Thursday, November 06, 2014

Show and Tell Friday

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  This week has been a tough week here in our home.  I had to rush my daughter to the hospital on Saturday evening with a severe asthma attack.  She has on-going problems with asthma and twice before we ended up in the ER but this time was different, it was more severe.  Usually they treat her with the breathing treatments in ER and she's released. This time she had to spend two nights and two days in the hospital!  She was released from the hospital on Monday evening and thankfully she's doing much better now.  Asthma is such a scary thing to go through! 
Then Tuesday I caught a cold! Probably from getting run down due to lack of sleep!
This morning (Thursday) I went to leave for work in the morning and saw a puddle of coolant under my car! 
Now I'm stressed with hospital bills and car repair bills. Not to mention all the problems I've been having with this apartment!  I'm trying my best not to stress!
There is always good to be found though...I love this time of year.  The leaves are finally starting to change color in my area of California.  The nights are cooler.  I just love the coziness of this time to of year!  We even had rain last week.  We need the rain so badly here!
Hopefully soon I'll have something new to share but for now I'm just feel like I'm trying to keep up with life.
My goal...Get through the difficulties but still appreciate the beauty of this time of year!

Thanks to all of you that join in on Show and Tell Friday every week and thanks to all of you who leave such nice comments! 

 If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog
Show and Tell Friday

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Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about you having such a stressful week - my SIL was rushed in to the hospital last weekend - with inflamation around his heart due to a virus - so I know what your're going through ( except we don't end up with hospitable bills here in Montreal )
Hope your upcoming week is a lot easier on you.
Thanks so much for hosting in the midst of it all -
Much love from here to there

Cindy said...

I think I need to move to Canada Suzan! <3

Little Miss Maggie said...

So sorry your week did not go well. Hopefully your month will get better and so will your daughter's asthma. Thanks for hosting in spite of all you have been dealing with.

Unknown said...

Wow what a week and still stuck in that apartment :( We all send our love, support and appreciation!

Tracey Lee Cassin said...

Cindy, I hope things start improving for you. Thank you so much for hosting My Romantic Home Link party even though things are in turmoil. Much appreciated. Sending a huge hug your way.

elizabeth said...

I'm so glad you're daughter is okay! I'm sorry to hear all that you are going through.

Divine Theatre said...

I am so sorry for all of your troubles. I certainly hope your daughter never has to go through that again.
Thanks for the opportunity to share and learn...



Peggy Thal said...

So sorry to hear about your tough time. Most of all happy to hear your daughter is alright. That is the main thing. Hope you are all better and your car is in working order. Prayers for you and good wishes. Love your blog!

Heirloom treasures said...

My thoughts are with you and your daughter,I really hope she is ok,it must have been so worrying. Take care. i'm sure everything will turn out for the better.hugs jeanette

Unknown said...

Aw Cindy, you have indeed have been going through a lot. Your attitude is right though as there is always something beautiful to be thankful for. Praying that God will turn things around and that you'll be showered with blessings!
Thank you for opening up the party in spite of it all.

Theresa @ Shoestring Elegance said...

Cindy, I am so sorry to read about your very stressful week. I will pray for you and your daughter. My niece goes through the same difficulties with asthma. Yet, you are here hosting your beautiful Party. Superwoman even needed a break once in awhile. Take care of yourself or it may be more than a cold next time. The human body can only take so much! Thanks you for your dedication.
Wasn't the rain wonderful?
~Theresa @ shoestring Elegance

Decor To Adore said...

Be well dear one!

Gustave Voltaire said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for hosting such a great party, lots of really interesting projects and ideas. I hope your daughter is better now, well done for staying so strong through difficult times... Best wishes from France xx Camille

Deborah@Green Willow Pond said...

Sorry you are having such a stressful week. I hope things settle down for you a bit. Thank you so much for hosting the party! Love the features!
Blessings, Deborah

Curtains in My Tree said...

well thank God your daughter made it through her ordeal with her asthma.
That is enough to be thankful for ,
I understand about paying hospital bills it took me 2 years to pay off my first experience with having a $1000 deductible insurance and medicare when I was taken to ER with my back I was in severe pain so had to go to hospital.
So Cindy we all feel for you going through life such as it is, for single women
You take are and try not to get to stressed out.
I'm sure your daughter has some good medicine now to take in case of another attach
Glad you got some rain
Hopefully your will fine a beautiful apartment soon

Calypso In The Country said...

Sorry to hear about your week but I am glad your daughter is ok. Thanks for hosting through all the craziness!

Cynthia said...

Cindy, I am sincerely very sorry to hear about all that you're going through right now. I do not have a blog of my own (my socializing is mostly don on FB), but I love visiting this weekly party you have, and I want you to know that I really appreciate that you host this. You're a class act!

This N That said...

Glad your daughter is OK..Lots of molds and stuff around here..Respiratory problems are very scary..Have a wonderful weekend..

Anne Lorys said...

You are most certainly in my thoughts and prayers! XOXO

Home Chic Club said...

Thank you for hosting such a fantastic party Cindy.

Scribbler said...

I am so sorry you are having such a rough time. Seems like when it rains it pours, and you have had more than your share lately. I hope your daughter is better. Did you ever establish any connection between the rodent problem and her asthma? If so, sue the bastards!

Maelchen said...

Dear Cindy, you are incredible... You have so much on your mind, great burdens on your shoulder, but still have the strength to hold this wonderful party. Thank you so much! I hope that the next week will be better, to see a child sick is one of the most horrible experiences. I wish you all the best for your future! Bless you

Jen said...

So happy to hear your daughter is ok.
Why do bad things happen in twos or threes?? Anyway keeping you in my prayers that your luck will change very soon!
I think moving to Canada is a great idea :-)

The Charm of Home said...

Hoping your daughter is better Cindy! Thanks for hosting!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

So sorry it has been a bad week for you! And here you are with the link party up. Thanks so much for hosting, Cindy. I hope things get much better!

angie said...

danke für die schönen inspirationen, ein schönes wochenende wünscht angie

joyh82 said...

So sorry to hear about your daughter. My daughter has asthma too but not as severe. Thank goodness. I guess you never know. Hope you feel better and your daughter stays out of the hospital. Take care!
Joy @ Books and Life