I know everyone else is showing all their beautiful fall decor but I'm having a hard time letting go of summer this year. I brought this little bouquet from my garden to work to cheer up my boring cubicle and so many people were complimenting me on it that I thought I better get a picture of it. It's a few days old at this point so it's past it's prime but still very pretty. The hydrangea in the middle is an "Endless Summer" variety which re-blooms numerous times and surprisingly a couple weeks ago it started blooming again!
I'm already thinking about next year's garden! Most of my big projects around my apartment should be finished by then so I'm looking forward to having more time to work in my tiny garden. I guess we have to get through Fall and Winter first though!
This is Beau's perfect day...nestled in the fluffy pillows with the sun on his face! I snapped this photo just before he closed his eyes which is why he looks like he's in a trance here!
I'm not usually one of those people that dress up their chihuahuas but I had all the doors open to let in the fresh air because it had just rained and it was a little chilly for him. It's so funny when he sees me take out his sweater...I swear...he smiles!
You have to read this story on CNN about middle & upper class people going to thrift stores....I think more people are going to thrift stores because of all the bloggers talking about the great things we find!
And last but not least, if you live in Silicon Valley, tomorrow is Campbell's city wide garage sale! I guess you know what I will be doing tomorrow morning!
Oh wow, scavenging all over Campbell tomorrow, huh? How fun is that! My guys are gone for the weekend, so I'll be doing a lot of little projects around the house that I haven't been able to get to. I'm excited. :)
Sorry it's hard to let go of Summer, I'm the one pushing it out the door! LOL! Today we actually have a day that really feels like Fall. sigh*.
Beau is one handsome fellow sporting his duds :0).
Enjoy yourself tomorrow and I hope you are able to find some great "new" treasures.
I can't wait to see what wonderful finds come your way this weekend! I'll be busy busy busy between my scary bedroom (new insulation and drywall to be done) and getting my kitchen cabinets ready to be repainted. Love your flowers, but I'm quite ready for fall - I just wish the leaves would start changing already!
Beautiful, I love that color of pink and I love hydrangas.
I'd have a hard time sleeping just thinking of the great treasures that might there tomorrow. Will be anxious to see what you find.!!!
Your puppy is so cute. My dogs have a pink hoodie that my older dog usually wears most of the winter. She's 15 and kind of thin so she needs to keep warm.
Have a good week-end.
Hi Cindy,can't wait to see all
your great finds that you discover
tomorrow.....sounds like so much
fun. This bouquet is so beautiful
with all the pinks. I'm amazed with
all the colors and beauty nature gives us. Beau looks so comfy all
nestled in the pillows and sunshine. I have a six month old
chiwauwa puppy.He is just startng
to calm down some. How long did take for Beau ? Have a great w/end. Mimi
More galavanting!!! How fun for you. Wish I were there in sunny California sometimes... all my posies are dead with the exception of a rose bush that just doesn't want to give in yet.
Beau is adorable! I'm not one for dressing up my dogs either. I can't even afford clothes for myself, let alone the dogs. However, a couple of years ago I was in Gander Mountain (sporting goods store) with my hubby and found the most adorable "booties" that you put on their feet when they go out in the cold and snow. I've got a beagle named Dizzy, who, when it's bitter cold out and snow is on the ground, sometimes gets "stuck" in the snow. Meaning, her feet get so cold, she just stands there picking up one leg, then another, and another. She can't walk because her feet are frozen. I usually have to don my barn boots and coat to go out to the back-40 to rescue her. Anyhow, the boots seemed like a good idea... until I thought about 3 dogs... and that's 12 feet to boot and unboot! Not gonna happen. Oh well.
Have a great and restful weekend,
Penny Suzie
I too am wishing it were not the end of summer as I am watching snow fall already. Beau looks very comfy with his sweater and pillows, perfect spot for a nap.
Oh I was thinking of going outside to try to gather one last bunch of flowers for inside myself. Now I really want to as yours are so pretty.
I sure do hope that thrift stores don't become a thing of the past. I wonder if more people will start having garage sales to try to make a few extra dollars.
I know I'm not as quick to donate stuff any more. How about you?
Before I would donate all sorts of things that I now will give to a friend, sale or keep to use later. With the cost of things these days we all have to be more careful about throwing money out the door.
Oh, your little bouquet, is so pretty, I don't blame you for wanting to hold on the summer with those beautiful flowers. Love your puppy too, they give such comfort!
Hi Cindy! How pretty, my flowers don't look this good when they are in peak condition; love the color combos. I just finished mowing yard and noticed my hydrangea bush is all turned red and ready to go to sleep much like everything else out there; you are lucky you are in CA you get a longer look!!! Can't wait to see what the garage sale weekend brings! Enjoy - Sincerely, Jeannette
I'm glad it's fall but I love your flowers! Have a great weekend!
My weenie dog Oscar loves to sit in the sun and if he can't find any sun he will absolutely sit on top of any pillow he can find...preferably the ones leaned against the back of the couch or the back cushions of the couch itself so that he is perched nice and high :)
Hi Cindy:
The bouquet is so pretty. I love flowers, especially the kind you can grow in Calif.
Beau looks so cozy and cute.
I read the story on thrift store shopping...it's so true. I wish we had some decent ones where I live. Most of the stuff is junk and they price it too high. Have fun tomorrow, and I hope you find some good buys.
Your flowers are beautiful and Beau is precious!
Have a great weekend.
Hi Cindy. What beautiful flowers! You must have a green thumb too! Sweet little Beau getting his sun tan!! Chole Dawn loves to sit in the sun too. Our fuzzy babies are so special, aren't they? I'm so glad to get back to blogging since the hurricane. My puter just got up and running Saturday so I'm off to visit all my blogging buddies. Have a wonderful weekend.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
Your flowers are very pretty & Beau looks very comfy. Checked out a couple yardsales today, but nothing got my attention. Hope you have better luck. Yes, with todays economy, more people are shopping at thrift stores. Have a great weekend.
Every time I have flowers inside, Bonnie the cat eats the petals until it's bare! I had heard that thrift stores are really thriving now. Probably the only segment of the economy that is! I know I'm more careful. Trying to watch my gasoline consumption, cutting corners in other areas.
Your floral arrangement is so very lovely, Cindy! Have fun at the garage sale. It sounds marvelous, and I know you will find treasures that you will transform into fabulous heirlooms! I can't wait to read about your wonderful finds!
Oh, I'm so jealous of your beautiful bouquet! There is nothing in my garden now but weeds. :(
Have FUN at the giant garage sale. I'm sure you will find some wonderful things.
I saw on the news the other day where retail sales are taking a drop and thrift store sales are increasing since the economy has taken it's down hill turn. People are looking for ways to save money. Love your bouquet!
Your flowers are beautiful Cindy. Have fun at the garage sales!
Happy Weekend.
Unfortunately the middle class shoppers drive up thrift store prices.
We're seeing that and my thrift store. They know that there's a fairly big group of us looking for vintage and the prices have doubled in the past year.
I sometimes think that flowers are even more beautiful after they are a little older as the blooms have unfolded even more.
Your pup looks so darn precious in those pillows!
Have fun garage sailing!
Gorgeous bouquet! I'm having a hard time letting go of summer this year, too. And I'm sure you're right about everyone flocking to thrift stores because of our blogs! :-) I suppose it's not such a well-kept secret anymore! :-)
~Angela :-)
You've been tagged!
We all have a special spot in our home, a magical corner, I know I have one (see my blog) what is yours?
Thanks for the beautiful photos and the article about thrift shopping. I'm in a new place and ashamed at how much I've bought retail on-line because I've been lazy. I need to get out and look for bargains.
The flowers are gorgeous. How nice that you could enjoy another bouquet at summer's end.
Beautiful flowers Cindy. Do you have changing of the leaves where you live ?
Our dog too has a pillow on a sofa in the window. He loves the sun and being able to see what's going on outside. He always makes relaxing look so easy.
Hi Cindy,
Those flowers are gorgeous! I would keep summer as long as possible if I could. Oh, to live in a warmer climate! Can't wait to see what new treasures you find.
I hope you find lots of fun things.
What a darling companion you have!
I wish I could attend that garage sale.
I am on post #99 so stay tuned. :)
Beau is a cutie pie. Love the pretty flowers too!
Hi Cindy, Your floral arrangement is beautiful! Don't you just love the Endless Summer Hydrangeas? They truly are the best~ beautiful all summer and beautiful drying and turning all kinds of beautiful shades in the fall. We dry them and spritz them with golden angel dust (the floral kind!) for Christmas centerpieces in my store and then tuck them into trees and wreaths.
Have fun this weekend!
Meadowsweet Days
enjoy the sale, hope you get some great finds
Thank you, for posting the beautiful bouquet.
Love your blog!
Was wondering if you can adopt me?
LOL ~ Penny
Your bouquet is beautiful! Beau looks so relaxed. I know you'll find lots of goodies at the yardsale! The article about Goodwill stores not receiving enough donated items to keep up with the demand was interesting.
You won my contest on PPV...come claim your prize!
Hey Cin, your post makes me want to buy a bouquet, knit a sweater and pet a dog.
Mike Frost
Your beautiful bouquet would brighten any space! I, too, hold onto summer blooms. This past week when I should have been buying pumpkins, I was planting pansies, snaps and stock in my garden! I moved my white bistro set to the front yard under a strawberry tree and put fresh cushions on my $2 white wicker chairs now on my front porch! I won't let go of summer until the first snowfall and it doesn't snow in Los Angeles, so. . . Okay, I'm off to the Rose Bowl Swap today!
That is a beautiful floral display! It makes me wonder why I was so eager to welcome fall in.
anxious to see what treasures you find this weekend! Ivy
Hi Cindy,
I just found your blog through Mary's at Little Red House. Wanted to let you know you are not alone in the blogosphere. I am an Obama supporter, too. I feel like a minority here in Kentucky... it's a red state for sure. Many of the blogs I read support Obama. Have you been to Pundit Mom's site?
Best wishes,
I have a hard time letting go of summer every year. I just love the warm evenings, kids barefoot, and more light at night to spend outside. I do like the warm, cozy couch cuddling with the little ones, hubby and a warm cup of coffee. But I will take the heat anyday. It just makes me feel good and happy. A few of my hydrangeas are still blooming even though they are not looking to hot and a few roses are getting buds. I guess it's the benefits living in Southern California. I have never lived any where else.
I had a nice time scrolling through your blog. Lovely pictures and the cinnamon apple crip looks yummy. Perfect with a cup of tea.
HI Cindy, What Gorgeous Blooms you have showed us! Very pretty!
How I have missed you Cindy! Things look wonderful as usual in here! Sad about the flowers BUT there is always next year...lol! Love the photo of your wee furry face, what a sweetie! Just popped in to say hello!
Love your last summer flowers!!
People are catching on!
Thanks for visiting me. I miss visiting as I as I use to. Too much going on.
Have a great week,
Dear Miss Cindy...
Where oh where are you?? You've got us hanging on a string waiting to see your treasures from the weekend. Oh, I bet you have today off from work, huh?
No one is reading my blog. I'm getting so discouraged. Could you check it out and let me know if there is something I'm doing wrong. I've been working really hard on this so I can get it to the point of including my business history and story besides my little life here in Pennsylvania. I've pretty much figured out the picture thing... I think. I hope.
Anyhow... waiting anxiously to hear from you. Also, my email to you with some pointers for your online business... ?
Have a great day!
Hi Cindy,
Your flowers look so pretty! I bet everyone at your office can't wait to see the things you bring to work, is your cubicle decorated pretty to? I bet you have blue and white toile on your walls, lace draped over them and pretty picture frames to, LOL.
Wow Cindy! That is a beautiful bouquet! I'm so glad you are enjoying it at work. :) Nothing like some beautiful flowers to brighten up your day!
Ho gorgeous these flowers are. I could leave the page open on my desk and l almost convince myself that they are there in person, making my work space look lovely!
Good morning Cindy :)
Gorgeous flowers and I love that picture of your baby :)
The article made me giggle, because it just has to be because of bloggers LOL
wow, what great finds! Congratulations on being #3 - I can see why - love your blog!
Thrift store shopping! I love it :) I also love your blog and the look of your home. I'd love to do that here someday, but first I have to get my house in order. My sweet husband came with a lot of stuff when we married this January, and it's all crammed into our very small house.
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