Thursday, June 10, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

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Once again it's time for Show and Tell Friday and once again the week got away from me so I'm going to share something I shared here a couple years ago.  This is my heart-shaped rock collection.  I had more than these but I think that some got lost when I moved about about 6 years ago.  I've found these here and there and I'm always on the lookout for new ones to add! Every time I see a pile of rocks I make sure to quickly glance around.  It's a funny thing to collect but fun!

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Show and Tell Friday

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The Charm of Home said...

Oh, those are super cute! What a fun collection!

Natasha in Oz said...

Hi Cindy! It sounds like you have had a busy week like I have! My kids start their winter vacation next week so they have studying and we have all been so busy.

Thanks for having me today and I hope you have a great weekend.

Best wishes,

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

I have wanted to collect heart shaped stones too :) Something kind of fun and special!

Kindly, ldh

Olga Poltava said...

How cute those heart-shaped rocks are.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Cindy! What a fun collection! I'll bet it makes it hard to pass by a pile of rocks! lol So sweet! Happy weekend...hugs...Debbie

Blondie's Journal said...

These are just the neatest thing!! I would imagine that you would have to look far and wide and long to get just one and you have a nice collection. Awesome!


Nancy's Daily Dish said...


Your little rock heart collection is so cute! Love it!

vignette design said...

What a fun collection. I never thought about collecting heart shaped rocks! Now I will be on the lookout for them! Thanks for hosting Show and Tell Friday. It's always fun to participate. Have a fabulous weekend!

Beth said...

How sweet those heart shaped rocks are! xoxo Beth

Lisha said...

Hi Cindy, love your heart shaped rock collection--what a great idea! I know what I will be doing when out and about~~Lisha

Joanne Kennedy said...

How funny! I have a collection of heart rocks too! Great minds think alike!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy~that's a fun idea :)

Sarah said...

Cindy, your heart shaped rocks are wonderful. I've have a few that I've found through the years. It is a fun little collection! Thanks for hosting "Show and Tell Fridays". ~ Sarah

Paula said...

I lov e your rock collection! Paula from Idaho said...

I have never even thought to look for rocks in a shape! What a great collection!
Thanks for hosting!

the cape on the corner said...

oh, i love that! how special. this is admittedly odd and i can't believe i am sharing this, but once the kitty litter (post use) was in the shape of a heart. i said the cat must really love us, lol!

Gattina said...

What a nice idea ! You are the first one I know collecting stone hearts, lol ! they are real cute. Must be hard to find just like shamrocks with 4 leaves !

desiree said...

OMG! I hve heart shaped rocks too! Thanks for sharing yours--I think there is something special when you find something in nature shaped like a heart! Have a great weekend!

Debbie~ said...

Cindy, how funny, I also collect heart rocks, I've been doing it for years. From the coastal beaches to wonderful rocky formations in Eastern Washington, where there seems to be a huge number of heart formed rocks, maybe from all the volcanic activity eons ago...lucky me! Thanks for sharing your lovely collection, I'll share mine soon!
Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

Danylle McLain said...

I too collect heart shaped rocks. It's something my kids help me with at the river. Love the photo!

Barbara Jean said...

Thanks for hosting.Looks like a lot of great things to see this week.

barbara jean

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Cindy, these little heart rocks are so sweet! I've got a girlfriend who also collects these.

I'm joining up with you today ~ also getting ready to hostess a WEDDING BLOG PARTY on the 25th ~ would so love for you to join us ~ read about it by clicking on the bridal button on my sidebar ~ there will also be a sweet giveaway!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Junkie Junkeldorf said...

I love these. They remind me of a turtle my mom made from rocks when I was little.

Mary said...

Aw, what a sweet collection! :) Have a wonderful weekend!

Julie said...

OH...I do love your little heart shaped rocks.. too cute. I just posted about a thrifted heartshaped birdcage yesterday, and wouldn't they look cute on display in there???? :-)
Thanks for sharing about them, and for the Friday parties . It's fun to visit and see all the treasure finds out there...

Elsie said...

Well Cindy that is about the cutest
collection I have ever seen. My
Grandson loves to collect rocks so
I will have to show him these. Not
to long ago I had a heart potato
in my 10# bag.LOL.":O)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for hosting, Cindy. It is always fun to see what others collect. I like your rocks and the way you've displayed them.
Mame Bear

Jennifer said...

I love shapes - these are very cool - would I ever find them - no - just like when I decided to collect sea So I collect feather and I love them! Jennifer jennsthreegraces

Carolyn said...

Those are so cute! Thank you for hosting.


jisabird said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy said...

I thought I was the only one to pick up heart shaped rocks! I also have a small heart collection (did I say small?) in my bathroom. I decided to restrain and keep them to one room. Mostly Limoges and perfume bottles and such. LOVE HEARTS. LOVE your rocks!

Rhianna said...

I love heart shaped rocks as well. I've found quite a few over the years, but usually give them away to people I care about. Yours are lovely to look at. Rhianna Wyldestone Cottage


Hi Cindy, I love your sweet rock collection. I have one heart shaped rock that my husband found in a local park and gave to me. How wonderful to have a nice collection like yours!

Michelle said...

What a cute rock collection!

Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend! :o)

Cass @ That Old House said...

I love stone picking on the beach! Last year my husband and I, on a cruise up the coast of Canada, found wonderful heart shaped stones at the Bay of Fundy. So cool!

Maude Lynn said...

What a neat collection!

The Blackwood Cottage said...

Cindy, what a great and unique collection. It was so funny, you should have seen my face when I started to post my show and tell, I posted about a rock collection too! Have a great weekend and thanks for hosting!!!

sanjeet said...

those are super cute! What a fun collection!
PPC Advertising India

Anne said...

What a neat collection to have. And you know, they really do look like hearts. How cool is that.

Kayte said...

The thing about collecting heart-shaped stones is that once you find one, others just start turning up. I guess it's all in the way you look at things:)

GwendolynKay said...

Love those rocks. what a neat thing to collect.

Beverly@MySew Sweet Studio said...

What a fun collection, Cindy. That would be a great thing to start my grandkids collecting.
We do a lot of camping and they love to throw rocks. Collecting them could be a lot more fun and safer too.

Vintage Home said...

...oh my goodness I have a Heart Rock collection too!
Thanks for sharing!

pussman and co said...

I really love your rock collection!
What a wonderfull find! :)