Last Saturday, my friend Natasha and I drove up to the wine country. Two months ago when we were there we became St. Supery wine club members so we had to go pick up our wine. We could have had it shipped to us but with the wine country so close we decided that we would drive up every other month. It's a good excuse to get up there! The photo above is from the Beringer Winery. Isn't that beautiful? Truly breathtaking!

Since we are members of St. Supery we get to go to a special area upstairs for our free wine tasting. It was so crowded in the main wine tasting are downstairs so it was so wonderful to go upstairs and sit down and relax.
Life is good...but this picture isn't! haha
My friend Natasha, she never takes a bad photo...
This is Joe, he was pouring our tastings. He was such a nice guy! I had someone else take this photo and I told her to push the button halfway so it will auto-focus and then take the photo. Obviously she didn't follow my directions so this is a very blurry photo...
After wine tasting at St. Supery we drove further up the road and I had to stop to take a photo of this place....
These photos do not do it justice. It so beautiful...
As you walk in the front door, this room which is roped off is on the right-hand side of the entry...
After we left the CIA, I got in the car and found that a bird had pooped all over my windshield so I turned on my wipers and sprayed the water and my windshield cracked!!! new car that I've only had about a month now has a cracked windshield! I was happy to see that they aren't too expensive to replace and because I'm a AAA Premier member I'll get a $50 reimbursement. That just paid for the extra money it cost to become a Premier member!
We also saw these shirts at a shop in one of the wineries. I thought the sayings were so cute...
We had such a great time! The weather was beautiful but HOT! It was close to 100 degrees. This little bird found a way to cool off...
I'm already looking forward to going back in August to pick up our next shipment!
My husband and I were in San Francisco in April and drove up through the wine country. It was just gorgeous!! We stopped at Beringer and that house is spectacular. Also saw the CIA but didn't go inside. I've heard it's a great place to eat. Have you been there for lunch or dinner? If I lived close, I think I'd go to the wine country every weekend. It's more beautiful than the pictures can possibly show! I love your side trips by the way!
Cindy you look gorgeous in that photo! I love your hair color, it looks more blonde than your profile suits you:)
Those t-shirts are hilarious! I've never been to wine country but it's on my to do list:)
Looked like an enchanting trip and even more fun with a friend! Thanks for the pictures and the great description, now, time for some wine! Donna...the 3rd sister
Wine Country looks beautiful and delicious! Fortunately we have replacement glass coverage on our auto policies because Bob commutes on the highway and has to replace his windshield 3 or 4 times a year due to stones etc. Hope your Jag does better at retaining windshields than the Chevy Colorado ;)n
What a nice outing you and Natasha had! I am continually awed at the beauty of Wine Country. Thank you for taking such wonderful pictures and then posting them here.
I think you look beautiful in these photos, and that blouse is to die for!!!
Thanks for the post, the photo's are wonderful and the both of you look great, I love the blouse too. XO MARY
I love those shirts! So funny! The wine country there is truly beautiful - so you are missy!
Go Roberto!
Great and your friend are both lovely! ♥
Great pictures, Cindy! I love that first one. I think you both look lovely!
Looks like you gals had a great time. Cindy
Cindy , as usual your photos are beautiful!! And both of the ones of you are great as well!
I love all that cherry wood in that room. I am torn between cherry wood and the shabby chic look. I have cherry wood in my living/dining room. In the sun room it is more shabby chic and the guest room.
Hi Cindy:
That blessed to know a wine, I love to see is that they gather the grapes for wines.
My company is an Exclusive Distributor of Liquor with more than 100 years old here in Costa Rica. We have a huge number of wines imported from Europe, Chile and we have some U.S. wines are called Torres. I think they're from California, delicious wine, my favorite is red.
Well is visited for the blog to show us your travel. I have not been forgotten about the cafe, it turns out that my friend could not come, but you sent it by courier.
Pura Vida¡¡¡¡¡¡
Cindy...That is a wonderful photo of you! What a great place to visit and it is so close to you! Sorry about your windshield.~Hugs, Patti
Thanks for the tour, and great pictures - Looks like a fun place to go. Sounds like you and your friend had a very enjoyable day trip - thanks for sharing it with us. So sorry about your windshield!:-(
Hello Cindy, I've never been to California but it truly looks beautiful. Maybe one day. I think your photo of yourself is lovely. Have a great week. Beverley
Okay, I live only about an hour away from Napa... and I always forget! Why, oh why don't I go there more often? It was really fun to see familiar sights on your post today.
Hmmmm... what am I doing this weekend...?
Cindy~ There is nothing better than
to have fun with a friend. I know
I will never make it to California
so thank you for showing me what
it looks like. It is beautiful. Now
you two stay out of trouble.teehee.
Great photo of you both. ":O)
I miss Napa why are you doing this to me? Are you trying to torture me?
Cindy you are equal in beauty to your friend and take beautiful pictures as well.
I love the GROUP THERAPY PULL OVER SHIRT...My favorite :)
I need some group therapy :)
Did you enjoy your drive?
Looks like you had great fun. Great pics, too. Thanks for sharing.
So glad you had fun...the valley is definately pretty. Its funny I have lived in Napa for most of my life and I have NEVER been wine tasting...LOL! Last week my kids had a field trip to the movie theater in St.Helena and we took the drive up Silverado trail to get there, and I actually paid attention to the scenery, it was so beautiful. I think when you live somewhere and see it everyday in the hustle and bustle you tend to look past it and forget how truly awesome your surroundings are...
I tasted several times California wines that are just as famous as French wines and have nothing to envy. They deserve to be served with a fine french meal. :o)
Great photos of the CIA. You all look like you had a lovely time.
I haven't been to Napa in years. Maybe one day I'll drag my husband up there. We never seem to get any further than Los Olivos Wine Country just above Santa Barbara.
Group therapy! That cracked me up - but isn't it the truth, a good friend and wine - life is good! (and your picture was to!) Glad you had such a great time, I want to head that way after seeing your beautiful pictures - besides Oklahoma is getting way too much rain lately!
My husband and I visited Napa in 2000. Thanks for allowing me to remember our trip. :)
BTW - Would you mind sharing your brand and shade of lipstick? I can't seem to pick a good one these days!
My favorite place in Napa is the V. Sattui Winery. I have a backpack that is set up for wine and a picnic. We would drive up there, buy lots of picnic foods from their deli and a bottle of our favorite wine. Then go find a table and set out the tablecloth and wine glasses and spend the afternoon.....eating and drinking and relaxing.
The Culinary Ins. used to be the Old Christian Brothers Winery. When I saw that it became a Culinary school.....I thought that was a great use for such a fine old building.
It is beautiful most definitely. It seems like you had a fantastic trip. I enjoyed looking at your photos so much.
Thanks for sharing.
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