Monday, August 04, 2008

New things!

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Remember when I went to the new shop in my city called Vintage and Vogue? Well I finally got around to taking pictures of my very small purchases. I really could have spent a lot of money in there because there were so many beautiful things but I restrained myself!
This little vintage compote dish which is turned upside down with my grandmother's candy dish on top was one of my purchases. Sorry....It's kind of hard to see upside down. I forgot to take a picture of it before I did this. I just attached them with museum wax so I can take them apart later. Museum wax is used to hold breakables down during earthquakes but it also works for stuff like this when you don't want to use a permanent glue.
The other item I purchased is this bird hook! I love this! It's going to be a hand-towel holder in my downstairs bathroom....if I ever get started with that project. It's the wallpaper that is intimidating me. If it were a matter of just painting the walls, it probably would be finished already! I plan on painting this either an antiqued white or blue. The wallpaper is about the same color as the pillow I have this resting on in the photo.

Remember a couple weeks ago when I polished all my silver? I just want to say that I am never again going to use TarnX again! The silver started tarnishing within days of using that stuff! Plus so many of you left comments that it can ruin silver. I'm going to update that post to include this information. I'm going to go back to using Wrights Silver Cream!

Updated: I bought my museum wax at "Bed, Bath & Beyond" but if you don't live in an earthquake area it may be hard to find. If you click HERE you can buy it from Amazon.


Anonymous said...

Yeahh, I'm the first to post a comment what sweet finds, I love the idea of the upside down compote, looks darling and I can understand why the wallpapering would intimidate you, but I bet you can do it!! ;)
Have a wonderful day! xxx, Jannet

Joyce's Journey said...

I can relate to the wallpaper woes, Cindy. I have to redo my bedroom and I absolutely dread it. I really think I'm going to hire someone to do it. That may be my Christmas gift to myself.

I love all of your wonderful finds. The bird hook is really nice. You always find the greatest things!!

Kay said...

Cindy, Don't let the wallpaper intimidate really isn't difficult at will be fine with it. Just remember, measure twice, cut once...I never cut till it is on the wall and I am absolutely sure it's right.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Love your little purchases, so cute.

I think you need LeAnn for For the Love of Cottage to come over and help you strip that wallpaper, she'll get it done in 20 minutes!

Happy day!

Tracy said...

Great finds! I hear ya on the wall paper deal. It's the kind of work I just don't enjoy doing (even though it may not even be as hard as I tell myself it is).

Unknown said...

What pretty vignettes! Your new compote is lovely with your silver..
I have used the Tarnex and wondered if it had made the big blotches that I can't get off now... I bet it did.
I'm throwing it out now...
The Wrights is what I have had the best luck with also... However, I have to admit... Mine never looks as good as yours does.

Anonymous said...

I like to collect compote dishes too and yours look very pretty. Your place looks so lovely and I like how you have decorated your place.
I am sure you could tackle your washroom and that carpet is so inspiring. Lovely

Myrna said...

Beautiful vignette, Cindy! I have that same candy dish only in pink (my favorite color) that was my mom's-- I love the idea of your candle holder..matching the textures.
My 2 cents about the wallpaper..having done it...with the toile pattern, it will be tricky to match..Maybe get some estimates from professionals? Or any friends you know that has done it and you could do a trade with them?

"Magnolia" said...

Cindy, I love your new finds! That little bird hook is so cute. I found something similar at Michael's but with gardening tools. I was planning to use them outside, but I love your idea of using them for handtowels! Thank you for inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

What a creative way to display two lovely pieces of glass. I love it. The bird hook is really cute, I think it would look great blue. I have never ever attempted wallpaper. Good luck, let us know how it goes.


Joanne Kennedy said...

The museum wax is a great idea! I never thought of using that for a tempory fix.

Hey don't feel bad about the wall paper. I still have not even painted my bedroom!


Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

Your dish is so pretty, what a great idea.I LOVE your bird hook.I think that it would look pretty blue. Well if you get too bored you can paint it blue with white towels and then white when you change your hand towel to blue. Will you just use a spray?
Have fun!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Cindy jump in and do the wallpapering!
Don't over think it!
It really is not hard at all!
If I can do it.... anyone can!
I have even wallpapered ceilings before...
NOW THAT I don't recomend to a first timer!

Love the idea of using museum wax...where do you find that at?

Hugz, Dolly

Wish I lived closer I'd come and help wallpaper!

Virginia said...

Cindy,love all your purchased, my favorite is the bird hook. Birds are one of my favorites thing. I guess I love thing that have wings.But the rest of your items are also absolutely beautiful. I want to thank you for visiting my Blog, very sweet of you.

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Cute items!
Love how you used the two glass dishes together.

Kimberly :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the idea. I have a similar candy dish - now I know what to do with it! Great Ideas and Inspiration

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Love all of your tips and I have a few of those plates that you have hanging on your wall too.
I have also turned vases and dishes upside down to make a candle holder...I love that you added the candy dish..nice touch :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. Love what you did with putting the two pieces together. I have to buy some of this museum wax. I've never heard of it. Now I can put items together for display, etc. I've always wanted to make "cake stands" using vintage plates and candleholders, but hated the thought of permanently losing the plates. I'm sooo excited. Thanks for sharing yet another great product/idea.

Teresa said...

Beautiful finds; I love that little bird hanger! Wonderful tip on the museum wax. A few of my items rattle a bit when the upstairs neighbor bounds up the steps...that would put an end to that!

I'm having a little giveaway...stop over if you have a chance!

Cottagecheap said...

All Tarn X does is remove the tarnish quickly. IT does NOT polish, therefore it doesn't protect. It removes the top layer of oxydized metal and leaves it 'fresh'
So if you get a really tarnished piece and need to quickly get the tarnish off it works but then it still needs polished and protected.

I LOVE that bird hanger...It makes me SMILE

Susie Q said...

I love seeing all your pretties Cindy. It is always such a treat to visit with you...and I adofre the bird hook!

I too am intimidated by wall paper. I have some borders I want to add but the one in the laundry room gave me fits so I may hire it done eventually. I would love to paper my powder room too...we will see!


Sharon~heartsongs said...

Wallpapering isn't bad. I think someone already mentioned that you just need to double check your measurements. You will love seeing each piece go up on the wall.
I enjoy hanging wallpaper and I think you would to. You are so talented that you won't have any problem.

And I love your new purchases!

Anonymous said...

Very creative of you to use the compote dish up-side-down.

Paint the bird hook blue!


Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Could you tell us where to get the museum wax Cindy ?

Rosemary said...

Hi Cindy,
I love your purchases!!!
The bird is adorable.
Your home always looks beautiful!

Missy Wertz said...

Hi Cindy! Love your idea! I have tons of lovely things stuffed in boxes, cabinets and sideboards. From family heirlooms to wedding gifts to thrilling finds. Would love to display them more. I always leave your site with something.

Thanks for the museum wax idea. We rarely get earthquakes here in Alabama, but we do get children running thru the house that seem like a thundering herd of buffalo. (Of course, I do not permit that in my house and naughty visitors who behave that way are usually not welcomed back... ;-))

Thanks for sharing!

Missy Wertz said...

Hi Cindy! Love your idea! I have tons of lovely things stuffed in boxes, cabinets and sideboards. From family heirlooms to wedding gifts to thrilling finds. Would love to display them more. I always leave your site with something.

Thanks for the museum wax idea. We rarely get earthquakes here in Alabama, but we do get children running thru the house that seem like a thundering herd of buffalo. (Of course, I do not permit that in my house and naughty visitors who behave that way are usually not welcomed back... ;-))

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I always find such inspiration from your blog...I am hoping to return the favor....don't let the wallpaper intimidate you....visit my blog...for easy peasy how to's armed with only three simple "tools" (posted just a few days ago....)if you FATHER in law, of all people, showed me the way....and now I am a wallpaper removing nut!! Come visit me.....

Janet said...

I.want.that.bird.hook! NOW!

Love it,


Unknown said...

I've never heard of museum wax before! I love your new bird hook.

Anonymous said...

Lovely bird hook. I never heard about a museum wax but it sound very handy and so practical in case of earthquakes.

Your photos look so nice and somehow your place shines so much brighter than before.

Have a great day! Suzy

Pink Slippers said...

I really love your new pretty finds. Bringing home new things is so much fun. And you display them so beautifully. You are so inspiring to me. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Wallpaper--don't let it intimidate you. You've done many harder projects than that and the result is a fabulous new look. Start with one perfectly vertical line and the rest is easy!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you hacked that tree, now my favorite photos of the best blog will be even better and nicer.

Have a wonderful day. Suzy

Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Great finds. I know what ever you dod with that bathroom, it will look fab. I really like that birdie hook.

Country French Antiques said...

You are just one busy little bee!
Do you ever stop?
I bet that museum putty couldn't hold you down!
Your blog is always wonderful and full of tips!
Merci beaucoup!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Cindy, that before post was a test. I had written to you and when I went to publish it, it said Blogger not working. So I was just testing the waters again. Oh, I love all the pretties you found. I have really got to try to make a stand like you've done. These are so very pretty! Really just popping in to say "Hi!"
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Unknown said...

Love your finds and don't you just adore muesum wax! We love it too!

Judy said...

I love the compote and the idea of using museum wax. I've never heard of it. The bird hook is so cute..I'm anxious to see the finished bathroom project.

Decor To Adore said...

I love your bird hook it is a sweet tweet!

Life on the Edge said...

What a creative idea to put the compote dish and the other together like that! I am really thankful for your suggestion on the museum wax too because I have some shelves I want to put up to hold my spongeware, but I have a teenage son who is like a bull in a china shop, and this would be great!


Esprit Classique said...

C'est une ambiance romantique, délicieuse et pleine de charme, j'adore...

bj said...

Thanks for the tip on TARNEX...I have thought several times of buying some...glad now I didn't.
Your compote looks lovely with the dish on top...

Sue said...

What a clever use for your new glass piece, it looks so beautiful on your silver tray. I agree that the cream polish is the way to go with your silver. Your picture reminds me that mine needs cleaning too.
I know what you mean about your wallpaper being intimidating. John keeps wanting to paint our bedroom and bath room but I want to wallpaper it. It is just the getting around to it that is the problem.

Cindi said...

I love the bird hook! As always, you find the cutest things and do such creative things with them.

By the way, I left you something on my blog.

Anonymous said...

I've always read about museum wax, but I've never seen it for sale. Can you tell me where to look for it, as I have been using poster putty for everything and think museum wax is probably better. What pretty finds, and your use of them is so inspiring. Thank you. Laurie, a/k/a bargainhunr

Debbies-English-Treasures said...


Lu Lu's Fluffy Ruffles said...

Hi Cindy!
I left something for you on my blog. you can check it out.


Hi Cindy,
Love all your pretty finds! I have a bird hook similar to yours but it has three hooks on a board, it is a cream color. I got it at Homegoods but I never have found the right place to put it so I haven't put it up! Good luck with the wallpaper, you CAN do it! You can do anything!

Julie said...

I wish I had the talent to move furniture around. I understand what you mean when you say that it makes everything look fresh and new.

As for the wall papering thing.. the first time I did it, I asked a friend who had a lot of experience come over and just help me get started. In reality - the most important thing is to be patient!

Ginger said...

I love looking at all your pictures on your blogging page. Your home is beautiful and you have some great ideas for decorating.

Timi said...

Again some great ideas! I'm going go through my china cabinet right now to see what I can put together!
I used Tarnex on some stuff too and it just came back worse within about a week. I haven't polished it again because I didn't know what to use. I'm going to try Wrights on it this time.
Thank you for the tip

Jeanette Donaher said...

Hardly have a clue at what I'm doing other than saying I would like to win the Eames Collage Watch..Ma & I would enjoy them..Your blog is great & look forward to the time I can work on mine!

Anonymous said...

i love the little birdie always find such great things....ann

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

Ooo, I love that paper and the little chandy.
The bird hook is adorable. I have a similar one I'm going to put in my pink bathroom. It's whitewashed iron.
Perhaps you could paint the bird antique white, and then wash just the bird with a bit of blue? Or paint the whole thing blue and wash with white... Whatever you decide it's adorable.

Thanks for the tips on the silver!

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

OMGosh, I totally forgot to comment on the upside down dish! What a great idea. Beautiful pic and lighting...

Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading your blog and I LOVE how you decorate your home. I, too, am a collector of silverplate and scour the thrift stores and flea markets for the dirtiest piece I can find. I love the fun of cleaning the piece and making it shiny and new. I also collect a specific pattern, "First Love".

It is true that with regular use, tarn-x can ruin silverplate. However, I will use it on really black pieces that I bring home and then finsih the piece with silver polish. Even when using tarn-x, silver plate still needs to be polished.

I once read that moisture is what causes silverplate to tarnish. I store my silverplate in a glass cabinet and I toss in all those little packets of silca gel that come with new purses and shoes. You can even make up your own little cloth baggies of silica gel and hide them among your silverplate.

One of these days, I'll get my website back in working order and show off all my thrift store finds and decorating tricks. Thank you for your inspiration.

Debbie E. in Sunny SW Florida

Tracy M. said...

I love your compote candle idea, I have a candy dish just like that one, it's fun when you find someone with the same thing.
Have a great day and I love your blog,
Tracy M.