Thursday, April 14, 2011

Show and Tell Friday!

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I want to thank you all so much for the heart-felt comments you left me yesterday! I read every single one of them and so did my dad! We appreciate your kindness so very much at this difficult time in our lives!!!

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

This week for Show and Tell I decided to share some of my favorite things my mom has given me over the years.  Most of you have probably already seen these before but I felt the need to do a little tribute to my mom. She was so generous and was always giving me her beautiful treasures! 

Linens...she loved old linens and so did her mother. I have so many of my mom's old linens. She bought these at flea markets and thrift stores over many years.  The photo above is just a very small sample of my collection of old linen and lace tablecloths. 

My mom shipped me these beautiful old sterling silver salt and pepper shakers awhile back.  My mom loved silver. I have fond memories of polishing it as a child.  I actually liked polishing silver back then!

My mom bought this chintz teacup set on a vacation with my dad at Niagara Falls in the 1940s.  I remember this teacup in my mom's china cabinet as a child.  When chintz became a popular collectable in the 90s my mom gave me this.  I treasure was the start of my collection.

I just had to include my absolute favorite thing my mom has ever given me (besides her love of course).  It's my tiered stand!  I've had many people email and offer quite a bit of money for this but I could never part with it. 

A lot of you have heard the story behind this already but I'm going to tell it again because I know there are some of you that just found my blog. 

My mom bought this in a little shop at Disneyland in the 1960s. I remember her buying it! It was about $100, which was a lot of money back then! My mom loved it and had to have it. I remember standing there watching my mom and the sales lady remove all the ceramic lemons they had displayed in it. My mom really loved those ceramic lemons but it would have been too expensive to buy all those too. Growing up, this tiered dish was either in our formal dining room, either on the table or on the buffet.  Now it's in my home and I treasure it...even more so now!

It's funny...about a month ago I was on the phone with my mom and she asked if the tiered dish was okay because she hadn't seen any recent photos of it on my blog.  I told her that someone actually left me a rude comment because I used to photograph it so much.  It's just such a great piece that can be "decorated" so many ways.  I plan to finally put up some Easter decor soon so I'll probably be showing it again next week with some eggs in it!
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Thank to all of you that join in every week


Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Anonymous said...

I love all of these treasures Cindy!!! The linens are beyond gorgeous! Still praying for you and your dad my dear friend! Xoxoxo

The Charm of Home said...

Your tiered stand is gorgeous! You can show that stand decorated to me as much as you want. It does look beautiful many different ways. Thanks for hosting!

The Charm of Home said...

Prayers for your family at this time. So sorry. Hugs!!

Lindy said...

Beautiful linens and tiered stand! Thanks for hosting each week ~ Lindy

Debbiedoos said...

What gorgeous pieces you have with such great memories..that is the best part! Thanks for sharing and for hosting. XO

Karen said...

You have so many beautiful treasures. Thank you for hosting at this difficult time. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

thanks for hosting!

Vivienne @ the V Spot said...

We all have "things" in our homes... How wonderful that yours are well loved, have a beautiful history and will stir fond memories whenever you look at them.
Keeping you in prayer.

d e l i g h t said...

The linens are so pretty and the tiered stand is beautiful and has such wonderful memories attached.

Purnima@a creative project said...

Pretty linen!! Hope everything turns out well!!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh Cindy,

I was so saddened to hear that your dear mom has passed away. How thankful I am that you have such lovely memories of her.

I will be thinking of you.

the old white house said...

It is obvious that your mom shared so much more than just her beautiful treasures with you, she also shared her love of beautiful things and the love for life and its blessings.
thank you for hosting and for sharing your mom with us. xoxo

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

So many nice pieces, Cindy. I love the Chintz cup and saucer. Again, so sorry about your Mom.

Scribbler said...

I am so sorry about the loss of your mother. It is one of the most difficult passages of life to endure.

You are very lucky to have such beautiful memories of her, as well as all the beautiful things with which she was so generous.

I always enjoy seeing what you have done with that beautiful tiered stand. Don't pay any attention to those who tell you what to do with your blog. It's yours.

My thoughts are with you and your family.

Kathy said...

I love that you shared special memories of these treasures you and your mother hold dear. Don't let anyone discourage you from showing them - they're part of you, your history and your home -
what we've come to love and to enjoy about you!
Thank you for hosting and for sharing,
God Bless,

Lamp Tramp said... prayers and thoughts are with you thru this sad event, your Mother's passing. It will take a long, long time for you to grieve and that is normal. You are blessed to have a wonderful relationship with her. Your Mom will always be with you, looking down from heaven, and whispering in your left ear.

NanaDiana said...

Oh- I love that tiered stand..and that was a LOT of money in the 60's. I mean that was a couch for some people! What treaure to have..and I can't believe some body left you a rude comment about photoing it so often. People like that really need a life! And...if you don't like seeing what's on a blog GO AWAY!...There-I said it FOR you! Hmpppfff...picking on our Cindy!

Your Mom would have loved this post, I'm sure...and I'm pretty sure she is reading it over your shoulder as you type it out! I mean, didn't you change a word or two here and there? Yep! That was your Mom getting her 2 cents worth in cuz you know she loves ya!

Have a wonderful weekend, Cindy.
I have been in your shoes and.... If I can give you one small piece of advice- allow yourself to mourn. It's okay to just let it go and not have to put on a stiff upper lip. I know it is hard to give over to grief sometiems because you think it will never quit...but it is okay and healthy to just plain grieve! Hugs to you ,dear girl- xxoo diana

annie said...

Don't let people put you down over the photos you choose to share.
The tiered piece is gorgeous and you always find ways to decorate it that give others inspiration and ideas.
You do a wonderful job.
Thinking of you and your father during this time.
Lots of hugs to you and your family.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

I say put Mom's stand in every post, it is lovely! Wow, Mom must have loved it, $100 was a lot of money, but look, it's an heirloom, I bet Mom knew it would be! Take care of yourself and Dad. I don't have anything to show or tell today, but I am going to go take a look at what everyone else has


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

What beautiful reminders of your mom, Cindy! I am so sorry to hear of her passing. I am sending thoughts, hugs and prayers your way...Debbie

Victoria said...

How beautiful that you have all these gorgeous things from your mom! My mom and I are not close, in fact we don't even talk at all and haven't for several years now. You were lucky to have what you had with your mom, it's a blessing!!!

Susan said...

Cindy your mothers treasures are all very beautiful~~ Sweet memories of her for years to come!

molly susan strong said...

I love that tiered piece and can't wait to see it gussied up for Easter. Please come by and give me a visit. Just posted my shop pics.

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Cindy, How wonderful to have these beautiful items from your mom. I know you will always love and cherish them.

Dina said...

I am so sorry about your mom. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful things she gave you. I am sure they are even more meaningful now.

Sherry Hicks said...

I can tell you had a wonderful special bond with your mother. I recieved many things over the years from my mom and my gramma and great gramma and inherited alot this month but am still shy about posting about it sometimes I smile and sometimes I cry when I pick the things. I love the three tiered stand and the memories behind it. You are blessed to have so many wonderful memories of a wonderful lady as a mom!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I enjoy seeing your treasures. The tiered stand is a great piece as it can be used in so many ways.
Enjoy your weekend.

Cindy Adkins said...

Hi Cindy,
What precious memories from your mom...I've thought about you today and just want you to know that I'm praying for you.

Amanda@RelovedRubbish said...

Your mom gave you so many lovely and special things, especially that beautiful tiered stand. My heart goes out to you and your dad during this difficult time.


Cheryl ~ ZanyMayd said...

What Treasure to Cherish Forever.... You'll be in My Prayers~

Susan said...

Great photos, Cindy. I can't believe a blogger would leave a rude comment like you mentioned. What nerve they had, Cindy. You can put anything you darn please on your blog! Take care. Susan

Doni said...

Cindy, I'm praying for you right now...I'm so sorry about you and your father having to say goodbye to your's soooooo hard right now I know, but I promise, you'll breathe again. And you'll laugh again, and as the days go by the memories will be so sweet and dear, just like she was. I lost my mother last year, and I can still feel her with me....
I know yours is right there with both of you too...
Praying..that God will send His Spirit to Comfort..

Unknown said...

The pictures of your treasures are beautiful. I too have so many things that I just could never part with from my mom.

Funny1 I remember reading "that comment" about your pretty stand and thinking... Oh! Of course you are anonymous...the mean ones always are.
I can't wait to see it decorated for Easter! :)

Thank you for hosting!

The Tablescaper said...

I'm so sorry to learn of your Mom's passing. It's never easy, despite how many wonderful years they may have had. Hold onto those wonderful memories. It great to have so many treasures from her to allow yourself to rekindle those memories.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

- The Tablescaper

Elsie said...

I love everything she gave you Cindy and I hope you will hand all these beautiful things down to your children. Your mom had the best taste in everything even men huh. I know she was very proud of you. You and your family are still in my prayers.

Diane said...

Cindy, there are no words that can diminish the anguish that you feel right now. I lost my mom to cancer about 4 years ago and even now it is a struggle to adjust to my new "normal." (Life without Mom)

Take comfort from the tangible reminders of her life, a life well lived and well loved.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family tonight.

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

Hi! Just found your site & am excited to follow & join the party (will add link to my blog post ASAP!) :)

Love your china, so beautiful!

henry  happened

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

That stand is so pretty!! Show it all you want! :-) thanks for hosting this great blog party every week.

Becky from Tennessee said...

Cindy, I can't imagine anyone leaving a rude comment because of something your dear Mom had given you. Just remember, MOST of your followers enjoy every blog you post. Thanks for the beauty and inspiration you have given us through the years!

Take care and give your Daddy a hug
from someone who cares


Vicki said...

How dare someone make a rude comment about anything on this lovely blog, especially a treasured memento like your tiered dish/stand from Mom. I don't believe that material things are just...things. What's given to us or passed down thru generations, as well as the pretty things we've bought for ourselves, evoke pleasant, comforting memories and sweet thoughts. You need things like that in rough times, in my opinion. Much like people will reminisce over photos, especially when a loved one has passed, I have felt soothed by, for instance, my grandmother's one, nice silk scarf that I swear still holds her scent. We can recall special times hearing a particular song on the radio from that time...from that memory. Or hold the book that was given to us, maybe with our name inscribed by someone's hand who we knew well, and perhaps loved. You go ahead and display that tiered dish year'round, dear; put things in it that make you smile, even when you don't feel much like smiling.

Deepest sympathies on the loss of your mother. I have it the other 'way around, Mom and I having recently lost Dad. She's 87 and they were also over 60 years married. I don't think many of us from this generation can quite wrap our minds around what it means for them to be alone after such a long time together.

Lean on us readers...we're here! There's healing in shared thoughts.

Lori said...

I love all your Mom's things! I haven't had a rude comment yet. I think I will be caught off guard when that happens. Thinking of you.

Jem said...

Sending best wishes for yourself and your family from across the pond!

Jem xXx

Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

What a lovely tribute to such a lovely lady...Thank you so much for sharing these precious memories with us...I will keep you and your Dad in my prayers doing this time...I am so sorry for your lose.

Blessings Kelsie

Olivia said...

I just read about your mom. I am so sorry that you are sad. It sounds like she was very dear to you heart and was blessed to live a very long life. The linens, silver, chintz and tiered stand is just gorgeous. Prayers for you, peace and comfort be with you as you go through this painful time. Big squishy hugs,
Olivia said...

I love your tiered stand, the person who made that comment was probably just jealous-pay no attention to them! Your linens are lovely also. What treasures and memories from your mother.

Lanell said...

Hi Cindy,
I am a new follower and found you at Brambleberry Cottage. Thank you for hosting a great party. I have been looking through your beautiful blog and am so happy I found you.

Curtains in My Tree said...


I don't know how you can be so strong so soon.

Your Dad is lucky to have you and all your linens are fabulous

Unknown said...

Sorry for the loss of your beloved mom.
Thanks for sharing some of your lovely gifts you have received from her over time. It is so wonderful to have all of these beautiful items.
You should decorate and show your stand as much as you want, and SHame on anyone that takes the time to leave a negative comment on that or any single thing else.
Thanks for hosting.
Have a sunshine day.

Gina said...

Cindy - ignore those rude comments! and show your beautiful tiered stand often - its a gorgeous piece. Can't wait to see it decorated for Easter. Thoughts are with you & family at this sad time.

Sheila said...

Your treasures are exquisite and you should proudly use and display every one of them as often as you like...(regardless of others' comments)...

Linda said...

Oh I love your chintz cup and the silver shakers, and the three tiered piece of your mom's. Everything is beautiful...But I especially liked it with the Christmas balls and jeweled excessories. Beautiful!

I have old linens and laces and trinkets galore! But they aren't heirlooms...just flea market finds and antique mall items. But they are special to me.

Only problem is, My girls aren't interested in things like they still won't be heirlooms when I pass! (smile)

Oh is in the eye of the beholder, and my things have brought me joy over the years as I have collected it. And it gave us something to do on our trips as we always visit antique shops!

Have a great day!
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Renée said...

Hi Cindy,

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Nothing can ever take the place of your mom, but may the lovely things she shared with you and sweet memories comfort and sustain you through this hard time.

Jane @ Jane's Junk and Treasures said...

Oh my gosh those!
The silver shakers, I want to see more!!

Great post!!

Anonymous said...

i was hoping this post was gonna be some of the wonderful things your mom has given you over the yrs i read so many posts of things you have from her!! love it and i am glad you have those special things which carry special memories!! and anyone that has the nerve to be nasty and comment on a photo or some thing they think is used too much doesnt get to deserve to read your blog who cares what that person thinks?? wheres their blog??? i dont like people that way!! that 3 tiered stand is my fave thing in all your pics i have thought often about trying to find cake stands similar and try to make one maybe even a 2 tired with some crystals but never get lucky enough to find any 2 like that similar in different sizes! post whatever you want you other friends and readers dont care

Modern Country Lady said...

Cindy, I was offline due to browser problems this week so missed your sad news.I would like to dedicate my flowering wreath to your mom who instilled such a love of beauty in you and I would like to send you and your dad strenght and support to get you through your sadness.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. thank you so so much for hosting this gorgeous party.. I've linked in this week.. We are still praying for you and your dad.. All is simply going to be well.. soon!! Keep up the cheer!! *hugs*

PS - I totally love that tea cup!!

Ivy said...

Dear Cindy,
How precious that you have these treasures which meant so much to your mother, and to you. I know you will always cherish them.
I am so sorry that someone was so rude to you about your cherished piece. Please do not let people like that get to you.
Personally, I love seeing the many different ways you decorate it. It's truly inspirational.
Continued prayers,

sheri said...

Oh, Cindy, what special memories you have. Your tiered stand is fantastic, I never get tired of seeing it. Just think of how many people want it for themselves! Your Mom had a good eye...her treasures have withstood the test of time. It's so lovely to know the stories behind some of your favorite things, like the chintz teacup and the tiered stand. I'll bet every time you look at the silver shakers you are transported back in time to that little girl who loved to polish!

I can't wait to see the beautiful stand all done up for Easter. It's always lovely but I know it will have an extra special something about it this Easter. And remember, your Mom is always with you and as someone said yesterday, it's not goodbye forever, just so long for now.

Thinking of you and your family, especially your Dad. God Bless,

Unknown said...

Show n Tell is so much fun! Thanks for hosting!

Marlis said...

Just catching up on blogs so I'm sorry I missed your post about your mom. Mine went home to heaven about 4 years ago, I know your pain. I pray for you and your dad. Show the tiered stand as much as you like, it's your blog, it's lovely and you display it so well!

Poppy said...

Hi Cindy, I'm your newest follower and I just found out about your recent loss... I'm so sorry... I recently lost my dad so I can understand... this is such a lovely post you did in memory of your mother.. its the memories we always cherish and carry with us everywhere. I love tiered stands and your mom's stand is so beautiful and the chintz tea cup as well... thanks for hosting and I added my link. My prayers with you and your family..

Unknown said...

What a wonderful tribute to your mom! I think you should ignore that rude person and post pictures of your gorgeous stand as often as you'd like! Maybe someday they'll be blessed to come across one of their own and they'll stop coveting yours to the point of rudeness..ha ha :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


Anonymous said...

So I know I'm a nothing when it comes to your HUGE list of followers and comments but I wanted to say I think your blog is BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE it! Thanks for hosting a linky party. More appreciated than you know and I would LOVE if you stopped by my blog. I'm a NEW blogger so this is all so new. If you felt the urge to become a follower it would make me over joyed. Thank you for all you do!


Luncheons at the Junction said...

Since I am relatively new to blogging, I just found yours! I am your newest follower and have linked for the first time. Thanks for hosting, and for sharing so many beautiful ideas.

Unknown said...

Your lovely linens photo with the blue toile pillows and white wicker in the background made me stop to catch my breath! Gorgeous!


Audrey Pettit said...

Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful treasures from your mom! There is nothing more precious in the whole world. Your photos are gorgeous, and your stories are heart-warming. A huge poop on that rude commenter. I thank you for your beautiful blog!

Linda said...

Cindy and Your Dad, I was so sorry to hear of your lose of your precious Mom. May God's love and presence surround both of you during this difficult time. I lost my Mom when I was 32 yr. to cancer; I still miss her and 6 yrs. ago I lost my Dad to cancer. Miss them much. Your in my thoughts and prayers .

carousel222 said...

I've always enjoyed seeing the different decorations you have done with your tiered stand. It's even more special being from your Mother and the childhood memories you have of it.

Sarah said...

Cindy, I'm sorry to hear the news of your loss. My heart goes out to you and your dad. Your tribute to your mom is lovely. The three tiered stand is truly a special piece with a a lovely history. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing it.
Thanks for hosting each week. ~ Sarah

Terri said...

Thanks for allowing us to share our favorite things!!
Love your treasures.

Terri said...

Sorry to hear of your loss!

Miss Charming said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful treasures with us. (The chintz cup is similiar to one I inherited from a great aunt.) The tiered stand is gorgeous--especially how you decorated it!

So sorry for your loss.

Tess Maxey said...

Oh my goodness!! I was looking through blogs and instantly recognized this kitchen from RMS on HGTV. Absolutely loved your kitchen and that tiered piece in your posts there and I'm so glad I ran across it again. Your kitch is just fabulous!!! 5 start from me! TheMax

Tess Maxey said...

Can't type tonight obviously. I meant your Kitchen is fabulous and 5 stars from me!!

peggie said...

My mother loved both silver and crystal. Every birthday and holiday we would buy a piece of crystal or silver for Mom. I did not like any of it when I was young. But my style has changed so much in the years that have passed that I now love it.
I only got a few things that my mother had in her china cabinet and on the coffee table. Just the ones that were chipped. But I still cherish them and are grateful for the pieces and all of the memories that go with them.

Caroline (Piorra Maison) said...

Hello Cindy, So sorry for your loss. Mom's are the pillars in our lives. My Mom is getting older and I cannot imagine life without her.

Beautiful pieces and don't let any negative comments ruin it for all the positive. some people are just so miserable. If they followed your blog they would know the meaning behind some of your pieces, they would show respect. It is the hard work and dedication from people like you that keep us bloggers going. Prayers for you and your family and looking forward to seeing more photos of your family treasures (including your tiered stand).
Mes sentiments.

Anonymous said...

Cindy, I am so sorry for your loss. My best wishes are with you and your family. May your heart heal and may you remember all the wonderful things about your Mom with joy.
Almaden Valley

Debbie said...

Dear Cindy,

I am so very sorry to hear of the passing of your dear sweet mother. I wish you and your dad strength and healing during this very sad time in your life. You will always have your memories. They will comfort you during your loss.

Love and Blessings,
Debbie Price

Anonymous said...

Dear Cindy, I have always loved the story of your Mom falling in love with the tiered stand at Disneyland. It is such a darling story. How sweet of your dad to agree, she could get it. Thank you for telling the story to us. ox, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Thank you for showing us the beautiful gifts from your Mom. She is beautiful inside and out, just like her Daughter. Janette

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful your Mom could follow how you so beautifully decorated her three tier stand on 'MRH' And then she could see you sharing it with us. It had to be so much fun for her, and she, so so proud of you for creating such a beautiful home,and being such a wonderful mother. Love, Judy

Mary E.Dadds said...

I love the beautiful lace cloth under the lilacs on your table.
I do not want to be uncaring.
I lost my Mom and Dad both in 2010.
I say this ,because I know you got alot of your table linens from your mom.But when you are feeling better,would you blog some info about that particular one.It is so beautiful.I have often wanted to
Make one similar,but i cannot find out how to get a pattern.

Betty said...

I am so very sorry to hear about your mom. It is wonderful that you have so many treasured memories of her that will bring you comfort in the days ahead. I love the story of how you mom found the tray at Disneyland. What a precious memory and a precious gift she gave you. Take care Cindy.

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Cindy, as I have followed you over the years, and you've shared the many lovely items you've received from your mom, I've often thought that she must have passed her talent for creating beauty in the home on to you! You've taken the beauty that she saw in those very items and have made it your own - put your own unique signature style on it.

Now each of those special gifts will hold even sweeter memories of your precious mom, and displaying them will make any place you ever live feel like home! And as we, your readers, see them in your posts, we will remember her, as well. ;)

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage