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I made cupcakes for a coworker's birthday and I used my fondant flower making skills that I learned in my cake decorating class.

It was so much fun making these although I must say it's very time-consuming!

I did apologize to
him for making such feminine cupcakes but he didn't seem to mind. He took some home for his wife and kids which I thought was really nice!

I have to tell you about this weird thing that happened to me last night...I was driving home from work and I was on one of those high overpasses changing from one freeway to another and going about 55 mph when all of a sudden I see a bird flying right towards my windshield but then I realize it's not a bird, it's a
plane! It took a second for me to realize that it wasn't a
real plane but a large remote control airplane! It was so scary! I think all the air turbulence from the cars passing under it was making it really unstable because it seemed to be having trouble staying level and looked like it was about to crash any second and it was headed right towards
my windshield! Can you imagine if that did hit my windshield with me going 55 mph! Luckily it went right over my car! I called 911 to report it! What idiot would fly a remote control airplane over a freeway!
Your cupcakes were so pretty - almost too pretty to eat! Great job as always!
Glad to hear that you're okay - that was scary! I hope they found the culprit(s).
Debbie V.
You are so talented. I think its great that you are able to take the class with your daughter. I took a cake decorating class when my kids we little but I would love to take one with my daughter now that she is older. Maybe this summer when she comes home from school. Memories like that last a life time, what a great gift.
Pretty, Pretty cupcakes!
Nice job.
Those cupcakes look almost too good to eat! I have always thought it would be fun to learn the art of decorating...but I agree, it's so time consuming and then they're gone in 2 bites! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing.
Wow! You are amazing at cupcake decorating! They look amazing!
Beautiful cupcakes! I wish I could get mine to look half as family would probably faint!
And on the airplane....It's takes all kinds! I have a very good friend who always says "What's wrong with the people" I think it fits here...
You're cupcakes are beautiful. Now I have to take a cake decorating class. Your are a talented lady
It's not hard enough driving on freeways and always watching to see what the other cars are doing. Now you have to watch out for flying objects too. Scarry!!
The cupcakes are so beautiful. Too beautiful to eat.... almost. :>)
Glad you didn't have a head on collision with the airplane! Even if no one hit it, someone getting startled and swerving could have caused a major accident with injuries or even death. Hope they found who ever was flying it.
A young boy that 's not thinking.The cupcakes look did good girl...Ann
Way too cute♥
Congratulations!!!! Cindy amei seu blog. Infelizmente não falo inglês, mas sigo você ha dias...
tks, Dolly
They are fantastic. You should open a cupcake shop.
Love, Suzy
That airplane story is SCARY!
BEAUTIFUL cupcakes!! May we know the secret to making the piped icing?? What is your recipe for vanilla frosting/icing. Mine never "stays" like that. It melts into a puddle spreads over the whole cupcake. : (
The cupcakes are AMAZING! True works of art. I bet they tasted as good as they looked!
Wow, what a scary experience with the plane.....I bet it wasn't a little boy but a big boy with a warped sense of humor. That could easily give someone a heart attack! Glad you are OK....
Blessings- LillySue
Really beautiful Cindy!
Happy St. Patrick's Day - aka my birthday too!
Fabulous cupcakes. I laughed when I read they were for a man. Glad to hear you are OK, what a near miss. Could have been tragic. Happy to hear everything turned out OK.
Holy Cow - you MADE those?? They look deLish! Can I have one??? LOL
The Good Lord was certainly looking down on you last night - what a scare! Glad you're okay! Happy Green!
Sweetie, how scary! I'm glad you reported it. It could have caused a nasty accident. phew. I bet you were happy to be home.
Your cupcakes are to die for. Great flowers!! xo Lidy
They are the most beautiful cupcakes I have ever seen!!
WOW! What a fantastic job decorating! I wish you were my co-worker! That was very kind of you. I'm sure they were enjoyed by all. Sorry to hear about your driving experience, that would have muddled my whole evening up. I'm sure it happened so quickly you barely had time to digest what was going on. Glad you are safe and sound!
Cindy, you are so darn talented in whatever you do. The cupcakes look so professional and beautiful.
Glad that plane went right on over your car...I would of had a heart attack!!!
Okay, now my slumber party cake on my blog is making me feel embarrassed next to such a beautiful cake creation!
Hi Cindy! I'm so glad you weren't hit or swerved and got in an accident!!!! You're right - idiot!!! These cupcakes are just too pretty to eat! I'd let them sit on a counter and get stale until they got moldy!lol Very nice job on the flowers!!! Have a great week - I must catch up on your posts! Jeannette
I hear that 'designer' cupcakes are all the rage on the West Coast. Yours rank right up there with any others I've seen. They are beautiful! That is weird about the airplane - and scary, too. Sally
Beautiful cupcakes, Cindy! What a sweet co-worker you are! Everything you do seems to be effortless perfection for you! You never cease to amaze me:)
I'm so glad you're alright and the remote plane missed you. Good idea reporting it to hopefully help save someone else that nerve-wracking experience...
My husband has had many strange things happen on his hour-long northern Michigan commutes to and from work as well. Avoiding deer is common, but one morning a fawn ran into the side of his car. He got out and the poor little thing was standing still, frozen with fright, until a semi-truck whooshed by and scared it back into reality and caused it to scurry back into the woods. One afternoon he had just started on his drive home with the window open, when a HUGE spider was coming down between him and the cardoor! He had to think fast and find a place to pull over during rush hour!
May all your commutes be safe!
very elegant cup cakes!
I have been think of joining a class to learn how to do this, this is just inspiration. Looks yummy.
I hope they caught the idiot that was going that.
Come enter my Giveaway.
Yum, Yum, Yummy!!! These cupcakes are so pretty and I bet they were delicious! That was so sweet of you! You did a great job!
As far as the remote control airplane, I hope that they find the person that did that. You could have been hurt! I'm glad that you are ok.
Lee Laurie
Your cupcakes are just gorgeous. They do look like a lot of work but they really are works of art. Hugs, Marty
Cindy, you really learned how to make some beautiful cupcakes. My mom, sister & niece just took a cake-decorating class, but I don't think they did as well. These are gorgeous!
Your cupcakes were so pretty.
How scary! It could have caused a nasty accident. I bet you were happy to be home.
Cindy, I love cupcakes! I want you to come work in my office. ;-)
WOW! Very talented indeed. Too pretty to eat. Nah!!! I never met a cupcake I didn't eat. Lol. Happy St. Pat's Day
love them.. they're so dainty and pretty... i want one... or two please! my birthday is thurday.. hint, hint! just teasing...
if you have a sec...could you come over to my blog and vote on which hair cut i should get.... :o)
Yum, I want to have a taste of these goodies for sure! Too bad you aren't closer I would enlist you help for the wedding girl. Lovely.
Remote control plane? Freeway? Here's your sign phrase comes to mind......Glad you missed it for sure!
Cindy, I think they were the prettiest cupcakes I have ever seen, too pretty to eat. You are a gal of many talents.
Jean in Virginia
Cindy, they look fabulous....looks like a pro made them. Great job!
I can't decorate a cake to save my life. I need to take a class. :)
They look so pretty!
Your cupcakes are beautiful. They look yummy. Have a wonderful day.
They are beautiful and you have a natural talent for decorating them.
Lots of morons in this world, I run into them everyday at work. It never ceases to amaze me how little common sense people have. Thankfully it didn't hit your car and it's a good thing you reported it. Maybe someone else was prevented from being hurt.
Your cupcakes turned out very pretty! Great work!
Those are the most beautiful cupcakes I have ever seen! You are a very talented and creative lady! Blessings to you.
Nothing better than a good cupcake. Unless it's a good cupcake with pink flowers:)
Cindy, I'm so glad your okay. That would be scary!!
Your cupcakes are so sweet(looking)
Well I'm sure they taste sweet too.
Have a great day,
They look beautiful!! Please share trhe receipe!!
WOW.....they are so pretty! How nice of you.
These are so beautiful! Can you share what tip you used to ice them with the big swirls?
Loved the cupcakes! When can I send in my order? Do you ship to Texas? ;)
So glad that little plane didn't hit your car! Too scary!
WOW,those cupcakes are amazingly beautful! You are so talented and I am sure they were as delicious as they were beautiful!
How very scary. It's not like you could close your eyes either.
With as many followers as you have...
I'm sure some of our husbands have done something just as dumb. Or close. (Well, maybe not). lol!
Wow, those cupcakes are works of art! They'd be perfect for a wedding.
Those are so beautiful-too pretty to eat!
They look sooooo good...!!! :)
Yum Yum
Cindy those are so so pretty! Great job!
And the plane thing, scary indeed.
Probably the same idiot mentality as the guy we had here pointing a lazer pointer into the sky at big airliner pilots at SeaTac airport.
At least they caught ours!
Glad you are ok.
good job Cindy.. your cupcakes were so pretty.. I dont think I could eat! hehehehe.. too good to eat.. and yet look so yummylicious!
glad that nothing bad happen to you when you drove yesterday..
So glad you are think that is something you have to worry about while driving! What's next eh??
Those cupcakes look delicious! What a great must be very patient :)
Oh, Cindy, thank goodness that plane didn't hit you! How scary!!
I love, love, LOVE your cupcakes!! It looks like you learned VERY well in your cake decorating class. They are Beautiful!
Have a wonderful week,
Cindy, your cupcakes are BEAUTIFUL!
You should consider selling them.
You should be very proud!
My Daddy used to fly remote control
airplanes as his hobby. He built
the planes and flew them for years.
I can't believe someone would fly
one near an expressway. My Daddy
always had specific areas where
members of the fly club would go
to fly....never near any roads that
could cause serious problems. I'm
sure you were startled and upset.
I would have been, that's for sure.
Glad the plane missed you and,
hopefully, the person flying the
plane will use better judgement
next time.
The cupcakes look too beautiful to eat Cindy!
I think I would've had a heart attack if I saw that plane coming at me on the freeway!
Your cupcakes turned out beautiful! Each one was so perfect!
That is a scary story! I definitely would have been very freaked out seeing a remote control airplane flying toward my windshield! I'm glad you are safe and that it missed.
Gorgeous cupcakes-bet they were yummy too! Whoever was flying that remote control plane is dumber then dirt!
Those cupcakes look great and have a lot of detail! I wish I could sample one! lol
All the best,
Wow, wish you worked with me! Those cupcakes look like they are from a fancy bakery. I think you could have a second career if you wanted it.
Only an idiot would fly the plane over the highway. Glad it didn't hit you.
Those cupcakes should be preserved and not eaten. They are too "perfect!" Everything you do has such a dainty and quaintness about it.
Scary, scary about that plane. I hope it didn't hit anyone's car or cause an accident. Some people as just plain idiots. I mean who would fly a remote control plane on the freeway? Watch out, tomorrow they will probably be running their remote control car along side of you :)
Whew ! that was a close call Cindy.
Pretty cupcakes,you did a fabulous job !
My son used to say a whe was happy about something..."Sch-weet!" (sweet) Thats about the best way to describe these beauties. What a lovely gift and so much thought went into each one.
So sorry about your experience. Yep - what a fool! Hopefully it was a very expensive plane and a trucker came by and turned it into a hood ornament. :-D
Gosh these cakes look gorgeous! I think the most nicely decorated cup cakes I have ever seen - Much too nice to actually eat them!
Beautiful cupcakes. Cake decorating is always such good fun. The look on the face of the person the cake is for makes the time it takes worthwhile. I'm glad you are safe after the plane scare. Some people are such inconsiderate twits!
the cupcakes looks yummy.. you're such an artist.
oh about the toy plane, that muts be scary. glad that you're alright..
OMG! Cindy, your cupcakes are so beautiful! You are a natural talent as these look like they have been professionally done!!!
Have a great rest of your week!
SIMPLY STUNNING!!!!! WOW!!! Your cupcake making talents are AWESOME!! That was very sweet of you to make them for your friend, and I'm sure his wife loved them, too! I know I would!!!
Michele R.(CA)
Butterfly Whispers
Your cupcakes are beautiful Cindy.
I am more determined to sign
up for a decorating class now. I will be attempting to pipe grass onto my Easter cupcakes - I just purchased a Wilton grass tip. Can't wait to try it. Did you
use Buttercream icing?
Glad you and your car came out of
that ordeal unscathed.
Such pretty cupcakes! You are very talented. I have all the decorating tools for cakes but so far have only made large sheet cakes with nice trim for many of our family occasions. They go over very well, but I really need to find the time and the confidence to attempt flowers. The flowers are definitely the finishing touch.
I had a similar incident with a remote control plane. I saw it about a block away and I thought it was a real one off in the distance and it went down. Got to the next block and saw the people flying it in the parking lot. Scared me to death for a minute. Lovely cupcakes by the way!
Those cupcakes are awesome. I wish I had the patience to do that.
Sooooooo funny you did the cupcake post. I am doing one Friday. I saw some to die for pans on my girls day out Tuesday. Don't you just love cupcakes? They are so cute & personal. But, I bet they did take forever to create. Love them! You did a great job. Thanks for sharing.
Very pretty! Love 'em! :)
LOVING those cupcakes and wish I had one to eat RIGHT NOW....HA!
Good Lord that is so weird about the remote plane. That thing could have killed you!
People need to be more careful with those things and most certainly NOT fly them by the Interstate for pete's sake.
Glad your okay.....just a tad shook up.
Maybe you should have called your all's State Police and reported it too.....just incase.
Hi Cindy! Your cupcakes are GORGEOUS...almost too pretty to eat! Could you do those in "faux" so they could stay out on my cake stand forever? They look as beautiful as the cupcakes I see in the fancy cupcake bakery shop that just openend near where I live....only yours look better! Thanks for sharing your treats ~ xoxo Joy
Your cupcakes look amazing. As an amateur baker, I really want to take a cake decorating and a pastry class. Especially if I can decorate as well as you did.
Wow! Those cupcake are magazine worthy lady! What a special friend you are. Thanks for sharing those sweeties!
Boy!! Those cupcakes look delicious and so pretty.
For real!! flying an airplane in traffic is insane to me.
your cupcakes are beautiful!!! You should sell them! Really :D
I enjoy your blog. Glad I found it.
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