Thursday, June 30, 2011

Show and Tell Friday!

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Hi everyone!  I have something exciting to share this week for Show and Tell! I mentioned this before but now the magazine is out (or should be soon)!  In the August 2011 issue of Woman's Day magazine you will find a tutorial for my seashell wreath I did on my blog a few years ago! 

I can't tell you how exciting it is to see my name and blog mentioned in such a widely published magazine!

I just got my copy this morning and I was fluttering around the office showing everyone!
Check out pg. 24 to see the seashell wreath tutorial!
Actually, what I had planned to share this week is my beautiful diamond ring that you can see in the photo above (at the bottom of the magazine) . This ring belonged to my mom and my dad passed it down to me on Father's Day. She got this ring in 1975 for her 30th wedding anniversary and she loved this ring so much!  I've been wearing it every day and I think of her every time I see it. I think my mom would be so happy that I am enjoying it as much as she did and I know she would be so thrilled to see my name in Woman's Day magazine! 

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Thank to all of you that join in every week!

I'm linking into Pink Saturday this week since the magazine is Pink!!

Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Congrats on the article and how sweet to get your mom's ring.

Judy said...

A well deserved honor! And your ring is gorgeous and made even more special that it belonged to your mom.


Debbiedoos said...

That is awesome Cindy, I can't wait to pick up a copy. Hope you pick up a copy of mine too..I too am I page 24 of Country Woman. Have a happy 4th!

Andrea at Opulent Cottage said...

Congratulations Cindy! Your momma would be so proud of you. Thank you for sharing such special times with us!

Karen said...

Oh Cindy that ring is spectacular, I know it's more precious to you than anything, I'm sure your mother would be happy that you have it. Congrats on the exciting article, it must be a wonderful feeling to see your work published. Thanks for hosting.

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

Dear Cindy,
Congrates on the article that is should be very proud...makes me proud just to be a follower :)

As for the ring..OMGosh it is gorgeous and to have such wonderful cherished memories attached makes it even better.

Blessings Kelsie

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Yea, Cindy! Exciting!

Debbiedoos said...

Forgot to mention your Mom's ring is gorgeous. wear it with great pride and happiness, it looks great on you too. She would be so proud!~~

Debbie~ said...

How exciting, I remember you mentioning it a while back, I couldn't remember which month, so I'm glad I didn't miss it! Don't think for a moment I didn't notice that gorgeous ring! Stunning! Oh, and by the way, your nails are beautiful too! All very special indeed!!! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

Joyce's Journey said...

Hi Cindy! I can't wait to see your tutorial in the magazine! How exciting for you! Your mom's ring is stunning and it looks great on you! How sweet that your dad gave it to you on Father's Day. That must've meant so much for him to select his special day to do something so significant. You have a very special family.

Susan said...

Awwww, that's great news, Cindy. Can't wait to read the magazine.

Loved your Mom's ring. I'm sure she is smiling down on you from the other realm of life.....proud of the magazine inclusion, of your blog, and, of course, for wearing her ring. Susan

Life In The Thrifty Lane said...

That is awesome!! COngratulations. I'll make sure to buy a copy :)
Thanks for hosting too! Have a great weekend,

lvroftiques said...

Congratulations Cindy! I'll be looking for it. Vanna

Sandy said...

Congrats! Well done! Your Mom's ring is just beautiful. I have my Mom's Wedding ring but it's in our safe deposit box. Maybe I should get it and wear it.

Screaming Sardine said...

Wow, congrats, Cindy, on your feature in Women's Day! That is awesome!

Beautiful ring. I'm glad your dad gave it to you to wear and cherish.

Have a great holiday weekend. :)
Tracy Screaming Sardine

{oc cottage} said...

Wooooooohooooooooo!!! How Awesome!
{and aren't you looking so thin and fabulous! You are really rockin' "50"! ;}

m ^..^

Annie Louise said...

Congratulations and well deserved acknowledgement. Your ring is beautiful and a sweet story attached to it.

Craftberry Bush said...

Congratulations ! And keep wearing that gorgeous ring proudly! Xo

The Charm of Home said...

Congrats on getting published Cindy! The ring is beautiful. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for having us!

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Congratulations, Cindy! This is another wonderful milestone for you.

Journey said...

Congratulations!! That is quite a feat!

~Sara said...

Congrats that is awesome about the magazine! Love love love the ring. So sweet to have the memories. No one can take those away from us. My mom has been gone 15 years this month, I hold onto the memories. Have a blessed weekend ~Sara

Pamela Gordon said...

That is exciting news about the magazine. I must pick up a copy. Your mother's ring is gorgeous and how special that you now wear it. Blessigs, Pamela

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Way to go...both on the article and the ring. Sort of a one-two punch! How nice of your Dad to hand something so special down to you...he must be a very nice guy. Happy 4th of July! Oh and thanks for hosting!

the cape on the corner said...

how wonderful! what a lovely ring, and congrats on your magazine feature!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy! Congratulations for being in Woman's Day! Woo Hoo! Your mom's ring is just so beautiful and looks lovely on your most dainty finger! You look pretty happy! :)
Be a sweetie and thanks for hosting your fun party,
Shelia ;)

Hoosier Homemade said...

How exciting! I'll definitely be grabbing one at the checkout!
Thanks for hosting!

Nancy's Daily Dish said...

Congratulations Cindy! You look so pretty in the picture!


Poppy @ With a Dash of Color said...

Hi Cindy, that is so exciting to be published in such a popular magazine. Congratulations to you! And I love your mom's beautiful ring... so lovingly it graces your finger! Your mom will be very proud of you,today! Thanks for hosting this fun party for us each week and being such a wonderful hostess. Happy 4th to you!~Poppy

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Did not get a post ready this week. Just wanted to say Congratulations on the article published!!!
Love the ring.

Ami Allison said...

I can't WAIT to go grab my copy!! :) Thanks for hosting! :)

Katie said...

Congrats on the article Cindy!! What a beautiful ring! Thanks for hosting!

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Congrats, Cindy ... on the ring and the magazine mention. Now go find you the perfect frame for that tutorial with your name on it ... actually you'll need two frames. One for the cover, one for the tutorial. So happy for you!

Sweet Young Journey said...

Congratulations Cindy! Truly awesome! Love the story about your Mom's ring... priceless!
Have a great Fourth!
Thanks for hosting!
hugs, Cheryl

Decor To Adore said...

Congratulations on such a fabulous achievement!

Both of your rings are just gorgeous as are you!

Happy 4th!

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

How exciting, I get that magazine, I will watch for it!

thanks for hosting.

stefanie said... so deserve it!!!!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Congratulations, Cindy! I know you are thrilled to be in the magazine. And your mom's ring is gorgeous. How special that you received it from your dad on Father's Day.

Hope you have a fun 4th!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Pink Roses and Teacups said...

Hi Cindy! thank you so much for coming by for a visit, and for your sweet comment. I would love to meet you too one day. I feel honored that you visited me! You look great in your picture, and congrats on being in the Womens Day Magazine! How exciting! Your mom's ring is beautiful! Happy 4th!

Debbie from NJ

Emily said...

Thank you so much for hosting! Congrats on the article!!!

All That Glitters said...

Congrats to you Cindy!!!! I love your ring too girl!!! So much pretty bling!

Emreen said...

Hi Cindy, Congrats on the feature...!!!
That's a beautiful ring and a special one too...!!!

Have a great weekend !!

Anonymous said...

Congrats pretty lady! I will certainly keep an eye out when the magazine hits the shelf =) I simply adore the ring...perfect! Xoxoxo

Unknown said...

Wow! AND Wow! Beautiful ring and congrats on the publish. That is so cool :)


Wendy@Once upon a rose haven said...

Dear Cindy,
Congratulations on the exciting article! And your mom's ring is gorgeous. Thank you for hosting!
Have a nice weekend and a happy 4th of July.

Meadowsweet Cottage said...

Cindy, your mom's lovely ring positively sparkles with all the love it represents. Congrats on being featured--well-deserved!

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Wow! Yay! Congrats on your Woman's Day magazine tutorial! I will for sure be buying the August issue!! I enjoy looking at all the entries for your Show and Tell Friday. Although I didn't participate, it's great to be able to go through the different entries and see everyone's contributions! Thank you for hosting this! Happy 4th!

Annette said...

How exciting for you to be in the magazine, congratulations!!! Your mom's ring is beautiful and I'm sure it's even more beautiful to you!
Happy Independence Day!

Temple said...

Congratulations Cindy!
It's so thrilling and rewarding to see your own work in print. And you look gorgeous, by the way ;-)



My Cozy Corner said...

Hi Cindy,
I will be looking for your article and your ring is beautiful. I love your blog. Thanks for sharing.

Vicki said...

Your dad is awesome. How lovely for him to gift you with your mom's beautiful ring on his special day. A meaningful heirloom to enjoy and some day pass along to your daughter, too. When my dad was dying, he really didn't have anything to give me. It was important for him to give me something of himself. So he gave me his lucky $50 bill from his wallet and said it made him feel good that if I was ever in a tight spot, I'd always have a bit of cash in a pinch. I hide it in an unlikely place in my handbag and sometimes I finger its special spot, knowing my dad was thinking of me and wanting me to be safe long after he was gone. Just like the $50 bill, your ring is nothing about monetary value but is instead about your mom, the long marriage of your parents which it commemorated (so it's something really, of both of them) and a loving memory-spark each time you gaze down on it. Very comforting, I'm sure. It looks pretty, with your nicely-manicured nails. Jewelry like that is so timeless. (I sure would like to see that tour of Liz Taylor's jewels which is supposed to go city-to-city before it's auctioned off!) Thanks for posting. Your dad must be so lonely for your mom. You're a good daughter to stay close in touch. It's a good hug for both of you as you try to cope with the recent loss of her.

Ivy said...

Oh Cindy the ring is beautiful! How special!
Congratulations on being in the magazine. (Can't wait to see where you'll show up next.)

RedBettySummer said...

Holy, moly, that's a lot of blogs! Thanks for having the party. I'm enjoying clicking through all the great posts.

Nellie's Cozy Place said...

Hi Cindy,
So happy for you, congratulations!
That is so neat.

Love your Mom's ring, that was so
sweet of your dad to give that to you and especially on Father's day!
It looks very nice on your hand.
Can't wait to get the Womans day,
blessings hon, Nellie

Cindy Adkins said...

This is so exciting!!! Congratulations!!! Have a Happy 4th!

Carolyn said...

Congratulations! I love that you have such a beautiful reminder of your Mom too.


Curtains in My Tree said...

I know how you feel my comment was published in Victorian Home Magazine for the August Issue and I was thrilled.

Richard from My Old Historic Home sent me an email about it

I don't have any great tutorial's like you but I was published!

Congratulations Cindy

Curtains in My Tree said...


I should mention also about that
sentimental ring that belonged to your Mom.

Things like that are so special

Tell your Dad hi from this blogger


Lynn at Cottage and Creek said...

Congratulations on your feature in Woman's Day magazine. How exciting! I'm sure your mom would be so proud of you. And her ring is beautiful. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this lovely party. Have a happy 4th of July weekend.

Michelle said...

Congrats on the article!

The Blackwood Cottage said...

Congratulations!!!! Very Awesome.

Unknown said...

Dear Cindy:
Thanks for hosting this party of gorgeousness!

Congrats on being featured!

I noticed that ring right away in the pic. You look so pretty and happy!

Happy 4th of July weekend!


Elsie said...

{{{{{{{{{{ CONGRATULATIONS }}}}}}}}
Cindy I am so happy for you. I will have to get Woman's Day and check it out. I used to get it all the time for the patterns and recipes. I love that magazine.
You brought tears to my eyes seeing your mom's ring. I have my dad's on my thumb and mom's on the other hand with my wedding rings.
I think of them all the time and I am sure she would be happy to see me wearing them. I am sure yours would too. How sweet of your dad.

Emily {Frilly Details} said...

Wow, congrats on the magazine feature. That's something to be very proud of! And that ring is gorgeous. What a special piece to have.

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting!
Congrats on your fancy magazine mention!
Kerry at

Scribbler said...

Your ring is beautiful, and I know it makes you feel loser to your mother to ear it. It was so sweet of your father to pass it on to you on Father's Day.
Congratulations on the article, and I look forward to the tutorial. I need a seashell wreath in my powder room, and have not been quite sure how to put it together.

Terri said...

OMgosh my Dad gave me my Mom's ring and it looks extremely similar to yours, rows of diamonds for their 25th anniversary. (Both parents are gone now)

Congrats on Woman's Day! HAPPY 4TH!!!

Steph. :) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steph. :) said...

Let me try again. :) I LOVE the ring and it looks beautiful on you! And congrats on the article-I will be sure to pick up the mag. Blessings and love, Steph.

Jana said...

Such great blessings in your life. I know that gorgeous ring will be a treasure to you for as long as you live. Congrats on your article, what a wonderful accomplishment. Jana

Noble Vintage said...

you look positively radiant in your photo! beautiful! that is so exciting about the feature- I can't wait to get the August issue. Your mom's ring is stunning. I love that it was passed down to you from your dad. Very special. Have a great holiday weekend.

Renée said...

How exciting're a star on the 4th of July!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the magazine feature!

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...


That is so awesome!!!

Elsie said...

O.K. Cindy I found the comments.....I just wanted to say your name is cool in
the magazine.I got it at WalMart this morning. The way they worded it.....the creator of My Romantic
Home. Love it.

Belle Inspiration Magazine said...

Congratulation Cindy! Your mom would be happy that you are enjoying her ring, and your Dad loves you alot to give it to you.
Happy 4th!

Kathy said...

Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it! Love the ring - a treasure!

FlyAwayHome said...

Congrats on the magazine article and what a honor it was for your father to pass along your mothers ring. I know you will wear it proudly.

The French Hutch said...

Wow, congratulations on the feature in Woman's Day. Also, I think your Mother's Ring is so beautiful. I have my Mother's Ring, and like you everytime I look at it memories flood in. Thanks for hosting and Happy Fourth of July.........

The French Hutch

Anonymous said...

Your ring is gorgeous. My mom passed down hers to me last year for my 25th wedding anniversary.

Congrats on the article.

Marina Capano said...

Congrats on the article! Your blog is fantastic!


Mimi@blueroofcabin said...

Yay! How wonderful for you to have your mothers ring it is beautiful! and to be featured in a magazine well you deserve it! Congrats!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Cindy, how exciting to have your wreath in a big national magazine! Wow -- I'm going to have to get a copy. Maybe I'll make a wreath for our beach house; if so, I'll feature it on a Show & Tell. :-)

How wonderful to have your mother's ring. She would be so proud of you, and so glad to know you are enjoying such a lovely and treasured piece of jewelry.

You wear it well.

Ivy and Elephants said...

You have such an amazing dad. Congratulations on the article. I cannot wait to read it.


Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy, Congradulations, you deserve it. Ring lookes so beautiful on you, you mom would love you wearing it. Joyce, ooxxoo,

Anonymous said...

Oh Cindy...what exciting news! I will definitely pick up the new issue to see your feature, I am so happy for you! Your ring is exquisite! I'm sure your mother would be thrilled that you are wearing it. Thank you for hosting Cindy. I am sharing pictures of my front porch and my sons story. He is getting out of the Army this month after serving our Country for the passed 8 years! Happy 4th of July!
Marcia in Turlock

Pam@OurAdventuresInHomeImprovement said...

Congratulations on the magazine feature! How exciting! I haven't received my copy in the mail yet, but will definitely check out page 24 before anything else.

Your ring is beautiful. What a special piece!

Have a great holiday!

Sarah said...

Congratulations, Cindy. I know you will cherish that ring.
Happy 4th of July! ~ Sarah

Miss Charming said...

What wonderful news! I'll be sure to look for your article!

Anonymous said...

Congrats... How exciting for you! I so adore your moms ring......gorgeous!

Michella Marie said...

That is so awesome Cindy!!
I was ecstatic just seeing the name of my shop in the back of the Romantic Homes Magazine, lol!!
Congratulations!! I will have to pick up a copy!!
Your mother's ring is beautiful!!
So sweet to receive such gifts to cherish and pass on!!
Say hello to California for me :))

Beverly said...

Congratulations, Cindy. This is so exciting. You are an inspiration to all of us.

Love your ring. I have one quite similar that I received during our 18th year of marriage. It is my favorite piece of jewelry.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Cottage Rose said...

Congratulations Cindy,,,I will make sure I look for a copy,,, have a great weekend.... Happy 4th of July


Annesphamily said...

Congrats to you! I have to check out that seashell wreath! Your mom's ring is so pretty. What a special gift you received. Enjoy the many blessings you have and have a safe and happy 4th! Anne

JeanaMichelle said...

What a wonderful honor to have both the ring and the publication. I have an "Irresistibly Sweet Blog Award" waiting for you on my blog.

CaraRose said...


Congrats on the article. I got my copy yesterday. Well done, lady.

And the ring, is gorgeous!...Love it.

mo said...

Congratulations Cindy! How proud you must be.

Your mom's ring is just georgous. I am sure she is so proud of you too.



Claire M. said...

Got my copy too! Great article. Keep up the good work.

An Oasis in the Desert said...

WOW, congratulations on the article. I will be purchasing that magazine post-haste! The ring is just beautiful, & I like your manicure, too!

Tanya said...

I was going to mention the ring before I read all the way down. Just beautiful. It looks great on you and so nice to have such sentimental value as well.

Passionate for White said...

Congratulations on getting exciting!