I had a comment earlier this week from someone who is originally from Italy but now living in the U.S. She told me about a designer named Emanuela Marchesini and gave me the link to her website! It was so amazingly beautiful that I have to share it with all of you!
Breathtaking, isn't it?
Click here to see more of Emanuela Marchesini. Make sure you look at the Photo Gallery!
Thank you Beli71 for telling me about this!!!

WOW - I loved it all! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Dear Miss Cindy,
I have always been interested in Italian culture and cuisine. The showrooms here definitely speak to me of a more dramatic style. While looking inviting and comfortable, every item seems to "pop". Gorgeous!
I hope you have a good day,
ooooooooooooh....I NEED that rooster weather vane! LOL
I love it all! Thanks for sharing.
Oh Cindy, her taste is so AMAZING!!!! I love it...I've got to visit her site ~ hope all is going wonderful with you!!
xxoo, Dawn
Hi Cindy! Thanks for this beautiful link! I took away several ideas 2 are going in my guestroom!(if I can pull it off that is!lol) I absolutely adore the bathroom tub setting!!! One can only dream....Have a great weekend- Sincerely, Jeannette
OH MY STARS! Soooooo beautiful...thank you...love it!
That is absolutely beautiful!! Thank you for showing us that site.
wow, beautiful! thanks for sharing it with all of us!
It really is pretty! I especially like the contrast that the saltillo tile floor brings in with her light colors. SO pretty and so dramatic.... :) Thanks for sharing!
Hey Cindy, Love her decorating..it is beautiful...we too lived in italy for 3 years and never once seen anything like these there..This would truly be in the "richer" houses for sure..it is breaktaking....she has a beautiful sense of decorating..would loved to have seen that when we were there...:)
BEAUTIFUL~~~~~~ Thank-you so much for sharing this web page with us. Your so sweet to thing of us.
Have a great day,
Oh my gosh....
How many times did your heart skip a beat????
Ouuu the walls, the floors, the crystal lights, the furniture, the lace, all of it was wonderful!
I am in love with this designer!
Thank you so much Cindy.... I have so many ideas running thru my head right now!
I want to run to Lowes and start redoing my whole house!
Hugz, Dolly
Oh my goodness I could spend a years salary (or more) in there. BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for sharing.
VaVa Voom! Who is that dish in the last picture?
Mike Frost
ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and so me!! Thanks for sharing!!
Beautiful! I love it all!
Breathtaking!!! I don't know what to say-just breathtaking!!Have a blessed day.
Yes, breathtaking is correct. Thanks for sharing this!
sigh, what an amazing style
thanks for sharing the link
I felt like fainted...
Looks like a candy store to me!!! What fun I'd have there!
If you have a moment can you pop over to my blog and give some decorating advice to a friend? I posted her pics on my blog.
I do like this Blog, it is really nice.
Those photos are gorgeous! And the teacups in the cannisters below are so cute. I just filled a lidded trifle bowl with candy corn, and I think a teacup would add a nice touch. So thanks for the idea! I can't believe I hadn't thought of that! When we had a cat, I used to feed him out of a teacup. A friend was so amused by this, but I assured her that it would taste better presented that way.
Congratulations on your HGTV premier! I was travelling when the show was on, but I visited the site and will check back to see your whole segment. What a great accomplishment to have your work noticed by a national network! Good for you!
Dear Cindy-I am so happy you all liked Emanuela's site as much as I do. What a surprise to find her pictures and all the wonderful comments this morning:)-I hope you all have a wonderful weekend (Buon fine settimana)-ciao!Belinda (beli71)
Wow! She is amazing! Have a great weekend!
God Bless you!
eye candy!
Cindy I'm so aggrivated that I missed you on TV. We don't have cable tho, and I forgot all about it. I'm going to have my mom tape it next time it's on! It IS a big deal and you should be most proud.
These pics are to die for. Holy cow. Gotta go to that site! Thanks for passing it along~
Your flowers were stunning. The silver teapot really set them off...
Beau looks like one lucky pooch!
Oh my heavenlyham that's gorgeous! I've never heard of this lovely place. I must go visit. Thank you for sharing. Blessings... POlly
Cindy...It's a beautiful website, but it's SO not your style. I just can't see you living with any of this furniture. It's more Euro-Elite than 'cozy cottage'. That's just my opinion. Kathy
Kathy, If I could afford this style...I would do it! I LOVE this style but I just can't pull this look off on my budget!!!
How beautiful!
AMAZING!!! I was so excited to be able to find other people who share the same passion for design that I do.Thank you for the insight and wonderful pic to drool over yum, yum ,yum.
holy guacamole!!!!! i want to go there now! the colors are DIVINE. the shapes of the furniture also DIVINE.
How beautiful! What a great share, thanks.
I love looking at your blog. what is the 2 teir round, on your table by the bed. Thanks for sharing this site , my mouth stayed wide open! My sister lived in Italy and shipped home her furniture, I saw a lot of thing, that she has, I have amorie that she picked up off the road in Italy, and I traded her a mantel, for it.
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