Thursday, January 21, 2010

Show and Tell Friday

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This week I'm going to share some of the mirrors I've made over. Most of the mirrors I have hanging on my staircase wall originally had gold plastic frames. I bought them at thrift stores, garage sales and flea markets for less than $10 each.

The one above was one of my favorite mirror makeovers. You can see in the photo below what it originally looked like. It had a great texture to it so when I put the Rub n Buff over the white paint it gave it a crackle finish. That was a nice surprise!
Here is another one that turned out really nice with some white paint and a little antiquing...

It took me a couple years to find all these but I was finally able to fill the stairway with mirrors of all shapes and sizes...
I did a couple tutorials on how I painted them back in 2008. You can click here to see them: Mirror Makeover and another Mirror Makeover.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
If you are joining in on Show and Tell Friday, please remember that your Show and Tell needs to be something from your home or garden. Please read the Show and Tell Guidelines for step-by-step instructions on how to participate.If you would like to join in, please enter your name and leave your exact Show and Tell blog post link, not just your blog link and as a common courtesy link back to my blog. If your link has been removed from MckLinky, please re-read over the guidelines before re-posting, or e-mail me with any questions.Thank you! I look forward to seeing everyone's may take me awhile to get around to visit everyone since I work full time but I'll do my best to get to your blog as soon as I can!


Kelee Katillac said...

Hi Cindy!

I love the mirrors grouped together. Just beautiful!

Thank-you for your ongoing party and the all the hard work it takes to host us rag-tags!:):)

WE appreciate YOU!

love, kelee

Candy @ The Little Round Table said...

Cindy - Love your mirrors!
And they look excellent on the stairway. So pretty.

w00ts up said...

Cindy- Thanks so much for hosting this event! Does the Rub and Buff stain your hands? I love how you transformed all these mirrors into gorgeous pieces and grouped together, they are just awesome!

vignette design said...

I love all your white painted frames Cindy. You have arranged them beautifully on the stairway wall too. Thanks for hosting. --Delores

Heidi said...

Hi Cindy,
Your mirror wall is gorgeous. I've always wanted to do that - I do love mirrors! Everything you touch turns out so pretty - I'm envious!

Hope you're getting through this storm okay, today it was much better over here, with constant gentle rain. It's good for the trees!
Have a great weekend!
Heidi - Heart and Home

Unknown said...

Stunning collection, Cindy. You certainly made them look beautiful! I adore your stairway.

Thanks for hosting!


Shirley said...

The mirrors are just beautiful. I'll go see your tutorial. I also love the way you photographed that first one showing the reflection of the flowers. Really beautiful.

Liz@HoosierHomemade said...

Love the mirrors on your stairway! Thanks for hosting!

Kayren said...

I always love looking at the things you've done. I've done so few things like that. I'm too afraid of messing it up! I guess when you get it at a thrift store you can't mess it up too much.

Thanks again for hosting every week!

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Oh Cindy!

I absolutely love your beautiful refinished mirrors. I have been keeping an eye out from pretty mirrors with unique frame designs and have had no luck. But,I keep on looking!

Leanne said...

Your mirrors are all so beautiful. The stairway is so stunning with all the ornate mirrors. I love the whole look. Thanks for hosting again.

Desiree said...

I am starting a little collection like that with oval and round picture frames. I love a collection grouped like yours!

vignette design said...

I looks like your participants aren't being displayed Cindy. I think Mr. Linky went on the blinky! Or is it me? I'll keep checking back to see if I can see other entries. --Delores

Dixie said...

the mirrors are just beautiful... now I'm off to read the tutorial! Cindy you are a gem!

Cheryl said...

Fabulous. I have a bunch of those mirrors as well.... most are under my bed as I don't have anymore wall space left!

Ingrid said...

Wow ! what a wonderful job you did, they look gorgeous !

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Mirror, Mirror, On the wall... you're the fairest ones of all!

Anne Lorys said...

Perfectly lovely!
Oh, and I LOVE your new car! :-)

Happy Friday!

Marianne said...

Love the wall of mirrors. These gold mirrors used to be so easy to find here (before I started collecting them) and now they are hardly around anymore. Love the cracklee on the one you are showing, now that was a lucky accident.

Anonymous said...
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Rosy said...

bellissimo!!!! very very beautiful.

Hootin Anni said...

Very pretty, they are! I don't think I'd like having to see my reflection all over tho. LOLOLOL

My January Bargain Finds are HERE, and more...

Happy Friday.

Carolyn said...

Hi Cindy,
I love how you have all your mirrors displayed on the stairway.
I will have to get some Rub and Buff-it gives a nice finish.
Thank you for hosting,

ChiPPy-SHaBBy said...

"Just LoVeLy"... Things in groupings make such a statement... FaBuLouS Job! Jeanine, ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!

Wanda @ Just Vintage said...

Those are all gorgeous! Bloggers give me so many ideas. Things I file away for want to do. This is going in that file. I bookmarked the how-tos. Don't take 'em down! LOL

Crystal Rose Cottage said...

Cindy.....That is such a good idea to hang a mirror grouping up and along your stairway! Really gives it depth and gives it so much interest!~Patti

Elsie said...

Cindy~ You did a great job,they
look fantastic. I'm already antique
so could you make me over to look
that good.LOL...The stairway looks
great with all the different sizes.
I love your wicker cart,I missed
one at a garage sale by about 5
minutes. I was so mad at myself.
Hope you weathered the storm o.k.
Have a good day.:O)

Gee said...

Hi Cindy,

You have done a great job on your make over projects. I love them. I have always want to paint but it does not turn out well.

Sleepyhead Designs Studio said...

I love you!!! I've been wondering the best way to make over a mirror and your tutorials told me exactly what I need to do for the look I had in my head! Thanks so much and I have major mirror envy :)

Barbara Jean said...

Love ta top mirror!!

Thanks for hosting.


barbara jean

Julie said...

Love love your mirrors. Thanks for this post. I am getting ready to paint a mirror just like one in your tutorial. Got it at Salvation Army for 2.99. Appreciate the info so much. It is all BEAUTIFUL!
Thanks so much for the inspiring Show And Tell Fridays.

Kathysue said...

Hi Cindy, You do such a wonderful job on making things look new/old again. Love the mirrors. I have a thing for mirrors,not for viewing hehe but for the refelective light they bring in, great post,Kathysue

One Cheap B*tch said...

I love all of the frames. Would love to hang every single one in my house!

Denise Marie said...

I love your mirror wall. One of the girls here is doing all of hers black. You do the most amazing job and it makes me ashamed that I have the yard to do it and haven't. But thanks to you I've bought everything I need to redo my entry console and I'll show it to you this Spring. Texas love, DM

My Vintage Treasures said...

Beautiful mirror!!! I'm headed to the tutorial now :)

Katie@LeBeauPaonVictorien said...

Gorgeous mirror! I love how you've done a grouping of them along the staircase...what a great idea. I've used Rub n' Buff too, for another type of project, which I mean to do in a future Show and Tell Friday and I love how it turns out on finished projects. I love all your fancy mirrors!

Plastiquegal said...
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Sherry said...

I love the mirror wall and all your mirrors turned out beautifully.

Plastiquegal said...

Sorry, I just read you were in Santa Cruz, and as a someone not too far from there, I would love to know where you go thrifting for these amazing mirrors for so cheap? I'm in Oakland, and never find things like that for that price, and the type of mirrors you have are exactly what I'm looking for...frames as well. But heck, I'll go to Santa Cruz for those prices!
I do love your home!

WendyBee said...

Cindy, I love the look of an eclectic collection on a stairway wall. You prove that it doesn't have to be expensive to look fabulous!

Cindy said...

Plastiquegal: I live in Campbell, not Santa Cruz. Most of the thrift stores I go to are in San Jose...Savers, Goodwill, Salvation Army. I also go to the DeAnza Flea Market in Cupertino.

Victoria said...

You are so talented Cindy! I love how you're able to do such amazing and beautiful things to very affordable items. It's helping me transform my apartment with very little money. Thank you!!!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

I am late arriving, but have joined in. I have always liked the way you have those grouped together on your stairway wall. I thought about doing some like that, but I have so much dark wood in the general area, not sure it would look right. Right now I have one lone white framed mirror hanging there. :)
Thanks for hosting.

Patina Soul said...

Hi Cindy!
Wow I just love the mirror collection! Great job! That is gorgeous!! It reminds me of the antique mirror collection that Annie Brahlers of Euro Trash has on her stairs...which btw, I adore. You have fabulous style! :)

Kansas Amy said...

Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! I love the mirrors and oh how inspiring!

Tracy Wills said...

Cindy, I have that same mirror that's in your 1st picture, I painted mine aqua, love your wall of mirrors, very pretty!

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

It does take time to get a collection going, especially if your on a budget and you did it Cindy. Your stairway looks terrific and you did a wonderful job on all your pieces.

Enjoy your Evening-

Cottage Rose said...

HI Cindy; What a amazing after photos... they are so pretty on your wall.... I will be taking a closer look at mirrors now... have a wonderful weekend..


desiree said...

I saw this gorgeous mirror today and you immediately popped into my head. It had great potential but has been neglected for years. Anyway, I thought it was kinda funny that I saw a mirror and thought of you--come home to see you had a post about mirrors you have transformed! Have a great weekend. Try to stay dry!

Jan ~ BellaCasa said...

Cindy, your mirrors are quite lovely and you have inspired me to do the same though I am just getting started.


French-Kissed said...

Hi Cindy,

I absolutely love your hall of mirrors in your stair well. One mirror is great looking, but this collection has huge impact. Hope you enjoy your weekend. ~jermaine~

maría cecilia said...

Cindy, what a very great job you`ve done, I love it!!!!! I will turn my eye to plastic frames from now on, I think we have plenty here too!!!!
Muchos cariños,
Maria Cecilia

Monique said...
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Linda Q said...

I have always loved your mirror wall since I first saw photos of your place. I would love to do that if I had another space for my family photos. So I guess my mirror wall is the one I have in the living room. And that you finished them and they all match is great, I love it!

Andrea at My Feathered Nest said...

What a fabulous idea. Grouping them together like that is so much more eye-appealing. Fantastic!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Lovely.....just lovely...

Warm blessings,

Elzie said...

Hi there!
I just love the frames you have on your mirrors. They look just great.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie

Beth @ My Happy Cottage said...

I love this idea. Do you have another photo showing the grouping? I know mirrors are hard to photograph but I'd love to see some other shots of this.

C.J. said...

OK, OK, another great blog that I will follow. I too have bookmarked your tutorials on the mirrors as I really like the way the way they look. Thanks so much, say do you know how to make the mirror itself look really old? I would like to do both of those things to this 50 year old mirror that I have.
Again, thank you!

Danae Farias said...

Beautiful! I love mirrors, there's something magical about them. You have definitely inspired me & I hope someday I can have a hallway that looks like that :-D

God Bless!
Believing Unbeliever