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I've had a few people ask me recently why I haven't been posting recipes on my blog like I did in the past. Well, it's because I've been trying to stay on my diet and haven't really found any great diet foods to blog about. The diet went out the window this weekend because I not only made cookies but cake too!

Last night I made these snickerdoodles and they might possibly be
the best snickerdoodles I've ever made! I'm still waiting for Lauren to try one so she can put her vote in. I tried a new recipe and I think it's so much better than the recipe I've been using for years. I just Googled "snickerdoodles" and tried the first recipe I saw which was Mrs. Sigg's Snickerdoodles on Mmmm...they are crispy on the outside and soft and chewy on the inside, which to me is the best combination for a cookie. My little cookie baking secret is that I always line my cookie sheet with foil (shiny side up). I don't know what it does but it makes the cookies come out so much better (and easier clean-up too)!

Okay, if that wasn't bad enough...Saturday I made a cake. I had signed up to bring dessert for one of my supper clubs so I went to the Cooking Light website and found this award-winning cake. I wouldn't really call it light has 315 calories for 1 piece which makes me wonder how many calories are in a regular piece of cake...I don't think I want to know! It's a
One-Bowl Chocolate Mocha Cream Cake. I wasn't that impressed with it Saturday night but I think that's because the theme was "soup" and we had just had 3 bowls of different kinds of soup and 3 types of homemade bread (which were all
very good). I tried the cake the next day and it tasted better when I wasn't so full. The chocolate cake part is so moist!
Now I need to get back on my diet!Click on the colored text above to go to the recipes.
ahhh those cookies look so good! Really good. The picture is so crisp and clear I can almost reach out and grab one. The cake looks yummy to. I love dark choc with mint candy, but not so much choc cake. Which may be the only thing I don't like, lol. Hmm I always thought using foil would make the cookies brown too much. Have to try that. Am making my hubby some cookies for Valentine's Day. Have a great day. I don't think one weekend of eating "bad" is gonna mess you up. You are a very determined lady and you will reach your weight goal too.
MMMMMMMm they both look delcious. Isn't it so hard being on a diet in the middle of winter? Good luck with it though and thanks for the goodies.
My oldest son loves snickerdoodles and his birthday is in a couple of weeks. These look bakery perfect, so I'll have to make them. I feel your pain about the diet. It seems that losing weight and gaining back has become my new hobby over the past year! ha ha
Oh my oh my, that made my mouth drool!!~Snickerdoodles are my youngest and hubby's favorite!!~ The cake is mine, so hit a double hitter today Cyndy!!~ Thanks for the recipes....and hey you are allowed to cheat once in a while....Debbie
Oh My!! Looks delish. Snickerdoodles are a long time family favorite and they make the house smell soooo good. Did you make any treasure hunting trips this weekend. I did not but did plant some tulips in pots on the porch. Great weekend wasn't it. Have a good rest of the week,Kathysue
Oh my gosh.. these Snickerdoodles and chocolate cake look sooo delish!! Not a good thing when one is supposed to be on a diet, but.. they do say to satisfy our cravings once in awhile by having a small amount..right?? I've been on weight watcher's for a couple years now, and have actually made it to be a Lifetime member last year, but.. I am trying to get myself back to my goal weight once I've gained back 16 pounds.. So very easy for me to put it back on, and sooo very hard for me to take it back off again.
Thanks so much for sharing these delish recipes.. I will be giving them both a try, no doubt about that!
Sometimes you just need cookies and cake too! Those snickerdoodles look yummy. I will try the recipe because snickerdoodles are absolutely therapeutic. How's that for rationalization?
Susan and Bentley
Cindy,I'm sitting here eating my
lunch (a sandwich) and looking
at those delicious desserts. If
only I could reach out and grab
one....they look soooooo gooood!!
Makes me want to lick the screen..
I use the aluminum foil trick when I bake cookies too.......... they always turn out so much better that way! The cake looked yummy......of course it could be that I haven't had any lunch and my tummy is growling for anything...........anything chocolate that is. :) Hope you have a great day!
I just started my own blog a few days ago.........your's inspires me so! I still have a lot of stuff to figure how you get your lovely background that looks like beautiful wallpaper. All mine will let me do is plain colors. sigh...I have a long way to go, but you're welcome to come take a look! :)
You had me with the cookies and then that chocolate cake took this post over the top! I am all in favor of getting off the diet once in awhile and both of these look like worthy diversions. ~jermaine~
Looks yummy! I'm on a diet, too, so I've had to cut back on my baking. I love anything with chocolate and mocha so that cake is tempting me. And snickerdoodles remind me of my Mom.
Oh, it's hard to stay on any kind of diet ANY time, Cindy. I know one thing for sure. If I bake something, I'm going to eat it. No matter how I try not to. Consequently, baking is done few and far between times around here now. But your yummies looked great. Sincerely, Susan from
I've made those same snickerdoodles before. Very good! You can't go wrong with chocolate anything. Enjoy!
I am not baking to much either....because I am always on a diet......or it is more a lifestil:) so there is not much sugar I eat...:(but sometimes I can take a bite.....
It looks really good the things that you have baked.....
Have a nice evning Cindy...
hugs rom elin anita
Oh, the cake & cookies look so yummy......what a great photos of the snickerdoodles! Now I'm in the baking mood.....wintertime always makes me want to nest. Thanks for sharing these delightful photos and recipes. Definately going to make the cookies this weekend! Happy Monday! Lynn
Oh my goodness Cindy! Snickerdoodles are one of my favorites! I was very naughty this weekend too...we had company and I made a chocolate cake to munch on while watching the Superbowl...I guess it's a good day for me to do Pilates!
Mary :o)
oh. dear. I think I'm gaining weight just looking! They look so wonderful. Back to salad this week. :) Lidy
Cindy... when I opened up your post, before reading a word... my eyes saw those cookies and my mind screamed "Snickerdoodles!"... when my 3-grown up girls were little, we made snickerdoodles almost every week.. it was our snack staple... I still love them... baby girl is coming home for the weekend from college in Dallas this weekend... I'll be borrowing your new recipe and we'll be baking some for her to take home in a care package on Sunday... have a joyous week and thanks for the warm cookie reminder... fond memories! Dixie
Those look so YUMMY! I understand your feelings, watching what you eat in my office is joke. Someone is always bringing donuts, cakes for birthdays...etc. Then today along came those GIRL SCOUT cookies I ordered a couple of months ago....YIKES
Hi Cindy
I have a question for you I will like to know if you have work with fonda when you make your cakes? and if you had please let me know a good recipe I will like to try!
I remenber the beautiful cake that you did at your class!!
Digital Memory sure is becoming cheaper these days. I wonder when we will finally reach the ratio of 1 cent to 1 GB.
I can't wait for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte harddrive, haha. But for now I guess I will be satisfied with having a 16 gig Micro SD Card in my R4i.
(Submitted using PostNet for R4i Nintendo DS.)
After reading your blog, I allways I want to eat something very tasty :)
I want to give you a distinction for your blog. Invite mine and take it :)
They both look good. Now I am hungry. :)
Hi, I've recently found your blog (LOVE IT) and added you to my blog list as a follower. I was wondering if you could do the same for mine? My blog is called The Gilded Mirror; European inspired home decor, I just started it!
Thanks so much; your site is fabulous!
Cindy on the weight watchers diet you can eat cake and cookies just not alot of long as you stay within your points for day and week........that is what your flex points are for........forgive me if you already know that.I need to get back on that diet really worked for me when I was on predinsone.
Wow! Well, if you are going off your diet for a day, those desserts make it look worth doing it!
Okay... now I'm hungry for a cookie!!!! Those look DELISH!
I was planning a Valentine cookie post this week but my crazy oven decided to quit on me. I guess that's good for my waistline ;)
Oh Cindy! Those cookies make me want to go off my diet (again)! If I had not been so bad this week I would make those. Yum!
Hi Cindy,
You always make the naughtiest, yummiest treats to eat .. You make my mouth water .. hahaha .. I always LoVe popping in to see what pretty you have made, or new beauty to your home .. An inspiration you are !! Have a happy, full of LoVe week ~
You are truly evil--how did you figure out how to make the Snickerdoodle smell come right out of my computer? Excuse me while I go raid the kitchen for something containing butter and sugar in large amounts...
My daughter has been looking for a really good snicker doodle recipe! Thanks Cindy...
And when you get a chance... I also wanted to ask you about your Lilac bush... a while back you did a post about it... I found it in your archives again but I wanted to ask you a couple of questions... I found one at Lowes yesterday and was so excited, I remembered yours and bought it for $19.99! It said it was adapted in CA, and now they grow here (in AZ.) pretty good... So my questions are:
Did you put it in a pot or in the ground?
How often do you fertilize it?
OH man I almost ate the computer screen. Snickerdoodles are my favorite cookies.
Mmmmmm,Looks delish!
Bear regards,
Beertje Zonn
yum...I have never made snickerdoodles..but I think since we just got a puppy whose name is Snickers..who I call Snickerdoodles..I'll have to try this recipe. I'm on a diet too or just trying to change my lifestyle after my cancer diagonsis, I have lost 10 pounds with a gazillon more to go. thanks for the recipe.
MMMMMM... I can even smell them Cindy you are to creative in everything you do.
Maria & Ruth
"Hunted Treasures"
The cake and dinner sounds so yummy! I had a chocolate cake the other day that was so moist all it called for was 1 can of diet coke and the chocolate cake mix. NO eggs, or oil. It was fast and yummy. Now if I could just find a frosting thats low in calories I will be good. I've lost 15 pounds, 20 more to go.
Have a wonderful day,
Looks wonderful! Cannot wait to try them! thanks for sharing!
The one bowl chocolate cake, have got to try. I have been on a diet but can't seem to lose much.
I imagine it's because of so much snow and sitting around in the house.
I like your blog and now will get back to looking around some more.
I've never made snickerdoodles. I simply must try them some time. They look so good. And that cake looks fabulous!
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