I dust once a week using a feather duster. I used a Swiffer Duster for awhile but I'm back to using a feather duster because I think it just goes over my collectibles so much easier. I bought mine here, I have the 17" Premium Ostrich Feather Duster (they haven't paid me to say this, I'm just a happy customer.)
A couple people commented on how clean my linens were that I showed you yesterday. The truth is they didn't look like that when my mom gave them to me. The white tablecloth with the blue embroidery was really stained and yellowed. It even looked like it had rust stains all over it. I soaked all the linens overnight in hot water with OxiClean powder. That stuff is amazing...it works like magic! Everything comes out so white and the stains were gone! Here is how I dry them...

Most of the time I enjoy cleaning house. Really! I think it's a state of mind and if you think of it as a time to play with all the things you love it actually becomes enjoyable. I just put on Chris Botti or Diana Krall CD and enjoy making my apartment all clean and pretty!
Hi Cindy! Lunch break is over for me so thanks for the inspiration to go get some cleaning done!!!lol Hope it looks as sparkly clean as yours does! Have a great weekend - Sincerely, Jeannette
You even make cleaning sound fun. Thanks for the feather duster info. I am going to order one!
I agree Cindy - hot water and Oxi-Clean take out anything! And I'm into putting on my Mamma Mia soundtrack when cleaning lately! ...Donna
Keeping a clean home not only helps showcase your collectibles, but it makes your home feel fresh and cozy. Kudos to all us ladies who keep a clean home!
Beautiful. I enjoy cleaning too. Guess I'll have to try OxiClean. Do I have to like Billy Mays though?
OxiClean is a must for everyone!
I use it for all my whites and linens!
{we have well water}
I Love cleaning and moving furniture around...it makes the house feel better!
Hugz, Dolly
Cindy, I use a feather duster also and bought it at flylady.com. She also has lots of good suggestions and help with organizing and cleaning. I've never tried the Oxi-Clean. Will have to hunt some down. Thanks for the hint.
Thanks for the tips on the linens. I'm sure we all could use that great information. And I too love cleaning, it brings a fullfilling satisfaction. I guess that is a good thing being that cleaning is important in my house with 8 people in it.
That chandelier is beautiful and what a great find!
Hi Cindy:
I love the pictures in your last post about the linens your mom gave you. I use lace doilies too under my teapots and cups. Thats cute about Lauren's friend calling your place the granny house. I'm sure she meant it in a good way, because your home sure doesn't look like an old folks home. lol.
I guess I need to get in a better frame of mind when cleaning. I hate it. I do it but hate every minute of it. Maybe it's because I have a sloppy husband who comes along and messes it up.
I use Oxiclean too. Just tried it on a stain in the carpet and it took it out!!!
I love Oxiclean......I am never w/o it in my house. I use it on everything from linens to kids clothes. I am going to have to try one of those feather dusters though!
Your chandelier is gorgeous! I have to use hot vinegar water on mine/the crystals. Because of my kids health problems I have switched to all natural cleaning products.I don't enjoy cleaning as much as I used to.........probably because with a husband and three small kids I have to do it much more often!!!
Mmmm...nothing smells better than clean linens dried in the fresh air and sunshine! Okay, so now that I've said that, I'm wondering why I always throw everything in the dryer! LOL!
And thanks for the little nudge...it's time to clean my chandelier again.
What a GREAT idea on the chandelier! The Oxy-stuff is going on this week's shopping list...
Hi Cindy!
I definitely agree ~ Oxyclean works miracles and transforms dingy, stained linens into their beautiful original condition!
I love oxiclean as well. I always use it for my couch slipcover when it needs washing.
I soak mine in a bucket with Oxyclean and boiling water overnight, then rinse the next day, let air-dry and iron.
oooh yeah I lurve that chandelier, I think I would faint if I saw that while out thrifting for $25, I so have one of those on my Most Wanted List
I use Oxiclean and also Aldi does a version of it that is like half the price and works well too, it's amazing how that stuff brings the linens up, scary chemicals I suppose lol! i read on a vintage linen forum never to use it but I use it on every piece of linen I've bought and never had any problems
I've been an OxiClean lover since a bottle of grape juice broke on a runner. I drug it outside but thought it was toast. I remembered the OxiClean commercials & put a scoop of it in a bucket of water, then dumped it out on the runner. The grape juice disappeared before my eyes! Wow! :0} Diane
Cindy, love the shiny crystals! Thanks for the tip on OxiClean, I have some linens that seriously need some help. Curious though if you had any fading on the embroidered pieces with colored thread? Would hate to ruin them but the rest of the linen is white and seriously needs some love.
I have to say that your place always looks perfect - I live with 3 teenagers, a messy husband, a 7 year old and three dogs. But, I have been giving the cleaning thing a lot of thought lately and I think I've got it all wrong. I've set myself up to dread it when I should think of the positives. Chris Botti would be great to clean to. I've got 6 of his cd's and I'm thinking I better be able to get this place in shape before that music runs out. LOL
LOVE the chandy.
Well, I went to the link for the feather duster. Don't know why. That dust would kill me, most likely. I can't have it sifting up into the air. If I'm even in the same room with a vacuum cleaner, I've got watery eyes and starting to feel woozy. I have to suck everything up with the Dyson hand held vacuum. Everything else I guess just goes dirty. You won't be as ambitious about dust most likely once you hit 50. At least I hope I'm not that abnormal!
Hi Cindy, thanks for the tips. I had no idea how to clean vintage linens, and this sounds easy. I ENJOY spending a day dusting, re-arranging and enjoying my "treasures" every now and then. I think I have finally reached a point where even if something is the LATEST thing in decorating, I can appreciate it, but still know that the things I enjoy stay the same. I will always be surrounded by old dishes, embroidery, carnival glass, religious art, crock bowls and rolling pins, ..... You get the idea! Ha.
Cindy, I always say that crystal, whether hanging on chandeliers or just objects, is only as pretty as they are clean and shiny. Because I have five crystal laden chandys to clean I had to figure out a simpler method than the one you described so I actually open an umbrella underneath the chandelier to be cleaned and spray away with the chandelier cleaners currently on the market. Of course I place plenty of towels below the area to absorb the drips. It works like magic. Putting on a pair of cotton gloves over a pair of form fitting plastic gloves is another way to clean the crystals - that way the plastic doesn't allow the Windex to get on your skin. (for those who have skin allergies) Sounds like a lot of work, I know, but I really enjoy the way the crystal sparkles! I'm way past 50 and I still love to clean! :)
Evening Cindy, you love to clean? Oh, come a my house!! lol Your chandelier is so beautiful. I have one and only clean the crystals about twice a year, but when I do, it reallly looks so much better.
Now those white linens are so beautiful! I have a little 'diaper rack' as my mother calls it! I'm sold on Oxie Clean too - it's good stuff. Shoot! Now I'm feeling guilty because you've made me think of all I need to do. Shoot!
I'll do it tomorrow! lol
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)
I haven't tried OxyClean for my stained linens, but I will now! Thanks.
In the past I have taken my chandeliers apart hook by hook to clean them. I use dish soap and water in the kitchen sink. Then I dry the crystals on bath towels and rehang. I get my 3 boys to help about 2-3 times a year. It's not perfect (or easy!), but it works.
I think I'm going to try the umbrella trick though! THAT sounds excellent.
Thank you Cindy for your sweet comment and for the tip on using Oxyclean. I never have tried it but if it's strong and gentle enough to use on linens it's certainly going to be on my grocery list.
For those who struggle to keep house. We are SHEs and not born organized. I highly reccomend FLYLADY, b/c it isn't a product or a THING that fixes it...it is ROUTINE.
Check it out and if you like what you see, although I am gonna guess you are a B.O. and it will be like "Well duh" LOL....it s really good for those who can't keep up and dont' understand why. :-D
BTW....I got the house and am DYING to move on Sunday!
SLEEP? I went out there tonight to take my roseback chairs and a few more decorative items and just to sit in the barn, then sit in the sunroom and I even had a friend over to sit in my nearly empty house. If I didn't have a ten year old asleep here I would be THERE painting something!
I can't believe you got that chandelier for $25. The kind of deal I dream of! I'm inspired to soak my old linens in oxiclean :)
Thanks for the tip about the OxiClean! I've seen the commercials for it before and wondered if it was as good as it was being claimed to be. I have a question for you about the OxiClean, though.
I'm not a fan of bleach, and NEVER use it. I can't stand the smell of it as it makes me get the gag reflex. I won't use it or amonia for cleaning the house either. So, my question is if OxiClean smells like either of those, or does it have a pleasant fresh scent?
I'm loving your blog more and more as the months go by. Oh, and even though I don't always comment, I do read your blog every single day. And, I wanted to tell you that I would've been the same exact way as you were about the excitement of being #3 on Google! I think it's cute that your aunt framed it for you (I think it was your aunt.).
Anyway, keep up the wonderful blog that you create and share with us all! Have a great weekend!
Michele R.(CA)
Hi. I am glad you did this post. I have a lot of vintage linens that need to be cleaned. I'll have to try the oxy. hugs, Ellen
Wanna come clean at my house? LOL I'm going to have to try cleaning to music... That chandelier is gorgeous!
Oh! Oxi-clean what did I do before I found it, It has made my live a lot easier.You have away of making cleaning sound fun! Can't say I like doing it but I do love how it all looks and smell after.
And thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment
I can't say that cleaning is my favorite thing to do BUT.... I do love the end result. Thanks for the tip on cleaning the chandelier, I need to do that this weekend.
Housecleaning. . . not my fav. My electrician told me to remove the crystals from my chandalier and place them in the dishwasher on the crystal cycle. They come out amazing and no effort at all from me ;
Isn't that OxiClean stuff amazing? How did we ever live without it?
Thanks for the tip about the Oxi Clean. I will be getting some today.
I love your blog and your home. You really are an inspiration.
You're right, you can't beat a feather duster. They keep coming out with new things and I try them and go back to the feather duster. My 5 year old granddaughter has a feather duster of her own!
My daughter uses Oxiclean for everything.
While playing Blackjack at the MGM in Reno, many moons ago, they were cleaning the huge chandeliers. With the all the smoking in the place I imagine they got pretty grimmy. I ask them what they used. They put a large tarp under them then sprayed with a mix of 50% rubbing alcohol and water then let them drip dry. Works great on mirrors too it really makes them shine .
Cindy, I like your attitude. I'm gonna let my husband know that is MY new attitude, too...I don't have a lot of stuff-I just don't have a big enough house! lol
OMG, you like Diana Krall. My co-worker gave me her CD. Someone had giving it to her and she didn't know who she was and didn't want it. I too didn't know who she was but I was willing to hear her music and I fell in love with her. What a voice! I have since bought some of her older CD's and love them too. I too enjoy listening to her music while I clean. I have a white long hair cat and boy I have to clean every day!
I discovered your blog this past summer and have enjoyed reading it faithfully. Only regret is that I live in the Los Angeles area and can't seem to find the great deals you get at thrift shops or craiglist.
Gosh we just bought a chandelier from a lighting place and you really got a beautiful bargain there. How often do you clean it? I haven't attempted it yet but I have only had a short while.
Cindy -
Loved the linens and tip on soaking them in Oxi-clean. I'm curious - did you weaken the solution because the linens were old or just dump it all in?
Cindy: I added about 3/4 of a scoop in my kitchen sink and filled it with water. My kitchen sink is really deep.
Great tips... love the chandelier!!
God bless,
I am always mystified by people who love to clean. I hate it, and I do mean absolutely hate it! Oh, how I wish I had been born as someone who loves to clean! lol
I had a wood drying rack like your and don't know what happened to it!
Love your linens!
I am calling all my blogging buddies in asking for a big favor! Would you drop by my blog and read my contentment therapy blog and about a giveaway. Would you consider joining me in this 30 day therapy (a Mr. Linky link is at very bottom of the blog) and leaving a note on your blog to inform others about it - or email friends- I would love for this to be great time for lots of us. I don't have a huge following on my blog but would like to get the word out. Please let me know what you think and any suggestions too! Thanks so much!
blessings to you! mary :)
Beautiful everything! That is exactly how I clean my chandeliers, other than sometimes I do us the little alcohol squares, they work real well also.
I love your house! Mary Ann
Hi Cindy, I always wondered about that Oxiclean. Thanks for putting my questions to rest. I also like Quick and Brite, works on carpet stains like a charm. Since you like cleaning MOST of the time and I don't like it at all, want to clean my house????? Na, didn't think so.
I love to clean and I love my sparkly chandeliers and they are not that hard to clean. I didn't know about the Oxi-Clean -- thanks for that tip.
I love OxiClean! I use it for so much stuff!!!
Hi Cindy :)
Your chandelier looks gorgeous and very sparkly! I love to clean too, but I have to get in the mood.
I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
Such a beautiful chandy.... such a deal!
I used to use OXI but I found that on a few of my garments, it did tend to weaken the fabric. I've been using Biz now, it's a bit weaker but I can "watch" it better.
I WANT one of those feather dusters!
The hanging linens is just such a refreshing picture! so pretttty
Thanks for the great tips. I'm gonna try the oxy clean for myself. oh....and your so lucky to have found that beautiful chandelier for so cheap! Its lovely!
Like so many others, I too love Oxi Clean. It has worked miracles for me on stained linens. Another product I absolutely love for cleaning is the Magic Eraser. Have you tried it? It is amazing at getting out marks on just about anything. But don't use it on stained furniture as it can ruin the finish. Sure wish I loved to clean as much as you do, but I can definitely appreciate my home more when it is clean.
Great tips~thank you!
I'm a feather-duster gal too. :) Here's just a quick idea to clean your crystals - if you get tired of wiping them down. :) You can fill a small glass, or jar (baby food size) with your glass cleaner and then you lift the glass around each crystal so it is submerged, then wipe it dry. They come out really nice and sparkly and it's fast.
I am going to try Oxi-Clean - thank you for the tip. I have an antique tablecloth that I didn't want to bleach.
That Oxyclean can work wondersif you ask me!!
I too use a feather duster. I hope they gave you instructions on how to clean and fluff it. There is a video online(different site) to show how to do that. I am glad to hear that the Oxi-clean works so well. I must be doing something wrong. Will try it again.
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