Saturday, February 14, 2009

I'm in the newspaper!!!!

Pin It Now!

Pinch me please! This DOES NOT seem real! I must be dreaming!  I'm the cover story in the Home & Garden section of the San Jose Mercury News today! TODAY~Valentine's Day!  The article is spread over two pages with lots of photos of my humble little apartment!  Really, pinch me...this has to be a dream!
I need to thank Julia (the fabulous writer) and Desiree (the fabulous photographer) from Lookiloos for this wonderful article!  You can read the online article by clicking here.  Some of you that have left comments on my blog have been quoted in the article!

I can't stop smiling!  

Thank you--to all of you who faithfully read my blog because this wouldn't have happened without you!  

If you found my blog through the article, please feel free to leave a comment below! 

Update: Other papers are picking up the story too; The El Paso Times, TwinCities, and USA Today (Malaysia edition) I think these may just be online stories.


Elenka said...

You SHOULD be smiling! What a wonderful thing! I couldn't see any of the pics in the article, I would just get a blank page. :-(

Anonymous said...

This is fabulous!!!! I could not
wait to see your post for today.
The article and all the pictures
are outstanding. So happy and excited for you. Congrats and
Happy Valentine's Day. We love
you and appreciate all you do.

Suesue said...

You Go Girl! You deserve the recognition too, Cindy. I love your blog and am a faithful follower even though I rarely leave comments but today I just have to say "Congratulations"! What a wonderful Valentine present for you.

Mary Ann said...

Cindy, what a lovely surprise to open up the Merc today and see you and your beautiful home. Congratulations girl. You are such an inspiration.
Mary Ann

just a little bit shabby said...

Ms Cindy!
WOOHOO! Things just keep getting better and you've earned it all with your work and dedication!
Congrats and continued success!

Anonymous said...

I told you you were famous!!!! :)

So very proud of you girlfriend! YOU ROCK!

Congrats again.


Anonymous said...

P.S. My husband seems to not get it. LOL I've been sitting here grinning ear to ear with your article for about 20 minutes. You have no idea how proud I am of you.... :)

LOL, and I really WILL be able to say "Oh and I knew her way back when..." hee hee hee!!!!

Bambi said...

Oh,Cindy this is wonderful! And you look so lovely there! We are all so proud of you!! You have come a long way baby! I'm so happy for you! I would say have a wonderful Valentines Day but I think you already are!!!! You just keep smiling all day!

Anna Margaret said...

How wonderful, i`m so very thrilled for you!
Happy Happy Valentine`s Day to you!

Cottage Lifestyle said...

Congratulations! Fabulous article! Well deserved. Maybe it is time for you to use your decorating talents as a profession...interior design or personal shopper or antique/flea market dealer or real estate stagging business!


Esther Sunday said...

Congrats! You so deserve it!
Love, Esther

Pine Grove Farmhouse said...

A better article for Valentine's Day could not have been written!
I feel as if I know a celebrity.
Congratulations! and as always the pictures are beautiful, I enjoyed seeing them again.

Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy,

Happy Valentine's Day for you.
If I could I send you flowers maybe I will.

I'm so happy for you.

Bey, Sylvia

Terri Steffes said...

Absolutely well deserved and to all of us out here... NO SURPRISE!

Gypsy aka Tam said...

Happy Valentines Day Cindy and Congratulations!!!!
It could not be happening to a better and more talented person. So very well deserved, I'm very happy for you!!!
Have a wonderful weekend,

Trisha said...

Congratulations Cindy,
It could not be happening to a nicer, more giving person!
Trisha Evans
a vintage white

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

Wow! How exciting! Congratulations.
I agree with you. If all your readers could live in the same neighborhood, wouldn't it be lovely.

Wendy said...

Congratulations, girl! That is so cool. I am a faithful daily reader and have to tell you again how much I enjoy your blog. It is lovely, inspiring and I look forward to visiting every day. xox

Caroline said...


How perfectly lovely and what a great Valentine gift.
I read the article, it is great, am really happy and excited for you.

Helen said...

I haven't even read the article yet ... but I am sitting here at my desk SMILING just for you! You deserve it .... have a wonderful Valentine's Day. I know you will!

Susan @ The Good Life! said...

Congrats and Happy Valentine's Day!

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Congratulations! Your talent has taken you many places. I know we'll be seeing you in more public places before long!

Deborah in NC

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

PINCH! You're not dreaming! How absolutely thrilling!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Penny said...

I think, you have reached Celebrity status !
They picked the perfect Blog to feature.
Sincere Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, that is just awesome. Congratulations! It just keep snowballing for you!!! Enjoy the well deserved fame! Look out Martha

Sugarplum Cottage said...

Congratulations, I too love visitin' with you. You always inspire me. Hugs, Rosemarie

Sue said...

Congratulations Cindy! I can understand why you are so excited... you deserve it for sure! I remember you saying that you had a feeling 2009 was going to be an exciting year for you, and it sure has started out that way! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Happy Valentine's day to you Cindy...and Girl you should be smiling..I know the first time I was published in our local paper how happy I was.. Congrats to you...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Pasjonatka said...

Hello, it's my first visit here. You have a wonderful and very inspiring blog and nice crafts. Congratulations from Poland and the best wishes form a single mom to a single mom ;)

Nancy said...

Congratulations, Cindy!!!! How exciting for you and you certainly deserve it. You have been an inspiration for me to start my blog and to keep trying to make my house a home.

Jena Williams, Not So Shabby Interiors said...

Cindy- Congrats and hats off to you!! What a wonderful feeling you must have inside and you deserve it....have a wonderful weekend with your big smile!!


Ginger said...

Hi Cindy:
That's a great article on you and your blog. Congrats. Some day we can all say we knew you when. I have visions of you leaving that office job and getting into decorating on a full time basis.
Happy Valentine's Day...

Anonymous said...

What great news..well you should be in the papers,,,your home is an inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cindy, what a lovely Valentine's Day gift.

Monica said...

This is GREAT! YOU are great, Cindy! Congrats!

vintage girl at heart said...

You go girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Cindy! You deserve to have all your hard work pay off in such a way! Cheryl in California

Jennifer said...

Wow! Congratulations but I have to tell you, you deserve it!

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a great article! I'm so happy for you.

Joanne Kennedy said...

Wow! In a magazine, on tv, popular blog and now the newspaper. What's next? Oh yes! Your own tv show. Congrats!


Anonymous said...

I'm so very happy and excited for you, Cindy! They did a fantastic job on the article and photos. Congratulations! You are so deserving of all the accolades.

Anonymous said...


Tanya said...

Congratulations Cindy! You have a beautiful place!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely article and what great timing ~ featuring you romantic home on Valentine's Day! I'm thrilled for you and know you're going to some day have the cottage of your dreams. Happy Valentine's Day! ~Arleen

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! you are becoming a regular celebrity these days!!! Congratulations and Happy Valentines day!

The only thing about this celebrity status is that you have to promise to still be friends with your faithful no bodies!


Amanda Herrold said...

Congratulations! What a great Valentine's Day!!! Enjoy!!!

Anonymous said...

I think your ego is getting bigger than your apartment!!!
You have a beautiful place and a beautiful blog but the blog has been less about the pretty and just basically all about YOU!!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh my goodness, what a fantastic article. Congratulations. The article is so true, you have certainly inspired me and I look so forward to every one of your posts. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Hugs, Marty

Anonymous said...

WOOHOO CINDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is fantastic news pardon the pun,you must be over the moon,i love that you are getting recognition for being super creative and super tasteful and super friendly and its the start of a great year for you!
Congratulations and fingers crossed this leads on to better things and gets you closer to your dream cottage.
Love Kristina XxX

savvycityfarmer said...

I am honored to be one of those friends and've been on my "favorites " since my "debut" (ha)
on blogger 2006.

carry on, dearie!

I think my vintage heart beats with yours.

sashagirl said...

This is wonderful!!!! You are just so sweet and your home is stunning, absolutely worth sharing!!! You probably have no clue how many people you inspire with the beauty you create in your world!!! A Big Congratulations and Happy Valentines Day!!!

Anonymous said...

I've just come from reading the article! Congratulations and you deserve the recognition for all your hard work through your creativity. I know that I am among many when I say that not oonly has your blog been inspiring, but that you are an inspiration as a single hard working mom. Grab on tightly and go with it! I believe there is more to come to you!

Wishing you a very Happy Valentine's Day!

Romancing the Bling

Anonymous said...

Cindy...IGNORE the comment left by anonymous!
Sounds to me like a bit of jealousy and a wish he/she had the same talents.
I know I shouldn't be commenting on this negative persons remarks, but I know it can be hurtful, all the same.
You have many friends in blogland and that includes me.

Have a fabulous day!

Romancing the Bling

Glenda said...

Well don't be surprised of someone stops you on the street and says they saw you in the papers.


Cass @ That Old House said...

That is marvelous! Congratulations, and you deserve the recognition for your talent and your hard work.

You go, girl!


Leslie~The West, a Nest and You said...

Dear Cindy, I believe that everyone else has said it all, but "Congratulations" from me anyway! What a very Happy Valentines Day for you ;-) Fondly, ~Leslie

Terry said...

Hi Cindy - Your place is so beautiful and so romantic. Your blog is always inspiring. Happy Valentine's Day and congrats on the newspaper article.

Four Paws and Co said...

Fantastic news Cindy! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

Congratulations Cindy! You deserve it very much :)

I'm going to read your article now.

Happy Valentine's Day,
Kathi :)

Caroline said...

What a fabulous article Cindy. You have been one of my favorites since I discovered blogging last Spring! I don't always leave comments but I check your blog daily!

Ellen said...

Cindy -

Congrats on the article. It was fabulous! I know you must be so excited!!

I love that your blog is "all about YOU" - who better to blog about you - and your beautiful home - than you! :) Have a great weekend!


Carolyn said...

I am so happy for you! Keep on smiling-good things are happening for you.You are getting famous.
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Cindy love you blog thats why i come everyday to see it .


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I am so happy for you, Cindy!

Judy Beeksma said...

This is so wonderful...You should have a story written about you because you provide so much inspiration to us all. I love what you do for me and the inspiration you provide me...I can only imagine what you do for all of your faithful readers. Congratulations on a fantastic happening and relish in the glory...YOU deserve it!!!

azah said...

congrats cindy! make your day and you deserve every inch of it..Im happy for you and hope you will continue with your fabulous ideas towards home decorating...

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

Congratulations to you!! You deserve it. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

xinex said...

Oh Cindy! How exciting! Enjoy your fame! You so deserve it!...Christine

azah said...

i couldn't help to come back to you after reading the article in the home did mentioned that readers from Malaysia also reading your blog..that includes me..yeah..
And to my Malaysian mate please alert me if the USA Today - Malaysian edition covers this story

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Oh Cindy! I would give you a big congrats hug if I were there. I am so proud of you! I cannot imagine how excited you must have been when you first got that paper. I bet you could not get to that section fast enough. LOL I am going now to see the article for myself. Give yourself a BIG pat on the back - you deserve it! Hugs, Barb

Anonymous said...

I think this is marvelous. You so deserve it too. You home and your blog are gorgeous. I just went back and looked at the beautiful lamp Carol sent you. Wow. You have the love of a lot of people.

Jackie said...

OOOOOOOOhhhhhh! how it! Congratulations! And no we won't pinch you! You are too sweet for that!
Happy Valentines Day Cindy!

Glimpse of My World said...

Cindy, that is too cool! I can not think of a better person for such a wonderful thing to happen to.. enjoy the moment and Happy Valentine's!

ps... I got my tassel's today!


Dream Mom said...

Congratulations on your success! What a great article!

Unknown said...

Oh Cindy! Congrats! Can I have your autograph? Hehehehe... Your a star!

Happy Valentines Day!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! This couldn't happen to a nicer person. Now you'll get to inspire many more people! That's got to be one of the best Valentine presents! Now I'm off to read the article.


Southern Lady's Vintage said...

So happy for you!! Congratulations!

A Southern Rose said...

I'm so happy for you! I have always loved your blog! I put you on my favorites right when I first started my own blog! I read yours daily! You have inspired me so much in many ways! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

How wonderful for you to get this recognition! You were the first blog I read and I found you by accident. It opened up a whole new world to me! Now I have my own blog and am enjoying it so much. You do such a great job of making your posts interesting. Keep it up!! Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

all i can say is wowowowow...Ann

Jojo said...

What a Valentine gift!!! Congratulations!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! You deserve the recognition, you put a lot into your blog that makes us want to come daily a get a slice of Cindy's life :).

diana said...

Hi Cindy: I read the SJ Mercury News article today regarding your blog and headed over here to see your decorating pictures. I live in a rustic Lake Tahoe style home in the mountains south of San Jose and as much as I like the rustic theme, I dream of having my own space someday (I am single mom of five) that I can decorate in similar shabby chic style. I really enjoyed reading your blog and looking at pictures of your charming home - count me in as a new friend!

Best wishes!
Diana in Morgan Hill

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Congratulations Cindy! This is so very exciting! I am so grateful I found you! I have learned so much from you! Hugs, Maryjane

Karen Deborah said...

That is so stinkin cool! And you know if you won the house this year that would be cool. Not that I don't want to win it I do, but if you get it I won't mind a bit. that news paper deal is just awesome!

Anonymous said...

That's fabulous, Cindy! Congrats! What a nice Valentine's present. Hope you've enjoyed your day, and the rest of the weekend! Do something beautiful for yourself to celebrate!

Anonymous said...

A Big congrats Ms. Cindy!!! You derseve it as your home is so gorgeous!!!! Happy for you sweets!
I dont have a blog but I read yours daily! Hoping to get some wonderful ideas for my home:)
Congrats again sweetie:)

Claudia said...

Congratulations, deserve it. I'm going to read the article right after I finish posting this.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cindy! How exciting!!! Your year just keeps getting better and better!!!! Happy Valentines Day - Sincerely, Jeannette

Wendy said...

Well CONGRATULATIONS my dear! Fabulous!

Stephanie said...

Oh my gosh!! That is just FABULOUS!! You DESERVE this honor!!


Anonymous said...

That is so cool, Cindy!! Great picture of you in the article, too!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Natasha said...

That is so awsome. I ment to pick up the Mercury today I Will have to get one from work when I go in today.


akawest said...

How utterly perfect that the story ran on the most romantic day of the year. Congratulations and Happy valentine's Day.

NZ Carla said...

Congratulations Cindy, you deserve it!!
You bring happiness to so many of us ladies....I adore reading your post every day. What a nice Valentine's Day surprise that was for you. Hope you are going to go out and celebrate???? I live in New Zealand and love seeing how you decorate your homes over there - I have similar tastes to you too, couldn't live without all my pretty pieces!!!

Love NZ Carla

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! You certainly deserve it! You have such a good blog and it's nice that you are recognized for your talent and creativity.

Nancy Wyatt said...

Congrats Cindy! You deserve it! Happy Valentines Day! hugs from Texas

insomniachick said...

What a fantastic accomplishment! I read the online article, and if you worry about running out of things to blog about may I suggest organization and storage. Somehow you have a gorgeous home with changing table-scapes and themes without any clutter. You must divulge your organizational secrets.


Lady Dorothy said...

How wonderful is this?! Congratulations! Fun, fun, fun!

Anonymous said...

Tell us something we don't already know!! :) Congrats Cindy!!

Unknown said...

I am glad these things happen to you cause you are so appreciative of them. Good for you . mishelle

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! That is phenomenal...pretty soon you may have your own show on HGTV.


ittybittyandpretty said...

congrats you deserve to be in the paper. your blog is beautiful!!
%*_*% rosey

Anonymous said...

As I was reading the paper today I told my husband, Hey I read this BLOG, he was like what? I rarely post but follow you and love your place, but am a fellow San Jose-ean and had to post a huge Congrats!

Kim said...

I found your blog through the paper and could not be more excited! Your apartment is my dream home! I still live with my parents and cannot wait to move out and replicate your style in my own apartment someday! Thank you!

Sue said...

I am so happy for you. I have asked my friend Linda to bring me the article next week. She lives in SJ and has a home here in Brookings Oregon and will be coming up next week.
You go girl!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Cindy!
I am so excited for you!!!
My day isn't complete unless I read your blog :-)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

Cheers and Happy V.tines Day!

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Hi Cindy,
I just read the article. Congratulations to you! Happy Weekend (and St. Valentine's Day too ;)

Vicki said...

HI Cindy
Congrats hun!!! I'm so excited for you!!! (I'm all goose bumped)
I hoe this is the beginning of other wonderful things for you!!
Vic xxx

Vicki said...

my gosh I made a typo I meant I HOPE this is the beginning of wonderful things for you aarrrghhh see what happens when I get excited hahahaha xxxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations..You really have a wonderful blog...I find many inspiration from it but most things are not available from where I live..You have gorgeous things no matter what is the cost and where it come from. I can see the love is least I know I am not the only crazy one who goes ga-ga over certain things...

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Cindy;; Wow Congratulations on the wonderful news. How exciting for you. I can see why you have been picked, I love reading your posts and all your lovely photos.


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Wow, that IS exciting!
And well~deserved!!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Well done, Cindy!! You are so deserving of this wonderful article which I did just read! Now, if we can just get you on HGTV, I vote for you to work with Carter!! You know...Carter CAN!!!?!? Tee hee

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Unknown said...

i just learned about the blog via this article. The pictures were so intriguing I had to check it out.
GO CINDY--congrats on your success! Hope to see you on HGTV AND OPRAH! :)
Mh, The Recessionista Blog

LillyB said...

I am so excited for you!!! 2009 is turning into wonderful things for you!!!
Happy Valentine's Day and may God continue to richly Bless you!
Love Lilly

Melly said...

Congratualtions Cindy!!! Your home is just so warm and beautiful I know that your blog inspires me and I believe it will inspire many others.
Happy Valentines Day

God bless you!!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Cindy, this is great! awesome is the word and congrats! great things happen on Valentine's Day! yippeee... you are so well known now.. even to my country Malaysia! hehehehe have a great weekend!

Virginia said...

How wonderful Cindy, I`m so very thrilled for you!
Hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day! ...
May the blessings of love, happiness and peace be yours today and every day.
Virginia :)

debi said...

Oh, how exciting! I'm so happy for you! You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Cindy!!! That is probably an awesome feeling. Enjoy it, you sure deserve it.

Love, Suzy

Anonymous said...

So need to stop smiling, the joy butterflies in life should give us giggles!
All Things Heart & Home

Anonymous said...

So need to stop smiling, the joy butterflies in life should give us giggles!
All Things Heart & Home

Unknown said...

Congratulations! It doesn't surprise me one bit! :)

maggie said...

I follow your blog daily and it is such a delight. I don't usually comment but I have to take time to say Congratulations. You deserve all the wonderful things that are coming your way.

Bo said... out! I see a new career in TV as your next step...& it would be a BIG improvement over a lot of the current design shows!
You are most deserving of this recognition! ;-) Bo

cedwards55 said...

Cindy, I'm so proud of you! You have to be over the moon with happiness. So glad that you had this post on Valentine's day. It just shows how loved you truly are!
This is my philosophy. Anyone can "learn" to decorate but your's is a gift from God! Thanks for sharing your blessing with all of us!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Cindy, that's fantastic! What great press for you & now lots of others will find you. I've been in our paper a few times, but I just don't think that many people read ours! Looks like a great article.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the article so totally deserve to be recognized for your abundant talent. Keep on doing what you love!!

Anonymous said...

Oh do deserve a place in the newspaper...but even more...I think you should be helping Nate when he's at Oprah's would make a great makeover of a complete house I am sure.... and thanks readersrate went skyhigh after your post about me...

Rebecca said...

What a beautiful article! Thank you for sharing your home with us!


Joanne said...

Good for you, Cindy. What a lovely article. When is HGTV going to give you that home in Cape Cod to decorate? That would be a great show! Joanne ~~

artis1111 said...

Congrats!!!! I know how it feels, it is like walking on a cloud. Kathy

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the write up. You are a true inspiration to anyone who visits your blog!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Congratulations!! :-)

Life on the Edge said...

This is wonderful! I am so proud that a blogland friend is getting this kind of recognition! You sure do deserve all the attention as you have an incredibly beautiful home. You're also the nicest person too!


Free Art Printables said...

Congrats CIndy! That's fabulous! You deserve it!

Elzie said...

How nice for you. Must be a dream come through.
Hope you have a good Sunday.
Love Elzie

Paula said...

Oh, CONGRATULATIONS, Cindy! You deserve the recognition. I adore your blog, your creativity, your inspiration! It's a wonderful article!


Vintage Rose Collection said...

Congratulations Cindy! Well done!
And you look beautiful!
Enjoy this moment!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! I am a faithful follower of your great blog and stop by daily ~~no pressure, really~~. As always, love your style and am thankful for the inspiration, smiles and chuckles. You brighten more than your small corner of the world. Have a great day and thanks.

Anonymous said...

I am sooooooooo happy for you Cindy!!!! You are so deserving and I know you are so appreciative - your humble spirit and love for your fellow bloggers is another special thing about you. Congratulations! Bravo girl!!


Unknown said...

Read your article in the San Jose Mercury news yesterday. Can't wait to learn from you--we have a small house, under 1200 sq feet here in San Jose so you give me hope LOL. Anyhow, glad to be your 500th follower :-)

Unknown said...

You genuinely deserve this recognition. Your decorating is outstanding and your caring personality shines through every post!

Angela said...

I am so excited for you! You deserve it, I knew one day you would get this kind of recognition! Your blog is a joy and a blessing for so many people, thank you for all of the hardwork you do. I haven't commented in awhile, but I've still been stopping by everyday and enjoying your posts. I had no idea you got so many hits monthly, what an accomplishment!!

jlpreppy said...


Congratulations! I enjoyed the article. I'm so happy for you!! We all appreciate what you do.

Walnut Creek, CA

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news! Congratulations and may this be only the beginning to more and more cool stuff!

Fifi Flowers said...

How EXCITING to be in the newspaper... good for you!
Hope your are having a GREAT weekend!

MimiG said...

Awesome!!!!! They really seem to focus on you and the great job you do with your blog. So happy for you!
Keep blogging - we'll keep reading!

MimiG said...

Awesome!!!!! They really seem to focus on you and the great job you do with your blog. So happy for you!
Keep blogging - we'll keep reading!

southerninspiration said...

How COOL is that????


Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

What a great artical.....Congratulations !!!!
Mo :-)

Jennifer@Pieces of Me said...

I think this is just the beginning! You really need to write a book full of your tips and tricks! You have so many amazing and inspiring blogs. I found your blog through RMS. I ran across your beautiful bedroom and have been a follower of your blog ever since! God sure did take his time making you!

Lana said...

Fantastic, Cindy!!! Your work is every bit as wonderful as anything I've seen on television. You are certainly an artist...with the energy to get it done! Congrats! Congrats!

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!! That is absolutely wonderful and you really do deserve it. Enjoy it...bask in the happiness and love...and friendships! smile smile smile....its good for ya!

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

How incredibly awesome! You should be so proud! Fantastic.
You deserve it!

Gena said...

Congratulations! That is a wonderful achievement.

Suzann said...

Miss Cindy, everytime I turn around you are one step closer to being among the rich and famous! You'll have your own television show or perhaps your own space in a magazine monthly before we know it.

Marilyn said...

Congratulations, Cindy! This recognition is very well deserved. Thanks for always coming up with interesting blog entries!!

Anonymous said...

oh Cindy I'm really pleased for you, so fantastic, you certainly deserve it, I love reading your blog and you always come over as just so nice, gotta love that



Rosy Inspiration said...

Hi, Cindy,
Congrats and Happy Valentine's Day. I'm happy for you too. Keep up the creativity, it's a real gift from God.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! Congratulations!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Shana said...

Congratulations. See, I told you that you were a kind of a big deal - okay, maybe you are now officially a big deal - hehe. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the newspaper article, HGTV needs to have a program just for you. We need more
economical, practical shows to help us. Your decorating and thrifty
tips are wonderful and inspire
all of your followers. I don't have a blog, but read several daily. I have learned so much from you creative ladies. GOOD LUCK IN THE FUTURE, hope to see you on HGTV.

Shabbee Chick said...

Congrats, Cindy! You deserve it!

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

This is wonderful Cindy, I feel it coming for you. After all to me you are the blogging QUEEN. You may be getting your dream home sooner then you think. This is just the beginning I'm sure for good and bigger things to come.

Melissa Lester said...

Cindy, I read the article about you, and it was fabulous! Congratulations on your success; this honor can only bring you more acclaim.

Anne Marie said...

That's fantastic!! They look like wonderful photos! I am sure many people have been inspired to brighten up their surroundings now!

Anonymous said...

I am a long time reader and while I rarely leave a comment, I do so enjoy your blog. You inspire me!! Congratulations - don't forget us out here in blogland when you are rich and famous - ha!

Sonnie said...

OMG! Congratulations!!!! How wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy,

What an honor! Congrats! It is such a great article, and I am so happy for you. Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

What great news! Congratulations for a job well done!

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Cindy, you deserve it! You have a great blog that you keep updated, and that is part of what makes it worth reading every day!!! Hugs, ~cindy s~

Amber said...

Congratulations Cindy! How exciting! You made the front page! What a fun Valentine's surprise!

Anonymous said...

How fabulous for you! I know that reading your posts and looking at your pictures brings light to my day, especially when it's been a stressful one.


Anonymous said...

Don't stop smiling! That was an incredible article and you deserve every word of it. ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, You are the Goddess of all blogs! Congratulations and well deserved! Please don't ever stop!

Decor To Adore said...

This couldn't happen to a nicer blogger!

Anonymous said...

Wow, fabulous!!! What a great article! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!
Sheri :)

Anonymous said...

OK, I can see by 182 comments that you've gotten a lot of feedback. Congratulations sweet lady. I'm so happy for you. All your blog readers and friends are so happy to have found you and your blog.

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

You've hit the big time baby! Read the flattered & proud you must be! The pictures were great. Congratulations deserve the recognition.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! That's wonderful. Congratulations. I am so happy for you. You deserve it.

Sassy said...

CONGRATULATIONS! The smile is well deserved!

Unknown said...

Wowie! Cindy, that is so fabulous! You go, Girl! It couldn't happen to a nicer blogger. xoxoxo

Maureen said...

Congratulations! Well deserved.

irene said...

Hi Cindy- I was faithfully following your blog a few months ago- some how...with all of lifes ups and downs I lost track and forgot the name of your blog...I remembered your name though. Been searching and found you listed on the "the feathered nest too." So happy!!!! Congrats on the writeup in the paper...and hope to see you on hgtv soon. You are an inspiration...I live in a 2 bedroom apt... and I have made excuses not to make it my own- with my love of Vintage, Cottage and Shabby Decor! You have inspired me! The best to you and keep up the wonderful blog. Irene

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy. That is something to be very proud of.


cheryls fascinatingfinds said...

WOW 190 comments, well 191 now...CONGRATULATIONS! just what you needed more bloggin

DeDe said...

Congratulations!! that is so neat