Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Do you have a special photo you love?

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You've probably seen this photo on my blog many, many times! It was one of my favorite photos of my home and it's even more special to me now that it was in the Feb 2010 issue of Romantic Homes Magazines (ahhh, what a dream come true that was.) If you have a photo you love and would like to do something special with it click here to go see what I'm giving away on my Product Review Blog!


Kathysue said...

Cindy I do not know where I have been ,I had no idea you had another blog. That is a great idea to do your give aways and product reviews. You are a lady on the move. How fun!! Kathysue

Elsie said...

Nice photo. Does a wall come with
that giveaway? LOL.:O)

Callie Magee Antiques said...

I have enjoyed your blog over and over but don't think I have written any comments. It is always a step above many that I follow and I should have commented on that before now. Keep on doing what you are so good at.

Lacy said...

Congrats on the mag & cottage of the month!
I love you photo!

Anonymous said...

What a special display, its beautiful!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I nice! I signed up and would love to win. Yours is very neat! I know you will enjoy it!

www.MaisonStGermain.com said...

Congratulations to you!!!!!!!
Blog: Capers of the vintage vixens

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Congratulations again Cindy. To be featured in Romantic Homes is so special. Wish that would happen to me.


alice said...

Beautiful photo no wonder it's starring in a magazine!
smiles, alice

Lili said...

Well deserved! Congratulations. Your gorgeous images on here look like they ALL belong in a magazine. -Lili

Dixie said...

a beautiful photo... no wonder you'd choose it as a favorite...

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

Hi Cindy! I just took your tour at cottage of the month...Like a breath of spring...Loved my visit...everything so up my alley!
Happy romantic February to you...xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...

Simple Home said...

What a beautiful photo. Congratulations on getting it in the magazine.
Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Anonymous said...
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Debbiedoos said...

Cindy, I can see why that photo is one of your favs!! It is delightful. I am in fact hosting my first Meme on Friday...it is called Fun Foto Friday!!~ Hoping it to be a success, as I have just started this blogging venture and with all the lovely parties already out there, this may be a good way to kick off the weekend along with your show and tell!!~ Speaking of... thanks for taking the time to stop by last week, it really meant a lot to see you there, as I know how busy you are and how many posts you get! Please come again. Best wishes always!!~Debbie

Susan Freeman said...

Oh Cindy, how wonderful to be featured in Romantic Homes. I have enjoyed that magazine for some time now. Congratulations!!!

Susan and Bentley