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I mentioned last week that I moved my bedroom around and here it is. The funny thing is I thought it looked good until I looked at these photos which is why I didn't post it last week. I think I have too much going on in here. For some reason my bed looks really small in these photos but it's a queen-size bed! I didn't want you to think I was sleeping on a twin bed!

If you remember before, I had my bed under the window and my dresser was where the bed is with a big mirror over it.

I would have hung that cottage sign a little lower but I had to hide the screw holes from the mirror.

If I decide to keep the room arranged this way I'm going to redo everything on that wall so it's not so
busy. Oh my gosh...I just realized my finger got in the shot above...oops!

This is the other side of the room and that's
a chair that I've had forever that's waiting for a paint and reupholster job to done on it. I have too many projects and not enough time!

Beau liked the bed better by the window so he could actually look down and see what's going on outside! He can look out the window but he can't see what's going on in the parking lot now!
Well, now I need to decide if I want to leave it this way or put the bed back under the window...
Update: I always get asked about the paint color and my quilt so I'll include it now:
Paint: Glidden paint in Cancun Blue (it photographs nicer than it actually is though and it looks different every time I photograph it. If you look at the right photo in my header you will see what I mean)
Quilt: It came from
Summer's Cottage. Her link is on my left side bar under "Favorite Places to Visit". Once you are on her website you can click on the picture to get to her eBay store.
Morning, Cindy! Oh, I love your beautiful romantic bedroom! Love all the plates on the wall - the wall color and your bed linens are gorgeous! Just love everything you do!
be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
OMG I have missed so much, I have had comp problems again and can't leave messages, it usually cuts me off line but I'm going to give it a try (; Your bedroom looks so pretty, I love the cottage sign, I have also been trying to simplify some stuff around here too, which is hard for me to do cause I love all my STUFF!
Good morning. I just nominated you for a BlogLuxe award. Hope you get up there and kick tail!
Darn I typed really fast so I could be your first comment but Shelia beat me to it LOL!
I am a new visitor to your blog....wonderful and beautiful! Thank you for sharing. Sharon
From the photos, your bedroom looks really cozy this way. I especially like that the chandlier hangs next to the bed. Very pretty!
Congratulations on your 4 year blogging anniversary. What an accomplishment. Sometimes I wonder if I have enough posts in me to make the 4 MONTH milestone (and I don't even post as often as you do)! :)
Hi Cindy...I think your bedroom looks beautiful!! And I don't think its too busy!
It looks wonderful Cindy! I love your decorating style. How do you keep everything so neat & tidy?
beautiful. love it! I so want a chandelier in my room!
I have always loved your bedroom decor. If you leave the bed against the wall, you might want to move the plates to hang directly above the bed. However, being a pet owner myself, I'd find myself moving the bed back for my pet's happiness.:>) I'm having a similar problem in my family room. Bought a new sectional, and now the cat can't jump on the back of the sofa to look out the window. He's totally confused.
So very pretty! I love your chandlier with the wrapped cord. Adorable!
You have such a cute finger!
I like both arrangements. However you do your arrangement, I just wanted to say everything flows so well after you are done. Beau looks so cute! I'm sure he'll be ok with the new arrangement. Oh, and I agree with you - so many projects, not enough time.
Take care & Toodles.
Hi Cindy! I love your bedroom decor! It looks so feminine and romantic, the theme I want to create in my bedroom. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures with us.
I love the color of the walls and the things in your room... I hope that you like your arrangement. It is fun to see how decorator's think!
Your room is so lovely and you have given me an idea about an old chair that I love, but needs to be redone. Thank you.
I love your new look to your bedroom Cathy! Great make-over!!
Hi Cindy,
I love your room redo. Don't you just love moving the furniture and accessories around, it makes everything seem new and different.
You need to keep it that way at least for awhile just so you can enjoy the change. I have a certain place I really like my bed too, but I move it around anyway just for the fun of it.
I like your chair the way it is,
it looks so cozy. Your bedroom is warm, cozy, feminine and beautiful
and great to look at anytime of the day!! Go check out my blog for
the last few days cause I did a bedroom redo as well. I have actually been working on it since
Jaunuary, it was mostly done but I have been adding lil touches here and there. Still want to do
something different with a few of the walls.
You have such a flair girl!!
Blessings, Nellie
Hi Cindy, Love the new look & the bed on the wall is so pretty. I see what you mean about too much going on though. Can you move some of the plates above the window? I've always loved that look. I think some vintage rose or flower pictures would be pretty above the bed too. Hope you don't mind my suggestions. ♥ Diane
You are so ambitious to move not only your furniture, but also the many pretties on your walls! Could you please send some of that ambition and energy my way??
I especially like the cozy little corner with the chair ~ how clever to disguise it with a beautiful quilt until you have time to refinish it!
I have to keep a bench at the foot of my bed (even though I'd rather have the extra space) so my three pomeranians can get in and out of the bed:) Otherwise they make annoying unhappy sounds until I get out of bed to pick them up in the middle of the night... They can hop off but they can't get back up.
I like it both ways. I wish that I could change mine around but I'm limited because I have a king size bed and my room is small. I have the same dresser as you and I have it in front of the window also. There wasn't a wall that I could place it on to be able to use my mirror. One day if I ever add on to my little cottage, I will be able to use it.
I love the color of your walls. I love the quilt also.
Lee Laurie
Very nice, Cindy! I could just look and look! Your bed does look smaller than a Q! I think it's the angle... Well, I love your chair with the quilt on it! Don't re-do it! ☺
Hi Cindy! Your room looks good this way... change is good... Its a wonderful summa~time look... Its too hot and light out to be by a window...
Hope your week is going well...
~Really Rainey~
I think it is just beautiful!!
To be perfectly honest, I liked the arrangement you had before. It looked more restful and less busy.
Cindy, Your bedroom looks wonderful....I love it arranged this way! It looks cozy and romantic. I love that whole wall behind your bed...Beautiful!
Hi Cindy,
I wish I had your energy and talent. I am getting ready to go into a great shop and I am torn between romantic decor or just creams and browns. So then I came over here and I have to tell you I am loving your romantic cottage bedroom.
What would you do if you were me? What booths or shops draw you in?
I love the way your room looks.....we all hate the way we look in pictures so this sometimes rings true to our home decor pics too.
You have so many visitors...some will like it others may like the way it was before.....
Your taste is very elegant but comfy and homey too. It is a home meant to be lived in.
You are the prime does not matter where you live...if you own or even rent~HOME IS WHERE YOUR HEART IS!
Whatever you looks wonderful(in pictures too) I can never make groupings look good,you have a knack.
Can't wait to see what you decide~Sheri
I like cottage bedrooms...but I agree with you, there's too much going on. Simplify for the summer and you will feel lighter! Love your plates and the head board! Maybe all white bed linens for the summer would give you a change of pace!
Cindy, it is lovely this way too. I love your groupings of plates on the walls. I don't think it is to busy.
Thanks, fun to take tours!
wOW!your blog is awesome!
My first time here. Glided in here when I browse the net.
I definitely come back here and get some nice ideas.
Thanks for sharing your home.
Hi Cindy....Your bedroom looks wonderful no matter where you put your bed but you are the one who has to be happy...and Beau of course! lol
Congrats on the 4 years, we have all been cheering you on and appreciating all your creative inspiration. Fingers in photos do add a touch of authentic but too funny about the little dog not entirely happy with the new layout.
It looks good this way, I don't think the walls look too busy. Having the bed this way instead of under the window, you can wake up and look right outside the window at the blue summer sky and not the sun looking down at you. You are at 97 followers, wow 1000 is near.
Your boudoir is so beautiful no matter how you arrange it...... poor Beau doesn't look happy...... it isn't easy being the short guy..... lol
your look is perfection..
Your bedroom is so pretty!
I love it both way's,the big question are you sleeping now?
I love to rearrange my bedroom but I never sleep as well when I corner my bed.
Hubby likes it and my room looks really pretty when I do it that way, I just can't sleep.
So, it isn't cornered any more.
Your room is beautiful both ways so as long as your comfortable and can sleep, either way is great!
Have a fabulous day!
I like it both ways - but for Beaus enjoyment - I will cast my vote for moving it back...ha ha
Happy Anniversary too!
What a romantic bedroom! Thank you for the little peek into your most intimate space in the home, it is lovely.
I am amazed that you have been blogging for 4 years; I have been blogging for 2, and think of myself as an old-timer!
OOOH, AAAAHHH!! I love it!!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Cindy:
I think the bedroom looks great. Sometimes it just takes awhile to get used to the "new" look. I wouldn't change a thing.
You have the most serene-looking home I have ever seen. The colors you use are so calming. The bedrooom would look splendid to me no matter how you arranged it. Even though I go for the bold in my own home, I can't help but want to take a seat in yours and just relax.
Your bed is so gorgeous! ~Lori
It looks dreamy and romantic to me. Just the way a bedroom should!
I could just move right in ! It is so inviting. Just lovely. Just PERFECT!!! Kathy
Must be something in the air,I just "re-did" our bedroom too!! Funny, I did alot of editing as well,I think its the time of year, we just don't need alot of "stuff".Your room looks lovely! All the best,Chrissy
So Pretty!! I have a guest bedroom and well kind of Hatties bedroom also. But the bed is like yours only with foot board..Now I want to have hubby paint it white. Also been wanting a quilt like yours. So many ideas. I should paint roses sign like yours. We just bought a new house and the walls in bedrooms are already off white which I like..Will have to take pics of my house soon. When I have it more decorated. Well Ive rambled..thanks for the your info on paint colors. Got to check out the quilt..Sorry Ive rambled..Sally
Cindy, congrats on 4 years of blogging! It's been almost 2 1/2 for me, so I can imagine how it has changed for you with ALL the many blogs out there now. Can you believe that? You've done so much with your blog, so keep having fun with it.
I love the look! I have a very similar paint in my bedroom. It is very restful, and in different lights can appear grey, blue or periwinkle (which was the color I was trying for!). Love the blog!
I think the room is perfect. I love all that clutter. I love all my romantic rosy things and I want all of them around me to look at. I love that cottage sign with the bicycle. I almost painted one just like it. I had found a greeting card with a bicycle and it had a basket on the front and back with flowers. I drew me a pattern only put roses in my baskets and my wording was cottage roses. Still may paint it one day, because I sure love yours. Do you know the artist?
Have a great day!
Hi Cindy,
I like your bedroom better as is, than the ones you showed today!!!!
It is really pretty, and so cottage like. :-) Antique Rose
Well, all opinions aside, it has to please you because it's your resting place! But, there is one consideration - we are cautioned here in earthquake country not to put our beds under windows. That being said, our bed is under the window at our house as it's the only wall that will fit it and the nightstands!
Hi Cindy!
Yours bedroom is my dream bedroom!!! Love it!!! Sooo beautiful and dreamy!!!
Have a nice weekend!!!
Regards and hugs from
Sweden Sussie
beautiful! but you are right...there is too much going on...
Afternoon Cindy,
I love your room and your taste, but I understand the simplify thing as well. I have been going through that for months. Just a suggestion that might save some money, maybe you could go with a solid bed set?? You know just something like a white or cream matelasse.Making that small change might take away the "too much" feeling you are getting. Whatever you do it will be beautiful.
Cindy i must say it is indeed a romantic one
of sure i would love to share this pictures with my interior architect and get this done for my new home too
Thanks for that great idea
Teak LoveSeat
Nooooo! Please put the bed back. It is made for it's cozy spot right there under the window. Everything fit together just beautifully befre. I know it' a refreshing change to change a room around but you know in your heart that it doesn't look as homey as it did before. Poor Beau.. he would appreciate it too.
I would love to wake up in your beautiful bedroom every morning! You must open a B&B I think you would be a hit!!!
If it's a queen-size bed, the only thing you need to remove is the "breakfast tray". It must be oversized, and everything else will take on the right proportion! Hugs, Penny
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