Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The cabinet is painted!!!

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I finished painting the cabinet a blue-gray last weekend and I'm really happy with how it turned out! (you can click on the photos to enlarge)
First I started by painting it a light gray, then I diluted a "French Blue" paint with a little water and brushed that over (working in small areas) and wiped it off. When that was dry, I diluted brown paint with a touch of black with water and brushed that on and wiped it off (again just working in small areas.) It's amazing to see how it transforms from a flat gray to a color with so much depth.

Since I get so many questions about painting furniture I have put a link on my side bar. Just click on the button that says "My technique for painting furniture" and it will take you to my step by step instructions!
Now I have a lovely piece of furniture and it didn't cost me that much. The cabinet was purchased at a thrift store for $49.99. The appliques were about $50 and the paint was about $12. I had some extra glass knobs. Total cost was a little more than $100!!! What a deal! UPDATED: I should have known some of you would want to know the paint colors I used! The base coat was Behr Interior House Paint in flat latex and the color was "French Gray" The second layer was just acrylic craft paint. The brand was Plaid Folk Art and the color was "French Blue". I don't have the exact colors for the brown and black I mixed together for the last step but they were also craft paint. I hope that helps!


Kimberly said...

Cindy, it is beautiful. Good for you for taking the color chance; boy, did it pay off!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!

What a great job you have done.
It look very expensive!
Good job!
Hug from Bodil

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Your home is like a showpiece. The blue is gorgeous and breaks up all of the white which I love though. I can't wait to see you on Rage My Space That will be fun.....

Debbie said...

It's gorgeous - I love the "bone structure" too - for me that makes all the difference. Older things almost always look better to me than newer things. Because of their "bone structure". The color is great.

Carla said...

Painting it the blue-grey color was such a good idea and you did a great job. It stands out against that stair case but it fits right in with everything else.

Maggie May said...

Beautiful job Cindy, I like that grey blue a lot!

Rachel said...

I'm so happy that you decided to paint the cabinet blue; it looks amazing!!! I would never have thought to start with grey, I would have spent eight months looking for that perfect grey-blue color. You're so smart.

jawright said...

All I can say is "WOW!" Turns out that blue was an even more inspired make-over choice than your original choice of white (which I tnought was totally fabulous... until I saw this - even better!). You definitely have a gift. Thanks for sharing it with all of us on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Cindy! What a gorgeous piece!! I love it and it looks great where you placed it. You are a master at asymmetrical accessorizing, which is to say I love how you arranged the items inside. I'm really looking forward to seeing you and your stunning home Thursday night on the show!!! Suesue

Glenda said...

I love it, It turned out so well.

It breaks up the room, but not in a drastic sore thumb way.

Great job, well done you.


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Cindy, that really looks great. I love these Frenchy gray-blue colors a lot. Looking forward to recording your debut on RMS on Thurs.!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Wow, that was certainly the right direction to go; it looks FABULOUS! Your home is so very pretty and always a pleasure to *visit*.

Anonymous said...


What a beautiful job, I just love it.

Kathy :)

sandra/tx said...

Wow! What a great transformation.

Kathleen Grace said...

indy, it looked so pretty white that when you mentioned painting it blue I just wasn't sure it could make it better, well it did! It looks fantastic! I love your technique, it really has so much depth:>) Are you in the wrong business maybe? You should be a decorator!

Anonymous said...

WOWZERS! The cabinet (as well as your entire apartment) looks absolutely amazing! How in the world do you decide which style and size appliques to use, and where to put them? They always look perfect for the piece you put them on. I've looked at appliques dozens of times for my china cabinet but I never follow through with ordering them for fear of picking something too big (or too small, or using too many, or too few etc.).

Stacey said...

I just have to say that's one of the prettiest transformations ever!! I wouldn't have guessed that your place could get any prettier. But - it just keeps on amazing me!

M and M said...

wow, Wow, WOW!

Esther Sunday said...

Fabulous! Thanks for the inspiration!!!!

Lorrie said...

Beautiful colour - I love it!


Anonymous said...

Cindy - It's GORGEOUS!!! Now I'm rethinking my black or white options for my armoire. I was thinking black yesterday but hmmm.....

God bless,

Missy Wertz said...

Cindy, the piece is just beautiful! And the displays inside just 'pop' with the added color. Very expensive looking piece. Beautiful job.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous work, Cindy! You did a fantastic job. Love the blue/gray color. Perfect!!!


Anonymous said...

I am really tired of saying "Oh my gosh, that is beautiful!" everytime I visit your blog. can you please get me thesaurus with alternative ways of saying this?

Cindy, it came out absolutely stunning. I think it adds just the right punch of color to your room! Great job!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! You did an amazing job and I know you are thrilled to see the finished piece in your home.
Have a fabulous evening,

Anonymous said...

All I can say is "WOW"!!!

paintergal said...

Cindy, you had a vision and stuck with it. It turned out so lovely.
Were the lights already inside the cabinet when it was purchased? Or did you add those?

Unknown said...

Wow! Cindy, it looks amazing! It has such richness and depth. Yup, I'm definitely going to try that with my jewelry armoire in my bedroom!

Pink Slippers said...

Wow--It really came out just right. I love how creative you are with mixing and changing paint colors.
Can't wait till Thursday..

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful!!! Great job, great bargain! Jannet

Charlotte said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Beautiful paint job.

Anonymous said...


I voted for you to paint this cabinet blue and I'm so glad you did! I don't know how you're going to top this -it's gorgeous!

Debbie V.

Anonymous said...

Oh muh gosh,it's beautiful Cindy. I want it~can I have it :)

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful! If I attempted a paint technique like that.....Well, lets just say it would not be pretty. I had to buy paint today to redo a hurricane candle base I painted a while ago.

Tricia said...

What a fabulous transformation! Lovely.

Mary said...

Cindy, it really turned out beautifully! And I'll bet the best part was filling it with all your lovely accessortes! :)

Unknown said...

CINDY!!!! That is just beautiful! Oh my gosh, what a transformation! You are so good at painting things! I am jealous, I LOVE that piece!


beachy in the burbs said...

I LOVE it!! It looks gorgeous. What a great job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,
It looks so tres chic that color. You do such a great job painting furniture. I'm glad you decided to do it the blue gray....love it and also love the chicken wire.


Unknown said...

WOW! I can't get over how AMAZING your cabinet looks! Then again I remind myself that the all knowing Cindy waved her wand. It looks like it was made just for that space and what a compliment to your already gorgeous room!

Anonymous said...

just amazing. i love it. you really did a great job.

just a little bit shabby said...

Cindy! SPECTACULAR!!!!!!! You did a WONDERFUL job!!! It looks great and it was such a deal. I agree with one of the earlier comments how can great keep getting greater? Talent, that's how!

Jean said...

It looks fabulous. I love it. It looks like a totally different piece of furniture. I can't wait to see rate my space with your room.Have a wonderful evening.
Jean in Virginia

Bambi said...

Cindy~That is certainly an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan! You had the vision to see it! And I noticed you still have the large birdcage on your table. Love it! And it's much better than a ficus:) Your room just gets more beautiful all the time.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Beautiful, Cindy, just beautiful!

Great job!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Brenda Pruitt said...

It turned out beautiful! I wish I had the patience to paint things, but I just don't. I end up making a big mess.


Hi Cindy,
It looks pretty!

Four Paws and Co said...

Cindy, this is magnificent! Congratulations on your beautiful cabinet. :0} Diane

Cottagecheap said...


Neabear said...

Congrats on finishing the painting. It turned out wonderful. Really adds to the room.

Free Art Printables said...

Totally fabulous! It really turned out nice and looks like a high end $3,000 piece!

Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
The cabinet looks beautiful and you did a great job on the pillows also.Carolyn

joanie said...

Cindy, it is beautiful. You are so gifted in being able to turn an item like this into a piece of true beauty. The color is lovely. Wish I had your ability to look at an "ugly duckling" and visualize it as a "swan"!

Best. Joanie

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Just beautiful! Love it!

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Oh, Cindy, this is beyond beautiful. I love the French blue. It's elegant. If I ever find a desk to go with my blue chair, I'm going to consult your instructions. The appliques are just perfect, too. You are amazing!!!

Lettered Cottage said...

I am BLOWN AWAY! It's gorgeous!
I am going to read about your technique and put it to use on something SOON!

Thanks for sharing...
The Lettered Cottage

Charmingdesigns said...

Just beautiful! Laurie

Suzann said...

The cabinet looks amazing. The colors you chose are perfect. I would love to transform something like that. Actually I do have something that just might work. I am going to check out your technique and maybe give it a go! Thanks for sharing!!


Mary Ruth said...

What a great transformation! I love it! It came out so beautiful! WOW it sure is a showpiece!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cabinet! And the room it's in is gorgeous too!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! I can't believe how beautiful and rich it turned out. You really are talented.


Unknown said...

Wow, your home is getting more elegant everyday, just looks fabulous. And that cabinet is AWesome. mishelle

The Style Sisters said...

Holy Cow you got it for $48.00! It looks absolutely gorgeous. You are very talented. The blue-grey is stunning. Just beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It is so amazing...and the perfect shade! I have been trying to figure out a technique to paint my furniture...and this is perfect! Thank you so much for being willing to share!

One Shabby Old House said...

Omgosh Cindy that is beautiful! I am amazed at the close up and what a lovely paint technique. How very nice of you to include the technique for us. That was just kind.
Thank you
I know that you are enjoying your masterpiece!

Michele said...

Cindy, it came out so pretty!! You really did a fabulous job!! Thank you for sharing your techniques with your readers, too! I know I'm grateful!!

Michele R.(CA)

Beneath the Eaves said...

Cindy I am finally catching up after the wedding. Your blog is so beautiful and I love all the ideas.
(Had to take time to back track)
The cabinet is just stunning.

emily said...

Wow! It turned out wonderful! Great job!!

bj said...

It is just beautiful, Cindy. I am glad you chose the blue gray...it looks really good with all the white. It is a lovely piece of furniture.

A Cottage Industry said...

I think this is your BEST work yet!! Magnificent!!!!!!!!!!! And your photography is perfection.

Stacey @ The Blessed Nest said...

That looks GORGEOUS!! I'm going to try your painting technique when I re-do grandma's chair! Great job on this project, Cindy :)


Cynthia's Cottage Design said...

Hi Cindy!

You did a Beautiful Job!! it looks absolutely gorgeous!! and thanks for your help on that issue too! You are one very talented woman!! ~ Cynthia ~

TinaTx said...

It looks awesome! I love it.
Got my TiVo all set up for tomorrow so I can watch Rate My Space when I get home from quilting class.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi Cindy, I went down the sidebar twice and couldn't find anything about painting.

Marilyn said...


You did a beautiful job! I think the blue/gray color was the perfect choice for that piece.

It really seems to highlight the wonderful workmanship and details that went into its creation.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

Hi Cindy! It looks beautiful!! Just stunning.

Happy October 1!

xo & blessings


Anonymous said...

You have "it". This is so pretty!

Anonymous said...

I am so blown away at how GORGEOUS this turned out. I love your color technique. It looks so high end. Do you mind sharing the exact brand and name of the blue and gray paint you used? Thanks!!

Elzie said...

It's very nice. You really are a blue girl LOL.
Hope you have a nice evening.
Love Elzie

Unknown said...

One word....
Just Stunning!

Anonymous said...

It turned out just lovely. You have such a talent for decorating. I come to your blog just to see what you have changed or added to your homey abode!

Elizabeth said...

Wow, you did a great job!!! You must have a lot of patience. I don't feel patient and sometimes processes that take some time are a challenge for me. Therefore, I really admire your ability to stick with something until it is done. Especially when it is "done" so pretty!


Kari said...

The cabinet looks absolutely amazing! It really looks like a professional did it. Fantastic!


Decor To Adore said...

WOW! Talk about a makeover! It looks lovely. I don't have cable so I am hoping that your rate your space will be on youtube soon.

Kim's Cottage said...

ooooo. Lovin' that smokey blue.

I think this is my favorite piece yet. Well, every piece you do seems to top the last. LOL But this one is the best.

Love it! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!


Anonymous said...

Its sooo perfect! Thanks for sharing how you did it! I gota get some of that paint now....

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Perfection Cindy. Thanks for the recipe! Talk about a makeover!!!

Anonymous said...

You've probably ansewed this question a hundred times but what kind of brushes do you use?

Cindy said...


I use mid-grade brushes...not the cheapest and not the most expensive. For the sides on this I used a foam roller and then brushed over it.

Anonymous said...

Bookmarked this. Thanksgiving owing to you looking for sharing. Positively advantage my time.

Karen Deborah said...

You are a furniture artist. Really, it's beautiful.

B. Anna said...

I hope you're not tired of hearing this, but that looks amazing, AMAZING!

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Cindy, it looks FABULOUS!
I am such a procrastinator when it comes to re-painting things...
Oh, I LOVE seeing the little birdie cone I made for you hanging on the cabinet ~ warms my heart!

Invest Antiques said...

Images are looking so awesome and You did a great job. The colors which you have used, I like the most. I am looking to get a good overview of the topic and your article provided help on the way. Thanks.
interior design

Athena at Minervas Garden said...

I know this project is from a few years ago, but what a glorious cabinet this is after you painted it! Love the grey and the depth you created with the variety of paints. I really appreciated reading your how to paint furniture post--it is very helpful, so thank you!

Anonymous said...

OH WOW!! This is beautiful!! And, I'm loving your whole house!! LOL!! I'm totally inspired!! Thanks for sharing!! Glad to have found you!!