Thursday, June 21, 2012

Show and Tell Friday

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  This week I thought I would share my new lace top that I wore to the Kenny Loggins concert last weekend.  I walked into Macy's last weekend because they were having a big sale.  As soon as I walked in I saw this hanging on the rack and I grabbed a size MEDIUM (boy, does that feel good!) and went right to the dressing room! I knew I was going to love it and when I tried it on I REALLY loved it!!  Of course, this wasn't on sale and it was a splurge at $60! It's not lined so I was trying to think what I could wear under it. I ended up just using that nude color cami that I already had and it worked out perfectly!  I wore this with white jeans. I love to mix white and off white together!

Here's a close-up of it....

Although I try to buy most of my clothes on sale or at discount stores, somethings you just have to splurge on!  This top was one of those things!

In case you haven't noticed, I love lace clothes almost as much as I love lace table cloths!  Maybe I should start a blog called "My Romantic Closet"! lol  I just love lace!  I just realized I had yet another lace shirt on in the photo I posted Tuesday too! I wasn't kidding when I said I love lace!

Last weekend at Marshalls I also bought this lace maxi skirt! It was a deal at $25!  I just paired it with white tank top I got from  This outfit looks really cute with a jean jacket for those cooler summer nights! As I'm looking at this photo, I'm thinking it may look cute with a belt too!

 I'm all about accessorizing my outfits as much as I am my home so I think I'm going to wear this necklace with it...

It looks sort of cheap in this photo, it looks much better in person. I love the mix of silver and gold! I bought it on sale at Macy's a couple months ago.

This is the last update on the wrens that made their nest in this angel head.  The babies flew away on Saturday and I missed it. Lauren got to see them though!  It was about 100 degrees on Saturday so I'm sure they couldn't wait to get out of there.  I'm wondering if they use the same nest year after year or if I can take it out of there. I'm dying to see what it looks like!  Any one know? 


If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden.  If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog.

Show and Tell Friday

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allisamazing said...

Your new outfits are fabulous! Thanks for hosting :)

Susan Freeman said...

What a cute top Cindy! I like the necklace too. Regarding the bird's nest ~ I have no idea. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Susan and Bentley

Jessie @ Dream and Differ said...

I love that lacey top! It is so feminine. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Karen said...

Beautiful outfits Cindy. That lace top was worth every penny. Have fun wearing them! Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend.

Connie@shabbyforsure said...

Hi, Love your clothes and your necklace is gorgeous. Thanks for hosting this party...Connie

The Farmers Daughter said...

I love lace, too! And, your new outfits are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing and hosting!

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Cindy, what a cute outfit! Thanks so much for hosting each week!

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for hosting Cindy!

XO, Aimee

The Charm of Home said...

I love these tops Cindy! I have been looking at them at stores too! Just beautiful!

Christina at I Gotta Create! said...

Beautiful lace! And the babies flew the coop. All is well :) Thanks for hosting.
<3 Christina

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy,

Love your lace top and skirt! What a deal at Marshall's and the necklace from Macy's is really pretty. Thank you for hosting.


Maureen said...

I love your new laceys!

P.S. IF the family has flown the coop, you can clean it out. Even if they do return they rebuild with new materials.

Kathy said...

Love your style Cindy - I have that skirt in black and would love one in white and nude or tan! It is a very feminine skirt! I appreciate you hostessing!

Little Bit said...

Thanks for hosting! Little Bit

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

That really is a pretty top, Cindy! Hope you enjoyed the concert! Thanks for hosting!...hugs...Debbie

Jennifer @ Town and Country Living said...

Very pretty outfit! You'll look great in it! Thanks for hosting.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Thanks you for such a romantic post. I love the outfit you put together. Thank you for hosting, so happy I could join in this wee with my Garden Art Peek.

ANNE said...

I adore that outfit!! So beautiful! It reminds me of Downton Abbey :)

Thank you for hosting!

Liz @ Quirky Vistas said...

Aw, too bad you missed the baby birds flying off. Thank you for taking the time to host the party!

Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Hi Cindy,
Your outfits are beautiful! And I loooove lace too!

Thank you for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting Cindy! Your new top is gorgeous...You should hang it on display in your room when your not wearing's too beautiful to hide away in a closet!
x Kerry

Sonya@Beyond the Screen Door said...

Hi, Cindy! I'm so glad to be partying with you this week! Thank you!

SwedishCorner ~ DownUnder...Pernilla said...

Stunning top! Thank you so much for hosting each week, Cindy :)
Greetings from Australia♥

Judy at GoldCountryCottage said...

Thank you Cindy, for hosting this lovely party. I will be joining you this weekend..Happy Thursday..Judy

Zuni, Chickadee Home Nest said...

Thanks for hosting, Cindy, and it was worth every cent--it's a beautiful top and it looks great on you! Enjoy it!

Lee Caroline - A World of Inspiration said...

I love that necklace. Recently my mum and I have been looking through her vintage jewellery and this has given me an idea to be able to use some old pieces to make a new piece.

Thank you for hosting Cindy.

Lee ☺

Cottage and Broome said...

Love the top! Once in a while you just have to treat yourself. Thanks for hosting again this week, Laura

Katherines Corner said...

oh the top is lovely, I'm sure the concert was wonderful. I saw his concert at red rocks many, many years ago. Thank you for hosting this lovely party, I am happy to join in the fun today xo

Rebekah Greiman said...

Hello! Thanks for another link party. I linked up my Skinny Orange Julius (# 218 ) that is easy to make, tasty and good for you! And perfect during these hot summer days. Hope you like enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous top... thanks for hosting!

Julie Chen said...

Love the top Cindy. I don't have any lace clothing, but you might just have changed my mind. :) Thanks! x Julie

Anne said...

What a beautiful lace top!Sometimes you have to splurge to get something you really like.You could leave that out displayed on an old mannequin and it would look lovely!Thank you for hosting.

Nancy said...

Gorgeous! I love Victorian clothing.

Elsie said...

Cute top Cindy, you have excellent taste. I know what you mean about the little birds. Mine flew away too out of my plant in the back. Now I have some in my urn with my flowers right by the front door.
It is the Carolina Wren and she
is hindering watering my plant.
I have to be careful, she has
4 eggs in the nest.

Jen Beaudet Zondervan said...

That top is gorgeous! I couldn't tell before if it was a dress or top. Love it! Thanks so much for hosting this:)

Poppy said...

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for hosting this great party! It's the first time I've linked up to "Show and Tell Friday". Hope you'll drop by my place, too!

Have a great weekend,


Barbe @ Beez Rental Designs said...

Hi Cindy, love your lace blouse. And the necklace is beautiful. I've seen it and you're right, it looks better in person. Thanks for hosting.

Anonymous said...

Love your outfits and that fabulouse necklace absolutely does not look cheap. It's gorgeous! Enjoy them all. Happy Friday.

Adorned From Above said...

This post is so beautiful. I love lace. I can not get enough of it. I was wondering if you would link it in my Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop. Here is the link:

I would love to have anything that you would like to link.
Debi Bolocofsky
Adorned From Above

Unknown said...

Those are stunning! You must feel like a queen in those threads

Tammy said...

Everything is just beautiful! Just found your it now following!

An Oasis in the Desert said...

Thanks for hosting another great party, Cindy! I can't wait to dig in here & be very inspired.

Your lace top is beautiful!

Crafty Mischief said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful outfits and for hosting once again. Have a great weekend! :)

Adorned From Above said...

Hi Cindy,
Thank You so much for linking with Wednesdays Adorned From Above Blog Hop. I love this lace so much.
Have a great weekend.

Naptime Review said...

Thanks for the link up! I am your newest GFC follower. Love for you to follow back when you get a chance. What a great hop!!!

Rob Hunt said...

Thanks for hosting. Glad I had something to share this week.

Heirloom treasures said...

You know I love lace so much too. I pin pics of it often. I saw your post last week when you were wearing the top to the concert. It is lovely and suits you so well. I think you can dress that up or down for day or evening and it would look just as good. It feels good being a medium and can fit into most clothes doesn't it. I don't think $60 was expensive,when you think about how many times you will wear it and have it for years,as they are dateless. enjoy xxoo

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy
I'm having a Summer Time Giveaway on my blog this week if you get a chance to go over and enter. Its a $50.00 gift certificate for NOVICA.
Thanks... Keep Cool!

Rainey @ The Project Table

Charlotte said...

I love both the lace top and the skirt! The necklace is beautiful...not cheap looking at all:)

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Wow Cindy,
I love lace too and have lots of lace tops. Most of them I get at Forever 21. I wish I still was!? Do you have a Forever 21 in your area? I can wear a large in most of their things and I love the young style. I'm hanging on to youth as long as I can. Have a fun weekend girl.
~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

Delightfully Curious Designs said...


pipigirl said...

all i have to say is that you have a pretty fabulous link up party goin on here. oh my, the inspiration ive gotten. this has pulled me out of a rut that ive been in and given me the incentive to get off my tush. such beautiful projects these ladies have given us. thank you all for the INSPIRATION. LINK ON susy

Anonymous said...

LOVE your "romantic closet"! These pieces look vintage!

thank-you for hosting.... there is a lot of inspiration here as always ;-)

Unknown said...

I truly love that pair of dress!

Thank you so much for hosting the hop once again. Already your follower and added your hop here:

Have a great day!

The Quiet Mom blogging:

Recipe: Chili Leaves Soup with Chicken Recipe

Crafting: “Butterfly Kabob” Handmade Ornament

Glimpse of My World said...

so proud of you.. beautiful!!