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Last Saturday the city I live in (Campbell, CA) had a city wide garage sale! I had planned to have lots of money to spend but after spending over $500 for car repairs last week I decided I better not spend too much on garage saling. I need to work on replenishing my emergency money more than I need more stuff so I took $20 out of the ATM and hit the road. I bought everything above for a grand total of $18.00!!! The table was purchased at the first place I stopped and it was only $8.00. Everything else came from one other home and she gave it all to me for $10. What a deal! Lets see what I got...

This beautiful piece above was only 75 cents! I put it above my doorway in my dining room. It looks so beautiful there.

This shelf above was only a couple dollars.

Silver-plated napkin rings for $1 a box. I got two boxes. I love these!!! The had a Ross price tag on them for $6.99 a box.

Below is the table I got at my first stop. It was only $8.00!!! I'll be painting this sometime this week.

I've been wanting one of these wine buckets to put a white pumpkin on top of it. I'm sure you've all seen that Better Homes & Garden photo that's been on all the blogs...I love that look. I went to so many stores looking for white pumpkins but couldn't find one! I don't there a white pumpkin shortage this year? They are usually everywhere!

These candlesticks were marked $2 each. They are also from Ross. This woman shops at Ross like I shop at Marshalls! I'll also be painting these soon!

I bought this mirror last week at a thrift store for $16.00. It's hard to tell in the photo but it's a really large beveled mirror. This is going to replace the flat unframed mirror in my downstairs bathroom whenever I get started on that project. Let's see...I think I've had the toile wallpaper for that bathroom for more than six months now! I really need to get started on that project!
Hey Cindy! You had a great yard sale weekend! So did camera is out of batteries but I had a blast! 4 plates for a quarter, a Laura Ashley plate and cup for a quarter, 4 margarita glasses for 2 dollars each at Pier One (I will use them for desserts!) 2 of the cannisters you used for flour and sugar (and the red transfer cups I just found at a antique store!), 2 shelves for a dollar, a purse (I gave it to the assistant Pastors wife) she just married him, he has 4 kids, she has one, so the purse was embrodiered with "Her children will rise up and call her blessed" seemed appropriate!
A beautiful tea pot I have just got to post the pictures this coming week. Thank you for all of your inspiration. You have helped revive my creative side!!
God Bless!!!
WOW!!!!! You made out like a bandit. I especially love the two carved pieces! I have a champagne bucket that I have dried white hydrangas in but the pumpkin would look great, also. I think you did great.!
WOW - what a great treasure hunt you had. Great finds - only wished I lived on the west coast and could have gone. Debbie
Wow! You made out for sure! You got some great things and for such a great price.
You made me want to get out there next weekend and see what I can find.
I love the napkin ring holders and that piece for above your door.
I also would love to have those candle holders to put pumpkins on.
Cindy, I think (?) I saw white pumpkins at Gene's Fine Food Market on Cox Ave., in Saratoga. Good luck finding them.
Thank you! I'll check it out! I think that is right by Tuesday Mornings on Cox Ave???
Wow, great finds! I can't wait to see what you do with them. You really have some great yardsales up there.
Great finds!! I especially love the piece for above your door. I'm sure you had a wonderful time coming home with these things.
WOW, I'm impressed! That's a lot of neat stuff for less than $20!!
You're right, Cindy. That's exactly where it (Gene's market) is.
HI Cindy! I'd say you hit the jackpot! Really nice things and dirt cheap! Love the architectural piece and I've been searching for a table like that for my guest room! Love the urn/pumpkin look too and yes they are hard to find white ones which is why rustoleum spray is my best friend this year! Sprayed some fake pumpkins and even forgot one out in the rain and it held up great!!! Have a great week - Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi Cindy ~ wow...what great finds. I love those candlesticks! I don't know where you would find big white pumpkins unless you wanted real ones...but I've seen the small ones at the dollar store ~ at least that's where I got mine!
Have a great week!
I thought I did well at garage sales this wk-end but after seeing your loot...mine looks kind of sad...come over & check me out if you get a chance...I think Californians have better taste! LOl
;-) Bo
You definately HAVE BETTER FINDS FOR THE MONEY THAN WE DO IN OUR AREA.I could have bought possibly bought 2 of your items for that amount of money.. Great finds...
Hey Cindy.....
Wow! I am sooo impressed...absolutely beautiful stuff! And they say California is so expensive!!!
As for the white pumpkins....I have several funpkins I bought at Michael's over the years...they look real. Now that my son...the master not home to turn pumpkins into Jack O Lanterns, I use the fake ones! So, check out some of the craft stores!
Oh how I need to spend a day yard sailing!!!!! But I've been tied up college shopping...
So, I'll live through others....!
This was one of the first weekends I missed going garage-saling 'cos my town had its annual Pearl River Day which consisted of local businesses bringing their wares to the middle of Main Street. I own a small business called GLAMOUR GIRL which sells handbags and jewelry plus a whole line of little girl fashion accessories. But, I made a ton of money!! So, I guess my garage sale shopping will have to wait till next week. But, I am very happy with what you got and loving those "cheap" prices even more. Can't wait to see it all in their proper places in your home. Joanne ~~
WOW Cindy...I want to come and garage sale with you. You just never know what you will find and sometimes the treasures abound! Lucky you!! LOVE the carved pieces!!!
Wow, Cindy, you scored!
Excellent deals, Cindy! I said the same thing about white pumpkins in one of my posts last week! I was doing a decoupage photo project and it would have been so much easier if I could have found the white pumpkins, but all I could find were orange... White pumpkins were everywhere for the last few years, but not this year for some reason! You'll have to do what I did and paint one!...Donna
Wow -- you did really well! You should write a book on romantic style on a budget!
You did hit the mother load.
Those are great finds. I'm looking forward to your posts to show us what you have done with them. Sally
Great finds, Cindy! Those are steals of deals.
Wow! You did good! Check your grocery stores to see if they have the white pumpkins - that is where I found mine. Home depot had some also.
OMGosh, Cindy - unbelievable deal! I LOVE everything, especially the white piece you put over the dining room door! Can't wait to see the finished items... by the way, my hubbers was off hunting this last weekend so I had some time to myself. I was a bit under the weather and I didn't feel like crafting and had read/looked at the latest editions of Romantic Homes and Romantic County about 100 times, so I popped in and have been "paging" through your archives from the beginning! I LOVE how you have been putting everything together! Amazing!
You did great, absolutely gorgeous finds!!!
Oh couldn't wait to se what great deals you would find..... what a grand stash for sooooo cheap..... love it...
The silver pieces and the ornate plaque are my favorites....
Cindy--Have you shown us pictures of your bathroom? I don't remember seeing those, if you did!
what a bargain you got Cindy ! I love love love the table .
Well I would say that $20 was enough! You got such marvelous things for that amount! That must have been quite a yard sale!! The white pumpkin shortage must just be where you are, there are plenty here at Michaels. Do you want me to ship you one?
Wow Cindy! What great deals you found! I love the ice bucket and napkin rings.
Please stop by my blog and enter my giveaway. I think it is right up your alley. :)
I am so salivating over that architectural piece at the beginning. Just gorgeous. And $.75?? Major WOW!
With 20.00 you came home with some pretty things to do your special touch on. Everything has style and is quite nice. How fun to have that garage sale every year. More projects though huh? I sure have my share in my house, let me tell ya. Wendy
Cindy, where oh where do you put all the things you buy?? I have a 2 bedroom condo and I have to go through and purge on a regular basis. Tell the truth, you have a huge storage building somehwere don't you!!!
What a great saler are you! Those finds were amazing! I envy that you have such great sales out there. Our small town in western PA has none of those items...ever! Love to see what you are finding.
Peggy from PA
Cindy -- can't believe all the treasures you scored for under $20 dollars. Amazing. Have never seen anything like it here on the east coast. Bully for you.
Great finds! Gosh, if you had had that big budget, you would need a new house to store it all! Love it all!
wow, looks like you had a great time... what bargains!!!
Great stuff Cindy. I ahve the same wine bucket only mine is inscribed to "wayen and Marilyn" for their 25th wedding anniversary. Kind of sad it ended up at a resale shop.
You really did great this weekend! I wish I could make some spectacular finds like that. I love everything you picked up.
I have suffered a computer tragedy today, so if you could, would you be so kind as to e-mail your RMS site??
I love reading your blog!! I stumbled on it and read it almost daily. You encourage me to find bargains.:)
Hooray for bargains!
Hi Cindy,
AWESOME treasures and super,great prices:) Gotta love the great deals. Makes me want to run out to the thrift store. but wait, I must read more blogs :)
Yes, there is a white pumpkin shortage here...who knew!!
LOVE the piece that you will put over your doorway..LOVE IT..
wow some scores there for $20, love the shelf and the napkin rings are just what I'm looking for, I'm sure I'll find them one day out thrifting lol!
Wow, I want to go garage sailing with you! As usual, you found some amazing items.
Joann's Fabrics & Michaels had white faux pumpkins. Maybe a little antiquing on the white pumpkin & it's fit for the new silver ice bucket. :0}
Wow, you always do so well at these sales. I never find anything. Phenomenal prices too!
I don't see those around here. I'm having a moving sale next week. Let's hope the weather holds out.
Wow those are great deals!
I was so inspired by your glass cheese top displays that you made with the candle stick, plate and cheese topper, that I went out this past weekend and tried to find some myself. I wasn't able to find the cheese topper but I did find some crystal bowls and candlesticks. SO I am going to make tall bowls and display my Vintage Christmas ornaments in them. Out of reach of my two yr old twins! Thank you for the inspiration and congrats on your great deals! :)
Wow Cindy, you did good. Really, really good!! I'm so proud of your self-discipline too ~ $20 out of the ATM and out you go. And look how "good" you were rewarded with that self-discipline!!!!!!
Such lovely treasures, Cindy. I swear, you always find THE NEATEST stuff. LOL
I have a set of large wooden candle holders. They stand probably a good two feet tall. I know I want to so something with them, I just can't quite put my finger on what it is yet. I've been meaning to post pics of them and ask for suggestions. When I do, I would very much love your input.
Congratulations on another weekend of fantastic finds!
Hi Cindy - I just love your decorating ideas. I, too, want to know where you store everything. I have a 3 bedroom house and I am always running out of room! Great treasures - I love the wine bucket. It would look so cute with a white pumpkin on it. Hope you find one.
Hi Cindy~
The best part of seeing that you found such great things is actually knowing that you are going to make them look even better when you put them in your home!
Cindy, you have the best luck finding treasures in your area! I want to hop on a plane and come shopping with you!
Hello Miss Cindy,
Thank you for the post! I was beginning to worry about you. I was under the impression that you kind of disappeared for the weekend, but kept in touch during the week... and today was Monday, and I kept checking in and thought something was terribly wrong! I'm such a silly girl, aren't I? You did an awesome job for a $20 ATM withdrawal! You go Girl! Love the new stuff. It's beautiful!
Anyhow, thank you for the encouragement on my blog. You are so kind to me... and I feel like a privileged friend.. even if we have absolutely no idea of the "real" identity of each other.
I appreciate you...
Penny Sue
That was really know how to find just the right items! And, it's even better when they are a bargain. Lucky Lucky Lucky!!! Then again, I'm always saying that you make your own luck, and you do!!
Wow, you made out like a bandit! Love that table! It will be beautiful painted white, or whatever else you come up with. I also especially love that piece that you are putting over your doorway.
Don't know about the white pumpkins. I found one for my red bench, but there weren't many at the store. Of course, I am in Ohio, so a totally different market!
Great finds at great prices.
I can't wait to see how it all
comes out.
You got some great finds there! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it all. I know it will be great and wonderful.
Great finds! I especially love the architectural piece -- I love stuff like that! I love seeing your treasures, it's so cool! :-)
~Angela :-)
Like you, Cindy, I live with a can of white paint in my hand. So, when I couldn't find white pumpkins, I just painted the orange ones. Spray would work fine, but I used a brush so I could go around the stem. Had a dinner party and no one knew. This year, I'll paint them white then dry brush with metallics. Saw that somewhere. BTW, love your blog.
OH~~~ I want to go to some yard sales~~ All of your finds are so pretty. I never find things like that when I go to yard sales!
Thank-you for sharing your beautiful new finds with us.
So many nice things for that money. Hard to believe.
Hope you're having a great day.
Love Elzie
Great finds Cindy!!! You are amazing with only $20 in your pocket! I hope you'll show before and after pictures! Have a great week. ~ xoxo ~ Joy
Great finds! I love the relief!
You did very well with $20.00 and you had enough money left over to buy a coffee and a donut if you had wanted to! But I think you didn't.
Thats fun. It'll be nice to see what you do with the chair.
I love a good bargain.
Thank you for sharing.
Oh, that wine bucket & archetectural header for 75 cents really have my heart racing!! Good finds!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
You hit the jackpot!! Great finds!
Great finds! I've not read all your comments - but our Walmarts all have white pumpkins this year.
I must say. Those are GREAT finds!
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