Thursday, February 04, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

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It Show and Tell Friday again!!! This week seems like it just flew by! I've been so busy packaging up orders from my Vintage etsy shop every night that I didn't have time to take any new photos for Show and Tell today. Luckily after almost 5 years of blogging I have a lot of things in the archives that I can pull out when needed and that's what I did today. This hand painted cake plate was a gift that was given to me by Lorrie (one of my blog readers) awhile ago. She has gifted me with a lot of gorgeous things but I think this plate is one of my favorites. The colors are just amazing and it looks even prettier in person!

This weekend I'm off to some flea markets and maybe even an estate sale to buy more things for my Vintage etsy shop! I'm having so much fun with this....well, the packing up and going to the post office isn't much fun but the shopping is!

For those of you in the SF Bay Area, this weekend is full of lots of vintage shopping fun! Saturday is the DeAnza Flea market in Cupertino (although it's supposed to rain), Sunday is the Alameda Flea Market and also this week (Thurs-Sat) "Move it Elsewhere" in San Jose is open (they only open one weekend a month). The Santa Cruz Flea Market is open every weekend (Fri-Sun). Now I just need to decide which ones I'm going to go to!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Anonymous said...

I love hand painted plates. Your's is so gorgeous. Its quite the beauty. Congrats on making Cottage of the Month. Thanks for hosting. Rosie

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Cindy!

That plate is so pretty!

Have fun on your treasure hunt this weekend!

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy,
That plate is gorgeous!
I don't know about your plans for flea marketing this weekend, it's pouring right now. But, that will give you more time to pack and ship!I'm glad your Esty shop is doing so well.
And congrats on Cottage of the Month.
Have a nice weekend. Stay warm and dry.
Heidi - Heart and Home

Natasha in Oz said...

Thank you for hosting this lovely party Cindy. I have joined in for the first time. Hope you like my version of one of your creations!

Happy shopping!
Best wishes, Natasha.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Shopping for vintage items is the MOST fun! Can't wait to see what you find! HAVE FUN! ♥

Elsie said...

Cindy~ That is a beautiful plate.
I bet you are having fun shopping
for your Esty Shop. If you see
anything with cherries on it please
think about purchasing it. I am
glad your shop is doing so well.
Good luck this weekend.:O)

vignette design said...

What a lovely cake plate. Thanks again for hosting. I'm off to the Alameda Flea on Sunday too, if it isn't raining! Don't forget, next weekend is Hillsborough Antique Show, although it isn't as good as it used to be. Hope you find many treasures! -Delores

Melissa Lester said...

Just beautiful, Cindy! Isn't it nice to know that people find beautiful things and think of you? And now with your shop, you are buying beautiful things and thinking of us!

dishdiva said...

Hi Cindy,
What a nice surprise to open your blog and see that plate again! I remember thinking it would be perfect for you when I found it last spring while antiquing in Santa Barbara! I was also so happy to see your home as the Cottage of the Month! Richly deserved!!

gemini said...

I love your collections, great one. I wish I could have enough space so I can do want what I want with things collected. First visit here. Join me too and have a great weekend ahead.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Cindy that plate is beautiful! Would love to go treasure hunting this weekend, but it is still cold and wet here. I just can't get motivated. Thanks for hosting again this week.
Have a great weekend.

Dixie said...

I wish I were in California so I could go shopping too! Country Living has an article about flea market shopping in Northern California in their March 2010 issue... I love to visit California... but I need to drive there in a pick up pulling a trailer to really experience the "thrift"!

wishing you sunshine for the weekend.. Dixie

Elaine said...

Oh I'm so jealous. You have such great vintage shopping on the West Coast.

It's hard to find good estate sales in the Winter around here.

Cynthia K. said...

Hi! Just wanted to say that your blue hand-painted plate is so very beautiful!! I think the flowers are forget-me-nots. Lovely.

I know it must be thrilling for you to have your home awarded Cottage of the Month. Yay!! That really is fabulous.

Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Cindy! Love your plate--my grandma had one similar. Have fun shopping this weekend!

Appreciate you hosting this great party!

love, kelee

Gee said...

hi cindy,

that plate is just gorgeous. love it and thanks for sharing.

Debbiedoos said...

Beautiful plate!!~

Kathysue said...

Cyndi, thankyou for the heads-up on all of the flea markets this weekend. It looks like the rain is going to put a damper on a lot of them,sorry for the pun. Your plate is gorgeous and I can see why your friend gave it to you, you have a perfect home to display and use it in. Kathysue

Liz@HoosierHomemade said...

Thanks so much for hosting! It's so fun to see all the great ideas!

Charlene said...

Pretty plate! Love the colors! I just couldn't get my act together to play Show & Tell today. But, had to come check you out anyway. Have a great weekend shopping. Sure wish I was there to go with you! HUGS! Charlene

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy :)
When my Mother was alive she used to paint china... things just like this beautiful plate of yours. I only have a couple of things she painted, I shared with my brothers and sister. But she tried to teach me to paint china when I was younger but I didn't have the patience... You see that plate... with its vibrant colors was most likely fired/painted at least 5 times to get that look. Those are forget-me-nots and they were the first thing I learned to paint. Also the gold around the plate is real 14 karat gold, most times applied by hand, literally, we used a finger to apply the gold. Your piece, its really pretty. I miss the smell of turpentine and medium when I would walk in the door from school... Anyway...

Also do you use You can do all your postage from your computer and even get the boxes you need delivered right to your home for free! You can also arrange for your mail carrier to pick up the packages for FREE! But if you don't do that you just drop off your packages at the post office, usually no need to stand in line... I have used for about 8 years and I love it!

Take care,Rainey

Ingrid said...

That's indeed a very pretty plate !
I wish you a good hunt !!

pam q said...

Love the rich color of the flowers on your beautiful plate!

I just joined in on your Show and Tell for the first time and I hope you like what I chose to show...

Enjoy your shopping this weekend!

Anne Lorys said...

I agree, shopping for my Etsy is just the MOST fun! And I'm loving your Esty, so keep shopping! ;-)

Have a wonderful Friday!

Hootin Anni said...

THAT is gorgeous! Love the colors.

My Show n Tell is a necklace I made...finished over the weekend. Come See it Here

Happy Friday.

Anonymous said...

Technology really is an inescapable aspect of our daily lives, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.

I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Societal concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes cheaper, the possibility of copying our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's one of the things I really wish I could encounter in my lifetime.

(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i Card[/url] DS scPost)

Lamp Tramp said...

What a beautiful plate and such a great friend to gift things to you. Wish I was in your area this weekend for all those flea markets. Thanks for today's party, always fun!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Cindy,
My first Show and Tell Friday ever! That plate is so gorgeous, what a lovely gift you received! I would love to be going to some of those flea markets, what fun~ Thanks for hostessing, Cindy

The Lazy Peacock said...

that plate is beautiful! i am very jealous of flea market options for the weekend - we are knee deep in snow here. said...

Thanks for hosting, Cindy, I'm off to go add my link back to you!

Mary said...

Cindy, This plate is absolutely gorgeous. My show and tell today is also vintage plates. Drop by if you have a moment.

Thanks for hosting.

Candy said...

Just popped over from Fiona & Twig, Anne visited me and now I'm making the rounds in her world. Love, Love, Love your place and look forward to seeing IT ALL in the coming days. Sounds like some good junkin' down your roads.
Enjoy the hunting ;-)
Oh yeah...that plate is gorgeous and I know it is even more so in person!

One Cheap B*tch said...

So pretty! Like someone else said, I wish I lived there so I could go thrifting and antiquing with you!

Susan said...

Love the plate, Cindy. Have FUN this weekend! Can't wait to see what treasures you find. Sincerely, Susan from

Kat_RN said...

What a pretty plate. It reminds me of something my Aunt Pat would have painted. China Painting is one of her hobbies. Glad I popped over.

Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
I love the plate-a nice gift.Hope you enjoy a fun weekend!

Heidi said...

I love plates, this one is georgous! I'm going to need a week to go though everyone's links! {I saw your home/blog on The Old Painted Cottage's blog!}
Have a great weekend! ~Heidi

Anonymous said...

what a gorgeous plate! I love the wonderful details in it. Adore your home...especially how you decorated your bedroom! :)

Mem's Political Scrapbook said...

Beautiful plate and very interesting blog. Thanks for sharing your treasures! ☺ Mem

The Victorian Parlor said...


Your blog is gorgeous! The plate you pictured is beautiful. I collect hand painted porcelains and always enjoy seeing other collections:). I look forward to visiting again soon:)!



Lamp Tramp said...

Thank you Cindy ~ Iv'e linked to you a couple times in the past. I'm so happy you responded to me about that oyster shell mirror.
Lamp Tramp

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

[url=][b]das wetter[/b][/url]


WendyBee said...

I love your plate - sooo pretty! I bet you never get tired of displaying it. I'm keeping your post open so I can visit the Show & Tell links one or two at a time as I go through the day.

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Wow, one of the prettiest plates I have seen! Hope you found some treasures today! We are piled up with snow ~ lots of snow!

Bird said...


It's my pleasure coming here now that I have found this enchanting blog!!!

It's soo lovely, do you have angels on hand to help you decorate?! :)

Every time I attempt decorating, it does NOT come naturally...

Happy and blessed Sunday to you and yours

Anonymous said...
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Victoria said...

That's such a pretty plate Cindy! This is my 2nd week participating in Show and Tell (and learning to blog!). Thank you for hosting it, I love seeing everyone's treasures:)

Victoria said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a message Cindy!!! I was soooo excited when I saw it, you're my idol:):):) You totally made my day!

A Hint of Home said...

That's a beautiful plate, Cindy. Thanks for your sweet comments about my typewriter and thanks for trying to fix my link.
Someone told me it wasn't working. I didn't know how to fix it so I added it again. Sorry.
I hope you found some great things shopping this weekend.

Susan B said...

Such a beautiful plate! Thank you for sharing it.

Anonymous said...
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