Some of my other collections are chintz, vintage linen and lace, heart-shaped rocks, white buttons, and pretty plates and mirrors. What more can I say...I just love beautiful things!
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I too love the hand painted plates. And when I find one I think of it as wining the lottery.
I wouldn't no what it is that I collect most. But since blogging, I have more stuff than ever.
Cindy, Thanks for all of your loving support and being a part of my tour! I love your hand painted plates, But you SOUP TOUREENS, are so beautiful! I am in search for a very large one for my family! I know the perfect one is going to hit E-bay eventually!
LOL Cindy! I think you are a shop-a-holic! Or maybe a collect-a-holic. Pretty collections.
Gosh, you have such gorgeous things. I love how you display them. I love the parties. Thanks for sharing it and your beautiful things!
Hi Cindy,
I have the same plate in your first picture. It's the second plate...it is one of my favorites....found it at a garage sale and I was very lucky to get the teacup and saucer to match a 3 piece set for $5....that was my lucky day...great collection...
Mo :-)
Hi Cindy,
I see I am not the only soup tureen addict! Yours are all lovely and the linens also.You have a lot of beautiful collections.
I love all of your dishes and the soup tureens are just gorgeous. I do agree that handpainted plates are just wonderful. I have a few, but would buy more if I could find them. Love your collections. Hugs, Marty
I love seeing the things you Collect. I know what you mean about all the "pretties" in Blogland. I too, didn't start collecting until I started my blog.. Ouch! It has been so fun. Especially looking for treasures at a small price.. I love the Plates and started collecting too. I love your tureens.. You are definitely prepared for family gatherings!! I also love Linens too. I always enjoy your blog.. Have a great week!
Cindy, Your collections are all so beautiful; (I have some major tureen envy going on right now)! ☺♥☺ Diane
Cindy, I had to drop by just to tell you that after reading your post on the Vintage Journal, I bought a beautiful white lace table cover with a big stain just to see if I could get your secret to work, thanks for the great tip, I have turned away so many great pieces or just coffee stained them to make them work. I only spent $2 on the cover, I hope it works because it deserves to be loved again~Jacque
Cindy, your collections are wonderful! Love your soup tureens! It's always a treat to drop by and visit you. Enjoy your evening.
Hi Cindy....as with all of your posts, I love it! You have such lovely tastes!
You have fabulous collections of many wonderful things. A girl needs her "stuff". When I am in my sudio I tell my husband I am playing with my toys. When I buy something for my collections I tell him "they are treasures". Whatever works right? And besides... we can't take it with us right? :)
Your blue armoire with the soup tureens in it is so pretty. Thanks for sharing your delightful collection with us!
Hi Cindy,
I just love your Blog. I always enjoy my visit. You have such a lovely home and are always a huge inspiration!
I know what you mean about starting new collections from the inspirations here in Blog Land!
I do love your soup toureens, they look lovely with the linens.
I wish I had room for more soup tureens too! They do take up a lot of space! Your's are lovely! I always see so many cute thing to collect on blogs but I've really just about run out of space. I'm going to have to get rid of something if I start collecitng anything new!
Love your soup tureens. I've always admired the collecting of the white ones but I've never done it. I, too, collect too many things but when asked I collect "nothing" -- hah!
Do you use your pretties...I do...it makes them all the more special
I went to two Goodwills in the past week looking for some sweet plates like yours. I guess I will need to hit the antique stores instead! Garage sale season doesn't start here in Central Oregon for some months yet, darn! I am painting a little what-not shelf and NEED some small pretties to put on it. (Like I don't already have small pretties, heehee) You know when you have a vision, nothing else will do! Your small plate with the blue rim and roses at the top and bottom is exactly what I am looking for. Maybe Ebay?? I collect so many different things. Most of them I never really meant to have a collection of but it just evolves! I do have a nice collection of vintage thermos's and picnic baskets. I love your white toureens!
Blessings- LillySue
Haha, but the soup tureens are awesome! I really love them :)
All the best,
You have so many gorgeous things!! I love the pic of the soup toureens and the vintage linens in your hutch!!! So pretty!!
Michele R.(CA)
love the soup tureens- what beautiful collections!!
kari & kijsa
I love your soup tureens! They are gorgeous! Erin
Hi Cindi, it is as though I am looking at my own collections, I collect the same things...even the souptoureens (I also have small ones, started collecting tem only recently...) I did not know about this sunday happening...is it fun to join? I might consider it...but pink saturday is also on the air so it might be too much..
Oh Cindy.... soooo beautiful! But you always have the most wonderful things!
P.S. I have just sent you an email...
So many beautiful tureens!
Even though I´m from the north part of Sweden I actually have the same tureen as you have, the first to the left on the second shelf...
You have such a lovely blog, I visit you often thought it was time to leave a comment..
Love your blog and can't wait to try the banana cake. Can you freeze it?
Hi Cindy
as always you are the queen of collection! love your lace & linen, chintz, mirrors, painted furniture, chandeliers and china.. so beautiful.. thanks for sharing and have a nice day!
I love all your collection!
I know what you can do Cindy.You can downsize your tureen collection by having a giveaway and letting one of them be the prize.Since you just missed my birthday,you could rig it so I could win.WAHT DO YOU MEAN NO WAY???????just kidding.....sadly I go...Ann
Gorgeous collections! Luv just about everything you collect!
I collect anything old.... mirrors, seashells,corals,crystal prisums, books,angels,glass jars,hearts and nests,jewels,frames,lace,owls,lampsin shapes of an owl and tulips and fiber optics.Oooh and feathers too...ha whatever gets my fancy just like you!
Hugs Annabelle
Oh, those soup tureens get me right where I live... LOVE them! And I feel the same way -- I've started so many more collections since I began blogging... monogrammed flatware, silver gravy boats, milk glass... the list goes on. LOL
Love the soup tureens! Thought I had hit the gold mine recently when I came across a complete four-piece LONGABERGER tureen at a Goodwill shop in Florida!
What gorgeous collections! The soup tureens are beautiful! :)
This area of Sac reminds me of where I grew up in Willow Glen, in San Jose. Nice variety of older homes. I love your beautiful blog.
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