Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Rose on order

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I ordered this English Rose online last week through Heirloom Roses (heirloomroses.com) and I should have it in about 2 weeks. It's called Geoff Hamilton. I just love the big English roses. I'm slowly going to replace my tea roses with these because I love the old fashioned cottage look. You can bet as soon as mine blooms I will be posting the pictures.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Beauty through my eyes

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I love hydrangeas and roses! I can't wait for Spring and Summer! Make this dreary Winter go away! I want to play in the garden!

(Images from flickr)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bench Makeover

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I bought this UGLY bench at the Goodwill for $7. When I was standing in line with it people were giving me the weirdest looks. It was so ugly but I knew with a coat of white paint and a new cover it would be beautiful. Here are the before and after pictures. I'm really happy with the way it turned out and I had a lot of fun doing it.

The mirror above it is the project I did awhile back (click here to see). I think I should have left the mirror gold. Some projects just don't turn out as good as I imagine. Oh well!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Some new thrift store finds

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Yesterday on my lunch hour I went to a thrift store nearby my work. I found the little cherub vase there. I have so many vases but I thought he was so cute and for only 75 cents how could I say no. I was disappointed that was all I found so when I got home from work I went over to the Goodwill by my house and found this decorative birdcage. Okay so it's not this one but I plan to paint it white and it's going in my bedroom. I'm in the process of collecting things to redo my bedroom. I found a cute little bench but I'm not going to post a picture of that until I finish redoing it because it is so ugly. It is so ugly that when I was standing in line to pay for it people were giving me weird looks. They would look at the bench and then look back up at me. I just wanted to tell everyone that I was going to repaint it white and fabric from the 70s was going to be changed...but I just smiled back at them and didn't say anything. You'll see what I mean when I post the picture. I plan to work on it this weekend so hopefully by Monday I will have the before and after pics.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


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I know this is a strange post for the middle of January but I found this on the Victorian Trading Company website. I have never seen a firefly in my life, well not a real one. The only fireflies I've ever seen were in Disneyland on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. When I was little I remember asking my mom when we were on that ride what those blinking lights were. When we got off the ride she told me all about fireflies and how she used to catch them in jars when she was a kid in Pennsylvania. I've been so intrigued by them ever since and I would really love to see one someday. I saw this jar with faux fireflies and thought it was so cute. I may have to buy this! Where do fireflies live? I don't think there are any in California.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Susan Branch Book Signing!

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Oh my! I just went to Susan Branch's website and read that she will be in her store in Californa on Sunday, February 4th, noon to 4:00pm for a Welcome Home/Valentines Day/Booksigning Party. It's a 3 hour drive for me to get there and I know it's going to be packed but I'm thinking about going! I LOVE Susan Branch and have loved her since her first book, Heart of the Home came out in the 80s. I loved that she was from California and she moved to Martha's Vineyard. It was like she was living MY dream life. I think I would be totally star-struck if I saw her in person. If I decide to go I will take lots of pictures to post.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Breakfast in Bed!

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Okay, honestly, I didn't really have breakfast in bed. This was staged so I could send my son a picture of the cute little teapot I found for him at a thrift store for $4.99. It's so cute and made in England. Since I have more than enough teapots , I thought I would offer it to my tea-drinking son. The cute little egg cup I got on Ebay last week. There are 4 of them and they are little glass hens and made in France. When I saw these tulips in the grocery store, well...I just couldn't resist them either!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Great Deal $19.99 and free shipping today!

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I found this cute lamp on Overstock today for $19.99 and there is free shipping today. The retail price was $119. I haven't decided if I'm going to order it or not. I think it would be really cute in my kitchen. I thought I would post this in case any one else is interested. The product reviews for this were really good!

Update: I'm not sure if the free shipping is for everyone. I just noticed at the top of their webpage is says "Free Shipping Coupon Activated" so you may have to be a returning customer to get the free shipping.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Beautiful Things!

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I got the new issue of Country Home yesterday and I love this birdcage! I have a small old birdcage on a stand with one little old finch that my daughter bought when she was about 7 or 8 years old. I can't believe that bird is still living. He can no longer fly but he seems happy. If I forget to feed him he does a little dance on the bottom of the cage to get my attention. It's the cutest thing. I love his little chirps. I may get a canary one day, I love to hear them sing.

Also, I just had to say a big THANK YOU to all of you that left a comment on my last post. You guys are great! I hope I didn't come across pathetic because I'm actually happier now than I ever was when I was married.

Ashley...I laughed so hard when you mixed those two movies up because I did the same thing the other day. I love "Somethings Gotta Give", it's one of my favorite movies. Diane Keaton is my favorite actress. My daughter asked me if I have seen the previews for her new movie called "Because I said so". She said "Oh MOM...that is your kind of movie" If you go here you can see the trailer for the movie. I cannot wait to see this!

One of the great things about kids is that there are times when you can learn so much from them. They have opened my eyes to so many things. This morning as I was dropping my daughter off at school and she was about to get out of the car and into the cold she turned to me and said "you are sooooo lucky that you get to drive 40 minutes to work every morning." What? I think my response was "Are you crazy?" Then she went on to say that she has to go sit in a cold classroom now but I get to sit in a warm car and listen to the radio for 40 minutes. I'm telling you, I never thought of my commute as a good time but today I looked at in a whole different way thanks to her. I'm usually in such a hurry to get to work that I don't appreciate the drive but today was different. I noticed the birds, the hills and just enjoyed my commute to work.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I've been tagged!

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I've been tagged by Andrea. This is not going to be easy since I already wrote my 100 things about me but here it goes:

Five things about me you don't already know.

1. I hate feet. I've got the opposite of a foot fetish...I'm not sure what you call that...a foot aversion? I don't hate all feet but there are very few people's feet that I find attractive. I saw Jeff Goldblum barefoot in a magazine once and thought he had very attractive feet. Ever since that I've found him so attractive! I broke up with a boyfriend once because I was grossed out his unkept feet. Well, that probably wasn't the only reason I broke up but it was part of the reason. Of course I never told him that. My feet are not perfect by any means. I hate that my second toe is longer than my big toe but I do try to keep my feet looking nice and polished. I would hate for anyone to be grossed out by my feet.

2. I'm addicted to Taco Bell. I eat at Taco Bell at least once a week (usually more often) and I've been doing this for about 29 years! There have been times when I've been able to stay away but probably no more than about 3 weeks at a time. I had Taco Bell today. I usually get two bean burritos with extra green sauce and extra cheese and a diet pepsi and it is always $3.65...what a deal!

3. I LOVE Cadbury Creme Eggs at Easter time. I'm glad they don't sell these year-round or I would be soooo fat!

4. I am the worst judge when it comes to picking a good man! Everyone that knows me well knows this! I promised my friends and family that I would not even get serious with another man unless they give their approval. They have given me their unsolicited opinion in the past and I haven't listened but now I have finally learned. I've been divorced twice (one child from each marriage)! I'm not dating now because I have my daughter full time but once she's around 17 or 18 I plan on getting back in dating game. When I told my daughter this, she said with a look of pure disgust "People date when they're in their 50s?" Hahaha! I may have to move to Florida but I will find a good old man one day!
5. I have insomnia. I usually can go to sleep around 10:00 - 11:00 pm but I wake up almost every night around 2:00 or 3:00 am. I go downstairs and watch tv and usually fall asleep on the couch but not always. Today I've been up since 4:00 am. I know it's stress from being a single mom with a single income. I help pay for some of my son's college and I don't get any child support for my daughter (read #4 above). I know I shouldn't stress out because I've been doing this for 8 years and making it work but I think in the back of my mind it scares me.
There ya have it! As you can tell, I'm a very open person which I find drives people crazy who are not.
Let's see I will tag Suzie Q, Diana, and whoever else is reading this that wants to join in.

Monday, January 15, 2007

MmmMmm Good

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I could not believe the size of these artichokes I found at the grocery store. They are huge! They actually are larger than they look in this photo for some reason. I'll be cooking these tonight to go with my BBQ chicken and potatoes au gratin. We'll be dipping them in some roasted-garlic mayonaise I made earlier today. Yummy!

Photography by my daughter, Lauren (she's a much better photographer than me).

Sunday, January 14, 2007

My garden in January

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Last night it got down to 28 degrees which broke a 10 year old record for that night but I still have flowers blooming in my garden. My daffodils have started to shoot up out of the ground and my rose bushes are sprouting new growth. I haven't even pruned my roses yet because I can never remember when I'm supposed to do that but I think they were supposed to be pruned before the new growth started.

On a different subject...I rented the best movie I've seen in a long time. "An Unfinished Life" with Robert Redford, Morgan Freeman and Jennifer Lopez. It's from 2005 so I know I'm behind in just watching it now but if you haven't seen it you really should. It's a great lesson about forgiveness, which I believe is so important.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Updated...It's freezing!

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I just got this breaking news through my email (click for full story)

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has proclaimed a State of Emergency throughout California due to extremely low temperatures forecasted for Friday night.

Buy your oranges and lemons now, I'm sure the price is going to go up.

I know some of you are going to be laughing at this post but I'm a native Californian and I don't EVER remember it being this cold during the day. It's 48 degrees outside right now at 1:30 pm. It's the talk of the office. Everyone comes in from outside and comments on how cold it is. Friday night it is supposed to get down to 25 degrees. The night time lows won't be out of the 30s for awhile! Brrrrrrrrr!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Delivery on my door step!

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I love coming home to find a package on my doorstep. Today I had two! I knew my sheets were coming from Overstock because I've been tracking their progress online since last week, weather delays and all. But when I arrived home I found two packages. The other was a chintz plate that I ordered on Ebay. After I did my post on my chintz collection, I started thinking that maybe I should check Ebay for some good deals on chintz. I think I found a great deal here. This plate was less than $20 with shipping and it's not new it is vintage. I saw it for sale on another website for over $200. Okay, I know, I don't believe that everything I see on the internet reflects what an item is really worth but I know it must be worth more than $20. It is to me and that's all that matters. The 2 sets of 600 thread count sheets were a belated Christmas present from my mom. I've already washed a set and have them on my bed. My mom has these sheets and she loves them. I can hardly wait to go to bed tonight.

When I was on my way upstairs tonight (carrying a glass of red wine) to get on the computer to post this I tripped on the leg of my pants and fell. The red wine went up onto the wall and onto the carpet. I fell so hard that I have a rug burn on my knee. So here's my question to those of you over 40...do you feel like you are more clumsy now? I never used to fall and the last few years I fallen a few times. Sometimes it's not my fault, you know, flip flops on a wet floor sort of thing. I think maybe when I was younger I could catch myself better before I actually would fall, maybe my reflexes are just slower. I think next time I go to the doctor I'll ask him about this although it's sort of embarrassing.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

A Craving for Creme Brulee

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(I have no idea why my pics are so small. They were fine when I first loaded them on Sunday and then on Monday the quality was really bad so I tried to reload them and now they are small...it's a typical Monday for me!)
I was watching Rachel Ray's $40 a Day show on the FoodNetwork Channel the other night and she ordered Creme Carmel at one of the restaurants she visited. Ever since that I've been craving creme brulee and I can't get it out of my mind. One time I made this when I was living in another rental and I was trying to impress some guy I was dating so I fixed him dinner and then made creme brulee for dessert. He was in my living room and I was in the kitchen using the kitchen torch to brown the sugar. He said something to me and I turned around to answer him, and with the torch still on, my arm moved enough that it was off the dessert and burning my Formica counter top. It put a big brown spot about the size of a nickle in it. I was so stressed when I moved out of that place that my landlord was going to take a big chunk of my deposit because of this. When she came in to do the walk-through the day I moved out she threw her purse up on my kitchen counter and directly on top of the burnt spot. She never saw it! I felt kind of guilty because I'm an extremely honest person but she ended up selling the place within a couple of months. Now every time I make this I remember that day. I learned another lesson that day...never make a big, expensive dinner to impress a man you just started dating. I think it was our second or third date and I didn't know he was a picky eater. He didn't really like what I made and then he commented that I must be really hungry because I was eating a lot....he was history after that date!

This time I decided to try a new recipe. I picked Ginger-Vanilla Bean Creme Brulee that can be found here. Trader Joe's has a really good deal on whole vanilla beans if you are lucky enough to have a Trader Joe's close to you. This was really good but I love anything with ginger in it.

Note: See the glass jar with sugar in it? I bought that at a thrift store a couple days ago for $2. I love it!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

What a great day!

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About a month ago I got to pick out a gift from my company for my 5-year service award. I was really excited when I saw a Herman Miller Mantel Clock on the list. Okay so it's not exactly THE Howard Miller Clock I wanted but it chimes so I'm thrilled. I grew up with a Grandfather clock in my parent's house and the chimes bring back beautiful childhood memories for me. I love the quote from the movie "Under the Tuscan Sun" "Never lose your childish enthusiasm." I don't think I could lose that if I wanted to. The Fed Ex man came today and when I opened the box and saw this clock, I did a happy dance! I was beyond excited. It doesn't go with anything in my house, I don't have a bit of dark wood but I still love it. It's chiming now as I write this...I'm happy! Thank you wonderful Fortune 500 company that I work for!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

Friday Night Reading

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I dropped my daughter off at the movies and stopped at the store to get some bottled water. I ALWAYS have to go by the magazine section to see what's new. I got so excited when I saw a new issue of Romantic Homes and then I saw the Cottage Style magazine and could hardly control myself! A Friday night, a glass of wine and two new magazines, now that's my idea of a perfect start to the weekend.

I almost forgot, today on http://craigslist.org/ I found a FREE headboard that I'm going to paint white and give it the shabby look When I called about it she said a guy was on his way over to get it, about a half an hour later she called me back, for some reason the guy didn't want it...probably because it needs to be refinished badly. Once I start painting it I'll post some pics. My plan is to paint my whole bedroom set so it may be awhile.

Time to go read...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Some new finds

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Christi Carter's Art of Accessorizing
I cannot say enough good things about this book! Wow I love it. The rooms are so beautiful and I've already learned so many great decorating tips. I have a lot of decorating books but this is by far my favorite. I got it through HomeStyle Books
I love that book club! When you join you get 5 books for just $2...then when you buy more books you earn points towards more discounts on books. What a deal!

I found these pillows today at Marshalls. Yes, I went to Marshall's again today! They are so beautiful, this photo does not do them justice. They are a quilted toile and feather filled and very heavy. They are going on my sofa and I hope my little dog Beau doesn't chew them up! You can see Beau on the sofa below.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Shopping on my lunch hour

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Today was my first day back to work after being off for 2 weeks. By the time my lunch hour came around I was ready to get out of the office. I headed over to Marshall's and this is what I found...three more blue transferware plates to add to my collection. What a deal, all three plates for $20. On my way home from work I stopped at Bed, Bath and Beyond to pick up some plate hangers and I found this museum wax so I can wax down my sentimental china (see my previous post) so it won't get broken if we have an earthquake. This stuff works great and it puts my mind at ease a bit. Some people would spend more than $20 for something therapeutic but for me shopping for dishes was all the therapy I needed. I ♥ Marshall's!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

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Happy New Year everyone! Here's to 2007 being a great year!! My new year's resolution this year is to be more organized. I'm a neat freak on the outside but my drawers and closets aren't always as clean as I would like them to be. So, I started today by cleaning out my hall closet. It feels great to open the doors and not see a mess. Yesterday I took my English chintz china collection (photo above) down and washed them all. I keep my collection in this beautiful cabinet that my dad made for me. I have it hanging in my living room. (He also made the sign hanging on the door.) A couple of these teacups are very sentimental to me. My mom gave me the cup and saucer on the left on the bottom shelf. She bought this set in the late 40's when she was on vacation at Niagara Falls (way before I was born). I always loved it so a few years ago she gave it to me for my birthday. An ex-boyfriend gave me the cup and saucer in the middle on the top shelf. He also gave me some other pieces here but they are not antiques but I still love them all. Since I live in California I'm always so afraid that these might get damaged in an earthquake but I can't imagine not having them out to enjoy every day.