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Last weekend we had our first rain of the season. We usually have dry weather (no rain at all) from May - October. It was so nice to see, hear and smell the rain again...I LOVED it! It really put me in the mood to bake. I wanted apple pie but didn't feel like making the pie crust so I decided on Cinnamon Apple Crisp.
Slice the apples and toss with brown sugar and cinnamon.
To make the topping, blend flour, sugar and butter with a pastry blender~I am always shocked at how many people do not have this handy little kitchen gadget, it works great for cutting the butter into the dry ingredients. I could have used the food processor but I enjoy doing this by hand.
Add the apples to a baking pan and cover with the topping and bake it! The scent of cinnamon and apples fill the air. I really wish you could smell this through your monitor!

It's done! Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. I like to grate some fresh nutmeg on top of the ice cream.

This recipe was so easy and so good! I found it
here on (Yes, I'm still on my diet but I do cheat once in awhile!)
Cinnamon Apple Crisp
1 cup firmly packed golden brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
3 1/2 pounds Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, sliced
1 cup all purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup (2 sticks) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces
Preheat oven to 450°F. Butter 13x9x2-inch glass baking dish. Combine brown sugar and cinnamon in large bowl. Add apples and toss to coat. Transfer apple mixture to prepared dish.
Combine flour, 1 cup sugar and butter in medium bowl. Using pastry blender or fingertips, blend ingredients until coarse meal forms. Spread flour mixture evenly over apples.
Bake crisp 20 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350°F. Bake crisp until apples are tender and topping is golden brown, about 30 minutes. Let stand 15 minutes before serving.
Thanks for the recipe...Now I am motivated to make apple crisp with all the apples we picked at the orchard this past weekend.
Looks delicious.
Oh my gosh.... I'm at work (my lunchtime) and you have me drooling for some of that...I guess I have to go home and bake something. I have a one track mind and now that you have planted that seed - I won't be able to forget about it...YIKES!!!
Thanks for sharing Cindy! It looks delicious and easy! Im making homemade chicken stock today and then chicken noodle soup, its chilly in on Long Island today ;)! I love that web site and use them all the time too! It looks yummy, so its on my "to-do" list ;) and btw, you were fabulous on Rate my Space! Great Job!
~ Cynthia ~
YUMMMM! It looks great!
Yum - I really like the idea of the blue cup in your sugar jar! How cute!
Sounds delicious! I can't wait to try it. Maybe this weekend, it being Thanksgiving here in Canada and I usually do an apple pie.
To hell with the diet. Let's have apple crisp.
That looks so gooood. Lauren's a lucky girl to have a mom that likes to bake.
I have been thinking of making apple dumplings but this looks great!
Hi Cindy! This looks delicious but boy did it bring back not so good memories! Thanks for inspiring my post today! Have a great day - Sincerely, Jeannette
Yum! With the holidays coming up that would be a great one to bake. Thanks so much. Wendy
Looks delicious!
A aparencia está ótima,parece estar uma delícia!
Meu sobrenome Cindy :)
Mmm, I made apple crisp over the weekend too.
I have a pastry blender that I think is from Pampered Chef, but the wires have bent. So I'm not happy with it. What brand is yours?
I think it's a Foley, if I remember correctly (I'm at work now or I would check). Mine is a little bent to but it from putting it in an overcrowded drawer and trying to close it.
I forgot to mention that I have had that pastry blender since 1978!
Thanks for sharing Cindy! It looks delicious and easy! Yummy!!!
Blessings, Virginia
Thank you so much!!! This recipe is an easy one to do all organically too, I'm going to be making it today!
Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam miam , cette tarte a l'air délicieuse . Amitiés . Babette
Looks good...
and easy.
Oh yum, yum. I'll need to try this with some of our Michigan apples. Just a soon as I can move again after this back injury I had Saturday :(
It looks delicious! Perfect for a rainy day (or any day for that matter)! Apples are in season now so there are so many varieties to choose from.
I can smell the apples and cinnamon!!! I think that is a smell that stays with us forever. Yours does look wonderful. Sally
Yum, I make apple crisp all the time and I actually have some apples. Mmmmmmmmm. :)
Mention apples to me during fall and I have them in the oven immediately... And I have just placed your apple crisp recipe in the oven to bake with my pork chops and scalloped potatoes... Also made cranberry relish with fresh oranges and nuts and cinnamon muffins... It sure is becoming fall in my home.... Thanks for sharing...
Yum! We are going apple picking this weekend, so I'll have to try that. :)
Hi, Cindy. Thanks for the recipe and for introducing me to a new food site. Apple crisp is such a great recipe for this time of year and yours looks yummy.
Marietta: What time is dinner? I'm coming over! I love scalloped potatoes!
Oh Cindy, this looks yummy!! I am redoing my kitchen, and I want to get those jars like you have for my flour and sugar. May I ask where you got them? Also, for anyone that wants to make this great recipe, and don't have a pastry blender, you can use a fork and knife, and go in a criscross manner to blend the sugar and butter together. I have done this and it works pretty good. Cindy, I didn't forget about you... your gift is on it's way. LOL!
Debbie, I think you can buy those jars at Target!
Hi Cindy!
You can add me to your list of people who don't own a pastry blender yet:) That can't stop me from making that delicious-looking apple crisp, though:)
I noticed the blue cup in your sugar and flour canisters also. I love that!
I love to bake during this chilly time of year to help warm up the house. I had to chuckle cuz you said the rain gets you in the baking mood ~ here in Michigan it would be the snow having that effect on us.
Have a wonderful day!!
Thanks for the recipe - I have to tell you, I've had great luck with your recipes.
I tried the chocolate zucchini cake you made awhile back - I made a small sheet cake from the recipe along with cupcakes and sprinkled chocolate chips on top and they were devine. My office coworkers loved, loved them. The cupcakes froze beautifully and it was fun to pull one out, pop it in the microwave for 30 seconds and have an instant, gooey-topped dessert.
Then there was that chicken breast stuffed with cream cheese and spinach that you talked about...golly, how long till meal time??
Just a quick question, Cindy, - Are your canisters two different sizes - I can't quite tell by the picture??
Yes, they are two different sized canisters. One has flour and one has sugar. I have two different blue and white cups in them. I hate to admit this but I stole that idea straight out of a magazine...I think it was Country Living! I thought it looked adorable so I had to copy it!
OHHHH Cindy, thank you so much for this recipe! Apple Crisp is one of my favorite comfort foods!
I just wanted you to know, I have been sick and havent watched you on RMS yet BUT, I TiVo'd it and am watching it either tonight or tomorrow! I wouldnt miss it :)
Love ya,
Thanks, Cindy!
I definitely plan on copying the idea! I would've never guessed it wasn't your original idea to place those cups inside the canisters:) If anyone asks me where I got the idea I'll tell them it's from you - not the magazine:)
Well it's 92 out today so I won't be making this now but when it cools off I will. It looks so yummy.
I say good for you for knowing it's ok to have a little something special now and then. If you don't then you just don't stay on your diet and besides, by having a little sweet every now and then you are living as a normal person and not someone who is on a diet.
So good for you!
Oh that recipe sounds wonderful! Thank you for taking the time to share it! Your idea of putting the cups in the glass canisters is inspired. I just may have to 'borrow' that idea!
I made this for my family tonight, using peaches instead of apples, because that's what I had on hand.
It's been a cozy, rainy day and it was the perfect time for it. It was so delicious! Thank you for sharing!
My daughter will be home for Fall break from College this weekend, so I plan on making it with apples when she comes home. She loves it when I bake something on her visits home. :o)
Cindy that is the prettiest apple crisp I have ever seen. I can almost taste it!!! Hey you have to cheat..I have one day a week where I don't count my points and then the next day...back at it!!
Hi Cindy~ ~ ~
Had to go back and check out the cups in your flour & sugar canisters. How cute, and I love the clear glass canisters.
Do you leave your canisters on your counter when you are not using them or store them in a cabinet? They are pretty enough to leave out but I find that my kitchen counters get very cluttered so I store my canisters in a cabinet. What are your thoughts on kitchen clutter?
I made my first apple crisp of the season on Sunday. Cindy, I know you and I both love Susan Branch and her cookbooks. Have you tried her recipe for apple crisp? It's really easy, a priority for me. You can find it in her Heart of the Home cookbook.
She also has a recipe for cranberry apple crisp in her Autumn cookbook. It is also yummy!
I grabbed up some Braeburn apples when my neighbor Maggie n I went to a local harvest festival and I made something similiar using the whole apple and cutting the top ¼ off and hollowing out a smidge and dumped a little brown sugar and butter and some punkin pie spice and a few red hots and set them inside a large muffin pan to bake. No ice cream to top it off but I like your idea of nutmeg on vanilla ice cream...can't get that outta my head now until I get some...I love nutmeg and use it when I have my hot milk before beddy bye and in my coffee & tea. This weather puts me in a baking mood too...& thanks for the recipe
Yummm! Laurie
Ohhhh, I haven't made Apple Crisp in years! Sounds so good!
Oh Cindy, that apple crisp looks DELISH!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.
About the rain our area just had...I was just happy that I remembered to close my windows or I would've been dealing with major mildew!! LOL! I like the rain as long as I'm inside or unless I'm PLANNING to be outside it the rain. Otherwise I don't like it, but I definitely, make that LOVE, your way of celebrating the rain....baking apple crisp!!
Michele R.(CA)
I make pear crisp & top it off with vanilla Golden Spoon frozen yogart.
So, Cindy, do you think I could be Jamie Lee's stand in? Might be a cushy job. ;-) Thanks for stopping by.
WOW!! That looks so good, I'm sure your home smells wonderful. Your pictures are always so clear a perfect. You take great pictures. I think I would take more if I did a better job at it. I have a new camera I will try it soon.
Take care,
This looks delicious!!!
Now I know what to do with all my granny smith apples. I was just going to make a boring old apple pie but my kids will love this. Thanks.
Hey Cindy,
I am 48 years old & as far back as I can remember my Mum would make Apple Crumble in Winter for desert. I have been making this same desert for years for my own kids. I grew up in New Zealand & live in Australia & have always known this desert as Apple Crumble & it has the same ingredients. Funny how the name gets changed.
Oh by the way the best way to eat this is with whipped cream, really is yummo.
Have a great day.
Lyn xoxox
I haven't made that in nice
Hi Cindy!
It looks delicious!!!
Yum! I've gotta try that. Thanks for sharing! I love when someone has a good recipe and they share it!!
Hi Cindy-- That looks yummy! I think I will give that a try this weekend. My mom is returning from Ireland on Sunday, and she LOVES apple crisp! Thank you so much for sharing!
Meadowsweet Days
I am hungry now! Between your apple crips and Marietta's description of her meal, I am craving fall comfort food. I have my fork out and am ready!
Oh MY! This looks soooo yummy! I'm making this for sure this weekend. Thanks so much.
Cindy, you are right! We do think alike. My apple pie, your apple crisp. I love the idea of the fresh nutmeg...
I can't even begin to tell you how good this looks to me!!! I love apple crisp! Hmmm, I bet I could make this with Splenda brown sugar substitute, and maybe mix the flour with some wheat flour! That would be something I would be able to eat!
I have a pastry blender! I too love cutting in the butter and flour, etc. with this tool. It is relaxing for me. I bet you already know that you can use two knives, cris crossing them in the bowl. :)
I make my crisp with oats, but I have tasted a similar recipe from my Aunt and have been meaning to call her for the recipe! So thanks! I will still call her though!:)
With Kindness,
Oh my! You are making me drool! I love apple crisp!
Do you know about It's right up your alley, Cindy! You can even sign up for daily Notes from the Universe! I just found it yesterday and I think it is an awesome site!
This looks soooo good! I'll have to try this on my day off. I love apple anything.
Debbie in Florida
That looks heavenly!!! I am going to have to bake that very soon.
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