Thursday, August 06, 2009
Pin It Now!
Where is summer? It sure doesn't feel like summer in Northern California (at least near the coast). It hasn't felt much like summer for awhile now. Most of July and now the first week in August the temps have mostly been in the low to mid 70s. We even got a little rain! Rain in the summer in California? That's unheard of! I'm not complaining though. I would much rather have this than temps in the 90s or higher. How has the weather been lately where you live?

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It hasn't stopped raining here for days!! if you read my blog you can see that I moan about it a lot!!!This morning a bright thing called the sun...shone for about a hour and since then its been rain all day!!!!We Brits are good at weather talk...!!! Heres hoping for some heat for both of us.xx
Hi Cindy,
I live in San Diego and it's been pretty warm for last few days. I'm a winter person so any little amount of heat will get to me :^) Pretty collage.
Yep, it's so overcast right now, it ani't funny.
Rain in the forecast, and we don't get sun until the afternoon. But there is hope, remember, we do warm up at the end of August and September.
Hang in there, it not over yet. Great walking weather though.
In the upstate of South Carolina, we are experiencing a strange phenomena for August -- low humidity. Ninety-two is very tolerable under these conditions.
Ladies, I live in Ventura County, about 25 minutes from the coast and it has been blistering hot! Looking forward to the Ventura County fair this week to cool off.
Very strange summer here in MA.
Lots and lots of rain - 11 inches just in July. June wasn't much better. Just went through a couple of hot humid days but it never even hit 90 degrees. Today is beautiful - about 80 with low humidity.
Needless to say gardens have been hard hit...very few native tomatoes (is there suppose to be an "e" in there? never can remember) because of so little sun. Plants are just rotting in the fields. And the farmers are dealing with some kind of blight, caused by the rain, that hasn't been seen in many years.
As you would expect in south Florida...hot, hot and steamy hot:-) The past few afternoons have been rainy so I love to stay in with the skies all gray, light candles and curl up with a good book and a hot cup of coffee. Never thought I would be happy for gloomy days but a break from the hot sun is nice.
It's been stormy every single day in the late afternoons with lots of heat and humidity. That's the Southeast for sure.
~Gorgeous mosaic. :)
I'm so jealous. In Tennessee we have had balmy 90+ temps and oppressive humidity. I'm looking forward to fall and cooler temps.
I live in Western NC and it has been the wettest summer. We have had rain for over 3 weeks. Pretty in the morning, rain in the pm.
I just love your blog. It is truly beautiful. I look forward to reading it every day. Thank you for inspiring me.
Here in Eastern Nebraska it has been cooler than normal, and we've had rain, not so much that it has caused a problem. So far this week we have been cool in the morning, and then a high in the mid 80's somewhere. Supposed to get hot this weekend, they are saying we may hit the 100 degree mark. Generally this time of year we are in the 90's and it dosen't cool off at night very much at all.
I am enjoying this year very much!
it has felt like summer here, except for yesterday and today, otherwise in the 100's in the san juaquin valley, i love your mosaic
It has been chilly and rainy here! We are on the prairies, it should be in the upper 80's with little to no rain for the last month and all of August. That's not what is being predicted, unfortunately. Hugs, ~cindy s~
Here in middle England today has been warm and dry, it's rained every day for the past month. The temperature has been dropping quite low at night and the leaves are falling off the trees!!!
I live in north Alabama and it is always high 80's to 100's. And we feel every bit of it with the high humidity. I got to go for a week to Oxnard, CA in July and we drove to Monterey. It was 62 one day and most days didn't hit 80. That is unheard of in AL!
We used to live on the Gulf of Mexico and every afternoon we would have a shower for 20 minutes because the water evaporates and makes it rain. It was so refreshing, and I LOVE the smell of fresh rain.
It was great weather in Kansas City the month of July. We were spoiled. Now August brings in the heat and it's mid to high 90's. Cool weather can't get here soon enough for me. Trees changing color and mums in bloom.
I love the flower pictures today. They remind me of Spring.
I know where Summer is it's here in S. Florida!!!! It is sooooo hot here): I can't wait for a little Fall weather.Beautiful flowers.
Hi Cindy,
I am in south west British Columbia, on Vancouver Island---this is rainforest country and we have just had an unheard of Heat Wave---hot, hot, hot! Temperatures were in the 90's and into the 100's.
Nobody here has air conditioners because it's not normal Home Depot got a shipment of fans and air conditioners Friday night and I was told on Saturday morning they sold out within one hour. I was redecorating my bedroom right in the middle of this heat, peeling wallpaper and even painting-Ugh!!!
Hi Cindy
Well we had a fabulous time in California landing in SanFrancisco and exploring the sites and enjoying the wonderful seafood. We stayed in Oakland for part of the time and it was quite cool there too...well I am glad I brought along a warm sweater because when we walked outside to go for dinner it was brrrr...and breezy.
Napa Valley was lovely weather and Monterey was nice too. We had a great time.
Our weather at home has improved for the first time this winter but we've had only one day of rain since Saturday. Very cool weather around here too....next year maybe.
have a lovely day
Here in Orlando it's been very hot and humid. 95 everyday and then big bad storms every afternoon.
We've gotten nothing but rain here and haven't had much of a summer either. Very disappointing when you live in Ontario, Canada and look forward to a hot summer. Last summer was pretty much the same...although this year may have been worse.
Its been great weather here in Illinois. Cool also! Take care, look forward to your blog everyday. I feel like weve been friends for years.
Michelle from Illinois
You want summer?? come to AZ! We can't get rid of it!
Here on Long Island we have had an unusually cool summer, up until about the middle of July. We've had our share of rain {even had a severe storm with hail the size of mothballs}, but overall it was unusually cool {but gorgeous} here May, June and the first half of July. Now, we are feeling the humidity and they forecast thunderstorms just about every day, although we don't always get one.
hi Cindy
I live in Canada, Ottawa and this summer has been raining. I am on holidays this week and sure enough we got a terrific thunderstorm. They say August and September are suppose to be nice. We will see. Huge amount of rain.
we have not really had anything called summer ... the feeling of fall is already in the air ...let's hope for the dog days of summer and some good old fashioned heat ... but not too ho ... ha
oh p.s. stop on over if you have a minute
It has been raining for most of the summer so far....quite unusual for Ontario. A few sunny days, but then back to rain.....has not had a chance to get warm at all!! Summers not over yet though...you never know!
Lovely pictures in your mosaic. I really need to learn how to make those. I totally agree about the weather. I live in Minnesota and it has been unusually cool here as well with temps struggling to get into the 80's each day and we've had very little rain. Sounds like true summer is on the way though for the upcoming weekend and early next week as it's supposed to be in upper 80's, low 90's and more humid. Just the way I like it!!
It finally has cooled down in Big Bear Lake today. The high is around 72. Luv your flower mosaic.
Hot and HUMID!
Like Suzanne and Karen Sue, hot and humid in Tampa Bay area, on the Gulf coast of FL. Being on the Gulf, the storms are moving inland as Karen said. My daughter lives in Lakeland and they are always getting the severe weather. Suzanne, I do the same thing when it gets nasty out, light candles and curl up with my beloved magazines, lol.
HOT! in the 90's, muggy and rainy. Summer is our rainy/hurricane season here in SW Florida. I would love to have temps in the 70's.
Same here, Cindy! But those sure are some lovely flowers in that mosaic! I forgot all about Foxgloves... ♥
Hi Cindy
Here in North Carolina it has been in the 90s for too long. I'd love 70 degree weather! Enjoy it while it lasts.
I am in Sacramento and I have had to wear a light weight jacket every morning this week. I commented to a co-worker just this morning and said it feels like San Francisco weather, but I am loving it. My electric bill has been very low this summer too. I have lived here all my life and I don't ever remember a summer like this one.
Here in Birmingham in the Deep South - HOT....... When I got in my car Tuesday after work, it said 'outside temperature 104'. Ouch. Only 97 today - but it didn't feel any cooler! LOL I love hot weather but, I'm ready for fall this year....
Hi Cindy,
I'm in central Florida and it's hot & steamy with lots of afternoon thunderstorms. I can't wait for fall and cooler temperatures.
Love the pictures in your mosaic!
Wouldn't it be lovely if we could trade weather for a week? You could bask in the heat and I could enjoy the outdoors in a sweater! xoxo Nancy
PS We'll also take the rain Kay's getting too much of!
After 4,000 days of rain, it's finally summer in Maine!
Pretty mosaic.
I joke that Summer has been cancelled here in New England. But really, we've had 4 straight days of sunshine
and we don't know what to do with ourselves!
Hoping for better weather in August as June and July were washouts.
Cindy...I love to see your collection here buddy. They look so elegant. I wish I could make and have some. Thanks for sharing. Let others know about Home Staging Tips also
In Eufaula, Ok. The heat index was over 105 today. My Pre-K kiddos had to go in after about 20 minutes of recess at 10:30am because it was sooooo hot. The
70's sound awesome, but probably won't see that until October. Blessings.
Dear Miss Cindy, I currently live/own a home only about 25 minutes from my hometown. Even though I was born in New York, I live in NE PA. I must admit, we've had an unusually cool summer compared to years past. However, I remember summers as a child more like this one than the ones I've experienced in the past 10 years. I remember cooler summers and it never got really warm until August... for about 2 or 3 weeks. And it was muggy. (My word for humid.) So, I've been enjoying the cooler temps. Could have been a little less wet. Enjoy your Friday! Hugs, Penny Sue
Oops... I forgot, Gorgeous photos of flowers. Did you take all of them? I've been too intimidated by flicker to try it. PS
Love your rosy mosaic. Our weather has been up and down this summer. Lots of rain in the beginning of the summer. I think most of June was rain, rain, rain. This month not so bad. Lots of nice Lake weather!
♥ Rebecca
Hi Cindy~what beautiful pictures. thankyou for sharing:)hugs to you.
In Wisconsin it's been cooler than normal with highs in the upper 70's, sometimes 80. My hubby loves it but I need a little hot weather. May get some this weekend, and I've noticed the ones who have it hot want 70's and us 70's want some hot! I think after a few hot days I'll be glad to get back to the 70's. Cindy
I'm down here in So. CA and it's been unusually humid. It's a bit cooler today, but still too sticky to paint some cute little frames I found yesterday.
Love your collage!!
It has been unseasonably cool here in SE Colorado also- I am a little concerned about my bees having their home ready by winter as they don't get out when it is raining (which we have had) and real cool - and then my tomatoes are not doing a thing as they like heat-
We went to NM to close on our home there last week and it was in the 100's - don't miss that kind of heat!
It has been unusually HOT here in B.C. We had temps in the low 100's which is very hot for here. There was no way to cool off - but now it is on a cooling trend and my garden can smile again!
Hope you get some warmer weather soon!
hi ... i would have invited you to norway, but we have had rain for several weeks and low temp.. no summer for us eather... thanks for a fantastic blog you have.. love to visit! happy weekend from Norway!!
Hi Cindy!
First of all, i want to say that i love you blog.
Cos you were asking about a weather and most of people seem to be from your country, i want to tell about weather here in Finland, Europe :)
It has been good summer, very enjoyable. Not too hot and not too rainy. All though, winters have been warmer for few years (means, lot of slush, eeeewwww) cos normally we have lot of snow. Is it global warming, i dont know, but summertime seem to be normal.
I think its great to have all four seasons!!
Greetings from Kotka, Finland
Pia <3
ps. Kotka means Eagle in english :)
Hi Cindy,
I live in Germany and we have loveley
warm summer days.
Your collage is wonderful.I like flowers.
Have a nice day,
Lot's of fires around the Watchatch Front (South Jordan Utah) because it's sooooo hot. 99, 100, 106, However, it's wonderful tonight for some reason. In fact we have the windows open and it's chilling. Just right for covering up with a quilt. I absolutely love your flowers. I wish I had them all.
You have people from all over the world commenting here. It's so cool!
I live in mid South Carolina and the humidity is awful, we need more rain and the gnats are unbelievable this time of year...Yuck!!!!!!!!!Also, it's hot ;)
It is strange how so many people are having a cool summer. We are too and I live in WV
We've been having temps in the 90's until yesterday when a storm came through.
When I lived in southern Calif. it seemed like it was always hotter in Sept. when the kids were getting ready to go back to school.
Maybe your summer is going to be late.
Oh what a beautiful mosaic!
Here in Idaho we're in the low 60's and I may need to pull out a sweater, but it's much better than the 90's!
I'm trying to ignore your Almond Joy Cupcake post, but I'm afraid it's not working. They just keep pulling me in! And today is a nice cool day for firing up the oven.
Cathy ♥
In Michigan we never got our summer. I had my AC on three times this summer. It has only been in the mid to high 70's. I hope for at least a few 90 days here soon...
I'm enjoying the cooler summer in Michigan, but we're supposed to get
90's this weekend and into next week.
The grass is still green and the flowers do well when they're not roasting. It hasn't been as humid which is a blessing.
Hi Cindy,
Phoenix, Az. We had our hottest July on record and I just got my electric bill..omg that proves it was. The moonsoon season well we had a few showers. We need the rain. Up north gets rain and Sedona has suffered hot days in the 100's. I can't wait for summer to be over!!!
Im just a bit further inland from you and we didnt get rain this week but I am sooooo loving these temps right now. I was getting tired of 90-100 temps. my power bill was outrageous last month. Ill take the rain if you dont want it, we are dry out here in the far east bay.
Wow, what a beautiful collection of images you posted.... love it!!! LindaSonia
Love all your flower pictures. I am from Southern California. It is hot! Want to trade? Martha
Hello Cindy,
Here in Dubai the weather is very hot and humid, about 45 degrees celcius...
but my good news is that we are traveling to the south of France on the 22nd to visit all the markets I can find.
Best wishes.
Oh pooooooh! We have 2 typhoons and just 2 weeks and I think there's another one threatening to come. So it's been raining real hard with very strong winds here. It is like it's always early evening the whole day.
I agree about the weather in MI. Summer was a no-show. Harrumph. But, in all honesty, I'm okay with cooler temperatures.
Btw, I love the soft colors in your floral collage. Gorgeous.
Gorgeous flowers Cindy. I'm personally happy with this mild weather, much easier to garden than the 100+ degree heat we usually have here. I kind have would have like a little rain, it didn't make it this way :)
How wonderful that sounds. Aside from Friday, the temps have been in the 90s. Today it hit 85 but was overcast and there were cool breezes through out the day. Before then we were in the 100s..blah!
I have to admit though, that this is the coolest summer I can remember having in quite a while. May was very cool, June was very cool and we didn't really heat up until the 2nd week in July. Overall its been a relatively mild summer.
I'm from Houston. Need I say more? Temps here this week reached over 100, and have been in the high 90's since the last week of June. We're so ready for cooler weather, but we'll probably have to wait until October to see any. Fingers crossed.
Hi Cindy!
I live in the Pacific Northwest (Washington) and we have been having a fabulous summer. Our spring was terrible, but since the last week in May, our weather has been beautiful! Seattle even set a record last week of over 100! The gray has returned this past week but hopefully we'll see the sun again soon.
Lovely mosaic, you always manage to find nice pictures, thanks for sharing, so dreamy. Yes, enjoy your cool weather.
This Summer is flying by. We had the usual hot humid weather, then got a little break for 1 1/2 to 2 weeks. But this week we were right back up there. It is 92 with heat index of 100 right now. I am taking a break between spray painting something now - it will take forever to dry due to the humidity.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Coastal SoCal has been sunny, pleasant and warm as usual :)
We're so spoiled!
Love the photo callage! Did you take all of the photos??? Simply stunning!!
Hope your enjoying your summer sweetie!
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