It's Show and Tell Friday and once again I'm sorry but I'm using photos I've already posted on here...yikes, some have been on here more than once! I'm going to have to plan my time better because it's getting dark so early now which makes it really hard to take good photographs after work! I guess I'll have to plan out my week's worth of posts on the weekends!
This week I decided to share some of my vintage linen and lace with you. I've seen it all before..
I can hardly wait to decorate for Christmas after seeing this...

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!
UPDATE: I removed this weeks list because I think it was causing errors on my blog!
Thank you for doing this early for us friends not on the divine west coast!!!! I love your linens so just show them anytime you want to. In case you missed my post last week I did get a new camera. It's not the same as yours but, I like it. Your table is so pretty set for Christmas with the blue bows. I can see why you are anxious to decorate. Thanks for hosting. Have a great Friday
Well, I have to say ditto to the early part since I'm over here on the east coast and the earlier the better for me (since it's already 11:30 at night here!).
I got all excited about Christmas too when I saw your decorations on your table. They are so pretty! It will be here before we know it...
Thanks for taking the time to host, Cindy.
Cindy, one never tires of beautiful linens. Your pictures are lovely as is your home. (I think I have the same rectangular silver tray) Always a joy to stop by!
Kindly, ldh
PS I agree with Charlene... us east-coasters appreciate your early posting! Now... off to bed :)
I don't mind looking at repeats of your photos... saves me from having to scroll back through your blog lol
I am so happy that i got the chance to see all of your pretty tablecloths, napkins, etc. How beautiful they look even folded up!! I am a linen freak!! I love the tablecloths and you are so lucky to have such a thoughtful mother.
I also love the outdoor pictures. How pretty!! I don't think I could decorate like this in a dream!!
Thanks so much for sharing, Cindy!!
It's always lovely to see it again! Beautiful.
Looks all so romantic and soft ! When I compare my home to yours it's just the opposite, mine is full of colors dominated by red in all shades, and yours is so pastel and white. But I think both homes are cosy and that's the most important !
Your things are so fabulous. I'm curious how you keep the outside linens so beautiful.
Thanks for hosting Show and Tell. My first time to participate.
Love the vintage linens, Cindy....especially love the photo with the vase and roses.
Thanks so much for hosting this fun blog party!
I'm lovin' all of your vintage linens. The courtyard is so pretty!
Thanks for hosting this fun party!
I'd not seen your pics as I'm a fairly new follower, so I love that you re-post your beauties :o) Thanks for hosting!
I saw already these pics too, but it's always nice to see them because they are really beautiful, and most of all, to see which are our special treasures, don't you think?
My post is up at
You did such a fantastic job with your photographs!! I love it all. And having all the pure whites make it so much more, well.....romantic!!!!
Mine today is just a sketch I drew. [along with a little worksheet share for a simple craft project....AND links to my photos of the trip to the zoo!!! LOL ---a busy post.]
Click HERE
Have a glorious Friday, and super weekend.!!
Oh Cindy, I could look at your pictures over and over again. I commented on my entry today about how your pictures remind me of those taken by Toshi Otsuki in the old Victoria Magazine which were always my favorite in my favorite magazine. For me and probably others your blog has filled the void left by the demise of Victoria when Nancy Lindemeyer left as the Editor.
Thanks again for hosting another Show and Tell Friday.
These are so pretty, Cindy. I don't mind reposts because sometimes I may have missed them the first time round. Your home is so lovely I could look at these pictures dozens of times and see something different I like each time.
Hello!! I'ma newbie here so thankful for the pic repeats!! LOVE that birdcage!!
The whole blog is just lovely!!
I have a giveaway on at the moment for all visitors so please feel free to drop in xx
Since I am new to your blog I had not seen these lovely items and throughly enjoyed their beauty and your lovely pictures. My pictures are never very good but I love sharing things on Show & Tell and appreciate your continuing this fun activity for us.
Don't worry about it Cindy those pic's are pretty enough to look at over and over again (;
Omigosh, I don't care if you've already posted these before -- they are SO beautiful! Thanks for hosting Cindy. Have a wonderful weekend! :)
I love all of your vintage linens. The photo with the table and the bird cage looks like it came straight from the pages of a magazine. You've done a beautiful job.
Wishing you a nice weekend.
Your re-runs are still very beautiful.....
Cindy, don´t worry, I´d look at your wonderful pictures and stuff a hundred times !!!! How, how lovely!!!
Maria Cecilia
Cindy....I for one never tire of seeing beautiful photos of your home and your beautiful vintage linens.~Patti
Don't apologize. Some of us are seeing them for the first time. The linens are beautiful. Many times we hold on to magazines so that we can go back and look any time we want to. Thanks for sharin.
I love re-runs!What type of linen spray is that in the photo?
And yes, I'm gearing up for Christmas too!
Very Pretty and I have not seen the pictures before ~I would love to find one of those bird cages so pretty ~Blessings Heather ;D
I never get tired of seeing your photos fact, I go through your blog over & over, just like I would a favorite magazine.
Thansk for hosting again today...I enjoyed it so much last week.
Hi Cindy...
TGIF!!! Well my friend, I for one am so happy to see more of your beautiful linens...I would never tire of looking at these beauties!!! Your photos are absolutely exquisite, my friend! You really should consider writing a book about your fabulous home!!! I would certainly buy a copy of two!!! Yes...yes...YES!...your tablecloth that your mom gifted you with is of the prettiest that I've ever seen!!!
Thank you so much for hosting Show & Tell Friday, Cindy!
Warmest wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Hi there...I`m back in blogland and catching up on all the 100`s of fabulous posts I missed out on.....and here you are still posting about fabulous things.....missed it!!--Gypsy Purple -Chamara
Everything is just beautiful, Cindy. No need to apologize! The photos are new to me, since I hadn't visited your blog before you started doing Show & Tell. Thank you so much for hosting... you are doing a super job.
God bless,
Cindy I never tire of seeing your pretty things, even in reruns.
And everytime I see a white birdcage I think of you!!
You have some fun special things.
Linda Q
Oh, Cindy, where do I begin. I love your dreamy garden and you lace collection is perfection! I love seeing them anytime!
Thanks for hosting such a fun event!
Cindy I don't care how many times
you put them on here they are still
the most beautiful pics ever. No one could ever tire of seeing that
wonderful eye candy. You do such
a grest job of presenting them.
Hope you have a good day.:O)
Your photos are always so beautiful! I enjoy looking at them all the time... whether it's the first time or the tenth time.... they're still beautiful every time. I absolutely LOVE your china cabinet with the roses in the pitcher! So beautiful!
I love the lace!
I apologize for showing up so late for the party! Could not get my camera to work!
I LOVE your linens -- is there anything more wonderful that fresh laundered old cotton and linen? And if it has lace or embroidery -- even better. Love it all.
Hi Cindy. I love linens too. I did an entry for show and tell...hope I did it right! Have you ever been tempted to dye any of your linens? Trish
Hi Cindy; I never tire of seeing your lovely things... You have some very beautiful linens..
Have a great weekend
The white is lovely,especially against the blue in the first picture.
Hi Cindy ! I love your blog, all is beautiful so I write an post on my blog for my french friends ! I hope you accept that ... if no, please let me a message on my blog ! Apologize my bad english, please ;(
Have a good day !
Everything is so lovely! Never grow tired of looking at your beautiful pictures.
Could you please tell me what kind of camera you use? I hope to be able to buy another one soon. Thanks!
Have a blessed weekend!
I have a Canon Rebel Xsi. I bought it on QVC. They have it on their easy pay option. You can pay it off over 3 months at @ $266.00 a month. I love it! It's 12.2 megapixel which gives nice crisp photos!
Hi Cindy so refreshing love the garden..we had a wicked storm,Nor'easter last weekend that wiped out the dunes!! LOL Denise Hull,Mass
When photos are that pretty, its nice to have a chance to see them again.
this tablecloth is such beautiful!!!
the photo of you is nice
they may be old photos to you, but they are all new to me. I only found your blog last week,and am loving your style so much. I don't mind photos being old or new, I'm just really enjoying seeing them :o)
sadie (from England)
Lovely linens and lace, Cindy. You use them so beautifully, it isn't easy knowing just where and how to use some of them. And btw, I do happen to understand Fahrenheit and Celcius both, it changed over to Celcius just as I was finishing high school so I had to learn Celcius on my own. In fact my temp gauge shows both. Love your post, everything you do is sooo beautiful. Hugs, Cindy S.
I never tire of seeing your linens! I was blessed to get a nice collection of sheets, towels, placemats, napkins and napkin rings when I married. My MIL sold linens for many years and saved a lot of her stock after she closed the business. The quality is so amazing! For the longest time I did not use some of the sheets she gave me because they were so beautiful I thought I should save them, but I have used them for years now and they have held up beautifully because they are such good linens.
I love all the wonderful soft colours & the crystal, china etc.etc. Thank you. x
Your vintage linens are so beatiful! I love how you put things together. You always take such lovely photos. Thank you so much for sharing them.
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