Thursday, September 02, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

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Welcome once again to Show and Tell Friday!  Last week we had a record number of participants - 207!!!  That is just amazing to me!  Thank you all so much for joining in and making this such a big success!

This week I'm sharing some new jewelry I recently bought.  Last Sunday I stopped in my favorite little local store, Vintage and Vogue. I had just stopped in to say hi and wasn't planning on buying anything but then I spotted this beautiful silver bracelet and had to have it! 

Over the 4th of July weekend (which feels like it was just a couple weeks ago to me) I found this big, clunky turquoise necklace at a art faire.  It came with matching earrings. I've really enjoyed wearing this over the summer and I always get compliments on it! 

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate. If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions. Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Show and Tell Friday

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Melissa Miller said...

Cindy your new necklace and bracelet are stunning pieces.

Thank you for hosting each week.
~Melissa :)

Tommie Jo said...

That IS a beautiful necklace~ I love turquoise!

Michelle said...

I love the turquoise necklace! Beautiful!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Gorgeous jewelry, Cindy! I hope you are havning a great week!...hugs...Debbie

Elsie said...

Cindy your new bracelet and necklace are beautiful. Hope
you have a wonderful weekend.":O)

Blondie's Journal said...

I love the bracelet and the necklace is SO my style!!


Gail @ Victorian at Heart said...

Cindy I, too, love turquoise and silver jewelry. I posted about jewelry this week, also. Thank you for hosting such a fun blog party. I have been wanting to join for a long time because I always enjoy the participants so... yea I made it.

Cecily said...

Cindy, both that bracelet and necklace are just beautiful. I love the chunky feel of both. Very pretty.

Susan said...

Loved both of your new pieces of jewelry, Cindy! If you'd like to send them to the east, I'll give you my address. ha! I'm sure you look fabulous wearing them. Susan

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy,
I love both your new baubles! The torquoise is fantastic! And the bracelet is really lovely. I just got a new silver bracelet, too. It's from France and makes me feel oo-la-la everytime I wear it!
You must have started classes by now. Hope life as a student is going well! Have fun!
Thanks for hosting us, it's always a fun party.
Heidi - Heart and Home

A Garden of Threads said...

I love your new bracelet and necklace. Beautiful.

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hello Cindy, Thank You for hosting today. It is a blast to see all the different photos bloggers post.....Julian

Jen said...

ooooh, that bracelet is simply stunning!!!!
Have a great weekend Cindy!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love your bracelet and necklace - so pretty! Thanks for hosting again this week.
Enjoy your holiday weekend.

Glenda/MidSouth said...
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Glenda/MidSouth said...
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Glenda/MidSouth said...
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Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Cindy, I love, love turquoise..fantastic necklace and bracelet. Thanks so much for hosting. xo, Sherry

Susan said...

Cindy I love your turquoise necklace. It is so pretty!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Sorry! Don't know why my comment posted so many times? :( Think I got all the excess deleted. I do love the bracelet and necklace.

bj said...

Your new jewelry is awesome, Cindy..I love it.
Thanks so much for hosting this fun meme...It is so popular ...everyone loves it.
xo bj

Lindy said...

Congratulations on 200+ participants and thank you so much for hosting...

Teresa said...

I love both of those pieces of jewelry. That bracelet is so different. The turquoise is chunky and big which is what makes it so great. Those were wonderful additions to your jewely box. Thanks for hosting this fun meme. What makes it wonderful is the vast mix of items that people show. That way we leave our own 'genre' and see what else is going on in the blogging world. I am so enjoying it.!

Scribbler said...

Great trinkets! I really like both.


Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

Cindy,I love your parties, but haven't been to one of yours in awhile! I'm sorry!
Busy summer!
What lovely friends you have visiting today!!
I am always inspired by them and you!

Tracelaine said...

The bangle is gorgeous. Thank you for hosting a link-up. I have loved your blog for a long time.

Lolly Jane said...

turquoise is makin a comeback-love it!

thanks for hosting! :)

kelli & kristi

Sue said...

Your jewelry pieces are very pretty, Cindy! I grew up in the southwest and just love both turquoise and silver jewelry. When I wear my turquoise, I get a lot of compliments- the natural stones in my pieces are so different from the fashion jewelry stones that most people think of as "real" turquoise. I DO own some of the man-made stuff, too... It's fun to wear. Wish I could afford some of the silver I saw on the Native American Indians when I was growing up in NM. Absolutely gorgeous...
Maybe someone will leave me theirs in their will- one can only hope! *grin*

Susan Freeman said...

Beautiful piece Cindy! I imagine that they look even better when you are wearing them!! Have a great holiday weekend and thank you for being such a lovely hostess!!

Susan and Bentley

Susan Freeman said...

Beautiful piece Cindy! I imagine that they look even better when you are wearing them!! Have a great holiday weekend and thank you for being such a lovely hostess!!

Susan and Bentley

Leanne said...

Oh, I love that bracelet. Thanks for hosting.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Love both pieces!

Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Love your jewelry! What great finds.

Irma :)

Burlap Luxe said...

Cindy the bling takes my heart, my daughter wants to steal the necklace, address please! and I love that Bracelet I love silver my favorite minerial :)

I was featured in "ROMANTIC HOMES" magazine and came by to join your friday show, and tell Friday.
Thank you for allowing me to share my joy!!

Nancy's Notes said...

Cindy, what beautiful pieces of jewelry! I love that silver bracelet and what a great turquoise necklace, both are stunning!

I am happy to be joining your party today, thanks for hosting!


Biljana said...

Hi Cindy!
Beautiful necklace, thanks for hosting:)
Have a great weekend:)
Greetings from Europe, Biljana

Crystal said...

I love jewelry!!!! The bracelet is awesome! But, so is the necklace!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Cindy:
Today is my first time joining this fun event!

I have bracelet envy. OMG I am salivating here! LOL


Anonymous said...

Beautiful jewelry! You take very nice pictures! I just joined your Show and Tell Friday..first timer :-) Thanks!

The Tablescaper said...

Love the bracelet. Just beautiful.

Happy Labor Day weekend.

- The Tablescaper

Decor To Adore said...

Cindy I just love the turquoise necklace. I can just see it on you. With your coloring~ wow!

Thanks for hosting. I think you will love my BLUE AND WHITE chairs.

Burlap Luxe said...

Thank you Cindy, yes it is an honor to be included in with your good company!

Thank you for your visit, it meant way more to me than you know.

Elizabeth said...

I love the jewelry, but my favorite is the beautiful silver bracelet. I love the detail work on it. I bet you get lots of compliments on it.

Have a great one!

Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
Lovely jewelry!

Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful weekend.


national payday loan said...

all the pictures are really wonderful but i like the most the turquoise necklace.
Love Yssa

Unknown said...

I am in love with that silver bracelet. Thank you so much for hosting, Cindy.


Vintagesouthernlife said...

Beautiful pieces! Silver and turquoise are timeless class pieces.

Thanks for hosting...have a great week-end! Annette

Vintagesouthernlife said...
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Unknown said...

Lovely bracelet!

Enjoy the 3-day weekend!


WhiteWhispers2u said...

Beautiful items, awesome find.~Enjoy Kim

P.S.~I Love Show & Tell.Thanks

Anonymous said...

I've particularly enjoyed everyone's posts this week.

Really loved your necklace Cindy. Then again, I love just about anything with turquoise.

Annie's Jewel Store said...

wow cindy, with each passing day, i am becoming a great fan of yours, these jewelry pieces are too good, i just love the bangle, its too good, very stylish and chic, i also love collecting such jewelry items and last time i got it from Annie's Jewel Store

Henna @ AboutCabinets Blog said...

hey - your blog is just too good and i would call it an inspiration for home makers all over, i love your ideas and i loved the post in which you set the table, it was just too good and decor was amazing, love your blog

Regina said...

WOW! I think that silver bracelet was calling you! It is as beautiful as you site! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

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Заранее большое спасибо.

Anonymous said...

Чужим умом в люди не выйдешь.