Isn't this pumpkin candle adorable? I bought it at the grocery store (Nob Hill for those of you who are local) for only $2.99. It's too cute to burn, I think I'll just use as a decoration. Okay, the cute little pumpkin candle is not the reason I'm so excited.
Disclaimer: I am now going to toot my own horn a little lot. Some may see this as arrogant but I think those of you who read my blog regularly probably have picked up on the fact that I'm a little mega dramatic and I get easily excited over little things. I happen to believe that we should never lose our childish enthusiasm and I refuse to lose mine.
Okay...I did a Google search on "painting furniture" yesterday and my blog came up as #3 on the list! Can you believe that??? I could not believe it! First on the list is HGTV and then Martha Stewart and then ME!!!! OH! MY! GOSH! I am directly below Martha Stewart on a Google search! I felt like I was going to have a heart attack...really! I was at work when I found this out and I printed it out and ran around to show my friends because I could not hold in all this excitement. I even called my mom and dad! Back in April I did a post when I was #4 but #3 and right below Martha is so much more exciting! And even more exciting...I did a Google search on "painting furniture white" and I'm #1!
Go celebrate your little achievments today and turn them into something big!!! It will make you feel so good! I think we all deserve to celebrate ourself once in awhile!

Dear Cindy,
hugs and all the best from me here in Germany!!
You go Girl! I'd send a copy to Martha too!
That IS cause to celebrate. Congratulations!
That is so fantastic!
Toot your own horn a lot. The others can go read some other blog...
Cindy, that is how I originally came across your site many months ago when I was trying to find tips on painting furniture. I immediately bookmarked your site and now it is in my most visited section. You are such an inspiration! Thank you for everything you share. Donna in Memphis
You are just so sweet Cindy! That's what I like about you. You seem so worldly and reknowned in blogland and yet you are still so humble and down-to-earth. I am very proud of you!
Way to go Cindy! You deserve to be excited!!!
You're so funny! Of course you should be excited...YOU ROCK! #3 is great and all I have to say is "Watch out Martha! Here comes Cindy!"
WOOHOO!!! Good for you! Celebrate!!! You've earned it!
Hi Cindy - love the candle, the dishes, and oh well, everything you do. I know that it's a real accomplishment to be #1 & #3 in any google search. But, let's be honest - you are REALLY deserve to be at the top.
Dearest Cindy~ That is fantastic! And you have every reason to be proud! All of us that are your biggest fans are cheering for you! I'm just wondering why you aren't at least number two!! You go girl!!
Cindy, congratulations :-) It makes perfect sense to me that you'd be #3 after the big names. You're "one of us" and make the whole process approachable! (And btw, great job on the job sale finds. Wow!)
Well, I've always thought you should have your own tv show and this just proves it. The top three HGTV, Martha and Cindy!
Way to go!
It's the simple, little, free things in life that are the best. So enjoy!
P.S. I think you should be #1. How can we make that happen? Maybe we should all write in to HGTV and tell them we want a show with you as the star!
congratulations!! i'd be grinning ear to ear as well :)
Congratulations Cindy! I know exactly what you feel like. Until I started getting mega hits on the bedroom I posted on RMS, I didn't know HGTV had featured it in their on-line newsletter as "Room of the Month" for Feb 2008! I printed it out and it's hanging on my refrigerator...a reminder of my "15 minutes of fame." :)
Cindy, We will all now Google you again so you float up a notch or two!! Cheryl in California
OK, I did a search of the title of my blog and it came up #1. So, I guess a lot of people look up the title.
Give yourself a hug.
Woo-Hoo! How very exciting. Maybe you should name your blog:
Cindy, Not Martha. :D Bring on the champagne, girl!
Wow, that is so great! You deserve it!
OMG Cindy, You are so totally understand you excitement, I would have a heart attack too if anything with my name showed up on a google
That pumpkin candle is 2die4, wish we could get anything like that here in DK.
Congrats, Cindy! I wonder how those Google searches work. Since I do a lot of furniture painting on my blog too, I did a search on black painted furniture and I'm #9...not bad, I guess!
Cindy...I'm so very happy for you! It's important to celebrate the Little things...but this is a BIG thing! You're on a roll, lady!!!!
That is really cool Cindy! You have helped lots of us out with refinishing used pieces of furniture - so you IMO should be first!
Well you should be in the top 3! It's always scrumptious over here =) Say, did you see that Martha's daughter has a show now? It kinda looks like it's a Martha-bashing show. I'm not sure.
Anyhow, congratulations on your fame!! When you aren't being interviewed or in a photo-op, stop by and check out my 500th post.
Blessings... Polly
YOU GO GIRL!!!! You be da bomb baby!!!!! THAT IS TOO AWESOME!
I'd be super excited too!
Way to go, Cindy :)
Ya deserve it!!
Way to go girl!
You are so cute...... Joyce is right the more famous you get the more humble and down to earth..... thank you for letting us share in your happiness..... Go Cindy....Go Cindy....
Big Hugs
Congrats! You are moving up in the world of cyberspace.
Congratulations Cindy!! I told you you were the Martha Stewart of blogland! You deserve it!
Cindy, You go girl. Toot your own horn and if someone doesn't like it toot louder! You are talented and everyone knows it! Love your garage sale items-just what I would have brought! Keep on keeping on! Sharon
Hi Cindy,
Well, congratulations! I'm not at all surprised! You deserve it...
Love the pumpkin candle, by the way. It is too cute!
Go you!
Hey Cindy,
You are so cute! You have every right to toot your horn! What fun! I'm so proud of you. ha ha
I know the feeling! I google Miss Berlin Deluxxe (myself) and there I am!
Never lose that enthusiasm!
Wow-congrats! How cool is that!!
The Jolly Dog House
Cindy, it okay to toot your own horn. We all appreciate your wonderful talent, and thank you for sharing it with us. You have a wonderful and happy evening.
Jean in Virginia
Oh, Cindy. That is so awesome! YOU GO GIRL! Go ahead and toot away, because you really deserve it!
Our very own Martha Juniorette. This is super exciting!
On a side note, it's kinda funny that you mention it. Because I too was feeling quite "wow'ed" and honored. That you stopped by my blog. That was so sweet of you. I really didn't expect it; I know you've got so many to visit. But thank you, for making me feel special. You are such a sweetie.:-)
Well, I am not surprised one bit! I read your blog a lot on my work laptop, and because I have to keep clearing cache I pretty much just pull you up by searching 'romantic home' in google, and you are #1 on that list!
Congratulations!! Come on over and see what I did with a vintage school desk, honey! I think you'll like it. Redone the whole office in "PINK" and just loving it..
You just toot away! You should be proud and want to celebrate. Congratulations!
Hi Cindy,
You should be so proud of yourself and enjoy every minute of it, I did the same thing when I did the RMS and it went to front page! I was so excited I could hardly contain myself and felt like I had to share it with my blog friends cause they would understand my excitment! Thats what friends are for to enjoy your accomplishments with you!!
That is wonderful Cindy! Of course it is not a surprise to me! Your painted furniture is wonderful. And your tutorials on the subject are really helpful. Enjoy!
That is really neat. I only found you because I was search engining Romantic Country magazine. Hello? You always have like 30 peolpe on your blog-regularly. I think you SHOULD be proud. God gave you some talent! Enjoy that!
I think that deserves a little (lot) horn tooting! You SHOULD celebrate your achievements. Your blog is fantastic:>)
Lookout Martha! Congrats.
Hi Cindy:
Congratulations!!! How exciting that must of been to see your name come up like that. It would be cool if we would see you do a segment on Martha Stewart's show next. You should be proud of yourself for all your accomplishments. Keep up the good work.
okay okay okay... ya gotta add a footnote... you are #3 - OUT OF 536,000!!!!! That is fantastic... and not only do you get the ranking, but your blog is tremendous through and through - it's not like ya got #3 for nothing... you got it cuz really your projects and you ARE amazing!
Hugs and Congratulations...
Pattyanne... and I was a single mom for 13 years - so you're a double inspiration for me!
You should be excited! I was once 1st on a Google search for a recipe. It was only for a short time and I didn't think to print it out. da!. I wish I had thought to do that. I'd frame it!
Anyway, that's how I found your blog. I was searching how to paint furniture white, and found you. I've been checking on you every day since. You are in my top three to check on every day. Can you guess who the other two blogs are?
That is pretty cool. Hey, what is a blog anyway but a way to toot your own horn. I never thought to search for myself...I'll be trying it though. Question for you about painting. I painted a dried up swing and the paint peeled off (I sanded and primed it). Now I have a dried up porch rocking chair that I would like to paint but am afraid it won't stay on. What should I do?
Dear Miss Cindy,
Oh! My! Gosh! You go girl! That is just amazing that you show up in Google on the first page, let alone within the first 1-3 listings. You deserve the praise and you should feel proud. That's just great!
Penny Suzie
I love it!!! Be happy and spread the word!! The best way to be! Laurie
and to think...i've been reading your fabulous blog almost since day one...almost. you rock sister! gooooooo Google! i'll BET you could BEAT the martha. i like your decorating style better anyway...many blessings!
Congratulations! It IS a big deal.
I think you're so right about maintaining your childish enthusiasm.
I think that's great! As a matter of fact, I'm having my husband use your instructions to re-paint a dresser this week!
I'm very excited for you!
WooHoo! Congrat to you!
I see you come up all the time when I run searches for decorating and projects. You're the Big Time, girl!
Kimberly :)
Toot all you want...I would too!! Congrats!
Oh, you go ahead and "toot"!!!!!
M ^..^
how cute!!! yay, i would be excited too!!!
Woooooo~Hooooooo and well deserved with that excellent tutorial you have provided.
Hey I just found your blog through a google search for painting furniture. I love it and you are so amazing. You give me lots of ideas for my new place! Wonderful taste!!
Nothing wrong with being have earned it... I just love your blog!!! Marilyn
I think it is wonderful and you sure deserve to be so excited. I know I would be just like you, jumping up and down, telling everyone.
I wish you a great week. Suzy
Congrats...... I know I've done the search on painting furniture to see your blog come up, but it's been a while. I think Martha should be jealous.... wink wink
WOW~~~That is so great! When I paint something I would for sure look up and see how you did it. Your projects always come out so pretty.
OH! I say some white pumkins and Albertson' market if you live by one check it out.
Hi Cindy! I think my computer screen is about to explode cuz I can feel your excitement!lol And rightly so!!!! You just never know what blogland will do for you! See your year is going to keep getting better and better!!!! Congrats! Sincerely, Jeannette
Hi Cindy...That's just more evidence of what we all knew about are a designer for sure...Congrats! ;-) Bo
No wonder you are excited. I would have been too. And you're well worth that 3rd place.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie
That is very exciting. I'd frame it too.
You go girl!!!!You deserve it with all the hard work you do!!
Please visit my blog and see my $2.00 that my guys put an beautiful granite top on for me! I would like to have your imput when you have time!
God Bless you!!
Wow Cindy!! I am so happy for you! Of course you shall celebrate..this is really WOW once again!
Congratulations from your friend in Norway :o))))
Cindy -- I love it!! But, guess what?! We are both at the top of the list for painting furniture. What is my google search for? It's a little embarrasing to admit to such a creative gal as you but check out my post that comes up under "afraid of painting furniture" as the #1 top spot on google... I think I might be the only one in the world..LOL..
Have a blessed day!!
Way to go Girl!!!
I'll take you over Martha any day of the week!!!! You have great reason to celebrate!!! Dana
Hi Cindy!
Congratulations! That is so awesome...I don't blame you one bit for being so excited...and I loved what you said about "child-like enthusiasm"...God forbid that any of us should lose that!!!
I for one...think that you totally deserve that #3 spot on Google search...if not #1!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of the beautiful transformations of all your furniture projects and have learned so much!!!
Yeeeeeehawwwww!!! Congratulations!!!
Warmest wishes...Chari (Happytodesign)
Oh Cindy..I am not surprised at all..girl I am so happy for you and so tickled to say I 'know' you!!! lol lol I too still get excited over the littlest and simpliest of go girl...that is something to be proud of!!! Have a great week sweetie!
I find it refreshing that you get excited! I do too! How boring would life be if we couldn't be exuberant like children at times?
That's awesome congrats! And I like the pumpkin candle too. ;)
Woo Hooooo! Congratulations! Who's Martha Stewart anyway??
Debbie in Florida
Yeah for sweet Cindy!
Congratulations! This is definitely something to get excited about! WooHoo!
How great for you, sweet Cindy! Good things happen to good people! Thanks so much for all you share with us! And I'm with you ~ just stay like a little kid in the enthusiasm department ~ I'm going to!! :O)
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Dear Cindy, you are so precious! I read your blog and laughed out loud while I pictured you running around to your friends, and calling your parents to tell them the incredible news! If something like that happened to me, I'd do exactly the same thing!!!
I wonder, have you ever considered writing a book? I think you would be quite good at it! Blessings to you, dear Cindy!
Oh, and by the way, that candle is just beautiful!! I wonder if I could find something like that around here (Dallas)?. Note to self: go shopping for cute pumpkin candle this weekend!!
Cindy - Congratulations! It IS exciting for you! About 42 years or so again as a new bride I vividly remember painting and antiquing furniture I had picked up for a song at second handed stores (actually my pieces were real antiques). My Mom was mortified that I chose to paint a washstand blue, then cover it with a dark wash and wipe it off. I loved it and so did everybody else, but my Mom! Right now, my nephew and his wife are enjoying it and funny thing...they are now living in my Mom's home! She is in assisted living. I am so pleased and happy for you!
Way to go! Awesome! Celebrate! That is cool that you printed it out and framed it. One day you be number 1. You already are. Google just doesn't know it yet.
Yay... You are number one in my book! Hugs...
How Awesome is that!!!!!
TOTALLY a reason to be mega excited. You rock, girl!
Congrats Cindy! You should send Martha the link! : )
U 're always good in motivating me with your stories..yeah i agree little achievment can turn into something big and we should celebrate it!..i like that
And you must realize, of course, that for all your readers, you are the source we come to FIRST for ideas for painting furniture!
Wow, that is fantastic! Congratulations! You could probably write a really great book on all the projects you have done. Wouldn't that be a kick?!
You're so funny ~ congratulations sweetie!
Cindy, your stuff is beautiful but I have a question for you. Aren't you getting alittle over-crowded in your home with all the stuff you buy? I used to buy like you do, but honestly as much as I want to (I LOVE yard sales and flea markets) I have NO more room. As a matter of fact I have been thinking lately I have too mcuh stuff and maybe less is more. I don't know.
anonymous: I don't think I have too much stuff. I have room for everything I buy. I'm not a "less is more" type of person and I don't think I ever will be. It's not like I'm a hoarder and just buying stuff and putting it in closets never to look at it again. I use everything I buy!
Congratulations! I would be just as excited if I were you! :) In our family, we love celebrating any achievement, even those some might say are "small"! It's so fun! :) So you should definitely celebrate! :)
Have a great day! :)
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