Sunday, March 02, 2008

Blogging in bed!

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I bought myself a MacBook!  I love this time of year because my company hands out bonuses. Since I was in desperate need of a new computer, I decided to switch over to Apple and not just because it's white...although I love that!  I decided on a Mac because they aren't as prone to viruses.  My old computer was...well..OLD...very old!  It was a hand-me-down and it kept freezing on me. It got to be very frustrating!  I sure am loving this and now with a laptop and a wireless connection I can blog anywhere in my home.  

I don't even need Adobe PhotoShop, I was able to lighten and blur the edges of the photo above just with the standard software on my MacBook.  Ahhh, Life is Good!


Rosie's Whimsy said...

Yeah! New computers are so much fun :-) My son gave me his old Apple Powerbook (he gets a new computer almost every year) and I love it! Have fun :-) Rosie

BittersweetPunkin said...

I love your new computer! I need one too...someday..

Michele said...

I was just traveling around the blog world today and came across your lovely blog. How nice to have a new computer, what a difference it can make.

paperjunk-lc said...

I have total computer envy!

Gayla said...

Good for you. I am happy you had a bonus and found a great computer!

Anonymous said...

i love mac laptops... i know you will enjoy ... diana

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Cindy! Isn't technology amazing and wonderful? Not too many years ago, I couldn't imagine what we needed a computer for at our house. Now I can't imagine being without one! I could give up the TV in a heartbeat but NEVER my computer!!!!

Glenda said...

I too am a Mac girl. I like the idea of being able to wander around the house with it.
I am not held down sitting in one area of the house. I have the Mac Book Pro and it is wonderful. I had to get use to the idea that not every bottom I was use to using on Windows systems I could use on the Mac. But I have had mine for 2 years now and I would not trade it.
I like laptops better that PC's.


~ ♥ LISBETH ♥~ said...

Hello Cindy. Congratulations, I`m so happy for you, and the computer looks like a little bride....You are so lucky with the weather, here its still cold, but the spring is right around the corner. Living in Norway we can`t expect to do any gardening yet, that why I do go on talking about flowers and how im looking forward to spring. Now you must buy yourself a little birdbath , hi,hi. And thank you for the compliments, do think birdbaths look beautiful inside the house too. I don`t know the word for the fake silver that I show, in norwegian we call it poor mans silver,thats what the little candle holders in the birthbath are made of, maybe you can help me with the english word. Wish you a wonderful week.

Vanilladreams and humblebees said...

Congratulations to your new lovely computer!

I love your blog... your home is so wonderful and romantic! And the old door.... and the hearts! I love it all!

Wish you a wonderful week!

Hugs from Sweden!


MeMeMe said...

Life looks good, Cindy!!! God is good!!!!


linda t said...

Yeah! Good for you Cindy!
Welcome to the Mac family!
My son works at the Apple Store, he's a genius... I mean he works at the Genius Bar! Ha!
But we've been using Mac's since 1990... and we've NEVER had a virus. They are sooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

I can barely see the computer for all the beautiful bed linens and pillows.

Have fun blogging in bed with your new technology.

Julie said...

Ahhh yes - life without a is kind of trying to imagine life without a microwave! ha ha.. Enjoy yours as I am sure you will.

A Romantic Porch said...

So happy for you. It looks beautiful on your bed. xoRachel

Dena said...

What a wonderful treat! I have a laptop with wireless and for some reason I still sit at the little desk. Thanks for the idea...I'm dragging this thing to the bed now!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cindy,
I have a Mac book Pro.... but mine isn't white....waa waa...
Don't you just love the wireless thing.... we took ours on vacation and when would see something of interest we could google and get more history right then....

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

My 18 yr. old got a Mac laptop for college, and he loves it!
I'm sure you will enjoy yours too!

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

I am so glad that you were able to get something that you were really needing. That's great. Enjoy it!

Alison Gibbs said...

Ciy you a new computer.
White as well - how perfect.

Anonymous said...

Great looking computer! I just got a new flat screen monitor and feel like I've entered a new world. The old one was about 3 feet deep it seemed and took up half the old library table we use as our desk! Have fun with your new toy! Sherry

Anonymous said...

That is awesome that you got such a great new computer!! You will love blogging again without freezing up, that is just the pits when that happens.

LeAnn :)

Kathi said...

Oh wonderful. I'm so glad for you. White is perfect.


Alicia ~ Time Worn Style said...

Very nice Cindy, havent worked with an apple mac before but hear they are pretty good. dont know how I would handle the cross over but the idea of a laptop greatly appeals! Blog from every room yay!!
Alicia ~ time worn style

Debbie Kay said...


Congrats on the new computer but I gotta say, I love the comforter on your have such lovely taste. Lookin forward to your posts as always....

Debbie Kay

TBM said...

Congratulations! And it looks so pretty in your home, too :-)

Mary said...

Though I'm still blogging from an old Toshiba laptop, I love the macs. Both my kids have them, and they are great. And I had to smile when I saw your white one -- that's SO Cindy! :) enjoy!!!

Lisa said...

I am so jealous, crawling at a snails pace here on my old friend. Enjoy!

Unknown said...

I love your bed, it reminds me of a very typical French bed I slept in once many years ago.

Proverbs3122 said...

I *love* my iBook G4. Our church school recently bought a new laptop and it is Vista based. What a pain! The first few days of setting it up, I was grumbling, "I hate Windows!"

S said...

Hi Cindy, How good is it when you go from an old slow computer to a nice new one? I remember when I got mine I felt like superwoman! :)

Siobhan xo

Trisha said...

Hi, Cindy
Thanks for visiting my blog. I too purchased a mac this year, and am still learning all that it is capable of doing! I keep asking myself "What took me so long to switch over"? I should have done this years ago!

Your blog is beautiful and a delightful read!
a vintage white - coming soon!