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I'm a day late for White Wednesday hosted by
Kathleen at Faded Charm but I really wanted to give you more than a one day notice about
Show and Tell Fridays so I decided to post this a day late. Above is a paper rose I have hanging on a bird cage...I always think of Marie Osmond every time I say
Paper Rose. Remember that song "
Paper Roses" Okay, I know, I'm showing my age! Aghhhh....I'm not going to be able to get that song out of my head for days now... Oh well, it brings back happy memories of being 12 years old! Paper Roses...

I just love this photo of Vince. His hair is dark brown now but when he was little it was very blonde...almost
white!!! It's hard to tell in that photo but he has dirt all over his face. I was working in the garden and he was playing in the dirt! Where did the time go? He'll be 23 in December!

This mirror above was from a giveaway I won on
Glenda's blog. I have it in my entry way. It's reflecting the mirrors on my staircase. Hmmm...Mirrors reflecting mirrors....that may be a sign that I have too many! haha!

A lace trimmed napkin on a shelf. It's just too pretty to put in a drawer!
Don't forget tomorrow is my first
Show & Tell party! If you are a new blogger, I encourage you to join in. It's a great way to get more visitors to your blog!
Che peccato non capisco l'inglese!!!!!!!!!comunque bellissimo blog che ho inserito tra i miei preferiti!!!!!!
Lety (Italia- toscana)
Hi Cindy -
I love your blog and I can't wait to go back to read more and catch up.
Maybe you know the answer to my bloggie question - sometimes I want to visit the blogs of others who have commented and their names are not highlighted - it happens to my comments too, sometimes my name is highlighted sometimes not - HELP!
Thank You - I will be back -
Cindy, great post & thanks for the heads up for Show & Tell Friday. I think I'll join. Love the mirror you won. Just did a post on one of our big Antique Fairs in Texas & since you always tease & taunt me with the wonderful ones in California... I thought I would return the favor. Hope you'll hop over & look. Leave me a comment & let me know what you think. Not done posting it all but, it was fun! Thanks for sharing about Show & Tell.
HI! Have you personally had success with the diet you have advertised here?? Please share your experience. Thanks!!
Hi Cindy,
I love white too, especially in the spring and summer, it is so refreshing and tasteful! Love all
the white you chose, what an adorable pic of your son. Mine was a tow head too, but now has very dark hair like your Vince.
Loved your new house terrarium, that's not what you call it, but can't think of the name now. That lady did an awesome job and it looks so nice in your patio area.
Also enjoy your blog hon. I can see why you have so many followers,
it is always a treat to come here.
Blessings, Nellie
Mirrors reflecting mirrors look pretty!
Cindy, You can NEVER have too many mirrors!!! :)
Beautiful whites. They're as pretty on Thursday as Wednesday.
How exciting you'll be doing the S & T. I've never heard of MckLinky. I'm curious. I'll be back to check it out. I love the icon you made for the meme.
Very pretty, Cindy! I love your mirrors! ♥
That photo of the lace trim napkin is just BEAUtiful!!!
PS...Cindy, THANKS for clarifying the one rule for Show n Tell! I very much appreciate your courtesy, and allowing more than one meme in a Friday post!!! I so enjoy Show N Tell.
I really like your blog. :D
Gorgeous whites Cindy! I love mirrors reflecting mirrors. I say a girl can never have too many! lol
Hi Cindy,
Love the picture of your son,that
is precious memories. I remember
Patty Paige singing "Paper Roses".
You probably don't even know who
she is. See I told you I was reall
llly ((((OLD))). Love the picture
of the napkin,its beautiful and
mirrors make a home look larger
so you can never have to many.
Hope you have a good Friday.:o)
Elsie, I SAW Patty Page perform at Disneyland when I was little!!
Beautiful white mirrors and no you can never have too many! Your little boy looks like my son at that age. Mine is 31 now and dark haired too. Thanks for sharing!~Patti
Now I will be humming that song all might long! I loved Donnie and Marie! I love all of your 'white'!
The picture of your son is precious...even with the dirt! LOL
Oh drat,I'm humming Paper Roses now. That's okay though it is a pretty song.
I love all your beautiful whites. The reflection in the mirror is such a lovely one.
oops, Cindy, I know I was supposed to leave my name in the link but the prompt asked for the post title. There was no way to delete and do it right.
Thank you for hosting Show and Tell Friday. I love visiting you place!
Kindly, ldh
What a lovely photografs you 've taken!
I loved your blog and and the whites are perfect!
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