I've been really lazy this week. I have things I want to share on my blog but I haven't taken any photos since last weekend! I woke up this morning and realized I had nothing to blog about today so I decided I would share my top rated photos that I have on Flickr. The photo above is my #1 most viewed with 7,431 views and 35 people called this a favorite. It's another one of my Google search successes. If you go to Google, and click on "images" at the top and type in "cottage style bedroom"...this is the first photo that shows up in the results! Same thing with a Yahoo image search but you only need to type "cottage bedroom" there. I only found this out after investigating why so many people are viewing my bedroom! I can't tell you how exciting that is to see!
This photo of my bedroom above is my second most popular flickr photo. It has 1,009 views and 27 people called this a favorite. It's one of my favorite photos I've ever taken!
This photo above I took on Martha's Vineyard. This shows up as my 3rd most popular flickr photo with 1593 views and a whopping 38 people call this a favorite.
This photo of my vintage linens waiting to be ironed is my #4 most popular with 542 views and 15 people called this a favorite.
And last but not least this is #5 with 709 views and 13 people call this a favorite. This is a photo I took for the issue of Romantic Country that my blog was featured in. I found out that shooting photos for a magazine is really hard. It took me 3 times of emailing photos to Fifi before I could get them to the quality that she needed. They had to be high resolution and have good lighting. The lighting was a challenge because I was taking the photos in December and it was dark and gloomy outside and I didn't have professional lights. Luckily the 3rd time was the charm!

I think your photos are great . I know you said you bought a better camera. What kind did yoiu get and do you do all your photos through flickr? Maybe you need to do a post on how you do your pictures. Just a thought.
I have a Canon Rebel XSi. I love it! It was expensive but the money I made with the advertising I have on my blog paid for it! So it's almost like a gift from my blogging friends! LOL
I don't put all my photos on flickr. I just put the ones I like on there. Most of them are just stored on my computer and I upload them from there onto my blog.
Good Morning Cindy,
Love your pictures and love your blog. You were the first blog site that I ever visited and still remain at the top of my favorites list! I can understand why your home would be at the top of any list!
Oh Cindy,
That collage of your bedroom photo is just dreamy..... I would love to have it as a screen saver on my computer....oooo that is a good idea... you could sell them and make a ton of money to buy a house.....
That was the thing about your HGTV with Angleo I thought he missed the mark on that bedroom .... by not making it look JUST like yours.... .the PERFECT ROMANTIC COTTAGE bedroom
I love all of your pictures. You have a really good eye for it.
Beautiful photos! No wonder they are the top ones on your Flickr! Great job Cindy!
I always adore your photos so I am not at all surprised that they are so very popular.
You have an eye for both the view through the camera and decorating. Your theme is always so tranquil.
They're so many viewers favorites for a reason - quite dreamy, they are.
Would you believe I've never been to your Flickr page? I know. What a sacrilege! Shame on me! I have a feeling I'm missing out on a bunch of goodies over there, so I'm going to have to go check it out.
Love the Martha's Vineyard Pic. One of my favorite places is Oak Bluffs. We are bike riders so we like going down there for a weekend and bike riding. Especially this time of year where there are hardly any crowds.
Beautiful pictures. You have a wonderful eye for beauty and a marvelous way of expressing it.
Have a lovely weekend,
I can see why all of these would be considered a favorite. Great photographs!
You just got me started on a Mathas Vineyard cottage goose chase. What a mouth full.:). So many cute homes to view via internet. I had no idea!
I'm telling you, Cindy, you need to do one of those little books with flickr tools.. you could sell it on your blog and make a fortune! :)
Love all your pics!
Wow! 7000+ views? That's awesome!
It is fun to see that stats, isn't it.
Kimberly :)
How in the world do you keep your house clean?! I tend to not have a lot of things around because they'd all need to be dusted!
Patty, I just go around once a week with a feather duster...It doesn't take long at all. Every once in awhile I have to remove things from my hutch and clean them better but I actually like doing that. It gives me a chance to look at my things and rearrange them. For me, that's like playing house!
Your #1 would be one of my favorites too!!! Your bedroom looks so dreamy and relaxing! It is just absolutely gorgeous! hugs, Ellen
In the bedroom photo did you paint the birdcage and the wall sconce that blue white washed color or did you buy them like that?
What a gorgeous bedroom, it's no wonder that bed was the most popular on flickr. I love that bed, totally romantic. Your home is truly romantic. Karen
elaine: the sconce came like that but I painted the birdcage. I use rub n buff paint in "Patina" and I think a light blue but I don't remember the name of it.
Dear Miss Cindy,
Love looking at your photos. You are such a talented lady. Also, the one of your blue bedroom was one of the ones from Romantic Country that actually led me to your blog site. And I've been happy ever since.
Enjoy your weekend,
Hi Cindy:
I love your pictures, did you ever take photography lessons? They look so professional.
I noticed in your bedroom pictures you have some curtains hanging over the mirrored closet doors, am I seeing that right? Great idea. I never thought of doing that. I have mirrored doors also on our closets that I don't like too much.
Also I agree with Patty..how do you keep your house so clean and how do you find the time to do it with working?
Your apartment is simply gorgeous, you are obviously proud (and so you should be) and you have worked hard to decorate it.
Don`t take this as criticism but you seem obsessive in your decorating quest. Perhaps some posts about the children or more everyday things would balance out all the seeking accolade posts.
Take some time out to enjoy your family, smell the roses and relax.
In this economic climate with so many having their homes foreclosed on them and being left homeless, it`s perhaps time to re assess one`s priorities and be happy with what one already has, instead of obsessively striving for perfection.
Hi Cindy...When is YOUR book coming out? I think you could do one and it'd be a best seller. I'd buy it! ;-) Bo
Must be nice to be that popular. Shows that many people loves your home,
Hope you have a great weekend.
Love Elzie
I really love the vintage linen photo, (linens are my weakness,) it looks so professional.
Morning, Cindy!! I love all of your photos and your style! Hope you're doing well as I haven't heard from you in a while.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
You have such a great gift Cindy. I think some people are just naturally "born" with it and I believe you are one of the "gifted".
Those pics are truly amazing and I'm so happy you shared them today, made me smile.
Blessings - Debbie
Carol, I know I can't please everyone. I've been criticized for putting pictures of my daughter on my blog by family members that worry about her safety so I try to limit that. I do spend a lot of time with my daughter but she is also a typical 15 year old and with her friends a lot. My son is away at college. I don't have a spouse and I don't date which gives me a lot of extra time. Decorating is my hobby and it's a hobby that keeps me at home a lot so I'm here with my daughter if she needs me. Again, I've said it before, if you think what you see on my blog is my "whole life" you're wrong! I do a lot of things that I don't put on my blog!
I really have enjoyed your blog in the past but I find that in the last few months that the theme has really shifted from what it started out to be. Its nice you're getting all this recognition but I think your readers would be happy to see it get back to the decorating part of it. I know I would love that!
It's no surprise that these are favorites. Your bedroom is so serene and seems like the perfect place to "de-stress". You have an amazing "eye" and I feel fortunate that you share your "gift" with us.
Enjoy your day!
Very pretty.... your bedroom reminds me of two of my favorite aunts. One had pale blue walls/white spread & the other had "orchid" walls/white spread.
Thanks again for sharing.
Hi Cindy,
Thanks for sharing a little part of your life with us. I admire you for your creativity in home decorating especially with minimal investment, which in this day and age is quite the way to go. I’m married with two teenage kids and find it difficult to make my home beautiful so I can imagine you, being single and working can’t be that simple. Thanks again for sharing.Congrats on the flikr images for doing so well...you deserve it.Looking forward to more of your beautiful images and new ideas. Thanks for the recipes as well. And yes, I do keep my kids off the blog as well.
You are filled to the brim with talent. Your decorating creativity and photography skills are so inspiring.
Thanks for sharing through your blog.
I love all your posts AND your photos!!! (and your house!) They are incredible!!! But can I be honest here? I am also very jealous!!! (grin!) How do you have that many visits/comments/flickr views, etc??? I do have a blog, but probably don't post often enough, but there are like three people that comment/look at it? And I don't think anyone much looks at my flickr either - is there something I don't know about flickr? There must be some trick! Anyway - just joking around - but I do love checking out all the blogs - there are wonderful things out there!
You do beautiful work!
Hugs from Michigan - Diane
You have a wonderful home! I love the pictures!
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