I'm so excited! Jennifer from the Old Painted Cottage has featured my little apartment as "Cottage of the Month" for February (click on that to view)! I anxiously await the first day of each month to see the next home she has featured and now it's my little old apartment! Unbelievable!!! I'm so excited!

If you found me for the first time from "Cottage of the Month", I would like to say welcome to my blog and thanks for dropping by. I'm a single mom with a grown son and a 17 year old daughter still at home. My daughter and I live in a rented 1969 4-plex apartment (not a cute cottage, but maybe someday) in Silicon Valley and my blog is about decorating this tiny space using thrift store, flea market and garage sale treasures! I hope you enjoy your visit here!
I also wanted to let you all know that I've been shopping this past weekend and found some great things that I've now stocked in My Vintage etsy shop! I only buy things that I would want in my home and I hope you like them as much as I do! I also have more Pink Toile Hearts on my Handmade etsy shop, just in time for Valentine's Day!

Hi Cindy,
Good for you-that is something to celebrate!
I really enjoyed reading the interview on Saturday and now I am going to check out the cottage of the month.
Those strawberries are yummmmm! Your interview was great! I just visited your etsy shops; your toile covered hearts are too adorable, Cindy!
I've been wondering how you are doing. I hope it cleared up and you are feeling better. (Did I miss the update on the rash?)
Cindy, As always, just gorgeous. Your apartment looks fabulous at the Old Painted Cottage...I'm still wanting that book you will someday write! pat
Hi Cindy,
Congrat's!! Your home is beautiful!!I have been following cottage of the month for a couple of years now, and was so excited to see your home.
Bonjour Cindy,
COngratulations, your little old apartment is just beautiful. It is so nice to come by and see all the love and care you put into your home for your family.
Have a fabulous week!
Wow Cindy - That is something to celebrate. Nice post and interview. Congrats
Congratulations Cindy! I went for a visit to see the interview. Wow... gorgeous photos of your beautiful home.
I am so happy your home made "The Cottage Of The Month!"
I can't wait each month to see the home featured as "The Cottage Of The Month"
Your home is Fabulous and is so deserving of this title!!
Congraulations! and enjoy those yummy strawberries!
Congratulations, Cindy! Loved the pictures on "Cottage of the Month."
You really do have a beautiful space and thanks for sharing it with everyone. It's always a delight to come here. Have a lovely evening.
Beautiful! I could move in and not change a thing. Congratulations on your interview and thank you for allowing us to visit your magnificent cottage. Wish you lived next door!
Cyndi, another Congratulations to you Miss Romantic Cottage of the Month. That is a wonderful tour of your home and interview. Your home makes me smile, I am still smiling as I write this. So lovely in every single area. Your little backyard courtyard is truly inspirational and needs to be in another magazine spread. Congrats and I hope your are happy now I want strawberries and chocolate and I don't have either one, hehe. Congrats,Kathysue
Oh my! those strawberries look so good. :)
Congratulations Cindy. I'll be sure and go check it out.
How exciting Cindy!! I went over there to check out COTM but it wasn't posted yet, but she had one pic up and I knew it was you (; Congrats to you and your beautiful home!!
Hi Cindy,
Congratulations! I too eagerly await the first of each month to check out the new cottage of the month and I was thrilled to see your home listed. Couldn't have chosen a better one for Valentine's!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love that site & your wonderful home is perfect for it! I am thrilled for you! I am off to check you out girlfriend. HUGS! And have a great week. Charlene
Wow!!! Congrats on the latest news!! I checked it out and it is really beautiful!!! You must be very proud.
Antique Rose
Congratulations Cindy! I'll check you out! --Delores
Fabulous, Cindy! Your home is so beautiful. I'm off to check out the link! :)
That is wonderful and you are so deserving of every good thing that comes your way. You've inspired me so much and I view my little shoebox rental so differently than I did before I discovered your blog. Keep up all the good stuff you're doing:):):) You're awesome!
I saw your apartment on her blog before you posted here and I am jealous - your place is gorgeous.
I also love your blog, hop over to visit my blog and check out the GIVEAWAY.
Girlfriend, you are famous. Love celebrating good news!!
Congrats on a great Cottage of the Month feature.
I love what you have done with your home.
Genial dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
Congratulations! How wonderful!
Congrats on being a cottage of the month! Your home is, of course, perfect for it! And it looks so lovely!
Congratulations! I enjoyed the interview. Thanks for the strawberries and champagne. Delicious!
Congratulations Cindy! The photos are wonderful. Makes me wish I could visit and take a tour. :)
Hello Cindy! Congratulations! I like the celebration photo!!
How exciting for you! Congratulations! I'm going to go read the article and visit your etsy shops now! As another single mom of a 17 year old daughter, I just want to say that you are an inspiration! Jennifer :)
That's great! congrats! I am going to hop on over there next and have a look at your interview.
I just got back from your interview and let me just say GORGEOUS!!!! Every picture was a delight and I learned a few more things about you from the interview. I had never heard of that site before. I will be a frequent visitor now.
Blessings to you!
Bubbly & Strawberries, Perfect way to celebrate.
Enjoyed the tour through your beautiful "cottage". :-) How exciting for you to have your home featured!
Hi Cindy,
I love your romantic home!!! your blog name fits your home beautifully!!! CONGRATS :)
Congrats!! I admire your hard work,as I know growing up my Mom was single and we lived in an apartment as well!~ I am happy for you!~
Congratulations to you, Cindy! I raise my glass of bubbly to you. Cottage of the Month is a place where I go to revisit the older cottages several times a year. Their beauty is timeless as is your home.
Deborah in NC
Congratulations Cindy... a well deserved honor!
Congratulations, Cindy! Good for you! I love the COM feature, and am always inspired by the different cottages.
Funny sidenote ~ When I saw your bathroom pic, I thought, "That is pretty much what MY new bathroom re-do will look like!". When I read your comment about Behr Denim Blue being your fav color, I sooo agree. I chose Behr Sonata which is just a tad lighter and am going with whites and silvers as accents!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Congratualtions....love everything about your blog and will be back often.
Congratualtions....love everything about your blog and will be back often.
Congratulations on being featured! I am headed over there now to read all about it!
You are excited, but I'm not at all suprised that your "little" cottage is so "big" and is shown to all of us who like beauty! Thank you and congratulations!
Cindy, Congratulations, it's well deserved!!
Those strawberries look yummy!!
Your home is just lovely every room is as pretty as the last you sure have the knack for decorating...
Hi Cindy
Congratulations. You have all kinds of special things happening with your blog these days.
Thats great and so exciting for you.
Enjoy. I have a Giveaway...come by and visit and check it out on my Sidebar.
Have a great day!
Congrats Cindy! Well-deserved! I will head on over to see it.
Your home truly is beautiful...!
A sweet Hello from Germany...
just stopt by...and hey your Pictures are so beautiful..do celebrate ...you deserve it!
Congratulations, Cindy! I'm looking forward to your Etsy shop--I'm stuck at home, writing and revising, and it will be a treat to see your goodies.
Michael Lee
Congratulations, Cindy! I just came from Jennifer's and like always, your home is over the top beautiful. I really think you should give classes on decorating, perhaps soon? I'd sign up! Happy night and yes, I do have a favorite photo (white roses and lace pillow).
How fabulous! Your home is filled with love--so perfect for February's COTM. Now even more people can delight in your creativity! Congratulations and then some.
I love Jennifer's COTM! Congratulations! Your home looks beautiful, as usual!
Oh, Cindy!
I just saw the beautiful photos! I can't believe you've done all that with an apartment. You are truly a decorating genius, and a true inspirations to the rest of us! I must admit that the "Cottage of the Month" is something new for me, and I will be perusing the archives (now there's a treat to look forward to), but I can't imagine there will be any I like any better than yours!
Enjoy the honors, my dear, you've worked hard and you deserve it!
Congratulations Cindy! I'm going to pop over and check it out :)
Congratulations, Cindy! How fun!
Congrats! If there ever was a cottage that deserved to be featured, it's your's!
Congratulations, Cindy! Featuring your beautiful haven is long overdue! You have talent and it shows. Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope you stop by sometime.
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