I had quite a few emails and comments about the canisters in yesterday's post. These are made by Anchor Hocking. I found mine at the thrift store but they are available several places online as well as Target. They are really inexpensive but so cute! I saw the idea of putting a teacup in for a scoop in a magazine (Country Living?) awhile back and I loved that idea so I copied it.
You could match the cup to your kitchen. Wouldn't a dainty pink rose teacup look cute if you had a pink kitchen, or a black or red transferware cup if you had those colors in your kitchen.
I think these are too cute to keep in the pantry so I keep mine out on the counter.

Very nice! I love the teacup idea! I feel like I already have so much things on my counter that I keep my cannisters hidden away. I have lots of cabinets, but for some odd reason, still have stuff on the counter - crock pot, toaster, food processor, fruit bowl, recipe box, container with large utensils, um, I guess that's it. I must redo my kitchen. Yeah, that's a good idea! Thanks Cindy!! :)
I have a couple of those cannisters too, but never thought of putting a teacup in them. Great idea.
I think we were on the same wave length over the weekend...it rained here too and was cold enough to have the fireplace going. I baked an applesauce cake with cream cheese icing. Saw the receipe online. But I like the pictures of your applecrisp better, so I am going to try it this weekend. It will go straight to my hips...just what I need. lol.
I have had these exact same canisters for a couple years, but never saw the teacup scoop idea - very cute! It is all the small details like this that make your home so wonderful. You did a beautiful job presenting your recipe yesterday, I can't wait to try it.
Hi Cindy,
What a sweet idea...teacups in the cannisters! I might just try my teacups and see what they look like, although I like to keep my counter top as uncluttered as possible. Your home is so romantic & so inviting. I honestly don't know where you get the time to do all that you do. You must be a very high energy lady.
Have a lovely day.
Well. thanks Cindy.... you read my mind... I even looked back at old picture of your kitchen to see if I could see them..... they are so CUTE..... I have ugly old {yucky} gold tupperware.... they are hidden away..... but I adore the glass.... no clutter there....
I have a large canister like this and I keep popcorn kernels in it. It is so cute. I love the tea cups for scoops, I'll have to add one.
I really like the teacup idea. Thanks!
you have very beautyful blog...and home....
That is a fantastic idea with these cute little cups. It can be a replacement for the measuring spoons. Very smart.
Thanks for sharing ideas. Suzy
Too cute. I am for sure stealing this idea Cindy! Now, I'll be on search for a couple of charming old tea cups! Thanks for the inspiration...as always!
I've been doing that for years. My sister started me on it. I also use teacups for my laundry soap as well.
I have my jars like that stuffed with teas.
Great ideas from great people.
I love the idea of the teacups in your jars..so pretty and useful!! I wish we had a target in the uk!!
I saw the same picture in the magazine and immediately put a blue and white teacup in my sugar. My flour is in my grandmother's tin red & white cannister. They don't match , but I love them both and keep them handy on my counter.
Hi Cindy,
Thank you for another great idea,they look gorgeous
Love Kristina XxX
This is so cute Cindy...I sure wish I had the counter space for canisters.
I LOVE this idea!
What a GREAT idea!! I think I will have to bring out my flour and sugar as well! Thanks Cindy!!
I love the idea of using a teacup as a scoop.
I see those jars in the thrift stores all of the time. They appeal to me, but have never picked them up as I wasn't sure what to do with them. The tea cups make classy!! Thanks for the inspiration. Sally
Cindy, do your have 'seals'? I bought one for my flour and didn't notice it didn't seal and so I have gone back to my tins, b/c I am a worry wart! :-D
No, mine don't have seals either. I haven't had any problems but now you have me worried!
Hi Cindy -
I have one of those canisters, a la Wal-Mart, in the laundry room for detergent. I keep it on the top of my dryer next to the washer. I added a cute thrifted, old, blue and white cup for a scoop. I've had it there for nearly a year and love using it. It sure beats using a box and plastic scoop! Yours are cute in your kitchen. I have cute white canisters that I found at a garage sale a few years ago but I didn't even think about adding cups for scoops. Silly me, I'm off to find more cups!
Love the teacup idea.
Oh yes, much too sweet an idea to hide away in a cabinet!
Very, very cute idea. Great to keep a tea-cup inside as well. Very decorative.
Thanks for the information Cindy. I will look in Target, and someone also mentioned Walmart. Yipie!! Now, the hunt for teacups!
Cindy, I am glad you posted about the teacup idea. Yesterday I was really noticing that, and I thought that is exactly how I am going to do mine. Great idea! Love it! Everything at your home has a pretty place!
oooh the teacups look lovely in the kitchen...nice idea I saw that too but used it for laundry powder, put my powder in a tin bucket and a teacup to scoop it out with...
i love the teacup cup. so pretty with the blue and white.
Yep, got the canisters-now to find some fabby little teacups! Never would have thought of that-and at Christmas time you could use Christmas cups!! Wouldn't that be sweet??
I have canisters like that in my kitchen too. When I bought them I intended to find some pretty vintage teacups, but while I was waiting for the perfect cups, I put my Fiesta cups in them. (one yellow, one blue) and decided they were fine. Of course, I could still come across some must have teacups someday!
I also have a 3rd clear canister I use for (homemade) hot chocolate mix in the winter.
I love the idea! I just love the blue and white combo...Have a great evening...
I have those canisters...they are also available at Walmart. I love the cups in them! Now I'm going to copy you. Thanks for sharing.
Cindy, you are the sweetest, most generous person! You actually took the time to take close-up pictures of your canisters and teacups! I am on the hunt for canisters like yours, and will find some beautiful pink and ivory teacups to go in my dusty rose kitchen. I like to keep my countertops clear, but this is a decorative idea that would really stand out. You are such an inspiration!!
Oh, the teacup inside the clear glass canister is perfect! What a wonderful way to show off special teacups. I have some odd ones I like but have no place for. Now I know what I can do with them! Thanks!
Love the teacup idea Cindy! Thanks for sharing that.
This is such a cute idea! Just goes to show too that you don't have to have oodles of money to have things that are really beautiful! I love this idea!
Hi Cindy,
I have those canisters to and I love your idea with the cups, I think I will do that, thanks for the cute idea. I was wondering why you don't have your favorite places on here anymore? Did you just take them off or did I not notice it till now?
Here in Nashville, we have a show called Talk Of The Town, they have regular guest come on with recipes, gardening advice, decorating tips, ect.
Do you have a local show in your hometown similar to that? You would be a wonderful guest on a show like that to share your ideas.
I know if you lived near Nashville, we would love to see you on there regularly.
Oops, never mind about the fav blogs question, I just found it(;
Hi Cindy!
Thanks so much for giving us a closer view of your pretty canisters and teacups!! You are truly the "Martha Stewart" of blogland!! I'm looking forward to many more great ideas! There's no better feeling than to see something we like and say "Hey, I can do that!"
Hi Cindy,
This is such a simple idea, and so very pretty! Thanks for sharing.
Oh, I love the teacup idea...so pretty!
Cindy, you put so much thought into deatail. How cute are the teacups in your cannisters!
And regarding seals, as long as you don't get bugs in your flour/sugar - don't worry about it!
The canisters are beautiful and I love the Tea Cups!!!
Thanks for stopping by and helping me celebrate my Birthday at the Tea Party. I'm glad you had a good time!!
I have those same canisters for pet food and never considered using a cute teacup for a scoop. Great idea!
Hey~ I saw the idea in Country Living too, and had to run right out and get a jar for my sugar at Walmart~ I have an antique teacup in mine and just love seeing it every day! I was just thinking a couple of days ago that I need one for flour too.... :-)
Dear Miss Cindy,
Thank you for such lovely photos. I certainly can appreciate what you post in the way of pictures. I'm having so much difficulty getting pictures from my program "Picture Project" which came with the camera. Is there any way you could provide me with any information to try to post pics in the middle of my post? I truly would appreciate any information you could provide. I've been looking through "help" in different areas, but I'm so confused. In fact, I don't know how I actually got the pics to show up where I wanted them.... isn't that scary? I just went to view my blog one time and it was just there.
Thank you for being an inspiration to my motivation for my own blog and my business update!
Great ideal about the cups !
I have those same canisters Cindy. In fact, I just bought another one the other day so I could have one for brown sugar. In the summer I put my canisters away because I don't bake much but once Fall hits....out they come. I love love love the teacup idea....I am going to do that. Thanks for the darling idea!
I have a monster cannister like that on my counter. It's full of those little brown plastic bottles of prescription medicines though.
When I was young, I recieved one pretty one for my wedding gift which was full of beans. The gift giver told me to take a bean out every time my new husband and I... well, you know.
I'll have you know that I did!
Wonderful idea... I'm going to do this!
Oh, I think a colored silk ribbon tied on the top knob of the cannister lid to match the teacup color would also be precious!
Thanks, Cindy. :)
Oh my goodness! I DO like the teacups! NOW WHY didn't I think of that? I've seen in done many many years ago but never thought to use PRETTY ones! lol I have a canister like that and I WILL be using this idea to! thanx!!!!! :)
LOVE your home to!
The tea cup in the canisters is just darling. Thanks for sharing ;)
I love the canisters, I have some similar, I think I bought them from what we call over here in Australia "The $2.00 shop", I have them in my laundry, soap powder in one with a tin scoop and old wooden clothes pegs in the other - I love your idea of using the tea cups for scoops
Oh my goodness, the cup in the canister idea is SO CUTE! I never think of things like that. Super cute. And I can't wait to try the crisp, either! Yum!
~Angela :-)
I am going to thrift me some teacups for just this purpose. Love it!
Very cute w/ the teacup....I also have jars for my powder laundry soap....
Thanks for sharing.
I Love this idea! :-) I just found some canisters that look almost identical-just taller, for .75 at a yard sale! I can't wait to do this. I was just fianlly able to put my Great-Grandmothers china out and I have two extra tea cups. I didn't have the heart to get rid of them, and now I don't have to !! Thanks for all your inspiration and ideas. I hope you have a very blessed day! ~Anna Sophia
Very, very cute idea! Love the teacups! I have a couple of those type of glass canisters, but was afraid that since there's no seal that bugs might get in? Do you have any problems with this?
Before you did this post, I had noticed and admired your canisters in the background of some of your previous kitchen photos and thought they were really cute. Even so, I wondered how I would like something as mundane as sugar and flour being on display in clear glass in my kitchen. I must say, adding the tea cups was a great idea and they certainly make plain 'ol sugar and flour look a lot more elegant!
Okay "Great Creative One," I propose this question to you: I also have a third canister that holds tea bags. If I copy this idea and switch to clear glass canisters for my sugar and flour, have you got any clever ways to dress up my tea bags, which I like having handy on the counter?
My mother always has used demitasse cups that have lost their saucer as "scoops". It was beautiful and nostalgic seeing that also in your kitchen!
I love those canisters...I've seen them at Walmart, too.
OMG! What a CLEVER idea! I just purchases a few vintage glass canisters with the screw on lids and was just thinking WHAT should i use for the scoops! Well, this is the cutest idea I have seen in a while! LUV LUV it!
I predict Walmart's sales in glass canister will increase this weekend. ;o)
Cindy, Thakn you for stopping by. Don't forget to come back for the giveaway. It should be fun. I love your blog. So pretty. I will definately be watching for more wonderful posts. I also love love this idea of using the cup in the canisters. I actually have these canisters. I bought them at Target a few years ago. I'll have to do this because I love teacups and anything to do with teatime. Have a great day. hugs, Ellen
Now I know what I'm going to do when I get to the point where I need to buy new canisters for my kitchen redecoration! I love the look!
I just came across your blog and was scrolling through. I have a set of glass canisters that I use miniature teacups as scoops in ... well when our military housing allows the counterspace for it. I don't knwo where I got the idea, but since the theme of my kitchen is teacups, it seemed like the perfect idea. I also have a teacup on the counter by the entry for keys and one by the sink for my jewelry.
I copied your idea, mine are red transferware!! Great great great idea!!! Thanks so much for all your ideas!
God Bless you!!
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