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Someone asked how I paint my mirrors so here are the easy steps. First take the mirror out of the frame. Usually there are little metal things that you can just bend up and the mirror will come out. Be careful the edges of the mirror are usually sharp!

First paint the back of the mirror. You may think that this isn't important but it is. If you don't paint the rim area where the mirror sits you will see the old color through the reflection in the mirror...I learned this the hard way! I use Flat
Krylon Spray Paint either in White or Dover White.

Let it dry and then turn it over. It dries really fast! Now spray the front and let that dry.

Now comes the fun part. I use Rub 'n Buff which you can buy at most hobby shops. It comes in a lot of different colors. I used a combination of Spanish Copper and Autumn Gold for this mirror.

Put a VERY small amount of Rub 'n Buff on the very tip of your index finger and lightly rub over the some of the high edges of your mirror. You are adding paint but you are creating the effect of paint that has worn off so put it in places where paint would naturally wear off over time.

A little of this paint goes a long way. You may want to practice on something else before you use this so you get the feel of it.

Put the mirror back in and you're finished!

Beautiful! Now get working on that dresser. :)
Wow, you make it look so easy! and it looks just gorgeous afterward. :)
That came out great, Cindy! You have such an artistic eye for everything - even the way you arranged the mirror to photograph it when finished, with the beautiful plates in the reflection... very nice!... Donna
What a difference a coat of white paint and some buffing cream makes. Absolutely beautiful.
So pretty ~ will have to try the rub and buff :) Thanks :)
crystal :)
When ever you explain the painting process I think it is so easy, but I am having hardest problems even with sanding my armory. Anyway Cindy, great job like always, I love the mirror frame.
The mirror makeover is just wonderful, you are the Queen of furniture makeovers! I can only hope to reach the lower hem of your garments...You truly have such a way with paint!
Hugs, Donna Lynn
Thanks for sharing your methods. I seriously want a mirror like that one for my garden fence in the summer. Weird huh?
Another beautiful job!
Thank you Cindy for another step by step tutorial. You make everything look so easy!! - - and NEAT!! Thank you.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Now hang that mirror please, i want to see it on the wall :)
The mirror came out lovely. Thanks for the step-by-step too, very helpful.
That came out really beautiful! I have to find some of that rub n buff stuff. You're so good!! I usually just paint the frame with the mirror in it and scrap off any paint on the mirror with a razor blade!
Now those are instructions any one can read and understand. A picture is worth a thousand written instructions. Even a man might read these instructions. Thank you for generously sharing your how-tos and the before and after pictures. I've wanted to try the rub and buff but didn't know what to look for at the store. Now I know exactly what I'm looking for. Also mentioning the color names is invaluable. Thanks, thanks, thanks.
Thanks so much for this tutorial!
Lovely! Thanks for showing how you work your magic!
Thanks for the painting tips. The mirror is gorgeous. I think I have a few things on the wall that could be improved. You've made me think. Thank you.
Great tips Cindy! Adding the Rub n Buff instead of sanding looks alot easier! Love coming here and learning new things...
Cindy thanks for showing us how you did your lovely mirror
What a great tutorial! Can't wait to try it out... Love how the mirror turned out!
I love you Cindy!!! You amaze me and give me such great ideas! Thanks for being so kind to share them. Hugs, Rosemary~
I actually have a mirror I want to paint, so your instructions are really going to come in handy. Thanks for the tip on painting the back. I never would have thought of that! Amy
Cindy -
I saw a mirror very much like this one at a garage sale the other day. I thought of you and your mirror wall. Then I wondered where I could possibly use it. I didn't buy it because I'm trying to use things I have stored away.
Thank you for your step by step guide to redoing frames. I have two small mirrors that need to be white. I'll do them soon and then share the before and after pictures.
Your talent never ceases to amaze me! Excellent job Cindy!
Many Blessings,
Rub n buff, I never heard of it but I am running out to get some for my mirror make over....thanks for the inspiration.
Love ya,
Hi Cindy,
I have never heard of that and I am definitely going to get some. I just distress my things by sanding. Beautiful mirror.
LeAnn :)
Wow! That turned out really great! I will be looking at those plastic frame mirrors in a different light after seeing your beautiful makeover. Love your blog!!!
Wow! That turned out really great! I will be looking at those plastic frame mirrors in a different light after seeing your beautiful makeover. Love your blog!!!
I'm new to your blog and 'blog world'and loving it! Thank you so much for sharing your process - you inspire me to give it a go. Beautiful mirror... beautiful work.... beautiful home!!
Hi Cindy.
Thanks for the lesson on the mirror. when you have a chance stop by my blog. There;s an award for you!
Rhondi xo
Wow and I thought it looked good gold. It's perfect with the white. So, the krylon works, o.k., on plastic without the need for primer?
At my next auction I will have to get a mirror if I can't find one in my attic before then...I love your easy to follow tips and great photos. What I can't figure out is how you find the time to get everything done!
Cindy, That's a great tutorial.. I've never used those colors of rub n buff, so I am going to run out and get them and play!...I have to ask, the mirror appears beige. is that the lighting or the actual color because I love it! Jen R
Once again the Fab-U-Lous Cindy has worked her magic. And for her second act she will preforming a
task on her beautiful daughters dresser, plz check back after we a hear a word from our sponsers.......Ladies have you ever needed to age something and you could figure out just how to make it beautiful and EZ, well thanks to our amazing furniture magician Cindy you should try,,,,,,.....,,,,,,,,,
Cindy I almost thought I was watching a HGTV show,
(Girl I luv ya)
Terrific makeover!
Thank you so much for those instructions....I painted a mirror a few weeks ago and I was rather disappointed with needs something and now I know what! I've gotta order that Rub 'n Buff!! I love your mirror!!!
GORGEOUS!!!! Oh Cindy it is sooooo pretty! I would pay big bucks for that if I saw it in a store! xo ~ Joy J.
I've never tried the Rub & Buff but will definitely give it a go because it sounds quicker and easier than lots of painting and sanding - thanks as always for a great tutorial Cindy. This mirror is really lovely and will look beautiful in your stairwell collection.
I love that!!!
It turned out great.
Wow, you really find some bargains.
I love what you did with the mirror and your hallway of mirrors is awesome.
This came out really nice. and looks so easy even I could do it, but I'm not as brave as you-lol
This is beautiful. What a difference that made! I'm glad I found your blog today. -Julia :-)
This is certainly an easier way. I use tape to cover the mirror part, especially small mirrors before painting, after reading this, not anymore. Thanks for the tip.
Isn't rub'n buff a miracle product??
That is so pretty. Thank you for the advise.
The mirror turned out super!
Just found your blog through Cupids Charm. Rubb and Buff - I didn't even know that stuff like that existed. Thanks for the tip -I've always found myself sanding furniture in the past (after painting) to create a worn look. This looks even better and seems much easier. I'll certainly be back for many more tips!
What a great idea. Your mirror looks great. Thanks for sharing.
It's stunning!
I like it when you post your how-to's. Your descriptions are always very thorough.
Oh Cindy, I wish I had seen this before I did a mirror I have in my entry. I may have to take it down and work on it some more now :) You are so very talented and I love when you share how to's!
amazing! i love it!
I am so happy that I saw this! I got some really good deals on some frames and mirrors at an estate sale this weekend. I have never done this and didn't want to mess up the gorgeous mirrors... thank you!
I think I got weak in the knees! I love that mirror! Next time I'm out I'm looking for a whole lot of that 'rub and buff'!
(found you via Rue... LOVE your blog and I'm bookmarking you)
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