Maybe I shouldn't be admitting this to the world but I'm experiencing hot flashes more than any other woman I know! This horrible symptom of menopause has been going on for over two years for me! When will it end?
If you haven't had a hot flash let me explain how it feels. It's different that just feeling hot from warm weather. It's more like an internal heat. It radiates outward and from what I understand it feels different to different women. For me, my back and the back of my neck are the worst. I think a cold person could stand next to me during one of my hot flashes and I would radiate enough heat to warm them up! Luckily they only last a minute or two.
After trying many things (aside from hormones, which I refuse to do), I still have no relief. When I heard that Poise had a line of products to help women like me I decided to sign up to try it and blog about it.
I got the product right before my vacation to Hawaii so I packed it away in my suitcase!
Hot flashes in 80 degree humid weather are not fun. I just pulled out one of these Poise Body Cooling Towlettes for hot flash comfort and it really did provide a cooling sensation! I can see carrying these in my purse and keeping it on my nightstand. It doesn't feel like a normal baby wipe type of towelette--it has a lingering cooling feeling after you use it. I like the towelettes because they seem very discreet. Nobody would even realize what you were doing.
Body Cooling Towelettes offer help with cooling and refreshment. Gently wipe the towelette on wrists, chest or neck to feel cool and comfortable. Featuring a portable, re-sealable package, these towelettes are easy to use anywhere you go
Even though hot flashes aren't fun I feel really fortunate that that is the only change I seem to be experiencing but Poise has a whole line of products to help women stay fresh and comfortable.
- Fifty million women across North America are approaching or experiencing menopause and most have an average of five menopausal symptoms. But no two experiences are exactly alike.
- **The 2013 Product of the Year award-winning Poise Feminine Wellness line was introduced to help women approach these life changes with confidence. The line consists of five products designed to help women with keeping cool, staying fresh, and intimacy. The line includes:
o Roll-On Cooling Gel and Body Cooling Towelettes provide cooling comfort during hot flashes.
o Personal Lubricant provides long lasting lubrication to enhance your intimate experience.
o Panty Fresheners and Feminine Wash provide daily freshness from odors.
Be sure to visit the Poise Facebook page to learn more about the Poise Feminine Wellness Line and sign up for a coupon or sample.
How would you like a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card? Just let me know how are you approaching life’s changes confidently and you will be entered to win!
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This sweepstakes runs from 4/04/13-4/30/13.
Be sure to visit the Poise brand page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!
I was experiencing 7 to 10 hot flashes a day when my ob/gyn suggested I try Estroven, a supplement that does not contain estrogen (despite the name). It cut my hot flashes down to 3 to 5 a week - much easier to live with.
Fortunately I haven't suffered as much from these unwanted heat-ups. I purchased a sweet looking little fan that went into my purse.
You'd think it enough that women have to have periods. What's with the hot flashes, too!?!?!
I was suffering from hot flashes and night sweats and my neighbor connected me with her naturopath. I now use bio-identical cream and it has taken them almost completely away. Big fan of the bio-identicals and they're made from yams - very safe!
Cindy, thanks for the chance to win! My only issue so far has been hot flashes at night and, the worst part of this insomnia. I am praying it does not get any worse and that I will be over this quickly! The bio-identical cream gave me a rash so that did not work anyway! I think having a sense of humor helps. Is your dress terrycloth? so cute.
my hot flashes run all day and night; and I've had them since my surgery in 2008, so I'm really tired of it also.
I take black cohosh 3x's a day and it seems to help a little...
certainly would love to win that card.
enjoy Hawaii!
Have had these for at least 5 yrs, sometimes it seems to be less/better, then they come back. The Poise towelettes seem like a good idea, I will look for them. I find if I miss a day of my female vitamins they get worse, much worse. Patty/BC
Hi Cindy.
I have a friend who is a Master Apothecary. I used to get at least 20 hot flushes a day until she made me a potion. I drink a tisane of a mixture of herbs every morning. I still get a few but nowhere near as many nor as horrible as they were.
Her FB page is
where she talks about her remedy for hot flushes.Don't worry about the French...she speaks English.
She's in England but I'm sure someone local to you can make up a tisane for you, Good luck! Suex
Good old hot flashes - the only thing that helped me was Vitamin E 2000 units a day as I couldn't take estrogen as I was prone to blood clots. I would take one 1000 in morning and one at night.
Good luck.
Hot flashes are a real pain.
I'm not crazy about all the side effects of getting older... but... its better than the alternative!
I had been having horrible hot flashes, cycling throughout the hour from hot to chilled and nothing in between--probably four each hour. I won't take hormones either and read online that SSRIs--selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors, also know as anti-depressants, helped hot flashes. I started taking Zoloft, and the hot flashes went away within a week. I take the amallest dose possible, and have only had to increase it once or twice. It's amazing!
Happy to say...I've never had a hot flash..I sure feel for those that do..Hawaii looks wonderful..
I had an immediate 'change' when I had a complete hysterectomy eons ago. I've tried all sorts of things. My favorite Dr (passed away too early in life) told me that warm weather will enhance any symptom of hot flashes, etc. I do take the lowest dose possible and 1/2 a tablet each evening of an HRT and combo of an SSI. It works! I'm not a depressed mess nor suffer from continuous hot flashes...or "power surges". :)
I'm accepting the changes that I'm going through and trying to embrace these changes with a positive attitude.
Thanks so much.
I tweeted:
Thanks so much.
I wake up every single day excited to tackle a new day and a new challenge.
I am taking vitamins and evening primrose oil to prevent menopause symptoms
I am approaching life's changes confidently by staying healthy and positive, by going on nature walks and eating lots of fruits and vegetables.
I'm mostly trudging along and accepting each day as it comes. I'm taking vitamins.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Think still in a bit of shock I went into early menopause. I had thyroid cancer, had surgery and radiation, then on suppression therapy. Apparently can happen but no Dr. ever said it to me. So just when we were talking about having a 2nd child my body quits an dries up -- literally. In a sad mode right now but trying to find my way out of it confidently right now.
tvollowitz at aol dot com
I try to embrace what's new in my
life and make the best of it.
I am reading a lot and learning from those who have walked the walk before me.
I just started having hot flashes and night sweats about 6 months ago. And migraines, which are terrible. So far I'm just muddling through and hoping this goes by fast. I need to check these Body Cooling Towelettes out.
I am approaching life's changes with some concern, but I am eating right, getting a bit of exercise, really trying to take care of myself, to make the change easier.
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
2nd entry tweet -
jslbrown_03 at yahoo dot com
By simply rolling with the changes and doing what needs to be done to take care of any problems that come up :)
I'm excepting the changes my body is going though hot flashes and all. I'm trying to eat healthier and get more exercise
s2s2 at comcast dot net
s2s2 at comcast dot net
I am fine, so far. I had the night sweats 6 years ago and nothing since other than some light incontinence. I just hit 50 so I am sure the rest of menopause should be hitting me any time now. It's about the age my Mom started going through it. I just hope I handle it as gracefully.
I tweeted
I'm not quite there yet, but I'm trying to lose weight and eat healthier so that it will be easier when the time comes.
I'm not quite there yet but I will feel confident knowing there will be help out there with these products!!
I actually used the threat of post-meno weight gain as a reason to start eating healthier and using better portion control. I'm 15 lb lighter than before menopause...and much more confident!
I had my first experience with hot flashes when I was about 37 I am now 53 and they are at they're all time worst. I understand what you mean by the person next to you feeling the heat and when I wake up in winter soaked with sweat then freezing cold from being soaked what fun someday surely it will end.
just trying to stay healthy
I was one of those lucky ones. A medical procedure just prior to menopause has greatly reduced my experience. If I get hot flashes it's only once in a blue moon and they are very short lived. I feel very fortunate.
I try to stay consistent with exercise, and I dress in layers for those days when I'm hotter than usual!
madelinebrubaker {at} gmail (dot) com
Tweet link:
I'm trying to eat better and work out as much as possible. Sometimes it's so difficult, and things come up, but I'm still trying! I have PCOS so there's already hormonal problems within. You can just do the best you can with what you're dealt.
I'm not there yet and hopefully won't be for awhile, but I hope to face it the same way I do other big changes in life with a little bit of humor and a lot of love from those around me. onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
Tweet: onefrugalgirl AT gmail DOT com
By accepting life as it is and looking for positives
Thanks! Janna JOhnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc
I keep up with daily exercises and have balanced meals to prepare for life's changes.
I keep up with changes by just taking one day at a time. Do the best I can every day!
tarapwin @
extra sleep and positive affirmations! scg00387 at yahoo dot com scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I always tell myself" We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us" stay positive
life changes are inevitable so all you can do is deal with it!
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
What else can I do but accept it with grace??
I'm just taking the changes one day at a time, and hoping they don't come too quickly!
I zipped right through menopause. The secret is knowledge and attitude.
I blogged
I tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
I am approaching life changes with moisturizer and tweezers. So far the big changes I've noticed are a few gray hairs, and drooping skin under my eyes. I moisturize under my eyes and pull out the grays w/tweezers.
Oh, my goodness, this is so topical for me as I too am experiencing hot flashes, but I haven't gone to the doctor yet to talk about it, I've just dealt with them. I will buy this product for sure! So that too is one of my current struggles! Susan purrpage3 at verizon dot net
I'm approaching 40 and making sure to get more exercise and calcium in my diet!
aleksnearing gmail com
Trying to eat better and exercise more,
I'm doing one day at a time and learning what I can about menopause.
MCantu1019 at aol dot com
Due to medications and thyroid problems I went through menopause earlier than expected. It was fast and not too bad – hot flashes were, however, a weird experience – like suddenly being on fire from the inside. Mainly – keep your sense of humor!
I’m trying to exercise and take my vitamins daily. I’m really trying to do better and stay healthy since I'm over 40. Lately I’ve been dealing with night sweats.
I was always the person who was cold. I wore sweaters while everyone else had sleeveless tops and had the heater on in the car when my children had the windows down. Hot flashes just seemed to bring me closer to everyone else's normal temperature.
Now I just have issues with bladder control. Super absorbent pads are a necessity when I'm in public.
willitara [at] gmail [dot] com
I've grown to accept that my body has changed, but it has created so many things!
Change is going to happen. You should treat your body the best you can and be ready!!
I Tweeted:
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com
I realize that attitude is all about how you approach things in life and I am approaching change with a sense of excitement about this new phase of my life
teechbiz at gmail dot com
Here is the link for my tweet
teechbiz at gmail dot com
take it one birthday at a time
Just go with it.
i just ttry to eat well, and not worry...
howardreviews atgmaildotcom
By looking into my child's eyes and realizing that this is all for him! I gotta do my best.
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
-Ashley Marie Morrissey
I'm taking it one day at a time
I have yet to hit menopause, but know from my family history that it will be rough going. My periods have always been a nightmare of 8 days of heavy bleeding with night sweats and heat flashes sine I first started at age 11! I am fully prepared for this to be magnified and even worse. I am not confident. I am terrified!
14earth at gmail dot com
I tweeted here:
14earth at gmail dot com
pokergrl8 at
I'm handling it with confidence one day at a far night sweats are my biggest issue
I am not going through menopause yet, but as I get older my body is changing and I have to work twice as hard to stay in shape and I feel like I am trudging along and not quite yet embracing it
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
one day at a time
I swim 3 times a week and keep active with singing and volunteering. I could have used the Body Cooling Towelettes 10 years ago when I had my Power Surges.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
As I get older I am eating better and exercising more.
I haven't had any flashes yet. I'm hoping to use a product like this when they do happen!
Dear Cindy,
Would it be weird to whip out a cool towelett out of my purse during mass and wipe the back of my neck?
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