Monday, March 29, 2010

Blogger Problems today

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There is problems uploading photos on Blogger today. I painted my bedroom this weekend and wanted to show you but it will have to wait until I can upload the photos!


Georgianna said...

I'm having problems with Blogger photos today, too. Hope it will be fixed soon. Look forward to seeing your bedroom!

Jessa said...

I am having problems too!!!! Thanks for posting this so I know I am not alone! :)

Angie Holden said...

I am so glad you posted...I was panicking...seriously...

Victoria said...

I googled it and they did put up a message saying they're working hard to resolve the problem...that was after I spent about an hour thinking it was just me and cleaned out my computer, defrag'd etc. Oh well! I can't wait to see your bedroom Cindy:)

seanymph said...

Ok this is good to read. No not that having blogger issues is good but that I thought it was on my end. Cant see any of my photos and I posted a blog last nite :(

sandy said...

Thanks for sharing that as I also thought the problem was just MY computer. sandy said...

Thank you so much for letting us know! I thought it was me again;) I have such fun news to share too. I'll have to keep checking.
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

June said...

thanks for posting about the problem Cindy. I was getting frustrated thinking it was something I had done last night revamping things on my blog.

Pink Slippers said...

I am glad you posted this. I am having problems too. Glad to know it is not my blog but blogger.

My Cottage Charm said...

I'm glad to know it's not just me...I thought I was going crazy and had forgotten what I was doing! LOL Been trying all morning to upload photos of my Easter mantel....not workin'~! Rather frustrating! Oh well, at least we're all in the same boat. :)
Have a great day!

Danylle McLain said...

Me too! I had problems all last week. I had to load Picasa to be able to accomplish anything. Glad to see I am not the only one!

Nana Moon

Pieces of Dreams said...

Hi! I am having problems, also. I too, thought it was something with my computer. I was working on the plaster doily project offered by Songbird, and couldn't get some of the tutorial pics...Ugh! (I think it came out okay, though) I think I will wait to make the plaster roses! (I noticed something that looks like them in your main display...Did you make them, Cindy? Did you use plaster of paris?

I can't wait to see the bedroom. Glad you posted this, so there weren't a bunch of bald bloggers going around, after pulling their hair out! LOL Karen

Anonymous said...

same here with me!!! so glad you clued us in!!!

The Charm of Home said...

I'm having problems too. Thanks!

The Charm of Home said...

I'm having problems too. Thanks!

Molly Anne said...

I thought my computer had a gremlin again. So while I'm NOT glad that others are having trouble I am glad that it wasn't me, haha!

Cindy said...

Yes, I'm having problems, too. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. Hugs, Cindy S

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting about your problems with blogger! I thought I had blown up the old system today! My husband has been warning me that I have too many images downloaded in files and we were running out of space--I thought--o.k. all of those warnings have caught up with me!!

This happened once before with blogger and by the next day everything was back to normal!

Although, nothing wrong with a little panic--even if it's for no reason--now after thinking all was lost--I think I'll spring clean my files tomorrow!!

Have a good day!

Victoria said... glad you posted I have been wondering whats up..I cannot see anyone's lovely pics! Yay..I am not the only one..I feel better! thanks for posting! and..your blog is always so super fabulous..I look forwrad to it.

Diane said...

Having same probelsm, and all I try to see on other blogs are big red X's including mine that have been on forever....isn't it fun!!!!!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Whew! Glad I'm not the only one! This morning I thought it was my home service but then it happened at work, so I thought it was the area we live in. We're getting loads of rain and wind.

Anonymous said...

most of my photos and some photos on other peoples blogs aren't coming up today for me....

there's obviously something wrong with the system! yikes, what will we do?


ciao bella!

look forward to seeing your work!

violetlady said...

Cindy, your rooms just keep getting better and better. I have that mirrored closet in my girly-girl guest room (that is what I call it). I can't wait to see the end result with the drapes covering the mirrors.

Unknown said...

I like the fu fu ness definatley of the spread.. love the layers it brings.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty Cindy! I loved your old bedding, so am kind of sad to see that go, but I know sometimes we just need a change! I think Robin's Egg blue will be beautiful in the room. Can't wait to see what fabric you decide on for drapes and the bed crown.

I'm not sure what I think about drapes over the closet - but it's worth a try! That's a hard issue to deal with.

Completely off topic, but I'd like to ask where you got your dining room chairs? I have been on the SEARCH for similar chairs. I see them all over blog land, but rarely around here (TN). Maybe they are easier to find up your way. Seems several of the blogs I have seen them on are in CA.

Thanks for sharing!


grain de sable said...

your house is beautifull , i love your blog.kiss Isabelle