Thursday, June 24, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

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This week for Show and Tell I'm sharing all the different ways I've decorated with shells. I have some shells I collected from the beach but most of these I've bought here and there over the years. There's not a lot of shells to be found on the beaches by apartment but when I went to Martha's Vineyard on vacation in 2006, I was amazed at how many there were!  I brought a big plastic Ziploc bag full of them home with me!
I love the combination of shells, moss and eggs...very earthy!
I think I bought this big conch a thrift store! My memory is so bad!

I made this seashell wreath awhile back...

Seashells and pearls, another good combination...

I even decorate with shells during the holidays...

You may remember my giant seashell cupcake! Don't worry the sand and shells are all edible!

and my chocolate cupcakes with chocolate shells. I did a tutorial on How to Make Fondant Shells because so many people asked how I made them.  They are so easy to make!
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!



HoosierHomemade said...

Your post makes me long for the beach! I haven't been there yet this summer. Hopefully soon!
Thanks so much for hosting!

Debbie~ said...

I looove how you decorate your home with the natural beauty of shells and pearls, and those cupcakes are to die for!!! I live in the PNW (RAIN,Rain & more rain), so I've been enjoying your gorgeous flowers and 'the SUN' through your blog! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

vignette design said...

Hi Cindy,
I am so glad you showed all your shells. I am always at a loss as to what to do with all my collected shells and you have some great ideas. I love the three tiered display with moss. So cool....
Thanks for hosting.

Ann said...

Just beautiful, Cindy!

I must admit, I rarely use shells and am going to make a mental note to start!

Susan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Susan said...

Whoops, sorry. Made an error on that last comment. I meant to say I enjoyed seeing all your shell decor. I especially liked seeing the photo of with the white lights in the background. Very pretty. Thanks for sharing and for hosting Show and Tell Friday. Susan

The Charm of Home said...

All of your shells are just beautiful. I love shells!

Lenore said...

I'm a huge lover of shells too, all your photos but the silver tray with the votives and the sea shells really caught my eye.

Leanne said...

I love all your beautiful shells and how they're displayed. Thanks for hosting again.

Lisa @ Fern Creek Cottage said...

I love the way the shells look with the moss and eggs too!! I never would have thought of putting those things together, but it looks so gorgeous!!

Olga Poltava said...

I love shells too. Great way to decorate with shells; they bring so much charm.

the cape on the corner said...

that moss and shell combo is gorgeous. i love that tiered stand. it looks like it was made just for that!

Linda@Coastal Charm said... COASTAL and so PRETTY! I live on the GULF COAST in ALABAMA and luv anything COASTAL! Your displays are outstanding...I so enjoyed seeing all of them. Hop over and enter my COASTAL GIVEAWAY...I think you will like it:)


Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Shells are one of my favorite things to decorate with too! Your arrangements are always lovely and gorgeously photographed. Thanks for hosting! Jacqueline

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Cindy, I also love to decorate with shells. Your collection and the way you have them displayed is beautiful. The shell covered cupcake is adorable!
xo, Sherry

Unknown said...

You have a way with displays. I love the contrast between the white shells and the moss.

Anonymous said...

Everything is beautiful! Thanks for sharing all of this wonderful inspiration and for hosting such a fabulous link party! This is my first time partcipating. :)
Have a wonderful evening!
~ Jo :-)

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, i could eat a cupcake about now - those do look good. Beautiful conch shell as well as all the others.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

What a lovely display of shells! Loved the crocheted lace hanky and also the lovely chocolate shell cupcakes; great link to the recipe!

Greetings from Georgia/USA


Cass @ That Old House said...

What a wonderful beachy-looking post. Makes me want to pack up and head to the shore house.
Gorgeous photography!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Your shell displays are really gorgeous, Cindy, but the edible ones really "take the cake" te he!!

afistfullofweeds* said...

Making that giant cupcake with all them shells, is on my bucket list!! Really pretty!

maggy said...

Love the wreath and the cupcake! But all of it is stunning!

Thank you for hosting too!


Michella Marie said...

Hi Cindy ~
I LOVE all your shells ~
It's time to pull mine out and start decorating for summer :))
The cupcakes look so yummy!!!
As always, very inspiring ~
Thank you so much for hosting!!
~ Michella ~
~ ~ xoxo ~ ~

Amber Rose said...

Beautiful! Every part of your display. Very creative! Thank you, Amber

Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Cindy, That is a great collection of starfish and seaglass. Thank You for hosting this Friday....Julian

Terry said...

I can't decide if I love the tray with the votive candles more than the shell wreath or the shells in the ceramic dish with pearls! Everything is so beautiful!

Kelly said...

Oh I always love to make a visit here. I always leave inspired and in a great mood!! Thanks for sharing your heart and your home!
Beautiful Summer Blessings to YOU!
~Kelly Maria

Decor To Adore said...

I just adore your shell collection. I too love to decorate with shells.

Carolyn said...

You found many good uses for your sea shells.It all looks so pretty.

Thank you for hosting,


One Cheap B*tch said...

I just love your shells and your uses for them!


mo said...

Cindy, your blog is like my second "home"...You have such fantastic taste! I would like to say "thank you" for your "Show and Tell Friday"... you are an angel.*hugs* mo

The Tablescaper said...

Such a beautiful presentation. I love the addition of the moss. It really sets things off. Just lovely.

Perhaps you'll link your post to "Summer Sundays" this Sunday. Your shells scream SUMMER.

- The Tablescaper

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I like the way you display your shells - nice ideas.
Thanks for hosting again this week.
Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shells Cindy! You inspired me to add a bowl of shells in my living room as well. I added my link to Show and Tell Friday this week, this is my first time participating! I love visiting other blogs for inspiration and yours is always a MUST SEE!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous blog. Gorgeous home. Thanks so much for hosting. I have added your link party to my Linky Love Library page. Have a great weekend :)


The Single Nester said...

Beachy Beachy! Me lovey lovey!

Dreams and Decor said...

Hi, Cindy! Love your seashell arrangements! Especially with the addition of eggs and moss!

By the way, do you mind me asking where you get your moss? I love the bright green color. I can only find dark.

Thanks, and have a great weekend! Patti in TX

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

I love your collection of shells, starfish and seaglass. They all are so beautifully displayed. Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a great weekend!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

I absolutely LOVE all of your shell decor. I will be using alot more shells in my home just from the inspiration in your photos. So so lovely.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy,i love all your shells and how you display them!Everything you do is beautiful.The three tiered tray that your mom gave you is so beautiful,and when your mom gives you a gift it makes it even more special...Kathy

God's Pittbull said...

Devine house you have there! I love the little picture with the little lovely!!

Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage said...

Cindy, your use of seashells is glorious! I love every vignette you've shown.

The beach cottage table the Yankee and I just made would look perfect alongside your shells. ;)

Come check it out @

Have a great weekend!
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

Delcie Wardrop said...

Lovely to see how your combine shells into your decorating.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Cindy, your seashell arrangements are enchanting. I'm partial to the champaigne bucket one and the eggs/moss/shells! Just stunning!

I do hope you'll be able to join us for the WEDDING BLOG PARTY! The link is active until Monday, so anytime up til then!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Designs on 47th Street said...

Hi Cindy, I loved finding your blog again. It always makes me happy to see your way of decorating. Just last week I found an old silver urn at a thift shop I purchased to use at my daughter's wedding reception this fall. For now I'm going to clean it up and put shells and reindeer moss in it! Thanks for the great visuals! :)


Staci J said...

Thanks for hosting this fun party, it's my first time linking up! You have such a beautiful home:)

Kaye said...

I love the seashells and pearls. What a combination. Thanks for making Show and Tell Friday available. Looks like I'm going to be reading for a while.

Alison Gibbs said...

So many wonderful shell displays. Love the seaglass photo - such gorgeous blues in there

Anonymous said...

Your post are very, very nice!!! All of your photos are excellent!! My congratulations for your good style!! A bientôt, Esther

petitebroderie said...

Your post are very, very nice!!! All of your photos are excellent!! My congratulations for your good style!! A bientôt, Esther

Vintagesouthernlife said...

Love your shells and how you display them. You have such a talent for decorating.
Thanks for hosting.

June said...

Cindy your vignettes are always so beautiful. You really have a knack. Your shells make beautiful displays in your home.

silvanasofia said...

happy july 4 for you

ikimiz said...

ooooooooooooo veriy veriyyy good vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu bunlar benim omalı yahuu :D

Elsie said...

Cindy very nice post. Love how you
decorated with shells.":O)

Farah said...

Love Love and Love your shell wreath, your all collection is so appealing andshow your refine taste about little decor items, I really feel happy by visiting your this post, I am on my way on your blog
Its my blog check it out if you have little time...I am your newest follower...Love

vena7 said...

Jakie to wszystko piękne ,Wspaniałe..ale masz wyczucie stylu .Brawo

Romanceblogs said...

Certainly a beautiful place.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more..