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I have met so many wonderful women through my blog. Although we have never met face to face I consider you my dear friends. Debbie, one of my dear blog friends, sent me these beautiful vintage crocheted potholders. I was so touched when she told me she saw them in an antique store and thought of me. How sweet is that!!! Thank you Debbie from NJ! You are a wonderful friend! I'm still waiting for you to start blogging!

And look at this! Cathy who is my former mother-in-law's wonderful sister brought this over to me the other day! Remember when I said I was so excited by being #3 in a Google search for "
painting furniture" that I wanted to frame it? Cathy knew I probably wouldn't actually frame it myself so she did it for me!!! She even added a blue border and some vintage lace around the edge! Thank you Cathy! It was such a wonderful surprise!
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I will be painting my treasures I bought at the garage sales last weekend!
Thoughtful gifts for a thoughtful person! You always give credit where it is due and that is so thoughtful of you . You deserve the gifts. Enjoy! Have good weekend.
What Cathy did was so funny. Too cute!
Hi Cindy, I haven't been blogin for soo long, congrats on your google search!!.. right under Martha wow..I would framit it too.. what a thoughtful gift, Your furniture redos are to die for! I did some myself this past weekend and though not white they are still shabby chic style! check them out and let me know what you think!!! Marlene from Cambria
Very cool! :) Have a great weekend!
So sweet and thoughtful. What a nice way to start the weekend. By feeling loved. You deserve it.
Hi Cindy:
I was reading some of the comments left on yesterday's posts and just wanted to voice my opinion to you.
I think your blogs are great. I love all the pictures you take and post. And you are right, you will never be able to please everyone, and it's your blog....
Your blog is about decorating and that's what you show, and people expect to see those projects you are working on, before and after.
You have one of the most popular blogs around, so you must be doing something right. Keep it up!!!
Beautiful!!! I thought about you yesterday...I was at the Library decided I was going to get a book on Calligraphy and teach myself how to use it on greeting cards, so thru my search I found an older Laura Ashley (no negativity intened) book and I thought Cindy should write a book, your ideas are so great!!! Think about it!
Have a great weekend!!
It seems I'm also one who's come to associate blue and white with you, Cindy. I was antiquing in Manchester (MI) on Wednesday and I saw an old copy of Country Living that featured the blue and white color palette on the cover and I immediately thought of you and your blog.
Cindy, this is my first visit to your blog. Absolutely beautiful! And congrats on your google search. That is exciting!
I love the thoughtful! Why didn't I think of that!
How is that for granting a wish? Love the way she matted and framed the google search, and I think you should be proud to display it. That is excellent! laurie
Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. Someday I'll get there! I do have one question. I was just doing some cleaning and I thought of you often do you have to dust all your knick-knacks?
You are very welcome! Thank you for sharing pictures with everyone. I love where you displayed them, Perfect as usual. Congrats on being in the google search for painted furntiture right next to Martha! It looks so nice in a frame. Have a great weekend!
Your blues are so picture perfect. They might not all be the exact same color, but they coordinate in a way that amazes me. Somehow your home consistently comes across as so calming, romantic, simple and elegant and it seems to be so effortless. I know that you work very hard at it, but from where I sit, I'm just in awe of it all.
You so deserve all of these wonderful gifts as you inspire me (and others I assume) to create and live the dream.
That is so neat that she framed that for you!! Laurie
Dear Miss Cindy,
Great gifts... and great gift ideas from those who gave them to you. Very creative and thoughtful.
I can't wait to see what you do with your new treasures! Please don't keep us waiting too long.. :)
Cindy, You make so many of us happy by showing us such beautiful things that for me it was my way of thanking you. Your blog lights up my days.Your gifts are beautiful!
Love your gifts Cindy, they certainly are you!
Hope you have a great weekend and I'll look forward to seeing your painted furniture creations
You should be very proud Cindy! You write a wonderful blog and were fantastic on RMS tv. I think you would be very successful as a designer, you could even have your own show! You have people (fans) thinking of YOU when shopping, that says a lot.
I recently redecorated my bedroom. Painted only one small oak nightstand black (with my DH and daughter I could not go white!). Check it out:
Keep up the great work!
Well, people are just "Playing It Forward" with you. You are always so giving, it is nice to see you receiving now!! Your tips, hints, instructions and advice is always freely given by you and so appreciated by all of us in blog world that it's coming back at ya!!
I know for a fact that you have certainly inspired me to "think outside of the box" and for that a great big THANK YOU!!
That is too cute.... Did you realize you have way, way over 500 THOUSAND visits to your blog? I think 50 thousand are mine! I love it.... Can't wait to see the furniture.
How nice to be so highly regarded!
Wow Cindy, congrats on the google stuff! The frame idea is just to cute. How sweet of her!
Those potholders are really sweet too, I crochet and I'm still squinting trying to figure out how they did the pretty border!
That is SO awesome about your flickr hits. Well deserved of course!
LOVE all of your yardsale finds, atta girl... $20 went a long way! Can't wait to see what you do with them all~
OMG, that roast looks good too.
You probably already know this , but I was searching "painting furniture white" in Google and your blog came up as #1 !! You do an amazing job girl!!
I so enjoy your blog. I hope if you ever have a moment, you'll brew a cup of tea, maybe enjoy a scone with it, and click on over to my new blog at Your blog is one of my inspirations.
I'll bet it's no accident that the google page frame looks like a computer monitor!
Happy Fall.
Aww... that was so sweet for her to frame your google search! Blessings... Polly
Beautiful Blog ! ! I Love the Blue Color!! Come visit some time!!
How lovely! Those potholders are just right for your kitchen!
I'm glad someone thought of you! You've certainly been generous to others as well (you know what I am talking about)! The good you do comes back increased!
How lovely! Those potholders are just right for your kitchen!
I'm glad someone thought of you! You've certainly been generous to others as well (you know what I am talking about)! The good you do comes back increased!
Cindy, Love the potholders, love that your ex-mother-in-law's sister brought you that framed Google search....sweet and funny at the same time. I'm waiting for that book or tv show you're going to do!!! Pat
Can't wait to see how your new projects turned out!
Debbie V.
That was a great gift, you are very lucky!
Blogland is so wonderful!!! It's like modern day penpals. People are so caring and I know what it has meant to me. You are very loved Cindy.
Hi there, I just found your blog recently and really enjoying it! Loved your thrift store finds, that is one of my favorite pastimes! I have 2 of those silver wine buckets (or whatever they are, lol) and I LOVE them! What a find! :)
Wonderful gifts. And I don't think you would have framed it yourself.
Hope you have a good Monday.
Love Elzie
I'm so happy for you Cindy.This is quite a feat.Keep it up,we'll be able to say,"we knew you when".love...Ann
Everything on your blog is so beautiful. I really enjoy seeing all your great finds. You are so talented. Doylene
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