(The photo above is my room now, you can click on it to enlarge it)When I started my blog back in 2005 I posted a photo of my living room looking into my dining room (below). So much has changed since 2005, including this room. Although I think the biggest change is my photography skills but that probably has more to do with buying a better camera than my actual skills!
A new dining room table, hutch, sofa, pillows, a crystal chandelier to replace the ceiling fan/light fixture...little by little there have been changes. I think it looks a lot better now, don't you?

it looks lovely today,I like it better,
but it was good then too
Hi, Cindy,
I'm posting for the 1st time, but found you in your second month of blogging and have following your creative endeavors with great admiration ever since! Just this weekend I went back and looked at this first living room picture you've just posted, and was thinking how your hard work and creativity have taken your place from "cute" to "luxuriant"!
I think we who read your blog should mount some sort of campaign to HGTV to devote a show (or half a show at least)with you talking about the major pieces you have re-done and the savvy purchases you have made in creating your environment. I think it would be a terrific segment (although I don't know which show would be appropriate).
Any way, keep up the great work, "neighbor"! You're so inspiring!
Hi Cindy - it looks fabuloosa!!!
....and I loved the RMS - you were awesome. Can't wait to see more of you on TV - I am sure you are on your way to more spots.
Cindy, I was confusing the before and after pics and thinking that I liked the old look better! LOL
p.s. I tried the burnt almond cake...OMG!!!! I wish I had never found it. lol
Both are pretty! Before and after! : ) I have noticed that your pictures have improved... it makes a big difference. Loved you on HGTV!
I liked the old, but the new is fresher and more YOU! I love decorating b/c it is all about gradual change and it grows and changes as we do!
It's great that we can change. Just think of all the great things you've managed to "score" since you first started. Always pretty and keeps getting prettier! Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com
Hi Cindy,
Isn't it fun to see how our decorating evolves over the years? My house is so totally different than it was a year ago, colors and all!!!
Are you still thinking about changing the wall color?
My darling Miss Cindy:
I just got caught up on your blog posts and just really feel the need to be the 500th person to tell you: "Don't let the turkeys bring you down!" You were the first "decor" blog I got excited about and you inspired me to start my new blog AND you are so genuine, tender, real and lovely. I follow many blogs and have emailed a few blog authors, but none has ever written such kind and authentic emails back to me. So...I hope you don't take negativity to heart, because people like that do not define you. But you knew that, right?
Also, I love these two photos! I think one of my favorite changes is your chandelier! I keep cruisin' Craigslist and I know I'll get lucky someday!
Also (LOL- I sound like Columbo!) I am so disappointed that I missed the show. I raced home from work, but it was already 9:20 and the person who said he would record it forgot, so I just keep checking the HGTV listings everyday hoping to catch a re-run. I am just so very disappointed! It sounds like you did a beautiful job- I can't wait to see and hear you "in action"!
Hi Cindy-Every now and then I visit your site and read your blog-I love it!! I moved to the U.S. last year from Italy and seem to miss it lately. I was online looking for some of the videos of one of my favorite interior designers from Tuscany and was shocked to actually find them!!. I think you should visit her site and watch the videos of her home and one of her clients homes-it reminds me so much of your style. I hope you enjoy it-ciao!!
sorry:)-forgot to leave the address to the site I told you about-it's: www.emanuelamarchesini.com
beli71: Thank you so much for that link! That is gorgeous!
I love the changes; and believe that evolution in our homes is so important. We always learn something about ourselves with each little change. Keep it up as I so enjoy your blog. Sally
Cindy, everything you touch turns to soft chic elegance! I love the way your style has evolved over time. Yours is the first blog I ever read and that's because you posted it on your RMS page. Frankly, I was clueless about blogland until then so I thank you for opening my eyes. Now I can enjoy so many of them out there. I'm still so tickled I got to see you on TV! I agree with others who said I'd have preferred to see you and your home the entire show!!
Hi Cindy,
I love your cozy little home. It's amazing the transformation you have made; even though it was nice to begin with. You always inspire me!
It's funny how when we look back at the past how we see how much we have moved forward.
It didn't look bad before, it looks more elegant now.
Wow-what a change. As I am learning and being inspired by so many pretty blogs..my home is slowly changing too. Not by spending lots of money but by adding pretty, creative and little touches. I want to post them so much as I do it. It's very exciting sometimes and I just want to share them as if sharing them with a friend who comes over.
Both are beautiful, Cindy. You are so talented!
Hello. Im a visitors from sweden. You have a nice blogg.
Hug from Lotta
It looks...just...Beautiful!!!
As always, when I needed inspiration today, you were there for me.
Thank you Cindy!!
I love the lace curtain swagged between the kitchen and dining area.
Every little thing you do is magic!
You're a very talented lady! I love both looks, but you're right the new camera definitely helped the quality of the pictures. :0} Diane
You have become an artist and with each brush stroke you get better and better. We enjoy your art!
I absolutely love your new look ! I love to visit your blog even though it comes up slowww for me since I am on dial-up. When we finally are able to get high speed out here in the boonies, I will feel like a kid at Christmas! :)
How cool to see your progression! I actually think the first photo looks good too, but the current photo is fantastic! Thanks for sharing!
~Angela :-)
I do think it looks better now - its amazing how our tastes evolve and change isn't it? The 2008 version looks fuller and richer, "plumper" as my friend who owns a home store would say. When a room is full of wonderful things and textures, she always says "it looks plump and juicy". That's what your newest version looks like.
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment on my kitchen island. It means a great deal to me.
Have a great day!
Hi Cindy!
It looked nice then but so much nicer now. But try again in three years and we will see....
Have a nice evening!
Hi Cindy,
It looks better now and isn't it nice that we buy pieces of furniture that when we get tired of it we can either use it somewhere else or get rid of it, if we bought expensive furniture we would feel guilty about getting rid of it and have to keep it forever!LOL. At least that is how I feel about the pieces I buy, I never spend alot on my things, it is usually pretty ugly when I get it so it's cheap!
You have a lovely home now. I think you need to paint the real bird cage white, though>.. :)
I loved it then, but I really love it better now. And you know what I really like....something simple....the lacey curtain you added between the dining area & the kitchen in the doorway!! Little things DO add a lot!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
I've got to say that I think the room was quite lovely "then" but I truly love how the room has evolved over time. You have such a grand talent for making everything look sophisticated, romantic, and elegant.
Hello, Cindy! You are such an inspiration to me. I am slowly trying to decorate my own apartment, and I frequently visit your site to gain inspiration and to remind myself that I shouldn't become discouraged if I can't afford to do it all at once. I have used your furniture refinishing tutorial to re-do a couple of pieces of furniture, and look forward to trying my hand at a few more pieces in the future. God bless!
You have come so far in all aspects. Decorating and photography. Good for you for sticking with it this long! And you've gained such an amazing following!
I have a question. I too have a blue couch...I love how you covered it. may i ask what you used? A nice coverlet?? Your room is so warm and cozy. Laurie
I prefer your "today" look, but they both are very creative and beautiful.
Hi Cindy!!
Your room is gorgeous! Isn't it fun to look back on past photos of our rooms to see how they've changed as time goes by? I was recently looking at some photos of our home when we first moved in 10 years ago. My style was late 90's country back then. Boy have my rooms changd in 10 years. I've gone from country to ultra shabby chic to now French Country!
Thanks for another inspirational post. Keep up the fabulous work!!
Hello Miss Cindy,
I love how it's taken you a few years to "evolve" into your style. Not wanting to sound critical of HGTV shows... but so many of the programs deal with "instant" gratification. Like on Color Splash or some program like that... (in a 1/2 hour program) but in reality taking two days or however long it takes, they can go from a room that looks like the atom bomb hit at ground zero and make it look like a decorators dream. Ya know what I mean? I would be facinated to be able to go to a taping of some of the shows they promote, and see how long in "real time" it takes. I think we would all be surprised.
Anyhow... I believe home decorating is a process of evolving. And what we may have fancied a couple or few years ago may not really interest us now.
Just know that you're a very talented lady. I loved the "before" and "after" pics. But it didn't happen over night right? It's a loving, grooming, layering, evolving process. If it happens overnight... I'm not sure how "personal" it could really be. Just my humble opinion.
Have a great Monday.
- Also, I'm making progress on my photos. Now I just need to figure out how to get them on my blog. Any help out there for the completely computer hopeless?
Hi Cindy,
I have been so inspired by your beautiful home and blogspot that I have created one of my own! I am still learning how to do it and even how to get the pictures from my camera onto the PC! If you get a chance, check me out and see what your talent has inspired in me. Thank you!
Lovely...just lovely. I saw you on TV!
Your home sure has changed a lot, but I don't think it was that bad earlier either. You have had a good taste all the time LOL.
Hope your day is nice.
Love Elzie
Dear Cindy, it looks absolutely amazing now, but it was definitaly beautiful before. It changed but the old scene was nice,too.
Have a great day,
inspiration indeed, love it more now, but it was still nice before, what a wonderful record you have of your evolving home...it would be great to have that recorded on paper too...
It is so elegant and comfortable looking at the same time. It's beautiful and easy to see how much work has gone into it.
But it was also very nice before!
florais,iluminção um
conjunto de aconchego e bem estar.
Thanks for sharing such wonderful photos of your nest!
To me... I too agree that both look beautiful... but you have done a wonderful progress over the years!
Debbie Moss
(From England)
Thanks Cindy! FYI, I'm the cane dining chair inquirer and I did find some cane back chairs for a little over $100, set of 6, and, my husband said no! Can you believe it?! I was bummed...he doesn't want the kids to ruin them. I did pick up some cute ladder back chairs though, which I'll be making over! I can hardly wait to get started (and I'm sure his decision will be better in the long run). I'll sneak a caned chair in somewhere in the house eventually!
I just watched your clip on HGTV's site. How Cool!
I think the biggest change that I noticed right away was the chandelier from the ceiling fan. It definitely takes it from lovely to "WOW".
The Apple Cinnamon Crisp sounds wonderful! I will try this recipe for sure! I have a recipe for Apple Crisp I usually use, but I will try this one, too. Thanks for posting it. I also sometimes subsitute cranberry relish for the apples. (left-over from Thanksgiving usually) It's yummy, too. Ivy
Both rooms look good actually. It is fun to make changes and I do the same. Just changing the colour of the walls...rearrange furniture, changing up the style and colour of drapes and new pictures make a world of difference. I love doing that. It makes everything new and fresh.
Your apple crisp looks sooo good I CAN almost smell it! Yum
Hope you've had a nice day
It looked nice before, but it looks so cheery and bright later. I love the light the white brings.
it was good then but even better now!
I guess most of us have the goal that we improve in time and not regress!
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