Thursday, January 20, 2011

Show and Tell Friday!

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Welcome to Show and Tell Friday!  These weekend it's supposed to be beautiful here in Northern California...about 70 degrees!  So, I plan on working in my tiny back yard.  One of the things I have planned is to clean out my fountain that I bought a year ago last January at a flea market.  These photos are from when I first bought it. Right now it's filled with decaying leaves and algae.

Another chore I have planned this weekend is to prune my roses...

I cannot wait to have the flowers blooming again...

I'm looking forward to the up the yard and getting that fountain running again.  I'm also doing a 10 mile hike this weekend!  I'm sure my muscles will be sore by the time Monday rolls around!

f you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.

Thank to all of you that join in every week!


Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Lindy said...

Thanks so much for hosting!!!

Carolyn said...

Oh! to be able to get out in the garden again!

Thank you for hosting,


Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Beautiful roses! I can't even image seeing such flowering beauty right now as I stare out at the snow coming down!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

70 sounds wonderful! Snow and 27 here now and still dropping. :( I envy you being able to get out and work in your pretty garden/courtyard. Those roses are beautiful.
Thanks for hosting again this week.
Enjoy your evening.

Susan EvelynAndRose said...

Those flowers chased away my winter 'blues'! Thanks so much for hosting this inspirational party.
- Susan

NanaDiana said...

So beautiful...Oh to be in that kind of weather. I am growing icicles here..nice big ones. That fountain is gorgeous! Love it- Diana

Debbiedoos said...

I am yearning for Spring...what gorgeous flowers. Your gardens are always beautiful Cindy. Have a great night! Thanks for hosting.

Unknown said...

OH Cindy, I'm so JEALOUS I can't wait until spring so my flowers bloom and my fountain is running. Come over to see what's going in my neck of the woods... NOT SO GOOD RIGHT NOW. but soon it will look like your patio, I can't wait.

Blessed Serendipity said...

How wonderful to have fresh flowers from your garden in January. Your roses are gorgeous.


Unknown said...

...oh-so-lovely roses!!
~ and your cement statuettes are charming:)
xo, Rosemary

Honey at 2805 said...

Beautiful roses and statuary. Hope you don't mind a second entry. If a problem, please delete. Thanks for being a gracious hostess.

Karena said...

That silver ewer of flowers , oh my how beautiful!!

Come and join in my Gorgeous Giveaway from Blydesign!

Art by Karena

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Thank you so much for hosting this party, I think this is the first time I have joined in. I don't think it would be a chore to prune roses in January LOL Even here in Florida, everything is pretty well dead as we have had a couple of freezes, I can't find where you live, it must be heaven!


Kelsie from Our Country Home and Studio Photography said...

Your fountain is adorable, I can't wait to have the time and funds to start building our house garden proper.

I do not envy you the 10miles but I do wish you all the best and hope you have a blast doing it...and are not to sore on Monday.

Thanks for hosting once again.

Blessings Kelsie

The Charm of Home said...

Your backyard is just adorable. Very much a little haven. I can't wait to see your roses again too! They are beautiful. Enjoy the great weather.

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

How pretty, Cindy! I love that fountian! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

Decor To Adore said...

Oh spring must surely be right around the corner!

Thank you for hosting!

Sarah said...

Cindy, I envy you. It's too cold here to work in the garden. Fun to see your beautiful blooms. Have fun and enjoy your hike! ~ Sarah

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Always love coming to your beautiful's one of my favorites! Enjoy your weekend working outside:)


lvroftiques said...

You're so lucky!! The 70's here would be summer! I can't wait to clean up my tiny garden either Cindy. I love the pictures of yours. Really pretty! Vanna

Vicki said...

Hi, Cindy. Love the flowers. I'm in sunny FL where it was a warm 78 today but the 3 hard freezes we've had in a month have everything brown and dead in the yard. I can't wait for spring. Thanks for hosting!

Charlene said...

Good luck with that hike! And I feel your pain about the fountain. They always seem like such a great idea & then reality sits in. As you say... the yuck! But, they are so pretty & the sound so soothing. We had a fish pond in our back garden with this beautiful little water element. Then the pump failed & the leaves fell & that accumulated for 3 years... NOT PRETTY! After the yard crew was hired for clean up it is now CLEANED UP & GONE! Have a great weekend. HUGS!

Bella @ Bella before and after said...

Thanks for hosting Cindy!!!

I miss my garden, I hope everything didn't get killed with that storm we had last week. It was nasty!!

Donna said...

Dear Cindy, You have the most beautiful home and your roses are gorgeous! I love seeing your photos.

Thanks again for hosting. Your party is such a blessing.

Donna @ Comin' Home

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Thanks for hosting this party!

Unknown said...

You have a lovely yard it looks really cosy and that fountain is adorble, good luck with cleaning it out not a nice job. And i can smell those roses from here so pretty. Good luck with the 10 mile hike. Dee x

Ami Allison said...

BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks for hosting, Cindy! BTW it was 73 here today!

Anonymous said...

Your roses are gorgeous. I wish I had a green thumb when it came to roses. Right now anything that was growing is now under about 8 inches os snow and still coming down now. Thanks for a wonderful weekly party.

Anonymous said...

Reruns again.

Here On Crow Creek said...

Hi Cindy! Oh how I remember looking at pictures you posted of your garden back over the summer and how pretty it was! It was like a retreat. I cant wait to see it again this year and see what you do.Thank you for hosting. I love coming to your blog:)

chateau de fleurs said...

Hi Cindy,Like you I am ready for the flowers to bloom again. Spring is my favorite time of year! Thanks for letting me link to your blog, this is my first time and I am enjoying all the other links very much! Christie

Audrey Pettit said...

How lovely your yard is! I don't blame you for taking advantage of the beautiful weather and getting out there. Hope you enjoy every minute!

Susan Freeman said...

We are all itching to get back out in the garden. Have fun on your ten mile hike and thanks for hosting!!

Susan and Bentley

Nanette said...

Cindy, I would love to see how your garden looks after you get it cleaned up. I am looking for some new ideas what do do with my little patio here. take care!

Elsie said...

Cindy I use Tilex Mold & Mildew on
my fountain. Just make sure you get
it all washed out so the little birds don't drink it. It works good
on algae. It also works good on
vintage tablecloths. Just spray it
all over and then wash. It didn't
hurt the vibrate red in my vintage
xmas cloths. It is also good to clean wicker furniture. Your courtyard is so pretty, I envy you
with those beautiful roses. Good luck on your hike, sounds like fun.

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

Your roses make me drool. I love the color...they are stunning. Thank you for hosting!

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy- Thanks for hosting, and enjoy working in your garden in the beautiful weather. Jen

La Vie Quotidienne said...

I will be gardening here this weekend too...lots left to prune and clean-up. Have fun in you gardnen.(-: Thank you for hosting.

Sandy Jenney - Organize with Sandy said...

Thanks so much for the link party. I found you through Small Fine Print's Link party list.
I'd love for you to add your link party to my list. I'll add you as a text, but would love for you to add your button on.

Leave a Legacy said...

Oh those spring like pictures, your roses and little back yard look so beautiful. We have about 8" of new snow here! I won't see a yard like yours for another 5 months. This is when I start to think, "Why do I live in PA?"

Sandy Jenney - Organize with Sandy said...

I tried to add your Friday button...but it came out as a full size picture for me. I tried a couple of times... so I added your blog button.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - Enjoy your garden and good luck on your walkathon. I'm new to Show & Tell Friday, and thank you. I've been meaning to participate for several weeks now. Terri

Alma said...

Hola! me encantó ese ramo de flores en la jarra , además de las otras cosas. Un abrazo desde MAR DEL PLATA, ARGENTINA-

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

can't wait for the next post on your garden again! beautiful roses! am sure the smells just great!

awal.ny said...

I love your fountain. I am also longing to get back into the garden that is covered in 3 feet of snow. This is a good time to settle down with some seed magazines and dream for tomorrow.

Valerie Cottage Making Mommy said...

What a beautiful yard! I'm jealous of your weather.



Unknown said...

Such a refreshing post considering we're in the thicke of icy cold winter here. I can't wait to garden. Thank you for hosting the party!