Thursday, June 17, 2010

Show and Tell Friday!

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It's time for Show and Tell Friday once again!  This week I'm sharing a new project.  My wonderful dad did the hard part of this project, he built it. I just need to sand it and paint it and I hope to get that done this weekend! 

It's a bed crown which will be hung on the wall over my bed close to the ceiling.  It will have long fabric panels attached inside and draped to the sides.
I'm planning on painting it a creamy white (to match my bed)
with some blue accents.  I haven't decided yet if I'm going to keep the finial at the top or remove it so I can hang it closer to the ceiling.  I'm planning on using sheer white fabric to hang from the inside and drape to each side of the bed posts. I'll include some photos of my room (which still isn't finished) in this post, just so you can get an idea of how it will look.
You can see where it will be hung in the photo below...

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Anonymous said...

Your dad sure is talented. That's a pretty piece. Can't wait to see the finished results. Thanks for hosting.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Cindy, you dad did an amazing job on that. Can't wait to see it completed and in your room.

Michelle@ A Full Cottage said...

I love your bedroom!!
:) Michelle

Leanne said...

That sounds beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished. Thanks for hosting again.

Natasha in Oz said...

Wow, your dad is so talented!

Your bedroom is truly divine! Those blue and white toile cushions are so pretty-you have my dream room!

Best wishes and thanks so much for hosting Show and Tell Friday every week-I so appreciate it!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Cindy! I love the toile frenchy! I can't wait to see the finished crown! Have a great weekend!...hugs...Debbie

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful and it will look gorgeous finished in your boudoir.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Cindy, your dad did a terrific job on the crown! It will be so romantic and breezy looking with sheer fabric suspended from it! Can't wait to see it!

Big Tx Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Victorian1885 said...

What a beautiful bedroom! Your shelf is going to be fabulous!
Have a great weekend..


Unknown said...

Cindy What a stunning, gorgeous, dreamy room. That bed crown will look amazing... I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE IT. I linked up my FireCracker Topiary.. thanks for the link party. Jenn

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Cindy,
Your Dad is so talented, how lucky you are to have something so special made just for you. Your bedroom looks lovely witht he blue and white toile pillows. You have a marvelous eye for detail!
a bientôt,

The Charm of Home said...

I love that bed crown. What a great job he did. That will look amazing!

Debra@CommonGround said...

Hi Cindy, your dad did an amazing job on this. It's just gorgeous, can't wait to see it installed. I know it will be gorgeous! Have fun putting it all together.

Jacqueline~Cabin and Cottage said...

Looks like you have some very lovely plans for your already beautiful bedroom. I look forward to seeing it! Thanks once again for hosting--Jacqueline

Cynthia K. said...

Hi there! Well, your dear ol' Dad really came through for you on this project!!! Anxious to see it all hanging and completed.

Your bedroom is already dreamy - just beautiful. And the bedspread is amazing....

Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Cindy!

I love your pretty bedroom! Tres romantique!Toile is a fav!LOVE it!

Thank-you for this lovely event!

love, kelee

Prior said...

What sweet dreams you should have...Beautiful... You owe dad something nice for Father's Day! Lezlee

Bella's Rose Cottage said...

Hi Cindy, Your dad is so talented! It must have rubbed off on you :-) I can't wait to see your canopy!
Thank you once again for hosting.

Sarah said...

Cindy, the bed crown is going to look fabulous and so romantic. I'll be eager to see the new look when you have this painted and hanging.
Thanks for hosting! ~ Sarah

Wanda Lee said...

How lovely of your dear dad to make this wonderful bed corona/crown Cindy!.., It's beautiful!

I can hardly wait to see what visual delights await us when you sand,paint and install this confection with the panels of curtains that you have described, as your bedroom is already a 'dream come true!..,

Thanks for once again hosting, 'Show And Tell Friday'!

Cheers from Wanda Lee @ Silken Purse

Hoosier Homemade said...

Thanks so much for hosting! Your bedroom is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Hello sweet Cindy - thank you for hosting this fun party! And for allowing me to link up my little painted treasures.

I love your bedroom! So fabulous.


French-Kissed said...

It is going to be beautiful...can't wait to see the final reveal!


Ingrid said...

I think you will feel like a princess under this baldachin ! and sooo romantic ! I am curious to see how it looks when it's finished !

Katie@LeBeauPaonVictorien said...

I think it will look so pretty when you have the half-tester hung up! I can't wait to see it!
I love your bedding also--dreamy!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Cindy, Your dad did a wonderful job with the bed crown! This will look so good in your bedroom. Love the duvet cover and the toile pillows. I am excited to see the crown hung with the curtains.
Thanks for hosting!
xo, Sherry

Joanne Kennedy said...

Your bedroom looks very pretty but what did you do with the darling quilt and rug you had in there before?


****Nannarè**** said...

queste foto sono bellissime !!!!complimenti da nannarè....ciao a presto

Anonymous said...

Your new bed crown is beautiful.

I haven't linked in a while, but the new linky with the photos is really neat!

Anonymous said...

You're really romantic at heart. Love the idea of this draped crown. You will have beautiful dreams in this bed !

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a beautiful peaceful looking bedroom!


Tallulah's Antique Closet said...

Hi Cindy, Thanks for hosting again this Friday. And you also have a beautiful bedroom. Have a great weekend....Julian

gabraj said...

Wow, your dad is so talented!
That sounds beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous room! Thanks for hosting.

~Lori@ live,laugh,love,create :)

Cindy said...

Your bedroom is pretty now, but it will be so gorgeous with that crowning it! It will truly be your "crowning glory". Sorry for the pun, but I had to. I love the color of your walls and I love how individual your decor is, it isn't nearly as trendy as so many, I think that's what makes it so attractive.
Hugs, Cindy S

Diane said...

Your dad did a fantastic job on that bed crown. CAn't wait to see it when you are all done with it.

Charity said...

Wow, I love how feminine your bedroom is. is so pretty!! I wish someone would make me one of those bed crowns for my girls room.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Oh Cindy, you are so lucky to have very talented dad.. and I can't wait to see the end result of that piece.. and as of now, your bedroom look so pretty, very dreamy and comfy too!

Esther Sunday said...

OMG, I lOVE IT!!!! Way to go, Romantic Home Dad!!

My vote - keep the finial!!

My other vote - go Roberto!

Off to my home town of Half Moon Bay next week... to the land of no computers (my parent's house) so I'll miss ya!

Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
Your Dad did a great job and I know it will be beautiful when you have everything done.
Thank you for hosting.

Have a good weekend,

Leslie {Goodbye, house. Hello, home!} said...

I love your parties!!
Who spiked the punch!?

Michell @ Girl In Air said...

So beautiful!!! Thanks for hosting

Beverley said...

Hello Cindy, I love your bedroom and the bed crown will look gorgeous. Your Dad sounds like he loves you a lot. What shade of cream paint will you use? I am painting my house creamy white but I don't know what shade of white to use. Have a great weekend. Beverley

Elsie said...

Oh Cindy that is going to be so
pretty. I like that and your Dad
did a wonderful job. I can't wait
to see the finished project.":O)

luisa said...

Hi Cindy,I´m from Argentina.Sorry for my english, please.Your blog is (all) beautiful and gorgeous.I want say you what always visit your blog.Here inspire me.Congratulation.-ADIOS!!!

Ann @ makethebestofthings said...

Sweetie, can I borrow your dad? I have a list of things I'd like! He did a fabulous job on the bed crown. Bet you could sell those! Your room will be even more beautiful when you're done!

Susan said...

Cindy your dad does awesome work!! That must be who you inherited all your talent from!!

The Tablescaper said...

You're so lucky to have such a talented dad. It's really a spectacular piece that you'd be hard pressed to buy anywhere. I can't wait to see the finished product.

I'd love to have you join "Summer Sundays". It's a meme about what summer means to you. Perhaps you could share some of your lovely garden.

- The Tablescaper

Marilyn said...


I can see talent and creativity run in your family.

That piece is going to look great in your bedroom.

Marilyn (in Dallas)


Cada detalle que muestras es BELLEZA!! Mis sinceras felicitaciones por ello!
Me facina la decoración , especialmente la romantica vintage.
Hugs from Barcelona-Spain

Bambi said...

Cindy, that is just beautiful. Your dad's workmanship is amazing. Can't wait to see it completed.

Sylvia (at) Lily's Pad and Petals said...

Your Dad is definately talented and you lucky to him. Can't wait to see it hung and finished.

My Dream Canvas said...

Wow thats's are the best :-) Have a lovely weekend and I do hope you can stop by My Dream Canvas!

Mona said...

Your bedroom seems to be taken out from a fairytale, I love it!!!

PVC patio furniture said...

That's a beautiful bedroom indeed. This is what many people dream on.

Alison Gibbs said...

Cindy does your dad want to adopt me? Tell him I will really, really love him. Especially if he creates something beautiful for me too. I am sure he would love to come to Australia and be my dad!!

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

This is going to be the "crowning" glory (sorry, had to say that--haha) of your beautiful room! The details on it are wonderful and your dad is truly a gifted craftsman. Looking forward to the reveal. :)

Thanks for the opportunity to participate in S&T this week.

Shari @ My Cottage of Bliss said...

Aaaak! I just read through the comments and see I wasn't so original with my "crowning glory" pun. Cindy beat me to it. Lol.

Naturegirl said...

Cindy I am drooling over this bedroom!Each and every detail..a dream bedroom!A sweet dream fantasy!

Burlap Luxe said...

Thank you Cindy,
I may have to cancel my trip if I don't find anyone who will do the watering!! :) LOL!!
I thought I would let all the bloggy friends have a good laugh today!

See you soon girl your blogs are Fabulous girl Have a great week to come.

Jenny said...

The crown looks fantastic - what a clever Dad! I would leave the finial on it, I think it makes it. Can't wait to see it painted and in place above your gorgeous bed.

Kathy said...

That's very lovely, you can consider turning it upside down having the finial on the bottom. Either way, I am sure this is going to be a lovely addition.
God Bless,

Christa @ Stories of a House said...

I love your room, and what your dad made for you! I can't wait to see the reveal. ~Christa

DreamgirlLisa said...

oh wow, that's going to be gorgeous!

Contemporary office furniture said...

The arrangements in the bed room and furniture's looks very beautiful. thanks for sharing....

Contemporary furniture

Kate said...

I love the bed's headboard. The bed crown will look beautiful with it.