I screamed out loud!! Too funny! That was the best movie I've seen in ages! Happy New Year! Good for you losing weight during Christmas weight watchers is the best way to go! It really does work : )
Hi Cindy,
A customer of mine just told me I should check out your blog, I did and it's great! Looks like we are not too far from each other, you in Campbell and me in Morgan Hill. If you are in my area please stop by, my store is called Magpie on Monterey Rd.
Congrats, on getting in Romantic Homes. I sell it in my store and would like to get Magpie in there. Just never seem to have the time but that is my New Years resolution.
Happy New Year to you!
I've enjoyed your year in review, Cindy. I joined your party a little late, but as they say, better late than never! Your cakes, roses, and chintz are beautiful. You're the second person I've heard say the movie It's Complicated is too funny to miss. It's on my calendar for the week!
Happy New Year...Kathy
Cindy, just wanted to say "thank you" for sharing your talent with us during the last few years!! your are such an inspiration. My wish for you - Designer of Romantic Home Magazine, and you would be great!!
I saw the movie today!! We laughed so much - thought we would pee our pants!! Being 52 we all could relate!!
Oh, well!!! I wish you a very happy new year, and thank you for hosting this blog party!
wagyu kobe beef
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