Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!
First I would like to thank those of you that let me know that Woman's Day was on The Today Show this morning and they showed my seashell wreath! I had no idea they were doing that so unfortunately I didn't see it. My name wasn't mentioned but they did say that the instructions are on their website and my name and a link to my blog is there so I'm thrilled!!! (see yesterday's post if you haven't already)
Update: I found the clip of The Today Show online!! Here it is:
Just so you know....even though I have been in a few magazines, on HGTV and in the San Jose Mercury News, I still get excited beyond belief anytime something like this happens! I don't think I will ever get used to all these wonderful things that have happened because of my blog! It always feels like just a dream!
Back to Show and Tell....This week I'm sharing some of my blooms in my backyard! I really have been neglecting my little patio area but amazingly things are still flourishing out there!
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.
Thank to all of you that join in every week!
Cindy, I'm always so excited for you. It couldn't happen to a nicer person and you've really done so much to help spotlight the blogging community!! Your green thumb is really showing today! Love your pretty florals!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
That is soooooo exciting! Maybe you can google that show and see it! You must be thrilled!
Your pics are gorgeous!
Congratulations Cindy, that is exciting news. Your flowers are so beautiful. Thanks for hosting every week.
m ^..^
You should be excited! That is so fun. I would be to. :)
Your garden is so pretty... just gorgeous! Thanks for hosting.
Yay!!! Congratulations! And your backyard is simply gorgeous...
Thank you os much for hosting!
Thanks so much Cindy for hosting each week. It is always a delight to be a part of. Beautiful photos from your garden.
Well dang! I was watching the Today show, but missed the story on the wreath. :( Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers, and thanks for hosting again this week.
Have a great weekend.
Congratulations on being featured in another magazine!
Thank you for hosting again.
Hi Cindy,
I am happy to be joining your Show and Tell Friday.
Thank you.
Congratulations on getting your name mentioned and your seashell wreath.
I love the picture of your pink rose.
It is lovely.
Hi Cindy! congrats about your wreath and love your pretty flowers.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Wonderful feature! That wreath is gorgeous! Your garden is so pretty too. Thanks for having us!
WOW!! Congratulations...how fun to see your creativity on National TV.
It should be...your shell wreath is beautiful!!!
wow, that's very, very cool! Thanks for hosting! Love the flowers.
HOW FUN! It could not happen to a nicer gal! Thanks for hosting your show and tell.
Hi Cindy...thanks for hosting. Your flowers are so lovely and the photos are stunning. Great post!
WOW!! Cindy!! How exciting!! Congrats!! And thank you so always for hosting this wonderful party for us! :)
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations! Your flowers are beautiful and I saw some pretty nice concrete things too! Thanks for hosting!
Cindy my grandtwins was watching something else on my t.v. I always watch the Today show except when they are here. Good job Cindy, I am proud of all of your accomplishments. I am glad you put that clip on your blog so I can see it. Thanks. Love your back yard, very pretty. Hope you and Lauren have a wonderful weekend.
Cindy, how exciting for you! Love seeing shots of your garden. It's full of beautiful color.
Thanks for hosting. ~ Sarah
Wow, what an honor. Congratulations.
Hi Cindy! Thanks for hosting ;)
I was having trouble grabbing your button.. hope to link up again next week you can find me here:
Wonderful news for you and you deserve it! The picture of the peony here that is standing tall against the sunlight is very inspiring..I absolutely love it. The links here are so much fun to go thru each week!
treasures said...
Congrats again! It is so exciting.
Beautiful photos.
Thanks for hosting each week.
~ Julie
So, so, SO exciting! I do watch the Today show, but I must have been in another part of the house when this was on. Congrats!
How Exciting Cindy, you certainly deserve it! Your flowers are beautiful and I LOVE the bunny/basket planter!
Hugs to you,
Thanks for hosting, have a great week!
Congrats! And my hat is off to all the awesome links everyone posted!
Come check out my blog, I'm a new mini-stockist for Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in Southern California!
Congratulations! That is exciting news. Your garden is very lovely. Thank you for hosting, I'm happy to be joining in on the fun.
Congratulations thats such great news :0 gorgeous pictures this morning
So happy for you! I looked at the tutorial on your link yesterday~I think its wonderful!
What exciting news!!!! Congrats!!! Love all the flowers!!!
Hi Cindy,
Your patio area is gorgeous with all those wonderful blooms! Congrats on your wreath being on the Today Show - what an honor! I am so happy to join your party this week and thank you for hosting. Have a great day!
wonderfull news, congrats again.
Cindy, congrats on the magazine and Today Show mention. That is so exciting! If that ever happened for me, just once, I think I would even be calling my local newspaper to tell everyone about it! You are an inspiration to me. I so admire all you do and your blog!
Cindy, that is wonderful that they featured your project and are linking to your blog. Awesome and well-deserved. I linked up and love your florals. I am your newest follower.
Again, you deserve this. Too bad you missed it on the Today show. Try Youtube. You can find almost anything on there!
Thanks for hosting again!
How awesome!!!
Cindy...so pretty...sometime would you repost your shell wreath...I am heading to the beach in a couple of weeks and will have tons of shells......also love your roses....what's the name of them? Are they climbers?
that is soooooo fantastic!!!!! you so deserve to be reconized!!!!!
I love your peonies, Cindy. They are one of my favorites. All your photos are beautiful. Thanks for hosting.
Thank you so much for hosting such a great party... First time here!
Thanx for hosting this!
Congrats!!! So exciting! Thanks for hosting~ have a great weekend! :)
Congratulations for this achievement. by the way i like your blooms. they are really beautiful
Congratulations Cindy,,, how exciting to see your shell wreath on the Today Show,, well at least the one they made from yours... any way how thrilled you must be.... I am going to go and get my copy.... love your patio,, it is so gorgeous...have a great weekend
This to happened to me last year - I neglected my garden and patio because I was sooo busy with work and the kids. But lucky for you Cindy coz your plants and flowers still look great. For me it was devastating. Most of my flowers died.
This is the reason I came prepared this summer. Planters, pots, garden kits, and garden decors are now ready to use.
I am so excited for you! I know you must be giddy -congratulations! Jennifer
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