Thursday, June 25, 2009
Pretty Bedrooms
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After looking at the photos of my bedroom I posted yesterday I realized that I have way too much going on and I want to tone it down a bit. That's not easy for someone who is not even close to being a "less is more" type of person! I went to the Country Living website for some inspiration and I'm surprised that the bedrooms I like are all very soothing and they don't have all the clutter I do!

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Cindy, Cindy, Cindy. Those are all nice, but I sooo much prefer your bedroom. I really enjoyed looking at every little thing you have displayed in your room. I know what you mean though. I try to "pare down" and then slowly fill up every nook and cranny again with my "stuff".
I think I know what you mean, Cindy. I've been trying to teach myself to buy one larger item rather than many smaller items, but it's hard for me because I'm so detail oriented (you are too). Besides it's easier to come up with just a few dollars for a small pretty item rather than more for a larger one with more impact. After all, who can turn down a beautiful little plate with roses?? Not me! Also, when you have a grouping, doesn't it count as one large item? Now I'm REALLY confused:) There's nothing wrong with your bedroom ~ you are supposed to surround yourself with things you love. Besides you're the neatest,cleanest person I know. Clutter is only bad when it's dusty. Have I come up with enough reasons to justify many pretty collections in our homes??
I personally love all the little nick nacks and details in your room much more! They all are cohesive in color and style and I think it brings so much more personality to the table than a room with fewer accessories and bigger furniture.
Of course, it's your home and you can do what you'd like, but I just think you've done a lovely job on your room and it's an inspiration to us all! :)
I do think those rooms are all beautiful, but yours is so much more personal! It's wonderful to surround ourselves with the things we love. But I know that whatever you do will turn out gorgeous! Victoria
Ah, those are so nice, but are they you Cindy? Live with what you love, but if you are ready to declutter, do so. Store all your stuff and bring it back out when you want it again. That is what I do, I go through times when I want things cleared out. Hugs, ~cindy s~
The pictures from the magazine are nice, but do real people live there? Your personal touches are what makes your home so much fun to "visit"!
So, maybe simplify for summer and then put it all back! Love that you share your home.
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Oh my, that picture you posted of the black headboard is sooo dramatic yet simple. Makes me want to paint my cream furniture black. Hmmm.
So many times when I paint a room and remove every little thing from it, I very infrequently ever return every item back in the room. Now what's up with that?? LoL
I'm sure you will do what pleases you. Either way, beautiful.
The pictures are so pretty & beautiful examples. I have a hard time paring down too. Sometimes I just have to be tough, then it slowly creeps back in & I start over. Try putting some things away & see how you like it. ☺ Diane
Oh my gosh, yes, these bedrooms are lovely, no doubt set up for the shoots and then dismantled. I love love love your bedroom. It is so full of personal treasures and looks as though you will be comforted and cozy when you are there.
Thanks so much for sharing and I know that whatever you decide to change it will be amazing!
Have a fabulous day!
Hugs, Nerina :)
I love the room with the Black bed. I have that issue and the whole house is wonderful. However, I also like your room, so feminine and cozy.
Cindy I love your beautiful bedroom the way it is. A lot of others agree with me from the number of times your lovely space has been viewed or at the top of the pages of RMS. Keep up the good work sweetie we love your inspiration.
Cindy....Yep, I love looking at those bedrooms. But....I want to be surrounded by the things that I love. And, I have a feeling so do you. Because you have some truly lovely things that are worth loving!
I always tell myself that I have too much clutter after I look at pix. But, while I'm living in it...I do love it!
You are an amazing talent, an inspired collector and a very creative person! You have a delightful home that's just so you!
If you need soothing....go to a spa!
(with that being said, I find your home to be very soothing...)
Well personally speaking, I love your bedroom so much more. Yes, the pictures you posted are beautiful but we know your bedroom is from a real person, kwim? Those bedrooms don't look like someone lives in them. Keep up the good work, Cindy. I love your decor.
Every time I think I'm gonna do less is more, I end up adding more!
I am so going thru the same exact thing. I am beginning to like the uncluttered look much more than I used to. I am also tiring of the cutesy stuff I have around. I am going thru each room and paring down and plan to have a huge garage sale in the fall....
I have too many little things and I need larger items...bolder..more of a clean line look..In fact, I am craving that look. A Beach Cottage has it and I WANT IT, TOO!!
XO bj
Cindy, Here's my two cents. I love your style. Your home is beautiful. But, I wanted to share my story. I remarried a couple of years ago and my bedroom, well--whole house--, looked alot like your apartment. Loved it. My bedroom had plates hanging over the bed and new hubby was concerned that they might fall on his head. After much discussion, I took them down and did a major edit on that room. Guess who loved it most--me!. I feel such peace when I walk in that room. It's a fresh clean look--same colors, same furniture, same bedding, just less stuff. Pack some of your treasurers away, don't get rid of them, they can always return. Try it, post pictures and you know us--we will tell you the truth.
I love your bedroom and these are lovely too. Can you find a happy medium? Some of your lovelies but not all? Can't wait to see what you decide!
I love the first couple of images you posted. The soothing color palette of blues and white is reminiscent of a soft ocean breeze...perfect for a retreat into a relaxing bedroom.
I love the "uncluttered" look too. I always decorated with roses, plates on the wall, and just too many THINGS! Yes, I loved those things once and they are still pretty to look at, but do we really NEED all this STUFF?!! When you look at decorating books and magazines today, it seems everyone is going in that direction. I recently took everything off the walls in my bedroom and started fresh with only a couple of large pieces on the wall. The room looks much bigger and cleaner. And in my daughter's words.."not so grandma" LOL.. I plan to start on the family room next. Best of luck with your de-clutter. :)
Every picture is prettier than the rest. Such inspiration.
Great pics! Here I am again. Just resting from taking care of my granddaughter and wanted to see what your up to. I especially like that dark bed and floral curtains..interesting. I might not want to paint my bed white now. I have an old coverlet that is peachy color and kind of brocade from the 30s which was my moms..always want to do something with it.Thankyou for your blog. Sally
Well, I understand what everyone is saying. Your room is much more personal. Seeing that I'm struggling with the same issue in EVERY room, it's difficult. I vote for removing some stuff and seeing if you like it. SIMPLIFY. Can we do it? I do love the rooms you posted, but they are not personal. There has to be a happy medium.
I agree with you Cindy. I used to have so much STUFF. It was nice stuff, I liked my stuff, but it was way too MUCH stuff. Sometimes less IS better, but it's a very personal decision. Do what makes you feel good when you walk into your home. That's what it's all about. You have great taste, and I'm sure whatever you do will look great!~Sue~
The dark wood bed is stunning!
Those are all nice bedrooms but your is very nice because it's you and who you are and don't change it!
Have a nice friday!
Hugs Bodil
I love your bedroom and whole home just like you have it. It is so beautiful.
Lee Laurie
I totally agree with you on these rooms being restful. I need to clean out my room/house/garden...ugh
I really loved all those photos!
I love love love Chandelier`s...I have them all over my home...
I think i`m going to post some photo`s of my "Bedroom"..when I do, I will share them with you, you can tell me what ya think Cindy :)
~Anna Margaret
My key to keeping all of my "stuff" but not having too much clutter - rotate. My problem - storage space. Do what feels good for you.
They're all fabulous! I rhink my favorite is the bedroom with the brick wall. Beautiful!
But your room is so cozy... I know what you are saying but yours is also beautiful! karen...
But your room is so cozy... I know what you are saying but yours is also beautiful! karen...
Those photos from the magazine are lovely, but everyone has their own decorating style, and your decorating style is lovely and soothing. Your blog is the first one I read because I want to see what new treasures you have found or what you have painted or decorated. I have clutter also, and I justify it by telling myself, I work 40 hrs a week, don't smoke, drink or go to the casino - I just like to shop!! (A co-worker told me today when they went to Hawaii on vacation, their bar tab for 5 days was over $750.00!!! Sitting on the beach sipping drinks and those tips add up fast - Yikes!!) I just shop!! We don't really need all that stuff, but I will be darn if I am going through life without at least enjoying decorating the way I want to!! BUT your rooms are so lovely because you know how to style each and every one of them - you have the decorating touch!! If you are happy with your "stuff", then I wouldn't change a thing - it makes life more interesting, and you style every room perfectly...and whatever style you decide to go with will look great.
So very lovely! Great blog!
I love all those bedrooms.
I think the key to creating a peaceful and restful environment is to display or hang up large pieces rather than lots of little things.
However, it's easier said than done, especially when you love to shop and are attracted to so many wonderful items. Maybe you need to have a booth at a shop or sell on ebay or etsy, then you could recycle your things.
I have always admired pic's 1 & 4 I love their entire houses and #4 she has the prettiest furniture she uses lots of trims and laces, really pretty. I have been trying to get rid of the cluttered look too but it is really hard to do, it looks cold to me when I take stuff out and I love playing with arrangements thats the fun of decorating but I'm trying to change too, maybe there should be a therapy group for us LOL!
Hi Cindy,
I love all those pics too. and the colors, I love that color of blue. I know I am learning to be a
less is more person too. I am learning I like it cause it also means less dusting and housework for me. At my age, I am wanting to spend less time on those things and more time on stuff that I really enoy. I will never like some of those rooms that look stark & sterile tho. We just have to have some fru fru and girlie stuff to be happy.
Oh yea, I love your potty pic below, what a cool idea, and it
absolutely look lovely, you are right lace will cure just about
Have a good day hon,
Love ya, Nellie
I agree with some of the others. I love your rooms the way they are.
That's what makes them you! Pair down a little if you want to, but keep what you love! I think I like your bedroom the other way better.
Cindy, It's funny, my career has been in home decor for over 20 years, and I am an antique collector with tons of stuff, plus I read all the decor magazines, when we moved to the home we are in now, we painted the master bedroom a creamy yellow, added a flea market chandy and I just can't seem to hang anything on the walls. It is so soothing to have a room that is free of art or mirrors or shelves or plates or anything. My eye has a place to rest and I love it. Now if I could just start paring down everywhere else! I love your bed where it was moved, it seems more spacious and I love the chandelier where it is but I agree with the reader who said a more beachy look for summer would be nice. I love, love, love the black bed room.
I love being surrounded by the things that bring me joy..those items that reflect a memory or serve a purpose. Some magazine photos are unrealistic..although pretty - look more like inpersonal hotel or B&B rooms...but that is JMHO! I love your bedroom and was so hoping you were going to win that dream home from HGTV. That is it! You just need a bigger bedroom!!!
BTW - thank you so for all the kind comments you left on my blog and the e-mail from when I was going through the ordeal with Chrissy. Each one meant a lot to me.
I say Cindy, I like your room so much better. Why? Because it doesn't seem like a photo shoot. your room feels so warm and cozy and personal. People say less is more, and in some way it is. My room is cluttered with lovely knickknacks but I like it that way (for now) But remember, it's your room ...more or less. Whatever you decide, I'll be waiting to oogle over.
I am right there with you Cindy! I have scaled down my bedroom also and am luving it! I have actually scaled down the whole house. I to am like you, not a less is more type of person or wasn't but find myself lately to be leaning in that direction.
Hi Cindy,
I LOVE that black bedroom and the one with the brick wall. So beautiful and textural but restful as well. You'll find your just right mix of cozy clutter...just edit out what you no longer see or that doesn't make your heart sing every time you look at it. You can always just box the extra things and see if you miss them. If you do, pull them out and use them, if not, pass them on to the next lucky gal!
Have a great weekend,
I think it's a summer winter thing. i clutter up to get cozy in the fall and winter and as soon as it gets hot I want to take it all away. Maybe we need storage bins for the winter cozy stuff. My room is feeling the same way. I'd like to get rid of the wall paper too but I put it up there to stay forever, extra glue and all....the other day I realized the border at the top is upside down...oh dear.
And um I'm with the others I love your room.
Cindy, where did you get that cute wicker table on top of your bed? That would be perfect for my bed, tell me!!
Caron, I bought that at a flea market years and years ago!
When you downsize your possessions, you'll be having a yard sale and letting us all know, right?
I'm just two hours away!
We definitely have similar tastes because I have saved practically all the same images myself to inspire my bedroom decor. I'm still house-hunting but it's so fun assessing the potential of each house.
BTW I just refinished my dining table and buffet using your step-by-step painting advice and I have a new found appreciation for the refinishing you do. It was such hard work!
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