I have so many decorating books but I don't have one bookcase in my apartment! I just like to stack them up in different rooms. The make great risers to display things!
and they are pretty to look at! My favorite book is An Affair with a House by Bunny Williams
! What a gorgeous place and such a wonderful story of her affair with this grand home!
Cindy~ A friend of mine is obessed
too. She has stacks and stacks of
decorating books. She tells me not
to buy,borrow from her. Now that's
a good friend. I have a lot of
my Grandfathers' books I use for
stacking and putting objects on.
Bunny Williams book is also my favorite. I have it front and center on my coffee table. Love decorating books too.
OH yes, I agree. Also....magazines for me. Uffda! ;-)
Hi Cindy,
That does sound like a wonderful book and I have read reviews of it. But I have never had the pleasure of perusing it for myself. I will try to get it out of the library, perhaps.
Hugs, cindy S
Oh, I can relate - I am the same way about decorating books. I have many of the same ones you have. But it never seems to be enough; there are ALWAYS more that I want, and new ones coming out that I would LOVE to buy if I could!
Hey Cindy,
We are definitely kindred spirits. I have so many of the same books you do and I'm still buying more, my poor hubby has threatened to take away my credit cards.
I also adore Victoria books.
My fave decor book is "The Paris Apartment, Romantic Decor on a Flea Market Budget" and all of Carolyne Roehm books, especially "A Passion for Blue and White".
Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for the recommendation of the Bunny Williams book - I'll be checking that one out!
Love your collection of books and how you use them! I have many of the same, including the book by Bunny Williams. It is wonderful!
Hi Cindy, I hope you are planning on linking up to the Designer Challenge party tomorrow. Hugs and kisses! Catherine
I do have bookcases, Cindy, but I love to have my decorating books separate from novels. I just recently put all of mine on my coffee table. I have half a dozen on my Amazon wishlist, too!
Cindy, I have a great fondness for books. I created a room in h ome called the Library...........it is so nice to have my books in there. My husband purchased a old french cubbord for me........if you have time do see the post on my Library. I am a new follower so please join me. Come by for a visit. XO MARY
Cindy, I join you in this obsession. My favorites are any of Charles Faudree books and An Affair With A House. I just received The New French Decor- Living With Timeless Objects by Michele Lalande. It is an amazing book with the most fabulous photos of vignettes.
xo, Sherry
I enjoy them as well, but I don't have nearly as many as I would like. They are such a comfort to look at.
I'm hooked on them, too! Somehow I can 'get lost' in them and dream dreams otherwise lost in the routine of everyday living. And ideas? Oh, my goodness, the ideas I get and put into practice from them. Should we start a support group?
I have the same bad habit but also with magazines and gardening books. Thanks for sharing....Julian
Oh so, so, so do I! And decorating mags...I get 'em all. And, the time/setting must be just so in order to get lost in them, like NOT during my lunch hour at work. Work polutes the experience. My favorite setting is a Saturday morning, raining outside and with a cup of coffee in bed after I have woken up.
Go Roberto! I'll forgive you for the Lion King outfit...
I'm a decorator book fan too! I've got a coffee table that I had a glass shelf built for the bottom just for my decorating books...well most of them! I've probably got 40 books there! I've got French doors on my office and sometimes I like to close the doors, turn on some classical music and peruse the books! Love Bunny Williams and Faudree.
I love decorating books too and although I have a few, I'm usually too cheap to pay the price for them. I also love those big, thick paperback decorating books that Home Depot and Lowes carries. I drooled over one today that was nothing but beautiful porches and patios but it was $20 and I just couldn't bring myself to buy it. ::sigh::
I know some bloggers who have gotten great deals on decorating books at thrift stores and garage sales but I've never been lucky enough to find anything that was published in this decade. (I'm SO over avocado green and harvest gold, don'tchaknow, so a decorating book from the 70s doesn't inspire me much. Lol.)
Cindy I am obsessed with decorating magazines. I cannot throw them out. I really need to get rid of some of them........
You are not alone. I am a bit of a magazine junky and could do with a few more books. I will look into that favourite of yours - thanks!
What a great idea to decorate with the books you have. You have them displayed very nicely.
Cindy, I can totally relate LOL!! Not only do I have stacks here and there, I have them in old suitcases, trunks, under my coffee table... Sooo crazy :)) But you just never know when you will need that little bit of inspiration!! Which leads me to my next comment. Your blog was the very first blog that I ever read. I was instantly hooked!! I have recently started a blog that I hope will eventually lead to an online shop.
I just want to say that you are truly an inspiration to me (and sooo many other women out there.) It's a lot of work (I really admire you for being able to keep up with your blog and have a full time job), but am really enjoying it!!
Thanks for being so inspiring :))
Keep up the good work!!!
Oh yeah.... I was your 3000th follower :)) Pretty cool!!!
Hello Cindy, I have never read the book but would love to. I will look for it. Thank you for sharing all your lovely pictures. Have a good day. Beverley
I know what you mean about books I love those, unfortunalely I love magazines too! I need a library! I need to check out the one you mentioned!
Hubby says that one corner of the house may crack off the foundation due to BOOKS & MAGAZINES! He has no sense of humor. A sister in crime. Charlene
I like using books as risers too. I LOVE varying the heights while decorating. You have a HUGE collection. Thanks for sharing! Loving your cloche too.
Oh, these are really nice... I love the magazines so I am always drawn to different things like baskets and such to store them in.
Oh, these are really nice... I love the magazines so I am always drawn to different things like baskets and such to store them in.
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a decor book addiction! I just can't help myself.
Oh Cindy! I have so many of the same books. Too funny. :)
HI Cindy,
I can relate. Almost all the books I moved into my newly refreshed, new-to-me bookcase are design or decorating books! I love them and can't get enough! Although it felt like I had way too many until I got the space for them!
Hope you're having a great week.
decorating books-i super love them!
I see so many of the same titles that I have in my own home.
I guess great minds not only think alike but make the same purchases.
I have a lot of decorating books, too, but it's the magazines that I'm drowning in. And now that some of my favorite magazines have bit the dust, I'm afraid to get rid of anything. (bye bye Cottage Living and Mary Engelbreit)!
I also have a collection (or should I say obsession)of decorating books and magazines, and I am absolutely cannot resist the special holiday editions that come out in October and November.
Ok..I will admit to being obsessed with your blog, too. I still find myself going back all the time and re-reading past postings of yours!
Marilyn (in Dallas)
I love them and never get tired of pouring over them!!
They are great for decorating with too!!
Stop over I'm having a giveaway!!
Mine are bursting what bookshelves I have for them. I too adore a good decorating book for inspiration.
I love sitting in a comfy chair and pouring over my decorating books.
You really use yours in wonderful ways.
Your blog is always so lovely.
Great idea! Now I know what to do with all those gardening books I have!
They look Fab! I also have stacks of books around my home as well.They are very pretty and inviting to look at.I haven't seen a BW book yet I am on the hunt to check it out.~Cheers Kim
I am hooked on Tara Dillard books this summer...her garden philosophy and decorating is addictive too!
Do you like the Style at Home book?
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