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The tulips are from the Farmer's Market.

I planted the hyacinths below last fall. My plan was to plant some more bulbs in the back, as you can see, I never got around to it.

I'm so happy~my lilacs are starting to bloom! I planted this lilac a couple years ago. It's been really fun watching it get bigger each year. This is a variety that is supposed to do well in California.

The weather has been so great but there is so much pollen in the air. I took my car to the car wash on Saturday and a couple hours later I went outside and it was covered in yellow-green dust! Luckily I have
one of works great at removing dust and pollen from your car!
Love the lilac! It is going to be so pretty. I can almost smell it now :-) Rosie
Ahh - your flowers are so beautiful - thanks for the sight of things to come! Here in VT the lilacs bloom at the end of MAY, so I will enjoy the snow outside my windows for a while longer. :) I'm dreaming of those blooms, though!
I love lilacs. I have 6 different varieties in my yard and will probably add more. Nothing makes the house smell as good as a bunch of lilacs. Your lucky yours are starting to bloom, we don't get full swing lilacs until May up here in WA :0)
Hi Cindy,
After 5 weeks off for my knee surgery, I came back to work Monday. Yippie :>( Anyway, it was 70 degrees here yesterday. Just a glimpse of Spring. Now we're heading back to the 30's and snow. I'm glad you shared your garden today. It has brightened my day. I so enjoy visiting your blog every day.
By the way, I absolutely love your shelf arrangement. I collect a lot of vintage china with roses and flowers. I need to make a shelf arrangement like yours. Thanks again for another wonderful idea!
Ahh choo...ahh choo...ahh choo...ahh choo...sniff...sniff...ahh choo! The pollen is bad here in FL too. Oak trees (among other things) are blooming like crazy. Wish I had a green thumb so I could grow pretty flowers too.
I wish we could grow Lilacs here, but it's too hot in the summer and not cold enough in the winter for them to thrive, unfortunately.
Their fragrance is heavenly!
I love tulips and lilacs...but neither grows well in Southern Texas.. :0(
Spring is ceratinly on your blog as well as in the air. Thanks for sharing the lovely tulips. As always, you make my day....
Debbie Kay
Oh how pretty. I sure wish we would get some Spring here in Chicago!
Hi Cindy,
Oh I am so envious of your weather. We are facing another wintry mix storm, I need to see green!!!!! I really enjoy your blog, stop by sometime.
LeAnn :)
Spring, Spring, Spring !!!!
Yesterday I went out to the garden shops and picked up different flowers to plant. I have a backyard but it needs a good clean up, so I plant in the front till the back is cleaned.
I have the same thing to use on my car. I know what you mean about the pollen.
Have a wonderful day
Wow Spring certainly is in the air.
Love the tulips and hyacinths.
How gorgeous your lilac will look and smell when those buds burst open.
Cindy I want to invite you to my new blog.You are in my favorites even though I want to invite to everyone.
Lilacs are so beautiful. I remember having a huge bush in our backyard growing up in CO. Thanks for sharing some springtime pics! God Bless,
Thank you cindy let me tell you that you was my inspiration to make a blog your home is so beautiful and I told to my daughter that you have a teenager daughter.Your home looks so pretty and I admire you. Believe me!
Oh, lovely! I can't wait for the lilacs, but they won't show up till May... I have some snowdrops blooming today, though. Yippee!
Mmmmm. Lilac... Right now in England, the daffodils are blooming. So cheery after a long, grey winter. And I can't wait until later this month when the rhododendrons bloom!
Oh, sigh, I wish mine were even close to where yours are. Merely lumps of last year still, but there may be hope yet.....Please send some nice weather here if you have some to spare.
You new pics with the new computer are so NICE
Spring is in the air in Texas also....I love spring time and your spring bulbs are so pretty....
Hi Cindy,
I just gave you an award on my blog, come check it out when you have a moment.
Your colors are dreamy. I love the whole look with the shelf and flowers and everything on the shelf. Kathi
AAAh the tulips are divine, I love tulips. We have a large dutch community around where we live and a huge tulip farm nearby with windmill out front, looks stunning in Spring. I will have to wait a bit longer to see them than you though, we have to get through winter first!
Alicia ~ time worn style
Tulips!! Oh I am so insanely jealous. :)
Our Spring is sure taking it's sweet time this year.
Lilacs wow, ours bloom around April 18th. xoRachel
Spring is such a sweet time...I love all the bulbs and especially the hyasinths!!! The colours are so beautiful.
Siobhan xo
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