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Yesterday I showed you the vintage perfume bottles my mom gave me. She also gave me some vintage linens and lace! She bought these all from thrift stores and flea markets over the years. My mom has so much linen and lace that she could open a shop! Her china cabinet drawers are full and she has bags & bags of them! The difference between her and I is that I use them! I have a lot in drawers too but I rotate them. Remember my post I did awhile back about my collection? I think I have a serious linen and lace addiction and so does my mom and so did her mother. It must be hereditary!

There were five of these little doilies. They are the perfect size for a cup and saucer to sit on. I put four of them on the shelves of my hutch (below)

This little linen and lace baby pillow is my favorite! Click on it to enlarge to see the details!

Four little cross stitched linen towels. Again, you have to click on this to see the detail. I can't even imagine the time that women spent making these things!

Four lace place mats.

A beautiful lace runner that I put on my hutch.

This table cloth above is gorgeous and it has two different size napkins that match.

Some old tea towels...

This little dish below belonged to my Grandma. Like I said yesterday, I hardly have anything that is hers so it's really special.

I remember a time in my life when I hated lace doilies. I thought only Grannies decorated with them. I guess there are still people that feel that way. I can't remember if I mentioned this here before but one of Lauren's friends calls our home the Grannie House! Hmmm I don't think it looks like a Grannie house but maybe I'm just getting old!!!
Love the linens, and grandma dish, I have seen the pattern at lot of flea markets. It goes for more than a few pennies! I enjoy your blog and like your new background. I have something for you, if you wish, at my blog.
Oh Cindy! Just beautiful things!!! My mom has a lot of things she wants to pass on to me but I don't have the room right now! She always picks ups stuff for me too!!
I have a treasured cookbook my grandmother autographed to me before she passed away and I wouldn't take a million dollars for it!
God Bless you!!
Hey Cindy ... I am SO jealous of your vintage perfume bottle collection from yesterday's post and I think it is so wonderful your Mom has passed along all of these treasures to you. You know I love lace as much as you do and where some consider it "Grandma style", I just think of it as a gentler and softer way to decorate. I suppose I'm an old soul like that but I'd rather see lots of lace and lovelies than a cold and sterile environment. Stay true to what you love. It obviously works! Blessings!
Linens, especially doilies do so much to cozy up a room. I love them!
Hi Cindy! You, old? I don't think so! I love all your laces and linens. Again how wonderful for your mother to pass these little treasures on to you. I have a problem too and have many many lace doilies. These little linens just belong in your home. I'm loving the little Candlewick divided bowl too. I have some little candlesticks in that pattern given to me by my aunt.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wow, first the perfume bottles now beautiful linens!! Your mom has impeccable taste!!
They are just beautiful!!!
But everyone loves their Grannie's House so take it as a compliment!!
The Jolly Dog House
You are very lucky to score such beautiful linens!
Good Morning Cindy~ What beautiful linens your mother has passed on to you. I had a grandmother and great aunts who did beautiful work like that but now it has become such a lost art. Even generations ago women still loved pretty things in their homes. I especially adore your baby pillow. The workmanship on it is just wonderful. Enjoy.
Hi Cindy,
Your home hardly looks like Granny's house! It is very pretty and very chic! Cozy chic! I love those lace placemats and that little pillow is absolutely adorable. What a wonderful collection.
This is beautiful! I love the way you've used the doilies, & the baby pillow is a treasure. :0} Diane
I remember "once upon a time" I did not care for old things, but modern minimalist things that went out of style after 3 years. Now I love charismatic pieces that have only turned more beautiful with age. It's nice to look at something that's handmade and reminds you of a loved one.
When we were in high school, I taught myself to make those lace doilies. I only made one, and I gave it to my Mom. It was supposed to be about 8 inches in diameter and is much larger. I believe she still has it. :) It was exactly the same design as the 5 you have....
Your linens are beautiful! I have a collection of them as well. Sometimes I think if I come home with one more table linen or a dish my husband may end up putting me away! Does your daughter like linens as well?
Have a great day,
I know what you mean about not liking doilies & such a while too, until I started loving handpainted plates about 9 years ago and I said, "well, just stamp old lady on my forehead now 'cuz I must be one..." I LOVE your home & style.
;-) Bo
Hi Grannie
If your a grannie I am too. I like putting them on my furniture, like tables and chairs. So your not alone. I have had people say too that my home looks like a grannie house or and antique store. I don't care I like my things.
Grannie home are always perfect, sweet and welcoming. So I think it is a compliment. I live that all the linens are so well taken care of. And one day your daughter will treasure them too. She just mightnot think so yet.
I had to come back and take a better look. I love the runner and so neat, putting the lace over the placemat! yeah! I love it. By the way can I come be your sister? Then I could have some of Mother's lace and linens? Think she would adopt a 50 year old?? LOL
love it love it
Your home great!!
I meant -love not live.
Don't worry about it...according to my kid I wear "granny underwear". Cuz I am just not interested in wearing dental floss I suppose... My parents' home is filled with antiques. I used to stomp around the house after visiting my friend's 70's Brady Bunch style home, moaning about not having wall to wall carpeting and living in a house "full of junk." How far I've come!
Hi Cindy... I certainly did enjoy this post and the last one, with the perfume bottles. I collect them too, as well as vintage linens. I just love how they make me feel... and much like yourself, I enjoy daydreaming 'n wondering about the previous owners... and am in awe of the fine craftsmanship that went into all of the needlework... truly a fine art! Thanks so much for sharing...
I like your blog, j'y ai passé + d'une 1/2 heure ! j'ai demandé traduction francais google, ca a été un plus facile à comprendre. J'ai adoré cette visite
Cindy, Give the kids a few more years and they'll be wanting everything in your house! You just keep on having fun with your "Grannie" stuff!! We love seeing it. And, thanks, pat
Wonderful linens. I don't think it's a "grannie house" at all. It's "soft" and "dreamy". sigh*
Hi Cindy,
I love your linens.I so enjoy my daily visits with you!
Take care,
I think it looks like a fairy house, or a princess house, or a romantic home! Love all your lace!
Hi Cindy! The linens are all sooo pretty; love that pillow. I'm lucky my grandmother and great-grandmother both did needlework. I can make the lace doilies and filet crochet and am kickin myself for getting rid of the ones I handmade. (I've kept what I have of theirs) I too thought lace was for grannys and didn't appreciate the work I put into making them. Maybe I'll try again now that I am "older" and "wiser"!lol What is it about our moms that they save stuff instead of displaying it? My mother could also start a store!! - Take care - Jeannette
Wow Cindy!!
I LOVE linen and lace and I can't get enough doilies and vintage tablecloths myself! Sometimes I wonder if my home looks too granny-ish too, but I can't part with any of them! I once paid $125.- for a vintage tea-tablecloth and don't regret it! Although I would freak if something got spilled on it:) Your home looks romantic, not granny.
I especially LOVE that photograph of your hutch at that angle and the beautiful runner looks like it was made for your hutch!
You are so blessed to have a mom with such great collections!
I forgot to mention I have some of my grandmother's Euro pillow shams from Germany, but can't find a pillow to fit inside.
Love those photos!
Very pretty linens Cindy!!
I love old linens.
I am trying to catch up on the blogs today.
I happened to find your blog just by chance, everything so beautiful.
I adore vintage perfume bottles and gorgeous linen.
Thank you for letting me stop by, and congratulations on such a wonderful post.
I love your house! Especially the blues and whites. I wish I had some treasures from previous generations. But then I do, just not my family stuff. Someone else's. But really, does it matter that much? They are loved pieces that someone lovingly made.
Fellow linen freak here! Have been one since I was about 10 years old. My mom taught me how to iron by letting me do the doilies and pillow cases.I love the way they look all folded and stacked up. I love the way they smell when you iron them. I love the way they feel.I especially love white on white linens. White embroidery on white linen. Can't get enough of them.I don't know, it's just an addiction.
The linens are wonderful - all clean and ironed beautifully. Also, I enjoyed the perfume bottles from the previous post. How great that your mother shared her bounty!! Sally
Yes... its hereditary. My mother and grandmother collected like yours did and I got hooked as well. Just love the stuff!!
So pretty! I love the photo of your doily hanging from the shelf with your blue and white tea cups. Great angle! If I didn't like PINK and WHITE so much, BLUE and WHITE would be my next choice! My kitchen is blue and white which we remodeled before my PINK stage. Your mom had some pretty things!
oh god I used to think the same about doilies and lace, that they were for grannies and now it seems I am a granny because I too collect them, I have two trunks of old linen and when I see it in a store I screech inside, I storke it and think ahhhhhhh I *have to buy you...there should be a linen addiction club...maybe you should start the Romantic Home Linen Addiction Club ;-))
the little pillow is gorgeous, I really like that, it would be lovely in my beach cottage on an old chippy chair haha!
I love your collection it's all very beautiful. Granny house, a lot of people think like that. I like anything vintage and of past eras where life was once slower and more peaceful maybe when they grow up and long for a simpler life they'll appreciate the type of things they think as Granny or Granny house.
I thought the first one was my favorite. But then I saw the placement. And then the runner. With each picture, I had a new favorite. LOL
Your home is SO not Granny!
Boy was I surprised to see the glass dish from your Granny. I have two of them just like it - one the same size as yours and one larger passed down from my dear mother-in-law. Love your photos particularly the blue and white colors!
Teacup Lady
I love your linens and perfume bottles. I have some. I need to rethink what I am doing with them I think and take advantage of their beauty. Also I think my mom has a dish very similar to that one. Maybe even the same one. I will have to check when I am at her house the next time.
Hi Cindy,
Such lovely things! I love the china cups and saucers too. My mom would often bring me bone china cups and saucers from Ireland.
Meadowsweet Days
Haha I used to feel the same way about lace doilies! But now I collect them and have so many I don't know what to do with them! Those are some beautiful things from your mom! Not only are they darling, they are things that carry such sentimental value.
Those colorful linens are amazing -they look like they've just been completed, the colors are so vibrant. How wonderful to get such an amazing gift from your mom!
Cindy, the truth is ... you have learned to APPRECIATE the finer things in life. Doilies, china, etc.
Thanks for sharing these lovelies with us!
Betty in Oklahoma
WOW!!! What awesome, gorgeous, chic, wonderfullness!!!! They look beautiful the way you've decorated with them!!
What beautiful treasures your Mom shared with you, so special. I love that you both love the same things!
It's so much fun going through your new collections with you, Cindy. I recently finished emptying and selling my mother's home after she died, and I have boxes filled with sentimental treasures and reminders of my childhood ... some that were my mother's, and others that belonged to her mother, who raised me until I was 10. Every time I open a box it feels like Christmas, and I wish I had a lot more free hours to go through them all at once.
Thanks so much for sharing, I always enjoy your posts and I love almost anything blue-and-white. Oh, and I made the Red Lobster biscuits on Tuesday, and they were SO yummy! Mr. Vintage and the college boys thank you :o)
Stop by when you have a chance and pick up a copy of the I {hear} your blog award ... you probably have one already, but you certainly deserve another!
Cindy, you are so lucky to have a Mom who treasures the same things you do! Those vintage linens and lace are beautiful. I love old linens too. I am amazed at the work that women used to put into everyday objects. My Grandma used to crochet "lace" around all of her washcloths. I think it was their way of showing their love of home, and it seems only right to surround ourselves with those reminders from days gone by.
I love linens, too and have some from my mom. I put a lace runner on my chest of drawers in my bedroom even though only a few years ago I thought that was old fashioned. My bedroom furniture is from 1935 so it's old fashion,too. Karen
Hi Cindy
All the lace and linens are beautiful. Most of mine are tucked away because they are a bit too feminne for my husband's liking. But I love them and occasionally sneak a few in here and there when he's not looking :)
Hugs, Rhondi
Family linens are true heirlooms and you are very blessed to have them. Being the only daughter in my family, I was blessed to be given our family's too. Yours are stunning!
I love how you placed the lace placemat over the blue one. It looks beautiful with your blue and white china!
I love your home, it's beautiful.
All of these pics are so beautiful! Definitely NOT a grannie house :)!! How do you care for your lace & linens? Everything looks brand new! I have a lace tablecloth similar to the style of your placemats, and I have the hardest time making it look nice and not having the lace parts fold/bunch up! Could you do a post on care tips?!
OHHH, do you collect candlewick glass? I have a huge collection and need to sell it (because I'm downsizing). But NOT for thrift shop prices. =)
kansaswx: No I don't collect it, I only have this one because it belonged to my grandmother. It would be a beautiful thing to collect but I just don't have enough room for any more collections!
the Photo's a so pretty it makes me want to get the small amount of linen out I have tuck away that my Gran made but it old and I have young kids around so for now I just keep them out of harm way.
I'm so glad to see people using them again.
You are so blessed to be receiving such beautiful linens and other pretty things! You will display them to their best advantage, no doubt!
LOL.. that was funny about the granny home comment. No! It doesn't look like a granny home!
How special that you treasure the linens form your Mom . Amazing how much time and dedication it must have taken to make all of those beautiful stiches. Your home is so soft and peaceful.
Beautiful! Whenever I'm pricing or buying these, I'm always amazed at how downright cheap they are....just imagine all that work hand done, and then we can pick it up for very little. I keep thinking someday everyone's going to realize how crazy that is!
Everything is beautiful, but esp love the cross-stitched linens. Thanks for sharing! =) Oh, and thanks for the cleaning tips, too. =)
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