Thursday, March 31, 2011

Show and Tell Friday!

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It's Show and Tell Friday time once again!  This has been a crazy week, as you can probably tell from my lack of blog posts!  I can't believe it's Thursday already!   

Last weekend I cut my lilacs and then got so busy that I never even got a photo of the beautiful bouquet. It's now sitting on my coffee table all dried up and dead!  So, I'm using my photo from last looked exactly the same. LOL 

We are finally having wonderful weather here. We had 15 days of continuous rain and now it's sunny and in the 80s here!  I love it!!  

I finally got over to my favorite little shop, Vintage and Vogue, and took some photos...I can't wait to share those with you next week!

A few weeks ago I shared a catalog photo of a lace top I ordered online, so I thought I would show you the top on me.  It's not a great photo because it was taken with my iphone in a dark bathroom through the mirror but I LOVE this top so I wanted to share...

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Thank to all of you that join in every week!


Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Kathy said...

Cindy! I just love lilacs! Your arrangement is gorgeous -I miss their beauty and their fragrance.
The lace top looks marvelous!
Hope you have a great weekend,

Sue@Uniquely Chic said...

Love the lace top...thinking Boston Proper, no?

lvroftiques said...

Well the lilacs are gorgeous! But look at you girl! You're lookin' super glam! Love the new shirt. Vanna

Blue Creek Home said...

I love your lace top - you look beautiful!
Thanks for hosting.

Jodie said...

Hope your sunny weather heads our way. Love the lace top, you are looking skinny girl! I didn't get a lace top but I just got new hiking boots, Mendels, and boy are they comfy! Thanks for hosting.

Olivia said...

You look gorgeous! Just beautiful! Love the top and your hair is va va voom!

Susan said...

Hi Cindy...Loved seeing the lilacs. Still have awhile to go before we see them in the east.

Your top looks lovely but not HALF as lovely as YOU look. You really have taken weight off and KEPT it off. You should be SO PROUD of yourself. Goregous! Susan p.s. Thanks for doing Show and Tell Friday, by the way. It's so much fun.

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

I can almost smell those beautiful lilacs! Love the top too.

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

Cindy, I love your beautiful bouquet of lilacs! I have been enjoying the warm, spring weather over the hill from you in Santa Cruz.

Your lace top is really elegant and pretty!

Thanks for hosting this party!


Sarah said...

Cindy, the lilacs are gorgeous, and so are you. ;-)
The lace top looks great on you. Wish we could grow lilacs here. Thanks for hosting each week. ~ Sarah

Debbiedoos said...

I love that top on you Cindy! Thanks for hosting.

Victoria said...

Oh Cindy, you look amazing!!! How are we supposed to look at the flowers? You look totally different from when I first started following your blog...not that you weren't gorgeous then but you really do look amazing!!!

Nancy's Notes said...

You look gorgeous in that fabulous lacy top!

Thanks for hosting such a fun party!


Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I look beautiful in your lace top. I think it is so pretty...and SO are your lilacs. I wished they would last longer than they do.

Thank you for hosting!


laxsupermom said...

Your lilacs are beautiful! We won't see lilacs blooming until May. Still snowing here. :(

Thanks for sharing and for hosting this party each week.

bj said...

Cindy, come over and leave a comment for a chance to win a darling Danish
enamel house sign...sure would be cute on your fence around your pretty little patio..:))
Thanks so much for hosting...and lilacs are some of my favorites...

LBB said...

Just found your blog & linked up! Thanks for hosting. Can't wait to go through all the great "show & tell's" :)

Anonymous said...

First off my dear friend, you are just stunning! Second, the lilacs are beautiful :) Happy weekend to you! Xoxoxo

Faye said...

I love lilacs...they ARE my favorite ever since I can remember.
Thanks for hosting such a fun party!!!

Betsy@My Salvaged Treasures said...

Your lilacs are gorgeous. You're lucky to have had such beautiful blooms with all this rain we've been having. It's been nice to have a few warm spring days. The top looks great...looks like spring:)

ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

Cindy thanks so much for hosting! Your lilacs are beautiful, I think I'm catching a wiff of there pretty fragrance now! Martina

Nelly said...

Love that top too and looks gorgeous on you

Victorian1885 said...

What a wonderful lace look beautiful!

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

Your vase with liliac is beautiful! Thanks for hosting. Veronica

Diann said...

Oh, I am so envious of you having lilacs already!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Cindy...gorgeous lilacs and I love your new top. Sooo pretty!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

such pretty lilacs. thanks for hosting.

Quirky Homemaker said...

Thanks for hosting!! Love that top!

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Cindy,
Your lilacs are purely dreamy! and your lace top is gorgeous and you are so beautiful!

A Perfect Setting said...

Your photo of the lilacs is so beautiful, and that lace top looks great on you! Great choice!! Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Cindy! I haven't seen a picture of you in so long. I can't believe how wonderful you look! Just gorgeous! Congrats on loosing all your weight.

Your Lilacs are beautiful too! :)

Thanks for hosting Show and Tell!


Decor To Adore said...

Wow Cindy you are looking FABULOUS!

Love the flowers.

Vicki said...

Hi, Cindy. Thanks for hosting. You look gorgeous in that blouse!

Leave a Legacy said...

I love your lilacs. I'm still looking at snow out my window! And your lace top is beautiful and beautiful on you. You look great!

Pamela said...

I love your lilacs!

I just joined your link party for the first time!
I have to tell you that your blog was the first one i found when i discovered blogging...and yes i became a follower right away.
Happy Friday!

Pamela xo

Denise Marie said...

Love your purples. I'm showing my pinks. lol Love for you that you are hiking and getting outdoors!!

Anonymous said...

I can almost smell the lilacs! Hoping for our last snow to finish tomorrow so we can start dreaming of ours! Question - I tried to post your romantic home badge, and on my blog it is supersized! How can I put your link on my side bar without it appearing so oversized...any tips? Thanks!

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...

LOOK at your lilacs!!
I am so jealous!!
Everything is still brown here!!
Cute shirt by the way!

The Paper Mulberry - Glenda Steel said...

My post doesn't really explain that the sitting room is newly finished (only taken us 12 years of restoration!) and is done on a tight budget! I keep the writing to a minimum on my blog as I know how frustrating it can be when you don't speak the language! I let the pictures do the talking (hopefully)! Great, great blog by the way!

Melanie said...

Your newest follower and linker! Glad I found you!

Reasons To Skip The Housework
Tuesday Time Out Link Up Party

Simone @ Doberman's by the Sea said...

Hey Cindy, gorgeous flowers and your shirt isn't too shabby either! Happy Friday.

Barbara said...

Oh My Gaaaaaah! You look absolutely GORGEOUSLY AMAZING! I have been following your blog for 4 or 5 years and boy have you changed. The blouse and Lilacs are beautiful too! But You proud of YOU!

I know gorgeously is not a word but hey your look has made it a word! Keep up the good work!

NanaDiana said...

Cindy- You AND your lace top are both beautiful~ And, the lilacs are stunners. I am so anxious to see some blooming here in the midwest! xxoo Diana

Caleen said...

I love your lace top. very stylish and classy. Love your blog as always. Love the Show and Tell Friday too.
The Lilacs are beautiful too. Thanks for Hosting :)

Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

You had me at the Lilacs! My Favorite Flower.... still another 6 weeks or so till we see them bloom, here in Michigan they are calling for Snow Showers & it isn't an April Fools Joke ~ So Happy to be joining in....


Your lilacs are beautiful! Can't wait to have some to cut :).
Thanks for hosting.
~ Julie

Anonymous said...

Lovely lilacs! Thanks for hostessing.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Oh my gosh..our lilacs won;t be out for at least 8 or 9 weeks...lucky you!!!! Hope this finds you well.Chrissy

Unknown said...

Loving all the spring ideas!

Burlap Luxe said...

Cindy The lilacs look beautiful, they just weep perfectly imperfect in there vase!!

Thank you girl for having us link and show off our beauty!!

Its a celebration over here girl!!


The Charm of Home said...

Cindy, You look beautiful in that top. That is a very nice picture of you. I like the top too. Your lilacs are very pretty too. Thanks for hosting.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

I can see why you love the top, Cindy. It's beautiful! Thanks for hosting the party.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Vicki said...

I'm new at this but have discovered some nice blogs like yours that are just a joy. I come back here, lots.

Thank you for sharing so much of your beautiful home and design ideas. I find your posts to be just delightful, lots of variety and current, with lovely photos and collages; very relaxing and a treat for the eyes, no matter how tired I am at day's end when I'm glued to the screen.

Today, I happened on to your "I've been tagged" posts in the "archives" and I had to chuckle. Sometimes you're so darn hard on yourself; brutally honest. Just don't forget to pat yourself on the back, too. Looks to me like you've got a lot going for you...attractive, chic, smart! You've inspired me (I'm a few years older) to pretty-up a bit, as I think I've turned into a sort of faded-looking gal too soon (me, and also the house!). I've had too many major moves, my "pretty things" are packed away (for years) and I'm determined 2011 is when they are finally going to be unpacked, placed into their rightful "homes" in my house. Grandma and aunties will breathe a sigh of relief that their small "heirlooms" can breathe again.

See? Isn't it wonderful to know that you have such influence on the rest of us? You set a terrific example for how to live with beauty. I'm sure you could live in one of those tiny vintage trailers and it would still look like a million bucks!

Thanks, Cindy...from a fellow Californian south of Point Conception (btw, I don't drive long distances either and, yes, I envy my gal pals who can just hop in the car, race to LAX on jammed freeways, etc. but, you know, where we aren't strong in some stuff, we're mighty in others!)

Vicki said...

Okay, now look....I just read through all of the comments and everybody is talking about a changed Cindy. What did I miss? How did you lose the weight? You haven't been hiking all that long, right? I get the two Taco Bell burritos, 9 grams of fat each (I think) but please share sometime, at the risk of repeating, so that the rest of us can catch up and maybe pick up a few weight loss tips because, yeah, I thought the same, "wow, she's pretty va-va-voom; I'm in the 50s, so how come I don't look like that??!!"

Ev said...


The lilacs were gorgeous too.

c said...

Cindy, you look amazing! Is there an area where you talk about the diet you used?

The French Hutch said...

hi Cindy, The lilacs are beautiful, made such a great arrangement. The lace top is fabulous. Look fab on you.......

The French

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Cindy! I can just smell those beautiful lilacs! I can hardly wait til they start blooming here. Your lace top is just stunning on you, too! You are adorable! :)

xoxo laurie

Anonymous said...

Cindy, you fab in your new lace top and I can tell you've really lost some weight. Congratulations.

Angela @ Cottage Magpie said...

OH my goodness, Cindy, you look FANTASTIC!!! Like a movie star. I'm so impressed, seriously. Beautiful!

And the lilacs are gorgeous, too.


Jan said...

Thanks for sharing your lilacs. Can't grow them where I live so at least I can drool over your photos. You look very nice in the photo ...someone commented on a diet. Is it true that you've lost weight. I haven't seen many photos of you personally, but all I can say is that you look great now!!!

Jan @ aBellaCasa

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Hi Cindy~ ~What a great post and shop. We have a few favorite places that I seem to go back to again and again also.
I have been trying to link up to your linky and at the bottom it says: Post Closed and it will not let me join. Is anyone else having this problem? Thanks
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Anonymous said...

I just saw your home showcased on Cottage of the month, while there are lovely pieces in your home, don't you think it looks too "staged" and very "store-like". Too many things jamed in. How can you live in a house like that?