Monday, March 02, 2009

A Giveaway!

Pin It Now!

I found this cute little teapot at Marshalls. Since I already have one but in a different shape I thought this would be a great thing to giveaway! It's my way of saying thanks to all of you who visit here!

Just leave a comment below by Wednesday, March 4th at 9:00 pm PST and I will use a random number generator to choose a winner! This is only open to those who live in the U.S. or Canada due to shipping costs.
Remember if you don't have a blog, please leave your email address so I have a way to contact you if you win!


1 – 200 of 376   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

that is so purdy and would go great in my kitchen. love your blog, kendra

KIm said...

Cindy! that is a beauty please enter me in your contest and o if it is not too much could you send along some sun and warmer weather if i am the winner?? not too much to ask huh????Ü

Anonymous said...

That is a lovely teapot. Even though I don't have a blog I read yours faithfully and really enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love that teapot. Love coming here. Found you through Cottage Industry. So jealous that you get to go to Sac. Antique Show.
I was there a couple of weeks ago and can't make it back. But several little shops I went in recommended it.
Are the two pictures at the top of page your home? Beautiful!!

Ann said...

love your blog and especially love the teapot. thanks for sharing.

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Cindy~ ~ ~
Thanks for the great give-a-way gift. I would love to receive it.
By the way. .your cake looks lovely as does your daughters.
I was a cake decorator for many years and had so much fun doing it and getting paid for it! I started with a business in my parents kitchen at age 15.

Life on the Edge said...

Please enter me! I would love that teapot. It's beautiful!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. I got a chinze on Sat. after reading your previous post. I learn a great deal from you.



jninecostumes said...

It's a lovely little teapot. I collect teasets from the countries I visit and this would be a welcome addition

Megan said...

Beautiful teapot would love to be entered in the draw. I check your blog every day for new posts!

June said...

Please include me in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. I have been following your blog for alittle over a year now, but I'm always alittle shy in leaving comments. But I just wanted to say that your home has become so so beautiful. I've learned alot from watching and reading what you do and have put some of your idea's into my own home. The teapot is very pretty, I would love to be entered into your givaway.

Greatma said...

I would love this teapot, it would look so pretty on my shelf!!!
You have my blog, Antique Rose.

Love your blog, so neat, and always something new, check it daily!!!!

Wendy said...

What a lovely and generous giveaway! Ü

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway! Thanks,

kayleeg2005 said...

yay!!! maybe i'll win this time!
anyways love coming to visit you, always something wonderful to share!
kayleeg @
p.s. you got me wanting soup turens now, so i am in the process of looking for a white one like yours, can't wait to find one!!!!

Joyce Mineer said...

I'm always up for a good contest! I never win but like to "play"! Count me in over at!

Love your blog, Cindy! I'm a regular reader/follower.

Anonymous said...

Please enter my in your giveaway. Thanks for your blog!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, It was serendipity when I came upon your blog last summer. Now I'm hooked and I check in every day just to see what you're up to. Please enter me in your giveaway for the pretty teapot.

Faythe said...

Love that teapot, Love your your blog & loved watching you on tv again the other night,,

i wished you lived closer to me , so you could help me with my house..LOL

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy..I check in with you daily..and get great comfort from your blog, thanks for doing it and please don't stop! warm loving hugs from Vermont..Mona

Anonymous said...

What a lovely teapot. I enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that tea must have some great stores there...It's great to check and see what you have found!

Anonymous said...

I also saw this one at TJ Maxx in Mpls., MN. It really has a beautiful design...It would be beautiful sitting out on a table.

VanC said...

Woo Hoo! That is so pretty and dainty and GIRLY!! I've been looking around at my house and have realized it's not telling anyone that a GIRL lives here til you walk into the studio in the

Anonymous said...

sigh...if only there was a Marshall's within 300 miles.
But thankfully I have Cindy's blog to dream.
I'd love to give this beauty a home.
Thanks for the daily inspiration.
Beverly in Odessa

maggie said...

Please enter me in the draw for your lovely teapot. I have a place all cleaned off and ready for it. LOL

Anonymous said...

What a beauty and so generous of you. Please enter me in your giveaway.


Anonymous said...

Cindy...I have a small collection of tea pot (about a doz)

I've been buying some without lids, with cracks and chips to make a tea pot totem for my garden...I just love them...I even have a bird house tea pot.

Yours would be an indoors tea pot if I would be so lucky as to "win" it...

I love your blog and visit every day!!!


I'm not a bloger although I'd love to be...(just don't know how to start.)so here is my email if you need it.

thank you

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and love this tea pot. The pattern is reminiscent of Lady Ascot pattern by Royal Albert. Which is one of my faves.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy. I must tell you that I enjoy, so much, visiting you on your website everyday. Good job on the cake decorating. Like with everything else you've shared with us, you have a talent for that too!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I just love your blog!! You are so on top of this blog thing. I am beginning to get it. Love the little teapot and would love to win it! I thought your cake was just beautiful! Thank you for making our days brighter.

Anonymous said...

OoOoOoOh a tea pot!!!! I love tea pots! That is sooo pretty! :)

Anonymous said...

Cindy, your home is so lovely and I appreciate all the love and vision that went into creating it. I too am an avid collector and would love to win your tea pot. I have learned a lot from you as I live in a condo and have a small place to do my decorating. Anyway thank you for sharing with us all. Love your website.

Susie Homemaker said...

HI Cindy,
This is a very sweet teapot indeed...

Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

Just love the tea pot and your ideas as well....

Anonymous said...

You're blog ministers to me heart...even during the most difficult moments. Thank you so much for ministering beauty and grace to us all.


Joanne said...

Sitting here in NY with 10" of snow! Can you believe that!!!! I am so sick and tired of snow! That teapot is so pretty -- and, that's so nice of you to give it away. Thanks, Joanne ~~

Anonymous said...

I would love to win the teapot... it is so lovely, just like your home. You are an inspiration to all who visit you. Keep up the great work. ~ Velma

Anonymous said...

Very cute! Love your blog.

Mary Jane

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and I love that teapot. Please give me a chance to win it.


ROBIN said...

I LOVE your blog!!! Have been a follower for a couple of months..


ROBIN said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg said...

What a beautiful teapot and lovely blog!

Anonymous said...

Hello Cindy,

We are having a snowstorm here in central NJ. Where is spring?? I love that teapot, so pretty. Please put my name in.
Thanks Cindy!

lydia's mom said...

Hi, Cindy,

I recently found your blog and I absolutely ADORE IT. I would love to enter in the give away. Jan

Anonymous said...

Tea parties are my passion and this would make a wonderful addition to my collection of tea things! Thanks for the great blog.

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

Beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

jennypilgrim said...

Cute Cute Cute!!! My granddaughter and I have tea parties from time to time. We would love to have tea with this beautiful teapot!!!!


MJ @ 517 Creations said...

I forgot to leave my e-mail address:


Betsy said...

"I'm a little teapot, short and stout"
If I win this sweet little teapot it will be saved for special tea parties with my future granddaughters that I know ONE of my four boys will someday give me!
Thanks for your blog!!

Vanessa Kiki Johanning said...

OH THIS IS Super Cute!
I dont know how you could actually give it away!
How sweet of you!

Have a great day!


Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Cindy that tea pot is beautiful!
I would love a chance to give it a nice home!

I am with Kim.... If I win it will you fill it with sunshine and warm weather?
We still have 2 feet of snow here and it is bitter cold!

Thinking warm thoughts,
Hugz n Blessings,

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Cindy,

Please enter my name into your drawing for the lovely teapot!. This sweet teapot would look great in my tea room.
Have a wonderful day,

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy!
What a sweet teapot, and it would be happy in my little collection, I'm sure. I look forward to checking into your "Blog" almost everyday. Count me in.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Cindy, this is gorgeous girl. Would fit right in with the rest of the collection of teapots around here. :-) How sweet of you to give it all means throw my name in the hat.. we could use just a "bit" of luck around here.. Didn't get a chance to comment on the your cakes.. girl.. I know you and your daughter had alot of fun working on them. What a wonderful memory along with a talent that can be used again and again..
hugs ~lynne~

Anonymous said...

Oh that is the cutestst teapot and I love the colors! Your site is the first I check on to see what kind of pretties you have. We love the same things! Thank you! Suzy

Anonymous said...

What an awesome give away! This matches a set of teacups I have. Luv it! I love your blog Cindy. I come here everyday for my smile for the day . . . you always make me happy! Hugs~ Saralee
my email is:

artis1111 said...

Please enter me and do stop over at my blog , I have a giveaway in progress while I am gone on vacation. Kathy

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy~
Please add my name to your list. I love that little teapot.
Have a great week. I saw you back on Rate My Space again this weekend. One of these days you might have a Romantic Home Show yourself. Wish someone would. I get tired of all that comtempary stuff. I like pretty, frilly, lacey things. And we don't see much of that on HGTV.

knitandputt said...

very cute tea pot. Hope I win. Thanks for the give-a-way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - please enter my name for a chance to win that sweet teapot. Thanks - Terri

Alex said...

Perfect for tea parties!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Please do enter me in your contest. That little tea pot is just precious!
Thank you for having such a sweet giveaway!

Cheryl said...

Please enter my name in your drawing :-) Thanks Cindy!

Andrea said...

It's a beautiful teapot! You have a great blog and a beautiful home! Thanks for having a giveaway!

Susie Mitchell said...

Oh Cindy, What a beautiful teapot! I have just the right place for it. Please enter me in your giveaway. I recently started following and always enjoy the visit.
Blessings, Susie

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, yes, count me in!

Mrs. Reverend Doctor said...

Just gorgeous!

Mrs. Reverend Doctor said...

Just gorgeous!

English Cottage in Georgia said...

What a beautiful teapot - so much character -it looks vintage.
I am going to have to find a Marshalls near me.

Cottonwood Tales said...

Cindy - I love it and it would be perfect for my Shabby Dining Room!!

I love your blog and check it with you a lot!!!

Have a great day,
Karen in Texas

Anonymous said...

yay a teapot! I collect them and would love to add this one! I love your blog.. read it daily! Thanks, Lindsay E.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, What a lovely teapot. I love it -- and wish I lived walking or biking distance from a Marshall's store, but I don't, so will enter your giveaway on the unlikely chance . . . thank you for your always interesting blog pages!


Anonymous said...

OH I LOVE it pls pick me....

Kathy :)


You can count me in~what a pretty tea pot (; Now I'm off to watch Oprah and see what I can live without, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. Please enter me.


On The Wings Of Love said...

I'm so glad you'd send that beautiful teapot to Canada.....that means I can enter in the draw !! .......Anyone of us would be honoured and thrilled to receive that from you !

Thank you for your generousity !

Chantilly Grace

Kathy's Red Door Welcome said...

How lovely, a giveaway. You're too sweet. Sign me up, I hope I win.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I have been enjoying your blog for a while now you do a great job with your home it shows you have a real passion for it. Would love to be a blogger but have no ideal how to start. Would love to be entered in your contest.

Amanda said...

What a darling little teapot! Thank you for your kindness. I have enjoyed reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog. You are proof that you should never underestimate the power of a SINGLE woman. my email address is

Anonymous said...

Cindy, what a delightful little tea-pot!!Please enter me in the drawing! Thanks, Debbie (Maine)

Tracy said...

The teapot is gorgeous, Cindy! What a generous giveaway. :)

Hope said...

It's a gorgeous teapot. *enters*

lvroftiques said...

Well I don't post comments here very often, but I always read ya! So please enter me! Vanna

Jean Tuthill said...

I love the teapot and it would go great in my home! Please enter me in your drawing, thanks.

Candycreek said...

awwww what a sweet little teapot. Please enter me in the contest I'd love to win that little beauty. I'm new to blogging and not sure that my blog will show up so here it is if you need it Hope that you have a wonderful day.

Secondhandrose said...

Please enter my name in your generous giveaway. It really is beautiful.
thanks, karen

Carolyne said...

Oh, Cindy you're such an inspiration and I'd love to be in the drawing. Thanks for the fun visits each day!
((hugs)) Carolyne

Suzie said...

Hi, Cindy!
I'm a tea drinker and I collect teapots. I love that teapot!!
I wish i win. :D
Cindy, your blog is not only beautiful, but it's also so fun and live place to hang around.
Thank you, cindy! you are my daily inspiration.
Suzie said...

Very pretty, Cindy! I'm having a giveaway too, a pair of earrings for my 500th post, if you'd like to enter.

sharonavinger said...

Love your blog AND that teapot! Enter me in the drawing, please.


Lynn said...

Ooooo!! You are SO generous and kind. I was excited to see that little ole' Canadian me would also have the chance to enter!

Good luck to everyone. Whoever wins is SO lucky!

My e-mail is on my profile. Thanks!

Pat Winter Gatherings said...

It is so pretty. I have to add my name for a chance to win.
Thank you.

*Ulrike* said...

Soooo cute! I have a collection of teapots, but I try not to go too crazy with them! This one would fit right in!!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I would love to be entered in the contest.


Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

OH~~~ Ilove this pattern I have one coffee cup with the pattern. Please enter me in your give away, how fun!

Moments of Grace said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I am working on my own design and hope to have it up and runing soon. Your design is so lovely and I love the photos of your favorite places. Hope to be the lucky winner.


Missy Wertz said...

Lovely Teapot! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Love it! How sweet of you to do a give away with this darling teapot!
Robin Rane'
All Things Heart and Home

Sharon said...

Cindy, love your blog and the the teapot! Would love an opportunity to win it :)

Anonymous said...

So lovely, it matches my house so I hope I win!

Kim said...

Oh so pretty.. I have a teacup and desert plate in the same pattern and would be thrilled to bits if I was chosen as the winner of the lovely teapot. Then, I would have a complete complete tea set for one... :). Please enter my name in the drawing. Take care and have a great week.

Carolyn said...

Love the teapot! I also loved your cakes.

Kim said...

I collect tea things and would love to add this to my collection!!!

pammiejo said...

It will go so well with my other tea stuff - add my name to your give-a-way! PAM

Unknown said...

What a pretty pot! Whoever wins will surely think of you when they make a pot of tea. Thanks for including Canadians in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

My goodness Cindy,I'm #170.Whew!But I'm trying anyway.PLEASE put me in the drawing.Thank you...Ann

Anonymous said...

I am so in love with that little teapot! Please sign me up to win! Have a great Monday!

Anonymous said...

Cindy you are just the sweetest! I would love to be put in for the sweet teapot.

I love the cakes you made also- somehow missed that blog entry of yours!

Thanks for all your inspiration to us novices in blogland!


Hi! I am LiLi! said...

I am praying that this purrrrty teapot will be mine.

Good luck to all of us. :)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Hey Cindy you can toss my name in the hat...maybe the luck of the Irish will be with me!! hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

Simply Stunning! I'm sure it will be the perfect embellishment to any lucky recipients tea party. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway!

Sweet Wishes,

Paula said...

I'd love to win! Please enter me.

Emily said...

I LOVE IT! My sis inlaw just convinced me that I NEED this in my guest room! I hope I WIN!!!

xoxo, Emily

Ginger said...

Hi Cindy:
You find the cutest things at Marshalls!!! I would love to win that darling teapot to go with my collection.
Good luck to everyone...I know there are a lot of us competing over this giveaway!!

debi said...

What a beautiful tea pot!! You're just always doing something fun on your blog!

Anonymous said...

Cindy,,,Love your blog and I really love the teapot...please count me in...I check everyday to see what is new on your blog...

Anonymous said...

Cindy,,,Love your blog and I really love the teapot...please count me in...I check everyday to see what is new on your blog...

Karen Sherrill said...

Love the tea pot... thanks for thinking of us ;o), Karen

Patti said...

I am a faithful visitor to your blog. I love the way you decorate and hope to start my own shabby chic inspired blog one day. Thanks for the opportunity to win the lovely teapot!

Sue said...

Hi Cindy-
How sweet of you to have a giveaway! I have a spot that teapot would look lovely in!
Blessings- LillySue

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Cindy,
Ohh, that little teapot is so cute! Please enter my name as well. thank you.


Anonymous said...

Cindy...What a darling teapot!!!! I LOVE your relaxing & beautiful:) And you have great idea's! Thanks so much for your kind give a way!

Country girl said...

I just love it! It will go great.... and I am a true tea drinker... dont drink coffee at all. here is my email address

Cindy, too!

Caroline said...

Count me in is so pretty!!

Jacque said...

I always get a kick out of how many of us have a comment when there is a giveaway! ~ cute pot~ Jacque

Jean said...

Cindy, I would love to win the beautiful teapot, so please enter me in your drawing. I always look forward to seeing your beautiful home. I saw it again on that Rate your space episode. I love the table that looks like it has fence on the back of it. I too am a lover of blue and white, have been for years but yours is the cream of the crop. Have a wonderful evening.
Jean in virginia

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I just love reading your blog it is so inspiring, and your decorating techniques are terrific. Your rooms are so romantic and feminine. That teapot is to die for. Please enter me in your contest. Thanks, Kim (

Anonymous said...

Cindy, the teapot is beautiful! What a nice giveaway! I'd LOVE to win!

Ginny said...

I love it Cindy! Please enter me in your giveaway. What a great gift.

Charmingdesigns said...

That is soooo beautiful!! I would love to win. Laurie

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! Is that ever gorgeous. I would love to have it in my home Cindy. Thanks for being so generous. ♥

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

What a beautiful little teapot. I don't have a blog, but read yours daily. Your home is so cozy. thanks for sharing it with us.

Gayla said...

That's the cutest pitcher! I collect little pitchers, so.... random number generator genie.... please pick me! hahahaha.. Hugs@

Melly said...

your a sweetie, and the teapot is just lovely!
Have a super week!

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Your house looks so cute & beachy. I also love that teapot.Jennifer

Southerner said...

I love that teal blue color!

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello Cindy...

Ohhh very sweet of you!!! That little teapot is simply adorable...I love that pattern and have admired all of your pretty dishes with this pattern for sometime now! I'd love for you to enter my name in your giveaway!!!

Girl, I was so impressed with yours and Lauren's cakes...they turned out fabulous!!! What a handy talent to have and so much fun too!!!

Warmest wishes...

Sarah said...

Beautiful!! I am a follower already so you should be able to find me! :)

Anonymous said...

This little teapot is gorgeous. Please enter me in your giveaway. My email is Thanks.

Anne Marie said...

Lovely teapot, but I'm not interested in the drawing, but wanted to come by and tell you how nice you take photographs for your post: if you don't mind me asking...what kind of camera do you use- I love my Fugi though

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little teapot!

Anonymous said...

This would be a beautiful addition to my teapot collection! Please enter me. Also I thought that both of the cakes you and your daughter made were gorgeous! Your blog is the first one I check EVERY DAY! LOVE IT:)

Mary said...

Hi Cindy, I love the teapot and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
I can't wait to see your cake from this weeks class. Have fun and don't be too hard on yourself!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh Cindy, I would love to have that gorgeous teapot. I am redoing my breakfast room and I have the perfect shelf to display it on. I have gone back over your pictures for inspiration because I am surrounding a mirror with plates and you always have yours displayed so beautifully. Thanks for the ideas. Hugs, Marty

Angie said...

I love the colors! I am all about the aqua right now..throw my name into the hat, too, please!

A Southern Rose said...

I love this teapot! Congrats on winning Penny's mosaic heart peg. Its gonna be so pretty.
Lee Laurie

SDQuilter said...

Hi Cindy, what a lovely teapot. Thanks for giving us each the opportunity to win!

Robin said...

Love your blog!!

Melinda said...

Aww Cindy, that would make the perfect addition to my collection!!
Crossing my fingers for this one:-)

Love the blog girl!!!!


Millie said...

Such a cute teapot. Love, love your blog.

♥Mimi♥ said...

Why, Cindy, how generous of you to think of others who view your blog!

Marilyn said...

I want to win the teapot!! You are such a good photographer and your pictures make your blog so much fun! Thanks for your generous spirit. You encouraged me to start a blog and I actually did! Still LOTS to LEARN. You are a great teacher!

Lori said...

What a wonderful giveaway!! I would like to be entered into it. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Cindy, I found your blog last year when I was off work for 3 months with a broken arm (I'm a special education teacher of 3 and 4 year olds). It was the first I ever read and I still look forward to your new ideas and finds! Thank you-

Anne or

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy, Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway contest to hope for! Good luck to everyone!

Debra said...

This is so sweet~! My birthday is March 9th. How great it would be to win something. Speaking of which, I am having a giveaway of my own. Hope you come visit me!a

Kris said...

Oh' sign me up. The teapot is so sweet. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

Have a happy day


Bambi said...

This little teapot is so darn cute! I'm sure my other teapots would make room and happily welcome this one in!! And thank you for this giveaway. You are so kind.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely teapot. Please enter me in your giveaway. Loved all of the cakes. Made me hungry for a piece.

Hugs :)


Lauren said...

Thanks for all of the decorating ideas you give us. I never even walked through the door of our local Marshalls until I read your blog! Love the teapot....please enter me in the contest.

a pink-bee said...

Love that teapot :) How sweet of you to give it away :)
Have a happy day .

Eclectic Chic Style said...

That beautiful, just like your blog!! Please enter me in your great giveaway, and thank you!!

dctm said...

I love the teapot. I have your blog bookmarked and visit here very often

dctm at bellsouth dot net

Tardevil said...

My mom has some of that pattern. It's so pretty.

Unknown said...

Such a lovely treasure. Your blog is so gorgeous, I wanted to poke around. I followed the link from Penny's place. Congratulations on your win.

Anonymous said...

Finding your blog has been the highlight of my week, and now...a giveaway? It's too much, I need to smelling salts! Your photographs, you...the whole shebang is just fantastic! I'm in dreamland leisurely reading through every nook and crany!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,

I would love to win the darling teapot. Thank you for bringing me so much joy with your blog.


Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your giveaway for the pretty teapot!


Anonymous said...

You are so thoughtful to share your teapot. It is so pretty. I collect teapots so I hope I win. There is nothing like sharing a cup of hot tea with those you love. Enjoy your blog and your home is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Cindy! Please add my name...great teapot. I love reading your blog.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

What a gorgeous teapot!!!!

Now that would be a treat to find in my mailbox, to be sure!

Thanks for your generosity -- we'll keep our fingers crossed, and great joy to the one who wins it!

Sure glad you're on my blogroll so I can keep current of what's what at your house!


Charlene said...

Would love to be entered in your give away. Thank you for doing one. Cute Tea Pot! I love your blog! I come for a visit often. Your style is divine.

Anonymous said...

Enter me, sweet Cindy! Sure wish I could visit your favorite shop! Ashlin

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

What fun! Thanks for the chance Cindy....Please enter me.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I really do enjoy reading your blog. Thank you so much for the beautiful photos, too. Be a dear and enter me in your contest...I'd love to win! Mary in Richmond VA.

Toronto Girl said...

What a lovely tea pot! I drink a lot of tea, especially since it's minus 20 here.

Pink Slippers said...

I have a few pieces this would go with.
Please enter me, please.
I love the pattern.

Unknown said...

Cindy I have a friend who lives in the States so I will enter for her. She would love to receive a little treasure like that out of the blue.


Joanne Kennedy said...

Oh ever since I saw the tea pot you bought I have been searching all over for one here by me so I could buy one. I love it! So of course I would be jumping for joy if I won.

I'm posting your giveaway on my blog for you...not that you need more people entering and trying to steal my chances. LOL


Judi said...

That is a beautiful teapot. Thank you for giving us a chance to win! You are doing sooo well with your blog. Everything is so beautiful and I love to visit.

Hope you've had a great day..

Zoe said...

I would be honored to have my name entered into your contest and what a lovely prize! Your blog is a beautiful inspiration for me.

Thank you,


Kim said...

Omigosh that teapot is gorgeous! Even if I don't win I'm going to Marshalls to look for one - ha!!
Sweet of you to have a give-away Cindy.

Michelle, All Home and Love said...

I'd love to be entered. How sweet of you!

Kimberly said...

I love the teapot, it would look great on my china cabinet. Maybe, today is my lucky number.

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in. Love it:)

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Cindy, the teapot is gorgeous! I love teapots and I also enjoy your blog so much. I have been reading it for a while now and have just started my own blog. I would love it if you would check it out!
:) Lou Cinda

Jennifer said...

Thanks Cindy, I'd love to have that little teapot!

Sue said...

Cindy, I do so enjoy following your blog and oggling over your pretty pictures! You are so very talented. Please enter me in your generous give-away for that pretty tea pot. ~ Sue

Anonymous said...

I want to thank you for all your beautiful posts and your sense of style. It's so great to see someone else with the taste I have, but more creativity than myself. I get to see how I meant for mine to be! Hehe.

Much love,

American Homemaker said...

I'd love to be entered :)

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Well it is just beautiful and I think that it would match or coordinate with a pitcher that I bought from there! So please do count me in!!

Ariza Craft said...

luv your teapot design but unfortunately stay outside the US.

Anonymous said...

You are such an inspiration. Every time you say that you have found something at Marshalls I run out the next day to see if I can find it. This time I would love to win the teapot. Kathy

Unknown said...

Oh I would so love that little teapot!
Please count me in! Thanks for the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

You find the BEST stuff! I would love to win the teapot. As always, love you blog!

KLewter said...

I would love to participate! Your blog gives me something to look forward to every evening.

Anonymous said...

I'm lovin' this one! Please sign me up. I have just the perfect spot for it. Thanks for sharing all your wonderful finds.


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